

I think we can all agree that quarantined life has been strange. And while most of the day is comprised of the monotony of domestic life, I’ve been surprised at how much of my time is dominated by technology.

我认为我们都可以同意隔离的生活很奇怪。 尽管一天中的大部分时间都由家庭生活的单调组成,但令我感到惊讶的是,我有多少时间被技术所控制。

I’ve spent my entire career working in front of screens. Constantly communicating through tech is not new for me. But what is new is how much of my time is now spent in video calls with people older than myself, particularly those in the boomer generation.

我整个职业生涯都在屏幕前工作。 不断通过技术交流对我来说并不新鲜。 但是,新的是我现在有多少时间花在与比我年长的人进行视频通话上,尤其是那些处于新兴时代的人。

We’re all familiar with the scenario: The first 5 minutes of every video chat is spent troubleshooting why we can’t hear each other. Technological solutions fall on deaf ears because someone somewhere is muted. Just when we’re able to hear one another, someone accidentally stops his or her video. Now we’re left staring at the avatar left on the screen as the person continues to wave and smile into the great unknown.

我们都熟悉这种情况:每次视频聊天的前5分钟都是用来排查为什么我们听不到彼此的声音。 技术解决方案充耳不闻,因为某个地方的人被静音了。 就在我们能够听到对方的声音时,某人不小心停止了他或她的视频。 现在,我们继续注视着屏幕上剩下的化身,因为那个人继续挥手并微笑着进入未知的大世界。

Though I think it can be a fool’s errand to draw generational lines around complex humans, observing what certain age groups value has brought to life some of the truisms that characterize each generation.


I turned 31 last week, firmly planting my feet in the millennial category. While I often feel and act more like a Gen X-er, I laugh at the times when I embody the stereotypes liberally cast upon my generation. I like good coffee, can be quite the helicopter parent, and genuinely think I deserve a trophy for at least trying to play pee-wee basketball. Guilty as charged. While some of the critiques of millennials can be chalked up as grumpy sensationalism, some of the observations are astute.

上周我已经31岁了,将自己的脚牢牢扎根于千禧年类别。 虽然我经常觉得自己和行为更像是X一代,但是当我体现出对我们这一代的自由刻板印象时,我却笑了。 我喜欢喝咖啡,可以成为直升飞机的父母,并且真的认为我至少应该尝试打尿尿篮球,因此应该获得奖杯。 被控有罪。 虽然一些千禧一代的批评可以被归类为脾气暴躁的煽情主义,但其中一些观察却是敏锐的。

Let’s take a look at how the designers of today could learn something from the things we overvalue. We may even discover that these priorities are further perpetuating this generational design gap we’ve created.

让我们看一下当今的设计师如何从我们高估的东西中学到一些东西。 我们甚至可能发现这些优先事项进一步加剧了我们已经创建的这一代设计差距。

重新校准美丽 (Recalibrating beauty)

One truism of millennials that I’ve struggled with is our overemphasis on aesthetics. Trust me: I’m not throwing stones in the glass house in which I live. As a designer, I live for beauty. I salivate at the mere promise of sleek, beautiful, minimal design. Where can I preorder again?

我一直苦苦挣扎的千禧一代的一种直言不讳是我们对美学的过分重视。 相信我:我不会在我居住的玻璃屋里扔石头。 作为设计师,我追求美丽。 我对时尚,美丽,最小化设计的承诺而垂涎三尺。 我可以在哪里再次订购?

But I’ve noticed over the years that a dangerous weight has been placed on aestheticism over usefulness, or form over function. Maybe it’s our obsessions with bespoke brands or our complicated relationship with immediacy. Whatever it may be, the speed at which the markets can respond to user behavior has led to visual homogeny. In the quest to be unique we’ve somehow settled for designing brands and products that all look the same.

但是多年来,我注意到,对美学的重视已超过了实用性,而对形式的重视却超过了功能。 也许是我们对定制品牌的痴迷或我们与即时性的复杂关系。 无论如何,市场对用户行为的React速度已导致视觉上的同质化。 为了追求独特性,我们以某种方式决定设计外观相同的品牌和产品。

Sadly, many of these trends aren’t founded in patterns of unification or accessibility but are purely aesthetic expressions. We’ve replaced research with doing whatever looks nice and makes a brand look relevant. The modern design industry has been driven by consumerism. Brands like Apple, Instagram, and Nike have to sell beauty because they have to sell merchandise. The danger is when these companies become the inspirational beacons for everything designed. The adverse effects of letting the consumer world lead design looks like a generation that thinks about function last — rather than as the counterweight to form.

