


You really don’t know the benefits of automation until you see it for yourself


Hopefully by the end of this article I would have convinced you to stop what you are doing and add some automation to your app/project.


介绍 (Introduction)

A few weeks into this new freelance project, maybe a month, I set up a distribution process in Firebase so the client can start receiving frequent progress updates and provide feedback as soon as possible.


At the beginning it was all manual, archiving the only scheme (pointing to staging) from Xcode, exporting for Ad-hoc, uploading the .ipa to Firebase, and send it to the only tester (himself). And it was fine, the whole process was between 5–10 minutes, even if you repeat the process twice a day, we are talking about 20 minutes max, no big deal.

在一开始,一切都是手动的,从Xcode归档唯一的方案(指向暂存),导出为Ad-hoc,将.ipa上载到Firebase,然后将其发送给唯一的测试者(他自己)。 很好,整个过程在5到10分钟之间,即使您每天重复两次该过程,我们所说的最大时间是20分钟,没什么大不了的。

But then the archiving time started to increase as a consequence of adding more third-party libraries, and a new scheme was added pointing to production.


The whole process just multiplied by 2 overnight. Archive x3, export x2, upload to firebase x2.

整个过程乘以2整夜。 存档x3,导出x2,上传到firebase x2。

And I am a lazy developer. The lazy word might have a negative connotation, but I think it fuels the motivation to automate repetitive and annoying tasks, resulting in having more time for the important stuff. Automation is ideal for repetitive tasks like this one.

而且我是一个懒惰的开发人员。 懒惰的单词可能具有负面含义,但我认为它激发了自动执行重复性和令人讨厌的任务的动机,从而导致有更多时间来处理重要内容。 对于此类重复性任务,自动化是理想的选择

Another good reason to automate is to reduce or eliminate the risk of human error. Many times when archiving I forgot to bump the build version and things like that. When you define a comprehensive workflow on the automation tool, you ensure they will always be executed.

自动化的另一个好理由是减少或消除人为错误的风险。 存档时,很多时候我都忘记了构建版本之类的东西。 在自动化工具上定义全面的工作流程时,请确保将始终执行它们。

If you are still not convinced about the reasons, every time I archive the CPU usage and temperature skyrocket:


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Anyone wants fried egg?

There are many online CI/CD platforms out there to choose, you can find comparison table here, here and here.

有许多在线CI / CD平台可供选择,您可以在此处此处此处找到比较表。

I chose Bitrise because has a free tier including Mac OS VM, because of the vast amount of plugins to add in a workflow (will see it later), and the simplicity of use.

我之所以选择Bitrise,是因为它具有包括Mac OS VM在内的免费层,这是因为要在工作流中添加大量插件(稍后会看到),并且使用简单。

But Bitrise is just a tool, feel free to use the one that adjusts to your needs.


比特升起 (Bitrise)

After signing up on Bitrise.io using my Github account, the platform prompts to create a new App. A wild wizard appeared!

使用我的Github帐户在Bitrise.io上注册后,平台提示创建一个新的应用程序。 一个狂野的巫师出现了!

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Wizard to create a new App on Bitrise.io

Since I already connected Bitrise with Github, it pulls all my public and private repo from there, making it easier to select the location of the source code.


Bitrise automatically detects that it’s an iOS app and uses Cocoapods as dependency manager. It can even pull the icon from the project and set it as avatar for this newly created app.

Bitrise自动检测到它是一个iOS应用程序,并使用Cocoapods作为依赖项管理器。 它甚至可以从项目中拉出图标,并将其设置为该新创建的应用程序的头像。

All I need to do is select which scheme to build and which export configuration (dev, adhoc, appstore, enterprise). Bitrise will automatically configure the necessary keys (with privileges to clone the selected repo) and webhook on Github.

我需要做的就是选择要构建的方案和导出的配置(dev,adhoc,appstore,Enterprise)。 Bitrise将自动在Github上配置必要的密钥(具有克隆所选存储库的权限)和webhook。

Why webhook? So Github can tell Bitrise whenever there is a change on the designated repo, new code pushed, new tag created, etc.

为什么要挂机? 因此,只要指定的存储库发生更改,推送了新代码,创建了新标签等,Github就可以告诉Bitrise。

We land on the dashboard for the app, and the very first build running. Of course it’s gonna fail, since Bitrise needs to corresponding certificate (.p12 file) and provisioning profile(s).

