sequelize.js_下一个带有sequelize Web应用程序的js全栈Web开发


The help and supports from Next.js community has made a tremendous impact on how it grows to become one of the most popular React Framework right now. There are many good examples from Next.js and the community that are worth to see in this link.

Next.js社区的帮助和支持对它如何发展成为当前最受欢迎的React Framework之一产生了巨大影响。 Next.js和社区中有很多很好的例子,值得在此链接中看到。

There are several of ORM engines in Node.js ecosystem such as Sequelize, TypeORM and Objection. I had working with Sequelize before and I want to share to you about how I have managed to combine it with Next.js.

Node.js生态系统中有几种ORM引擎,例如SequelizeTypeORMObjection 。 之前我曾与Sequelize合作,我想与大家分享我如何设法将其与Next.js结合在一起。

Request and Response can be used in the API pages in your project without any addition of custom server like Express.js. This is the explanation from Next.js API route support.

可以在项目的API页面中使用“ 请求响应” ,而无需添加任何自定义服务器(如Express.js)。 这是Next.js API路由支持的说明

/** ./pages/api/hello.js **/
export default (req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 200;
res.json({ name: "John Doe" });

So far this is one of my favourite features from the latest Next.js version. This feature can be use as a Full-Stack Development, and could be an effective replacement to custom servers in Next.js app such as express. It can be use to connect into external API or backend system to access databases like MongoDB / NoSQL or MySQL / SQL.

到目前为止,这是最新的Next.js版本中我最喜欢的功能之一。 此功能可以用作全栈开发,并且可以有效替代Next.js应用程序中的自定义服务器,例如express。 它可以用来连接外部API或后端系统,以访问MongoDB / NoSQL或MySQL / SQL等数据库。

具有Sequelize Web应用程序的Next.js (Next.js with Sequelize web application)

Requirements are Sequelize-cli, Database drivers, JWT (jsonwebtoken) and of course Next.js with the React library. For this project purpose this is the complete package.json setup :

要求是Sequelize-cli数据库驱动程序JWT( jsonwebtoken ) ,当然还有带有React库的Next.js。 对于此项目,这是完整的package.json设置:

package.json for Next.js and Sequelize

Setup Note: This application uses SQLite in local development and PostGres in production for the RDBMS. It is up to you if you want to use MySQL both in local and production. You can skip to install SQLite parts and take a look at the table schema files for the database structure.

设置说明: 此应用程序 本地 开发中 使用 SQLite 生产中 为RDBMS 使用 PostGres 如果要在本地和生产环境中使用MySQL,则取决于您。 您可以跳过安装SQLite部件的过程,并查看数据库结构的表模式文件。

Next.js设定 (Next.js Setup)

npx create-next-app or just create-next-app and type your project name nextjs-sequelize or any name. Install npm i create-next-app if you haven’t.

npx create-next-app或仅create-next-app并键入您的项目名称nextjs-sequelize或任何名称。 如果尚未安装,请安装npm i create-next-app

Create Next.js in the teminal create-next-app nextjs-sequelize
create-next-app nextjs-sequelize

Add other libraries for the project : bcryptjs, js-cookie, jsonwebtoken, sqlite3, mysql2, next-connect, nprogress, pg, pg-hstore, postcss-preset-env, sequelize.

为项目添加其他库: bcryptjsjs-cookiejsonwebtokensqlite3, mysql2next-connectnprogresspgpg-hstorepostcss-preset-envsequelize

yarn add bcryptjs js-cookie jsonwebtoken sqlite3 mysql2 next-connect nprogress pg pg-hstore postcss-preset-env sequelize



npm i bcryptjs js-cookie jsonwebtoken sqlite3 mysql2 next-connect nprogress pg pg-hstore postcss-preset-env sequelize
add libraries to the project
add libraries to the project

创建.env文件变量 (Create .env file variables)

.env.local file for local development

顺序设置 (Sequelize Setup)

Setup Note: This application uses sequelize@^5.21.11 which is very different prior to ^6.2.* version of sequelize and sequelize-cli.

设置说明: 此应用程序使用 sequelize@^5.21.11 ,这 与sequ​​elize和sequelize-cli的 ^6.2.* 版本 之前非常不同

使用Sequelize-cli命令 (Using Sequelize-cli command)

Install CLI withnpm i -g sequelize-cli or yarn global add sequelize-cli

使用npm i -g sequelize-cli或CLI yarn global add sequelize-cli安装npm i -g sequelize-cli安装CLI

If we use sequelize-cli commands, at first we will be ask for executing sequelize init that will generate some files in our root directory. Generated files will be used to make Sequelize modules run with the project.

