

We all want to be a coding superhero, and the number of people entering the profession has exploded in recent years.


未来? (The future?)

It’s never been brighter, as we move to a digital future (who wants to go to the doctor when an App can be used?). That is coupled with the fact that software development can be adequately performed remotely, and you can even learn to be a professional software developer from home.

随着我们走向数字化的未来(谁想要在可以使用App的情况下去看医生?),它变得前所未有的光明。 再加上一个事实,即软件开发可以远程进行,甚至您甚至可以在家学习成为一名专业的软件开发人员。

This guide will step you through becoming an iPhone developer, what you need (and when you need it) and where you should focus your energy.


集中精力 (Get your focus)

You will need to get a grasp of what coding is, and where you want to head with your goal of becoming a coding hero.


Coding is writing code that is compiled to form programs, that are run on a computer.


You’ll be using a computer to deploy applications to Apple devices. You should be aware that iPhone developer require an Apple developer subscription that costs $100 a year — but you don’t need to pay that until you have a complete project to release. In fact, to get started you only need a browser to start writing Swift code.

您将使用计算机将应用程序部署到Apple设备。 你应该知道,iPhone开发人员需要一个苹果开发订阅,费用每年$ 100美元-但你并不需要支付直到你有一个完整的项目发布。 实际上,要开始使用,您只需要一个浏览器即可开始编写Swift代码。

You will need to eventually think about that developer subscription, a Mac and a device to deploy on but that all comes rather later in this development journey.


了解你的目标 (Understand your goal)

If you want to reach a target in life it is probably a little bit easier to find if you know where you are headed first. To put it another way, you need a target now.

如果您想实现人生目标,那么如果您知道自己首先要去哪里,可能会容易一些。 换句话说,您现在需要一个目标。

Do you want to learn how to program as a hobby?


Do you want to deploy applications to devices, and even sell your applications on the App store?

您是否想要将应用程序部署到设备上,甚至在App Store上出售您的应用程序?

Do you want to change the world by getting an App on devices through the world?


In any of these cases you will begin to see that coding is fun, gives you skills outside the world of programming and could even secure you a fantastic job working with great people.


With that in mind, and browser in hand…


选择你的语言 (Choose your language)

There are a few different languages that can help you if your aim is to be an iPhone developer. I’ll skip to the end, the choice for beginners is Swift. Yes, there are alternatives but the one you want is Swift.

如果您的目标是成为iPhone开发人员,那么有几种不同的语言可以为您提供帮助。 我将跳到最后,对于初学者来说,选择是Swift。 是的,有其他选择,但是您想要的是Swift。

Here are the alternatives:


Swift: Apple’s preferred programming language, with support for SwiftUI (the newest way of creating interfaces) and interoperability with the older Objective-C. It’s also fast and fun to code!

Swift:Apple首选的编程语言,支持SwiftUI(创建接口的最新方式)以及与较旧的Objective-C的互操作性。 编写代码也很快且很有趣!

Objective-C: The traditional way of making iOS Apps. A little slower and a little more complex (in some ways) than Swift, if you are a professional iOS mobile developer you will come across pieces of the language here and there, but most new Apps are coded in Swift these days.

Objective-C:制作iOS应用的传统方式。 比Swift慢一些,有些复杂(在某些方面),如果您是一名专业的iOS移动开发人员,那么您会发现到处都是这种语言,但是如今,大多数新应用都是使用Swift编写的。

Cross-platform development: There are several options for this from PhoneGap to Unity to Xamarin to ReactNative. My advice. Don’t. These options struggle for speed and often behave a version or so behind native applications — making your App look old and out of date before it is even released. Not only that, support isn’t as readily available as in fully native coding. Now this isn’t true for every situational context you might be in (a React programmer might appreciate the speed of switching to React Native, for example) but for a beginner, yes. Choose Swift.

跨平台开发:从PhoneGap到Unity到Xamarin到ReactNative,有多种选择。 我的建议。 别。 这些选项为提高速度而苦苦挣扎,并且通常在本机应用程序后面表现一个版本左右,从而使您的应用在发布之前显得陈旧且过时。 不仅如此,支持还不如完全本机编码中容易获得。 现在并非对您可能遇到的每种情况都是如此(例如,React程序员可能会喜欢切换到React Native的速度),但对于初学者来说,是的。 选择Swift。

了解基础知识 (Go through the basics)

There are loads of tutorials out there. Look through the Swift documentation language guide, and for some that will be sufficient to understand the language. Some will look though my profile and see easier to read language support — and this is backed up by tutorials that get you to create Apps within the language.

那里有大量的教程。 查看Swift文档语言指南 ,其中一些内容足以理解该语言。 有些人会浏览我的个人资料,并会更容易阅读语言支持-并得到了教程的支持,这些教程使您可以使用该语言创建应用程序。

Remember, a browser to learn the Swift language!


