架构师论坛 创业_我在早期创业时作为设计师学到的东西

架构师论坛 创业

For over 2 years at a young product company, I collaborated with talented engineering folks for a 0 → 1 suite of products. Here are my learnings and key takeaways. Of course, these are my views and do not represent those of my employers or colleagues.

在一家年轻的产品公司工作了2年多,我与才华横溢的工程人员合作,开发了0→1套产品。 这是我的经验和主要收获。 当然,这些只是我的观点,并不代表我的雇主或同事的观点。

1.没有沟通过度的事情。 (1. There is no such thing as over-communication.)

Every early stage startup teammate is a critical cog in building the future together. And teams get stuck when:

每个早期创业团队成员都是共同构建未来的关键。 在以下情况下,团队会陷入困境:

  • There’s no shared understanding of what’s being built. Solve this with running async documentation available for everyone.

    对所构建的内容没有共识。 通过运行适用于所有人的异步文档来解决此问题。
  • Miscommunication among teammates (This happens more often than you’d imagine!). Solve this with scheduling regular catchups with your collaborators.

    队友之间的沟通不畅(这种情况经常发生,超出您的想象!)。 通过与合作者安排定期的赶超来解决此问题。

Embrace the culture of over-communication. Communicate your design rationale, your assumptions and expected outcomes.

拥抱过度交流的文化。 传达您的设计原理,假设和预期结果。

  • Own it. Talk about it. Write about it.

    拥有它。 说说它。 写吧。
  • Ask questions. Ask for data to validate your assumptions.

    问问题。 要求数据以验证您的假设。
  • Set yourself up for success. Set your work up for success. (It helps to define design success from your teammates’ perspective as well.)

    为成功做好准备。 为成功做好准备。 (它也有助于从队友的角度定义设计成功。)

2.设计与像素完善和移交同样重要。 (2. Design is as much about alignment and enabling as it is about pixel perfection and handover.)

  • Keep all teammates in the loop.

  • Use storytelling frameworks if necessary.

  • Take them through the journey map and user story.

  • Invoke the name of your persona if you really need to.


Understand that everybody communicates uniquely. Some collaborators are spontaneous, and immediately give you crucial points of feedback . Some are deliberate, they think through the solutions — and will tell you a potential snag or two later in the week. Know how to communicate with each of them, tune your ears, listen to their input.

了解每个人的沟通方式都是独一无二的。 一些合作者是自发的,并立即为您提供重要的反馈意见。 他们会仔细考虑一些解决方案,并会在一周中晚些时候告诉您一两次潜在的困扰。 知道如何与他们每个人沟通,调音,聆听他们的意见。

Engineers can contribute to the design process greatly by bringing the constraints to your notice. Most times, these constraints come in after they have put in some energy into the solution-forming exercise. As you get better at enabling conversations, snags will be noticed earlier and dealt with faster.

工程师可以通过将约束告知您来为设计过程做出巨大贡献。 大多数情况下,这些约束是在为解决方案形成工作投入了一些精力之后才出现的。 随着您更好地进行对话,障碍会更早被发现并更快地得到处理。

The better aligned the engineer, the more points-of-failure identified before writing the code. The better the designer, the more concrete the design solution becomes with user actions and relevant usage data.

工程师的协调性越好,编写代码之前确定的故障点就越多。 设计者越好,设计方案就越能根据用户的操作和相关的使用数据而变得更加具体。

3.一起寻找解决方案的稳定性。 (3. Look for robustness of the solution, together.)

We designers feel good when we have our assumptions proved right. We ask questions within the organisation and feel validated. Validation makes you feel good about being right about your design. It makes you tightly coupled with your solutions. Look for better return on effort instead. Ship as many production pixels as you can. Write as many connecting documents as you can. Setup systems for your team’s success, because design is (and will remain)a collective cross functional effort.

当我们的假设被证明正确时,我们的设计师会感觉良好。 我们在组织内提出问题,并得到验证。 验证使您对设计正确感到满意。 它使您与解决方案紧密结合。 寻找更好的努力回报。 可以运送尽可能多的生产像素。 尽可能多地写入连接文档。 为团队的成功建立设置系统,因为设计是(并将保持)跨部门的共同努力。

Someday when the design falls through, (and it will), a lesser enabled design culture will lead to teams pointing fingers at one another. Build a robust connected design culture and better problem-solving conversations will follow, automatically.

某天,当设计失败时(并且将会),一种启用程度较低的设计文化将导致团队相互指责。 建立强大的连接设计文化,随后将自动进行更好的解决问题的对话。

4.重点是实验性的,也是渐进的。 (4. The point is to be experimental, but also incremental.)

In a small startup crunched for time, space and energy, every different-looking pixel cluster translates to work. Work that needs to be done by the engineers. And if the layout looks even slightly too different from the one existing at the moment, it becomes tough to get the team to agree to the proposed direction.