如果我们使用sequelize-cli命令,首先会要求我们执行sequelize init ,它将在根目录中生成一些文件。 生成的文件将用于使Sequelize模块与项目一起运行。

Image for post
Sequelize init generated files

These files and directories generated via Sequelize-cli command. If you want to move and organise into a different directory, use .sequelizerc like the one I used in this project.

这些文件和目录是通过Sequelize-cli命令生成的。 如果要移动并组织到另一个目录中,请使用.sequelizerc就像我在本项目中使用的那样。

使用.sequelizerc文件 (Using .sequelizerc file)

Sequelize have a project setup file that you can you use to organised your project directory. Meaning that you can put and setup your Sequelize files in a specific directory like the way you want it to be in a file called .sequelizerc. Below is the sample that Sequelize files and directory will be generated in a directory named /db in your project root. Just type sequelize init to generate Sequelize project from a .sequelizerc file.

Sequelize有一个项目设置文件,可用于组织项目目录。 这意味着您可以将Sequelize文件放置并设置在特定目录中,就像您希望将其保存在名为.sequelizerc的文件中一样 。 下面是在项目根目录中名为/db的目录中生成Sequelize文件和目录的示例。 只需键入sequelize init即可从.sequelizerc文件生成Sequelize项目。

const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
'config': path.resolve('db/config', 'config.js'),
'models-path': path.resolve('db', 'models'),
'seeders-path': path.resolve('db', 'seeders'),
'migrations-path': path.resolve('db', 'migrations')
Initialing Sequelize in our Next.js project
Initialing Sequelize in our Next.js project root
Image for post
Generated Sequelize files and directory in /db/ directory inside Next.js project root
Next.js项目根目录下/ db /目录中生成的Sequelize文件和目录

Open up config.js in editor and add an export default to the files like these one and replace the config and put your env variables from .env.local :


Sequelize config.js
Sequelize config.js with Node .env variables
使用Node .env变量对config.js进行排序

Sequelize, Sqlite3和Mysql2模块的 安装程序安装 (Setup install for Sequelize, Sqlite3 and Mysql2 modules)

Sequelize-cli will be use for generating migrations and models setup. More information about the features in this link.

Sequelize-cli将用于生成迁移和模型设置。 有关此链接中功能的更多信息。

Install sequelize-cli


npm i -g sequelize-cli or yarn global add sequelize-cli

npm i -g sequelize-cliyarn global add sequelize-cli

Install sequelize and type sequelize init

安装sequelize并键入sequelize init

npm i sequelize or yarn add sequelize and sequelize init

npm i sequelizeyarn add sequelizesequelize init

Install sqlite3 driver


npm i sqlite3 or yarn add sqlite3

npm i sqlite3yarn add sqlite3

Install mysql2 driver


npm i mysql2 or yarn add mysql2

npm i mysql2yarn add mysql2

Create a SQLite3 database in /db/nextjs-sequelize.db and continue for migration setup.


- Users model


sequelize model:create --name users --attributes firstName:string,lastName:string,username:string,password:string,email:string,phoneNumber:string,gender:string,status:boolean

- Users model seed


sequelize seed:generate --name users

- Posts model


sequelize model:create --name posts --attributes userId:integer,title:string,slug:string,content:text,status:boolean

- Posts model seed


sequelize seed:generate --name posts

- Jobs model


sequelize model:create --name jobs --attributes userId:integer,title:string,slug:string,content:text,emailTo:string,reportManager:string,dateLimit:date,status:boolean

- Jobs model seed


sequelize seed:generate --name jobs
Sequelize creating Users, Posts and Jobs Models
Sequelize creating Users, Posts and Jobs Models
Sequelize creating Users, Posts and Jobs Seeds
Sequelize creating Users, Posts and Jobs Seeds
Sequelize migrations, seeds files and directories
Sequelize migrations, seeds files and directories in Next.js root project

Open seeders files and modify to add arrays of data items.


- ./seeders/xxxxxxxxxxx-users.js









Sequelize database migration and seed command


sequelize db:migrate to execute database migrations.

sequelize db:migrate以执行数据库迁移。

sequelize db:seed:all to execute all table seeders.

sequelize db:seed:all以执行所有表种子。

Sequelize undo database migration and seed command


sequelize db:migrate:undo:all to undo database migrations.

sequelize db:migrate:undo:all以撤消数据库迁移。

sequelize db:seed:undo:all to undo seeders.

sequelize db:seed:undo:all以撤消种子。

Sequelize Seeders
Sequelize Seeders

- Add Associations * (execute after you edited the association migration files)

-添加关联 *(在编辑关联迁移文件后执行)

sequelize migration:generate --name add-post-associate
sequelize migration:generate --name add-jobs-associate

sequelize db:migrate to execute database associate migrations.

sequelize db:migrate以执行数据库关联迁移。

Open up ./models/index.js that previously generated from sequelize init and modified the codes.