我们登陆该应用程序的仪表板,并运行第一个构建。 当然,这将失败,因为Bitrise需要相应的证书(.p12文件)和供应配置文件。

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The dashboard for the newly created App

To fix this, we go to Workflow tab, and opens this in a new window:

要解决此问题,我们转到“ 工作流程”选项卡,然后在新窗口中打开它:

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Where the magic happens

This window contains all the workflows and configurations for the App, divided into the following tabs:


  1. Workflows: where you can create, edit, remove workflows, a primary workflow is created by default with some basic steps

    工作流程 :您可以在其中创建,编辑,删除工作流程的地方,默认情况下会通过一些基本步骤创建主要工作流程

  2. Code Signing: where you can add the certificates and provisioning profile

    代码签名 :您可以在其中添加证书和配置文件

  3. Secrets: to store ssh keys, passwords, etc

    秘密 :存储ssh密钥,密码等

  4. Env Vars: to be shared across all steps in the workflow, for example the path to the .ipa file is an env variable

    Env Vars :要在工作流的所有步骤之间共享,例如,.ipa文件的路径是一个env变量

  5. Triggers: where you can run a particular workflow when there is a new pull request, code push in a branch, or new tag created on the repo

    触发器 :当有新的请求请求,分支中的代码推送或在存储库上创建新的标签时,您可以在其中运行特定的工作流

  6. Stack: to specify the stack to be used on the VM, version of mac OS, Xcode, Swift version, etc. A different stack per workflow can be configured. It is recommended to use the latest stack, however your app might not be compatible with it yet. Check the details of the default stack

    堆栈 :指定要在VM上使用的堆栈,mac OS的版本,Xcode,Swift版本等。可以为每个工作流配置不同的堆栈。 建议使用最新的堆栈,但是您的应用程序可能与此尚不兼容。 检查默认堆栈的详细信息

  7. Bitrise.yml: auto-generated when you modify the other tabs, you don’t really need to modify this file

    Bitrise.yml :当您修改其他选项卡时自动生成,您实际上不需要修改此文件

工作流程 (Workflows)

A workflow is a list of steps in a given order to achieve anything. The default workflow created by Bitrise has the recipe to generate a .ipa file.

工作流是给定顺序的步骤列表,以实现任何目的。 Bitrise创建的默认工作流程具有生成.ipa文件的方法。

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Steps can be re-arranged, add new ones, remove existing

Each step is open source, and the Github url is available with to contribute, report issues, etc. Each step has different variables/flags to configure. For example on the Archive & Export step you can define whether to use Bitcode or not.

每个步骤都是开放源代码,并且Github URL可用于贡献,报告问题等。每个步骤都有不同的变量/标志可配置。 例如,在“ 存档和导出”步骤中,您可以定义是否使用位码。

This workflow essentially:


  1. Ensures Bitrise uses the SSH key to access Github

  2. Clones the repo

  3. Pulls cache if exists with the aim to speed up the overall process, by avoiding the need of installing all the dependencies from scratch

  4. Executes pod install

  5. Archives the given scheme, and exports using the given config

  6. Collects the .ipa file, dsym folder, and other artifacts, and makes them available to download on every build detail page

  7. Pushes cache if required


分发到Firebase (Distributing to Firebase)

Although Bitrise has its own distribution channel, I already set up Firebase to share the app with the client, the idea was to keep using the same.


There is a Firebase App Distribution step we can add to the workflow, in order to automatically upload the .ipa file to our Firebase account.


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Steps related to Firebase

The step has to be placed after the Archive & Export step, to ensure the .ipa is available on the given path.

步骤必须放置在归档和出口步骤之后 ,为保证的.ipa可在给定的路径上。

And the configuration of this new step is rather straightforward:


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Firebase Distribution step
  1. We need a Firebase Token that can be generated from the Firebase CLI. The SENSITIVE label is forcing us to create a Secret variable, this will ensure the token won’t be visible on the build logs

    我们需要可以从Firebase CLI生成的Firebase令牌。 SENSITIVE标签迫使我们创建一个Secret变量,这将确保令牌在构建日志中不可见

  2. App Path: by default the env var $BITRISE_IPA_PATH is filled out, nothing to change

    应用程序路径:默认情况下,env var $ BITRISE_IPA_PATH已填写,没有任何更改
  3. Firebase App ID: retrieved from the Firebase Admin Panel

  4. Release Notes File: it is committed together with the source code, so whenever it’s time to create a new build, I modify manually this .txt file

  5. Tester Groups: Firebase allows the creation of groups of testers, instead of specifying one by one


After this step, I added another one to upload the dsym to Firebase in order to visualize the crashes that may occur.


链接工作流程 (Chaining workflows)

Remember the idea was to distribute two builds with different schemes.


First I renamed the primary workflow into something more comprehensive, for example firebase-stage.


Then created a new workflow using firebase-stage as base, and named it firebase-prod.


Finally, modified the Archive step to use the corresponding scheme and export method, and the Firebase step to ensure the .ipa is uploaded to the right App (I set up 2 different apps on Firebase).