可悲的是,这些趋势中的许多并不是建立在统一或可访问性的基础上的,而是纯粹的美学表达。 我们已经通过做任何看起来不错并让品牌看起来相关的研究代替了研究。 现代设计业一直受到消费主义的推动。 苹果,Instagram和耐克等品牌必须出售美容产品,因为它们必须出售商品。 危险在于这些公司成为所有设计内容的鼓舞人心的灯塔。 让消费者主导产品设计的不利影响看起来像是一代人最后考虑功能的问题,而不是作为形成平衡物的一代。

Beauty has a critical role to play in design, of course. But beauty isn’t the only role. One of the reasons that I was drawn to the discipline of design was its marriage of art and science. I grew to appreciate that tension and reverently submit to how it fueled my creative processes.

当然,美丽在设计中起着至关重要的作用。 但是美丽并不是唯一的角色。 我被设计学科吸引的原因之一是它与艺术和科学的结合。 我逐渐意识到这种张力,并虔诚地屈从于它如何促进了我的创作过程。

I spend a reasonable amount of time on design platforms connecting with other designers. As a young designer who used to dream about getting an invite into these online communities, I simultaneously shuddered and shrieked at the idea of letting other designers from all over the world critique my work. While some of that essence of communal betterment is still a part of these online communities, they can all too often become a laboratory for aesthetic trendiness.

我在与其他设计师联系的设计平台上花费了相当多的时间。 作为一个年轻的设计师,曾经梦想着被邀请加入这些在线社区,我同时为让世界各地的其他设计师批评我的作品而感到震惊。 尽管社区改善的某些本质仍然是这些在线社区的一部分,但它们常常可能成为审美趋势的实验室。

Trends are not bad. They guide our life and decisions in more ways than we can count in and out of our designed lives. However, where they can become dangerous is when we are designing purely for other aesthetic-minded designers, which is a great way to get attention—instead of designing for folks like… my parents.

趋势还不错。 他们以更多的方式指导我们的生活和决策,而不是我们可以算入和算出的设计生活。 但是,当我们纯粹为其他具有审美意识的设计师进行设计时,它们可能会变得危险,这是吸引注意力的好方法,而不是为像我的父母这样的人设计。

与婴儿潮一代合作 (Collaborating with boomers)

I once gave a talk titled “Designing for Millennials.” The audience included folks in the tourism industry who were Gen X-er’s and boomers. I was one of the few twenty-somethings in the room expected to impart wisdom as to what millennials, like myself, valued in digital experiences. I mention this to say that the irony that I’m now penning an essay to millennial designers about what boomers value is not lost on me.

我曾经做过一个题为“为千禧一代设计”的演讲。 观众包括X er一代和婴儿潮一代的旅游业人士。 我是会议室中可能会传授智慧的千禧一代之一,像我这样的千禧一代对数字体验的重视是。 我说这句话的意思是,我现在向千禧一代设计师写一篇关于婴儿潮一代的价值的讽刺并没有遗忘在我身上。

First and foremost, let’s not throw boomers under the bus. Of course, they appreciate beauty, aesthetics, and polish just as much as the rest of us. However, in my experience with their generation, these things are nice-to-haves alongside something that just works.

首先,我们不要把婴儿潮一代扔在公共汽车底下。 当然,他们和我们其他人一样欣赏美感,美感和抛光。 但是,以我这一代人的经验来看,这些东西很不错,并且可以正常工作

Over the last few years I’ve had the privilege of managing a website with my dad. It’s small potatoes. (This is not a humble-brag about being the heir to an e-commerce fortune.) The experience has shown me what he values in a functional website. The site is for the church I grew up in, located in small-town Southern Virginia. The website itself doesn’t have to do a whole lot to function well. In my dad’s quest to create a simple, efficient website, I’ve constantly had to fight my common critique of, “Yeah, but Dad, that looks awful!” when offering feedback to the latest widget that’s been added to the website.