取得Mac,取得装置 (Get a Mac, get a device)

To make full applications you’ll need a relatively recent Mac, and an relatively recent iDevice. Some people try to save money by running the MacOS on a PC — this is called Hackintosh. Don’t think about getting a Hackintosh, as you’ll spend longer installing and fixing your machine rather than learning the language.

要制作完整的应用程序,您需要一台相对较新的Mac和一台相对较新的iDevice。 有些人试图通过在PC上运行MacOS来节省金钱,这就是所谓的Hackintosh。 不要考虑购买Hackintosh,因为您将花费更多的时间安装和修复计算机,而不是学习语言。

Get a Mac Mini (or Macbook Air), get an iPhone 8 or newer. You can then use the IDE Xcode, which is the way you will create a App using a suitable guide.

获取Mac Mini(或Macbook Air),获取iPhone 8或更高版本。 然后,您可以使用IDE Xcode,这是使用合适的指南创建应用程序的方式。

If you sign up to the developer program you can then even deploy your Apps to the App Store (awesome).

如果您注册了开发人员计划,则可以甚至将您的应用程序部署到App Store(很棒)。

练习,练习和练习 (Practice, practice and practice)

The core language features are important. Also the vital key components of UIKit and architecture design should slot in nicely. But it doesn’t end there — you need to continue practing! A bit of Leetcode to practice algorithms, a bit more Swift and a but of networking…you’ll get there in time.

核心语言功能很重要。 UIKit和体系结构设计的重要关键组件也应该很好地插入。 但这还不止于此-您需要继续练习! 一点点Leetcode来练习算法,一点点Swift和一些网络连接……您会及时到达那里。

By saying you’ll get there…you’ll get closer to true competency and understanding of the language and SDK under the hood.


加入在线社区 (Join the online community)

Twitter is a great way to find out what is going on in the Swift community. Get involved, write a blog post or ten. Work your way through Swift Evolution proposals to really understand where the language and ecosystem is headed. I’ll see you there…!

Twitter是了解Swift社区正在发生的事情的好方法。 参与进来,写一篇博客文章或十篇。 快速浏览Swift Evolution提案,以真正了解语言和生态系统的发展方向。 我会在那里见你…!

破解别人的代码 (Hack other people’s code)

There are loads and loads of open source software projects that you can access online. The greatest thing about this is that you can learn how the best of the best code. In fact, one of the greatest things about Swift is that you can access the language under the hood, and even look at Swift Evolution and see what plans there are for the future of the language.

您可以在线访问大量开源软件项目。 最好的是,您可以学习如何最好的代码。 实际上,Swift的最大优点之一就是您可以在幕后使用该语言,甚至可以查看Swift Evolution并了解该语言的未来计划。

If you want a hint of where to look — GitHub is fully searchable and you can download and look at code on your own machine by cloning repositories.


保持学习 (Keep learning)

There are plenty of resources out there, and there are tutorials all over the Internet. As you progress in your career you will begin to understand how important it is to make sure that the person who writes the tutorial actually knows something about the topic if not you risk learning out of date or incorrect solutions to the problem you are having.

那里有很多资源,并且Internet上都有教程。 随着您事业的发展,您将开始了解确保撰写教程的人真正了解该主题的重要性,如果您不冒着学习过时或对所遇到问题的正确解决方案的风险。

You’ll learn that StackOverflow is fine, but you shouldn’t be copying and pasting solutions straight. But you will start to understand why this is important (because understanding your code means you can implement and maintain it in the future with ease), and you won’t even want to take the short-cut solution.

您将了解到StackOverflow很好,但是您不应该直接复制和粘贴解决方案。 但是您将开始理解为什么这很重要(因为了解您的代码意味着您可以在将来轻松实现和维护它),并且您甚至都不想采用捷径解决方案。

最后一点。 不断学习(不要放弃) (And, the last point. Keep learning (don’t give up))

Some coders think they are ready to move to management after a year or two coding. They feel that they should be managing people and have oversight over projects without 24 months of experience. They’re missing the point.

一些编码人员认为,经过一两年的编码,他们已经准备好转入管理层。 他们觉得自己应该管理人员并且对没有24个月经验的项目进行监督。 他们错过了重点。

Mark Zuckerberg works on VR software in his own time. Just let that sink in for a minute.

马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)自己从事VR软件的研究。 只是让它沉没一分钟。

The point becoming a software developer is a that it is a worthwhile occupation and one that you need to keep learning and studying throughout the time that you work in the industry.


回到未来? (Back to the future?)

You’ve got this. You want to venture into a new future as an App developer? Take it seriously, move through this guide and take your time as with any form of learning.

你有这个 您想以应用程序开发人员的身份开拓新的未来吗? 请认真对待,通读本指南,并花时间学习任何形式的学习。

I know you can do it. Just, you know, practice. Well done!

我知道你可以做到这一点。 只是,你知道,练习。 做得好!

翻译自: https://medium.com/@stevenpcurtis.sc/the-10-steps-to-iphone-development-1c81224456b0


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