小孩踢足球会影响长高_踢过足球吗? 然后,您就会知道如何提高编码技巧


Soccer is the most popular sport in the world — there’s no doubt about it — it’s estimated that over 250 million people play soccer and there are 4 million referees for this sport plus 3.5 billion fans (source), including many of you and myself. You may have probably played soccer too, as a kid or part of your workout routine as an adult. Even if you haven’t done this popular sport (I’m sorry that you’ve never tried this fun and intense game), you can think of any other sport in which you have the most experience, because all that I talk about soccer also applies to other athletic activities.

足球是世界上最受欢迎的运动-毫无疑问-估计有超过2.5亿人踢足球,这项运动有400万名裁判员,另外还有35亿球迷( 来源 ),其中包括您和我本人。 您可能还是小时候踢足球的,还是成年人的日常锻炼的一部分。 即使您没有做过这项受欢迎的运动(很抱歉,您从未尝试过这种有趣而激烈的游戏),您也可以想到您经验最丰富的其他运动,因为我所说的都是足球也适用于其他体育活动。

You don’t have to be a professional player to appreciate what’s covered in this article, but if your job involves coding, you should know what I’m talking about — the ways how we can improve our coding skills — using an athletic training strategy


阅读官方文档=学习运动基础知识 (Read Official Documentation = Study the Sport’s Basics)

It’s arguably the most common mistake that many new programmers make. Nowadays, with virtually unlimited online video tutorials and blog articles, only a small portion of learners are willing to read seemingly boring documentation. Don’t get me wrong, these documents are not the most entertaining to read, but do you know who wrote these documents? You can probably guess who they are — in most cases, they are the core developers of the languages (or any other frameworks, packages, modules, you name it), that you’re trying hard to learn.

可以说,这是许多新程序员最常犯的错误。 如今,几乎无限制的在线视频教程和博客文章使只有一小部分学习者愿意阅读看似无聊的文档。 别误会,这些文档并不是最有趣的阅读方法,但是您知道谁撰写了这些文档吗? 您可能会猜到他们是谁-在大多数情况下,他们是努力学习的语言(或其他任何框架,程序包,模块)的核心开发人员。

In other words, you’re reading the documents that were prepared by those who probably have the deepest understanding of the content topics. I understand that they’re probably not the best writers, but they know what information is important for the learners to know about their product (e.g., language, package). Therefore, if you don’t read official documentation when you’re learning to code, you’re missing out great opportunities to learn the most fundamentals about the language.

换句话说,您正在阅读由可能对内容主题有最深刻了解的人员准备的文档。 我知道他们可能不是最好的作家,但他们知道哪些信息对于学习者了解其产品(例如语言,包装)很重要。 因此,如果您在学习编码时不阅读官方文档,那么您将失去学习该语言最基本知识的巨大机会。

Image for post
Image for post
Image for post
Left: Swift; Middle: Middle: Android (Kotlin & Java); Right: Python
左:斯威夫特; 中级:中级:Android(Kotlin和Java); 右:Python

The above screenshots show you the official documentation of some common languages that you may have experience with. Don’t ever under-estimate what’s covered. You’ll find all the necessary topics to get you started with the language. In addition, if you don’t know what you can do with the language, you’ll have a very good overview of various capabilities that a language or framework has to offer.

上面的屏幕截图显示了您可能会使用的一些常见语言的正式文档。 永远不要低估覆盖范围。 您会找到所有必要的主题,以开始使用该语言。 另外,如果您不知道如何使用该语言,则将对语言或框架必须提供的各种功能有很好的了解。

By reading the official documentation, you’re essentially studying the basics of the soccer game or other sports you may have played. You’ll know the syntax (rules in a sport, such as offside and penalty), data structures (teams, positions, and roles), logic flows (tactics, formations), and so on. If you don’t know the basics, you’ll probably find yourself lost and puzzled in the soccer field without knowing where to go and what to do.

通过阅读官方文档,您实际上是在学习足球比赛或可能参加过的其他体育运动的基础知识。 您将了解语法(一项运动规则,例如越位和罚球),数据结构(团队,职位和角色),逻辑流程(战术,编队)等等。 如果您不了解基本知识,您可能会发现自己迷失在足球场中,不知所措,不知所措。

However, only reading the documents won’t make you a good programmer, just as you can’t become a good player by merely understanding the basics of the game, which leads to the discussion of our next topic — the essential role of practice.


编写代码段=演习和培训 (Write Code Snippets = Drills and Trainings)

If you want to become better at playing soccer, you have to practice soccer as often as possible — ideally every day. Most professional players train about 6 days a week. For instance, Christian Ronald trains 3–4 hours every day and 5 days a week. He also builds his muscles in his spare time. For another instance, Lionel Messi trains almost every day during the playing season. If the top soccer players are practicing regularly to stay sharp with their skills, there are probably no reasons for you not to practice if you want to become skilled at programming.