打开先前从sequelize init生成的./models/index.js并修改代码。


Create .env.development.local and put your DB credentials see .env.local.example



Start the Next.js dev server and open up http://localhost:3000/

启动Next.js开发服务器并打开 http:// localhost:3000 /

yarn dev to start Next.js the dev server and notice the .env.development.local loaded on the application start up.

yarn dev启动Next.js开发服务器,并注意到在应用程序启动时加载的.env.development.local。

yarn dev load .env.development.local
yarn dev

Deployment on Vercel


Install Vercel Cli npm i -g vercel or yarn add global vercel and see this link for available commands. This will enables you to instant cloud deployment and local development. Follow the instruction and press enter for your setup choice. Just type vercel --prod to deploy or update the changes in your root terminal.

安装Vercel Cli npm i -g vercelyarn add global vercel ,请参阅此链接以获取可用命令。 这将使您能够即时进行云部署本地开发 。 按照说明进行操作,然后按Enter键选择设置。 只需输入vercel --prod即可部署或更新根终端中的更改。

Vercel Cli for deploy project to Vercel Hosting
Deploy project to Vercel

Production environment setup


Check your default .env.local.example in your root directory and match the variables into vercel project settings. Below is the example of the .env.

在根目录中检查默认的.env.local.example并将变量匹配到vercel项目设置中。 以下是.env的示例。


Add your database credentials in .env to pointing to the database in your production server. If you using Vercel hosting, add your env variables in the production tabs of project settings page. These will be auto encrypted and available for used in the production .env of our app. Below is the setup .env production for our remote database credential on Vercel :

.env中添加数据库凭据,以指向生产服务器中的数据库。 如果您使用Vercel托管,请在项目设置页面的生产选项卡中添加环境变量。 这些将自动加密,并可以在我们的应用程序的生产.env中使用。 以下是我们在Vercel上的远程数据库凭证的设置.env生产:

Image for post
.env production in vercel hosting

Demos :


Source Code :

源代码 :

Note : The source code on GitHub is a full version with users, posts and jobs models and use SQLite database on the development / local server. Login with any email accounts in the demos using passkey “password”. The one on the demo is a cut version due to limit of serverless functions on Vercel and uses Postgres database on Use the branch origin/serverless if you want to use it and deploy on Vercel hosting.

注意: GitHub上 的源代码 是完整版本,包含用户,职位和职位模型,并在开发/本地服务器上使用SQLite数据库。 使用密码“ password”登录演示中的任何电子邮件帐户。 由于Vercel上无服务器功能的限制, 演示 版中 的一个 是简化版,并使用 上的Postgres数据库 如果要 使用分支 起源/无服务器 ,并在Vercel托管上进行部署,请使用它。

有待改进的地方: (Things to improve :)

  • Make field aliases in Sequelize to obfuscate and not to expose the real name of your database field names.


  • Consider using UUID for the primary key that can be handled by Sequelize.


  • Consider to make separate presentational container to handle all the Next.js page logics involved in the views components.


  • Setup a React State Management like Redux and combined it with Redux-Saga so you can have that fancy loader to the application.

    设置一个像Redux这样的React State Management,并将其与Redux-Saga结合使用,这样您就可以将花哨的加载程序添加到应用程序中。

  • Use Next.js Absolute Imports and Aliases for importing components.

    使用Next.js 绝对导入和别名 用于导入组件。

  • Make versioning to the API pages such as /pages/api/v1/**/**.js to track changes and features.


  • Make use of next-seo to improve your SEO pages in the SERP.


  • Setup a Reverse Proxy Server such as Nginx or Apache for your Web Application in production.


  • Use PM2 / Production Manager for production and clustering system.

    PM2 / Production Manager用于生产和集群系统。

References:1. Sequelize : Next.js : Jwt :

参考文献:1。 Sequelize: https : // 2. Next.js: https : // 3. Jwt: https : //


Next.js : Since it’s inception, Next.js features comes with an API pages that can be used as a local API to access your data beside all the new and rich features. Server Side Rendering is one of the best feature on Next.js

Next.js 从诞生之日起,Next.js功能就附带了API页面,除了所有新的丰富功能之外,这些页面还可以用作本地API来访问数据。 服务器端渲染是Next.js的最佳功能之一

Sequelize : A multi SQL dialect ORM (Object Relation Mapping) for Node.js ecosystem or in Express.js framework application. It can be use to connect to your RDBMS databases. Common queries methods in ORM are : hasMany , belongsTo , hasOne , and belongsToMany.

Sequelize 针对Node.js生态系统或Express.js框架应用程序的多SQL方言ORM(对象关系映射)。 它可以用于连接到RDBMS数据库。 ORM中常见的查询方法是: hasManybelongsTohasOnebelongsToMany







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