在过去的几年中,我有幸与父亲一起管理网站。 是小土豆。 (这并不是成为电子商务财富的继承人的谦虚态度。)经验向我展示了他在功能强大的网站中的价值。 该网站是给我长大的教堂的,位于南弗吉尼亚州的小镇。 网站本身并不需要做很多事情就可以正常运行。 在我父亲创建一个简单,高效的网站的过程中,我不断地与我的常见批评“是的,但是父亲,这看起来太糟糕了!” 提供对已添加到网站的最新小部件的反馈时。

Therein lies the tension. Though my father doesn’t represent every boomer in the United States, he does represent how his generation values functionality and purpose. This collaboration has taught me so much about what’s important to the website’s audience, which is primarily composed of people who are boomers or older.

张力就在其中。 尽管我父亲并不代表美国的每个婴儿潮一代,但他的确代表了他这一代人如何重视功能和宗旨。 这项合作使我了解了很多有关网站受众的重要知识,这些内容主要由潮一代或更老的人组成。

The reality is that they aren’t coming to site to be wowed; they are coming because they are looking for something very practical. For experiences like these to be successful, more emphasis should be placed on user experience and information architecture rather than on gorgeous visual design.

现实情况是,他们并没有惊叹不已。 他们来是因为他们正在寻找非常实用的东西。 为了使这样的体验获得成功,应该更加注重用户体验和信息架构,而不是华丽的视觉设计。

This design philosophy of the boomer generation has started to illuminate the shortcomings in my own processes. I’ve grown to form a healthy, almost scientific skepticism around overly aesthetic brands and products. It’s made me ask necessary questions like, “Are they masking a low-quality experience?” It’s also made me chuckle at the numerous recommendations I’ve received from fellow millennials, which often take on the tone of, “Oh, it looks awful, but it really works,” when recommending brands that don’t value visual trends as much as others.

婴儿潮一代的这种设计哲学已经开始阐明我自己过程中的缺点。 我已经成长为对过度审美的品牌和产品形成健康,几乎科学的怀疑。 这使我提出了一些必要的问题,例如“他们掩盖了低质量的体验吗?” 当我推荐那些不太重视视觉趋势的品牌时,这也让我对千禧世代提出的众多建议感到不高兴,这些建议常常带有“哦,看起来很糟糕,但确实有效”的基调。和其他人一样。

Let’s pause here.


Am I saying that aesthetics no longer matter and that to design well for boomers is to forget about beauty, fixating only on raw functionality?


No, of course not. I’m offended you even asked.

不,当然不是。 我什至生气你甚至问。

Our design should be balanced by aesthetics and functionality. When harmony is found between these two forces, something beautiful happens: Folks can actually use what we’ve made.

我们的设计应在美学和功能之间取得平衡。 当在这两种力量之间找到和谐时,就会发生一些美好的事情:人们可以实际使用我们的创造力。

关于可访问性的几点思考 (A few thoughts on accessibility)

This conversation wouldn’t be representative or complete without mentioning accessibility. Accessibility is a term that has evolved to mean everything and nothing. What I mean by the term is allowing the widest diversity of people to use and enjoy your experiences. It’s impossible to design something that will work seamlessly on every device for every human, but it is possible to use patterns that have been engineered to help folks of all backgrounds use your products.

不提及可访问性,此对话将不具有代表性或不完整。 可访问性这个术语已经演变为意味着一切,一无所有。 我的意思是允许最广泛的人们使用和享受您的体验。 设计不可能在每个设备上为每个人无缝使用的东西是不可能的,但是可以使用为帮助所有背景的人们使用您的产品而设计的模式。

This includes thinking well about who will use your products. Most often, I design experiences that have key audiences but need to work well for a broad spectrum of ages. It not only helps me create simple and intuitive experiences, but it also helps me keep my own generational biases in check.

这包括仔细考虑谁将使用您的产品。 通常,我设计的体验具有关键的受众群体,但需要在广泛的年龄段中保持良好的表现。 它不仅帮助我创造简单直观的体验,而且还帮助我控制自己的世代偏见。

What may feel ubiquitous to me as a millennial web designer may be foreign to older, or even younger, users. Generational context isn’t the only factor when considering where accessibility and age connect, but it can be an excellent place to start analyzing why our design works, or doesn’t, with different audiences.

作为千禧一代的网页设计师,对于我来说,无处不在的感觉对于年长甚至年轻的用户而言可能是陌生的。 在考虑可访问性和年龄之间的联系时,代际环境不是唯一的因素,但它是一个开始分析我们的设计为何对不同受众起作用或不起作用的绝佳场所。

我们现在应该如何设计? (How now shall we design?)