One option to chain workflows is to use the built in buttons:


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But these buttons will concatenate the steps of the given workflows, resulting in a long pipeline.


I forgot to mention that the Bitrise free tier has a limit of 30 minutes per build. Chaining the workflows this way will take more, trust me.

我忘了提到Bitrise免费套餐每个版本最多30分钟。 相信我,用这种方式链接工作流将花费更多。

Luckily, there is another step you can incorporate that will trigger another given workflow.


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So what I did, is to add this step at the beginning to firebase-stage, triggering firebase-prod. The free tier doesn’t allow simultaneous builds, so firebase-prod is put on hold and added to the queue. That is fine for me, there is no rush!

所以我要做的是在开始时将此步骤添加到firebase阶段,从而触发firebase-prod。 免费套餐不允许同时进行构建,因此firebase-prod会被保留并添加到队列中。 对我来说很好,没有急事!

Now when I trigger a build manually (or schedule it to a specific day/time), both workflows will run in serial, and distribute 2 different .ipa files.


But what! there is more!

但是什么! 还有更多!

输入Fastlane (Enter Fastlane)

Like I said, I am a lazy developer and want to automate as much as possible, for example the creation and push of a new tag, and incrementing the build number of the project.


Once you install and initialize fastlane for your project, add a new lane (function) to the fastfile created automatically:

在为项目安装并初始化fastlane之后 ,将新通道(函数)添加到自动创建的fastfile中


This lane called release will:


  1. increment build number by 1

  2. commit the modified file(s) from step 1, with a comprehensive commit message

  3. create a new tag with name release/{version}.{build}

    创建一个名称为release / {version}的新标签。{build}

  4. push the commit and tag created in step 2 and 3


扳机 (Triggers)

And finally, on the Triggers tab inside the build’s workflow page, I specified that every time there is a new tag with prefix release/, launch a new build using workflow firebase-stage.

最后,在构建工作流页面内的“ 触发器”选项卡上,我指定每次使用前缀为release /的新标签时,都使用工作流firebase-stage启动新构建

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Setting up the new trigger

就是这样🚀🚀🚀 (And that’s it 🚀🚀🚀)

Now whenever I finish a feature, fix a bug, etc, what I do is:


  1. Update the release notes in the .txt file

  2. Run fastlane release on the terminal

    在终端上运行fastlane release

接下来是什么? (What is next?)

The process described works fine when you are working alone, when working with a team there are considerations to have. For example the possibility that the tag already exists in remote.

当您独自工作时,与团队一起工作时,所描述的过程很好用。 例如, 标签已经存在于远程中的可能性

App distribution is not the only thing to automate, it is encouraged to automate tests with a coherent criteria. For example quick unit tests on every push, integration tests on every pull request, full tests suite upon creating new tag, merging to release or master branch, or even schedule it once a day to ensure everything is neat and tidy when you start working the morning after.

应用分发不是唯一自动化的方法,它鼓励使用一致的标准来自动化测试 。 例如,每次推送的快速单元测试,每个拉取请求的集成测试,创建新标签时的完整测试套件,合并到发布或主分支,甚至每天安排一次,以确保开始工作时一切都整洁之后的早晨。

In addition, it is possible to automate App Store deployment. Just add a new step to a workflow in order to upload the .ipa to App Store Connect. After some minutes will be available in the portal to distribute using Test Flight or submit for review.

此外,可以自动进行App Store部署。 只需在工作流程中添加一个新步骤,即可将.ipa上传到App Store Connect。 几分钟后,门户中将可以使用Test Flight进行分发或提交进行审查。

结论 (Conclusion)

My laptop is faster than the Bitrise VM, at least the free tier. If I measure only the time variable, the whole process described is faster on my machine.

我的笔记本电脑比Bitrise VM更快,至少是免费套餐。 如果仅测量时间变量,则在我的计算机上描述的整个过程会更快。

But during this time, my laptop is completely useless, can’t even open a chrome tab.


On top of that, there is a lot of manual work that is error prone (uploading to the incorrect Firebase app, not bumping build number, etc).


The automation strategy might not be better in terms of raw time. I see it as a stress-free, failure-free solution to delegate tedious and repetitive work, while I can focus on more important stuff.

就原始时间而言,自动化策略可能不会更好。 我认为这是委派繁琐且重复的工作的无压力,无故障的解决方案,而我可以专注于更重要的事情。

You see the real benefit once the process is in place and you start using it. The only regret is not having implemented it earlier.

一旦流程到位并开始使用它,您将看到真正的好处。 唯一的遗憾是未及早实施。

翻译自: https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/automating-app-distribution-using-bitrise-4356b8da8077






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