

The best tools we use in our lives can often appear like magic. They simplify our tasks in ways that we thought unimaginable, and we’re often left thinking about why we didn’t discover them earlier or even thought about it.

我们一生中使用的最好的工具常常看起来像魔术。 它们以我们认为无法想象的方式简化了我们的任务,而我们常常被遗忘了为什么我们没有更早发现它们甚至没有想到它们的原因。

This was my reaction when I was first introduced to frontend monitoring.


“I remember my colleague from the product department calling me. The impact of our latest frontend modification was worrying him. He thought the design wasn’t particularly brilliant, coherent, and that users were being deceived by it.

“我记得产品部门的同事打电话给我。 我们最新的前端修改的影响使他感到担心。 他认为设计不是特别出色,连贯,并且用户被它所欺骗。

I wondered how he knew all this stuff. I was sure he was in contact with test users. But it’s hard to have such a level of confidence in what is wrong and what is not with just a few test cases.

我不知道他怎么知道所有这些东西 我确定他正在与测试用户联系。 但是,很难对只有几个测试用例的错误和非错误有这样的信心。

As soon as the screen sharing option was enabled, all my doubts about his knowledge were shattered. He proceeded to show me a series of recordings the exact actions that users had gone through.

启用屏幕共享选项后,我对他的知识的所有怀疑都被粉碎了。 他继续向我展示了一系列记录用户执行过的确切操作的记录。

How they used the app, what section they were the most active in, and even what the problems were since you could clearly see the users flowing through the app in confusion.


The error he mentioned was there, plus other logic errors that escaped the checking of us developers.”


It’s been a while since I had that first experience of what it really means to monitor your frontend application. And in 2020 this discussion is more relevant than ever.

自从我对监视前端应用程序的真正含义有了第一次体验以来已经有一段时间了。 到2020年,这一讨论比以往任何时候都更加重要

With the average user waiting in general no more than three seconds for a page to load, plus increasingly complex web applications, it has become mandatory to have a clear, all-in-one way to monitor your web applications.


These are the business years of pure concentration on the final client. On its experience and overall satisfaction, on how smoothly and error-free your application is able to work.

这些是纯粹专注于最终客户的营业年。 根据其经验和总体满意度,以及您的应用程序能够如何流畅和无错误地工作。

Missing on this point can mean for your business increased possibilities of something going wrong, of wasted engineering time and resources, and possibly severe losses in future revenue for your company.


出色的前端监视工具的作用 (What a Great Frontend Monitoring Tool Does)

With that clear in mind, let’s analyze how a frontend monitoring tool can benefit your business application product:


  • It gives you full context for your users' sessions: every interaction the user has with your application is miscellaneous of various technical details. A great frontend monitoring tool will give you all the tools you need to inspect these details thoroughly. From stack traces, to console logs and errors, network activities, resource loads, interactions with the app’s state(see Redux or MobX ), JavaScript errors, page speed metrics and performance analytics

    它为您的用户会话提供了完整的上下文:用户与您的应用程序进行的每次交互都包含各种技术细节。 出色的前端监视工具将为您提供彻底检查这些详细信息所需的所有工具。 从堆栈跟踪,到控制台日志和错误,网络活动,资源负载,与应用程序状态的交互(请参阅ReduxMobX ),JavaScript错误,页面速度指标和性能分析

  • It gives you analytics on your app’s performances: page load time, few server requests and a smooth experience are essentials for your user’s experience. A fully-equipped monitoring tool will provide you with all the data you need about your performances. See your app’s memory usage or frame-rate, or even your user’s network speed and general rendering metrics.

    它为您提供了应用程序性能的分析:页面加载时间,少量服务器请求和流畅的体验是用户体验的关键。 功能齐全的监控工具将为您提供有关表演所需的所有数据。 查看应用程序的内存使用率或帧速率,甚至查看用户的网络速度和常规渲染指标。

  • It makes you understand how your user’s use the app: “rage-clicks” and oblivious UIs are enormous turns off for your user’s experience. A frontend monitoring tool can help you understand how every user interacts with your application. Find out if any parts of it are not clear, usable or understandable. Discover the “psychology” of your product usability and its flaws thanks to recordings of sessions and replays.

    它使您了解用户如何使用该应用程序:“怒击”和遗忘的用户界面极大地改变了用户的体验。 前端监视工具可以帮助您了解每个用户如何与您的应用程序进行交互。 找出其中的任何部分不清楚,可用或可理解。 通过记录会话和重放,发现产品可用性的“心理”及其缺陷。

结论 (Conclusion)

Complexity has become a guaranty in modern web applications. With complex state management systems, infinite UI experience variables and the increasing need to focus on your clients.

复杂性已成为现代Web应用程序的保证。 对于复杂的状态管理系统,无限的UI体验变量以及对客户的关注日益增长。

This can be the perfect recipe for unmanaged or silent problems, which can seriously damage your application and your company.


The purpose of frontend monitoring tools is to provide you with a single, all-in-one hub to understand your application better. What works and what doesn’t, how the users interact with it, and what are their experience expectations and flows.

前端监视工具的目的是为您提供一个单一的,多合一的中心,以更好地了解您的应用程序。 什么有效,什么无效,用户如何与之交互,以及他们的经验期望和经验是什么。

重要要点 (Key Takeaways)

  • Modern web applications have become increasingly more complex, requiring more attention to details and customer’s experience.

  • It arises then the necessity to have clear, miscellaneous analytics about your application errors, UI flaws, possible downtimes, or performance issues.

  • Frontend monitoring tools came to live as a response to this problem. Providing an all-in-one platform to manage, analyze and improve your business application.

    前端监视工具应运而生,以解决此问题。 提供一个多平台的平台来管理,分析和改进您的业务应用程序。

资源资源 (Resources)

翻译自: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/why-frontend-monitoring-is-vital-for-your-web-apps-in-2020-6a60b815876d


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