Here’s some tips about how we can better design for the generation that raised this group of ragamuffin millennial creators.



  1. Spend time with people outside of your generation.

  2. Evaluate the generational context around criticism you receive.

  3. If it doesn’t work for people older than you, it may not work at all.

  4. Identify your own values and see how they influence your work.


1.花时间陪伴婴儿潮一代。 (1. Spend time with boomers.)

It seems so simple; it just might work! Whether it’s your parents or other folks in your community, make time for people who are older than yourself. The best way to see what someone values is to observe how they live, speak, and act in various situations. Watch them use their phone or iPad. Ask them about the sites or apps they find easy to use and those they find frustrating. We don’t use this information to exploit people. Instead, we use it to meet them compassionately where they are. Don’t be afraid to show your work to older generations. I can guarantee they will reveal some blindspots.

看起来很简单; 它可能会起作用! 无论是您的父母还是社区中的其他人,都要为比自己大的人腾出时间。 观察某人的价值观的最好方法是观察他们在各种情况下的生活,语言和行为。 观看他们使用手机或iPad。 向他们询问他们觉得易于使用的网站或应用程序以及他们感到沮丧的网站或应用程序。 我们不会使用此信息来剥削他人。 相反,我们使用它来富有同情心地与他们相遇。 不要害怕向老一辈展示您的作品。 我可以保证他们会发现一些盲点。

2.评估批评。 (2. Evaluate criticism.)

This isn’t me attempting to tell you what feedback to take and what to ignore. Rather, it’s a call to add more context to where the feedback may be coming from. For example, if you’ve only asked like-minded millennials to review your work, you may receive overemphasized feedback on visuals and miss the tough questions of functionality and strategy. This doesn’t mean that folks of your own generation have limited feedback. It only means that it may not be balanced by the wisdom that comes from generations older and younger than you.

这不是我试图告诉您要采取什么反馈意见和忽略什么意见。 而是要在反馈可能来自的地方添加更多上下文。 例如,如果您只要求志趣相投的千禧一代查看您的作品,您可能会收到过分强调视觉效果的反馈,而忽略了功能和策略上的棘手问题。 这并不意味着您这一代人的反馈有限。 这仅意味着它可能不会被比您老少一代的智慧所平衡。

3.杀死你的宝贝。 (3. Kill your darlings.)

A talented colleague of mine relayed this excellent writing advice to me. The sentiment is that you may have to cut some of your favorite parts of your own writing that may not work for others. I’ve found this same principle to be true in design. It’s impossible to design with complete objectivity. We all bring our own biases and preferences to our work. The crucial equalizer is that we can test these decisions. When something isn’t working for folks outside of your age range, it may not be working at all.

我的一位才华横溢的同事向我传达了这份出色的写作建议。 人们的观点是,您可能不得不削减自己的作品中某些您最喜欢的部分,而这些部分可能不适用于其他人。 我发现在设计中也是如此。 完全客观的设计是不可能的。 我们每个人都为我们的工作带来偏见和喜好。 至关重要的均衡器是我们可以测试这些决策。 如果某项不适用于您年龄段以外的人,则可能根本无法工作。

4.识别你的气泡。 (4. Identify your bubbles.)

We all exist within cultural bubbles; it’s how society works. While it’s human to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who enjoy what you enjoy, it may be influencing how you create more than you think. Identify your own values and name them. You don’t have to overanalyze and compare them to the values of others, but it may be helpful in creating more compassionate design.

我们都存在于文化泡沫之中; 这就是社会的运作方式。 与喜欢您喜欢的志趣相投的人一起生活是很人性的,但这可能会影响您如何创造出超出您想象的方式。 确定您自己的值并命名。 您不必过度分析并将它们与他人的价值进行比较,但这可能有助于创建更具同情心的设计。

A better way is possible. It will take more effort. It may not be as efficient. It may even cost more money. However, it could lead to a more focused, rich collaboration with the people we are serving. Hopeful design teaches us that there are real people in real places in real time behind everything we create.

更好的方法是可能的。 这将需要更多的努力。 它可能没有效率。 甚至可能要花更多的钱。 但是,这可能会导致与我们所服务的人员更专注,更丰富的协作。 充满希望的设计告诉我们,在我们创建的一切背后,实时有真实的人在真实的地方。

May we design with purpose.


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