在一家时间,空间和能源紧张的小型初创企业中,每个看起来不同的像素簇都可以正常工作。 工程师需要完成的工作。 而且,如果布局看起来与目前的布局甚至略有不同,那么很难让团队同意提议的方向。

Sometimes, it takes time to ring in the concept of ‘exploration’, especially in a tech-heavy company; without overwhelming your engineering teammates. Make sure you invest time in making them comfortable with not implementing before you show them a design direction coming their way.

有时,需要花一些时间来敲定“探索”的概念,尤其是在技术含量高的公司中。 而不会压倒您的工程团队成员。 在向他们展示他们的设计方向之前,请确保您花费时间使他们对不习惯实施感到满意。

One of the ways to deal with this is to have a “Sandbox” version that you work on when a feature is experimental. Once the direction is set, the polished version can be merged with the main set of production screens. Don’t show the kitchen sink unless you really have to. Present your ideas well, don’t present your idea well.

解决此问题的方法之一是拥有一个“沙盒”版本,当功能处于试验阶段时您可以使用该版本。 设置方向后,可以将抛光版本与主生产屏幕合并。 除非确实需要,否则不要显示厨房水槽。 很好地表达您的想法,不要很好地表达您的想法。

5.大图有时可能只是大图的一小部分。 (5. The big picture can sometimes be a small part of a bigger picture.)

Don’t assume you know everything. You don’t. And most times, it’s the best thing that can happen to you.

不要以为你什么都知道。 你不知道 在大多数情况下,这是可能发生在您身上的最好的事情。

Even in the presence of data, positive feedback, videos full of nodding and smiling users — be on the lookout for places of improvement or short sightedness. The best solutions are simple. That’s because the best solutions don’t ask the users to jump through multiple hoops to solve their problem.

即使存在数据,积极的反馈,充满点头和微笑的用户的视频—仍在寻找改进的地方或短视的地方。 最好的解决方案很简单。 这是因为最好的解决方案不会要求用户跳过多个障碍来解决他们的问题。

Most users, will take whatever decent offering you provide and highly proclaim your product. This is true, especially for 0 to 1 products where you have early mover advantage.

大多数用户都会接受您提供的任何体面的产品,并高度评价您的产品。 的确如此,尤其是对于拥有先发优势的0比1产品。

But remember, the user seldom sees the full picture. And it helps to keep the complex inner workings of the product away from them.

但是请记住,用户很少看到完整图片。 而且它有助于使产品的复杂内部运作远离它们。

As a designer you are in charge of providing context for each of these challenges and define boundaries.


  • Don’t let Dribbble fool you into thinking interfaces are always mess-free.

  • Don’t let the stories of design podcast guests confuse you into thinking that the paths to success are linear and easy.

  • Don’t let anybody tell you what you can or cannot think about.

  • Don’t let anybody stop you from being a storyteller of the product you build.


The real world is a dirty place with


  • Incomplete inputs


  • Unreasonable expectations


  • Unexpected changes based on


  • Unfounded aspirations


Seek to work on any one of these challenges at their respective stages of the process. Pick the battles you can win, without making them look like battles.

寻求在流程的各个阶段应对这些挑战中的任何一项 。 选择您可以赢得的战斗,而无需使其看起来像战斗。

Ask for all the tools, words, code snippets you need to make the end user happy. Get things done. And yes, you will screw up. Early stage startups are not for the faint hearted. When you are wrong, everything can go wrong.

询问使最终用户满意所需的所有工具,单词,代码段。 把事情做完。 是的,您会搞砸。 早期创业公司不适合胆小者。 如果您做错了,一切都会出错。

If you are right but the business assumptions are wrong, you still will be redoing the whole thing again. And you will go through “FFS_finalV9” version cycle again. You get to do the “I told you so” smirk only for a few hours.

如果您是正确的,但是业务假设是错误的,那么您仍然会重新做一遍整个事情。 您将再次经历“ FFS_finalV9”版本周期。 您只能做几个小时的“我告诉过您”的傻笑。

Lastly, it’s easy to be bogged down by the unstructured inputs presented to you with “change the world” hubris. But you will get through it. You are empathetic enough to see it through. I believe in you. Go now, and do good work.

最后,很容易被“改变世界”的傲慢呈现给您的非结构化输入所困扰。 但是您会成功解决的。 您有足够的同理心去看透它。 我相信你。 现在去,做好工作。

Thank you for reading this article! Shoutouts to RAHUL DAS, Aishwarya Naik and Nikhil Jois for reviewing the content. ✊🏽

感谢您阅读本文! 向RAHUL DASAishwarya NaikNikhil Jois致谢,以审核内容。 ✊🏽

I design digital products and conduct conferences in India. Reach me on Twitter @anirudhux. Feel free to go through my portfolio on www.anirudhux.com.✌🏽

我设计数字产品并在印度举行会议。 通过Twitter @anirudhux与我联系。 随时浏览www.anirudhux.com上的我的投资组合。✌🏽

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/5-things-i-learned-as-a-designer-at-an-early-stage-startup-362526830890

架构师论坛 创业





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