如果您想变得更好地踢足球,则必须尽可能多地练习足球-理想情况下每天。 大多数职业选手每周训练约6天。 例如,克里斯蒂安·罗纳德(Christian Ronald)每天和每周5天每天训练3-4小时。 他还利用业余时间锻炼肌肉。 再例如,莱昂内尔·梅西(Lionel Messi)在比赛季节几乎每天都进行训练。 如果顶尖的足球运动员定期练习以保持技巧的敏捷性,那么如果您想提高编程技巧,那么没有理由不练习。

Various drills and consistent trainings are the key to actually knowing if you can dribble right, pass the ball, and shoot to score. After all, soccer is a physical game that you have to play it physically. If you want to play soccer in a different manner, you can choose Pro Evolution Soccer or FIFA soccer game on your PlayStation console or your computer. However, please understand that you still have to practice hard to become an elite player in the e-sports field, which is also a competitive field.

各种训练和持续的训练是真正知道您是否可以正确运球,传球和射门得分的关键。 毕竟,足球是一种物理游戏,您必须亲自踢足球。 如果您想以其他方式踢足球,则可以在PlayStation控制台或计算机上选择Pro Evolution Soccer或FIFA足球游戏。 但是,请理解,您仍然需要努力练习才能成为电子竞技领域(这也是一个竞争领域)中的精英运动员。

No matter how much you’ve learned about a language, you don’t own it if you don’t write any code. When you’re learning the language or a new framework, you’ll have to get your hands dirty by trying it yourself. You don’t have to complete an end-to-end project, and all you have to do is to write tiny bits of code to solve a series of small problems. By doing that, you’re learning the new language bit by bit, but over time, you’ll gradually get the big picture and have a more comprehensive understanding of the language.

无论您对某种语言有多了解,如果不编写任何代码,就不会拥有它。 在学习语言或新框架时,您必须自己尝试一下。 您不必完成端到端项目,而您所要做的就是编写少量代码来解决一系列小问题。 通过这样做,您将逐步学习新的语言,但是随着时间的流逝,您将逐渐了解全局,并对语言有更全面的了解。

Every language or framework’s beginner tutorials should offer “Hello World” examples. In addition, they have various code snippets to show you different kinds of their functionalities. It’s very essential that you should write these code snippets yourself. If you simply read them, you probably won’t get them with clear understanding. Only by writing the actual code yourself, even if you’re simply following it without knowing it too much, you’ll still have a better exposure to the related techniques to have a deeper impression.

每种语言或框架的初学者教程都应提供“ Hello World”示例。 此外,它们还具有各种代码段,向您展示其不同类型的功能。 您应该自己编写这些代码片段,这一点非常重要。 如果仅阅读它们,您可能不会对它们有清楚的了解。 仅通过自己编写实际代码,即使您只是在不了解太多内容的情况下简单地遵循它,您仍然可以更好地了解相关技术,从而产生更深刻的印象。

学习他人的代码=观看更好的玩家游戏 (Study Others’ Code = Watch Better Players’ Games)

Every soccer fan likes to watch games, because they enjoy the extreme excitement that the games can bring. However, professional soccer players probably watch more games than soccer fans do. Importantly, they don’t watch them for fun. Instead, they watch the games to study both microscopic and macroscopic skills. From the microscopic perspective, they can learn others’ moves, passing skills, and defense skills. In terms of getting the large picture, they can study the team’s formation and various tactics.

每个足球迷都喜欢看比赛,因为他们享受比赛可以带来的极大刺激。 但是,职业足球运动员观看的比赛可能比足球迷观看的比赛更多。 重要的是,他们不会看着他们的乐趣。 相反,他们观看比赛来学习微观和宏观技能。 从微观的角度来看,他们可以学习他人的举动,传球技巧和防守技巧。 在获得全面了解方面,他们可以研究团队的组成和各种策略。

You can bring the same principle to your programming field. Just as watching other better players’ games, you need to read other better programmers’ code. I can think of three major sources that you should consider studying the new language or the framework.

您可以将相同的原理带入您的编程领域。 正如观看其他更好的玩家的游戏一样,您需要阅读其他更好的程序员的代码。 我可以想到您应该考虑学习新语言或框架的三个主要资源。

  • The official documentation. In most cases, these official documents contain code examples to illustrate usages of particular data types or functionalities. Basically, you’re collecting the building blocks here. Usually, these are small code snippets that are standalone examples, which will help you understand specific concepts.

    官方文档。 在大多数情况下,这些官方文档都包含代码示例,以说明特定数据类型或功能的用法。 基本上,您是在这里收集构建基块。 通常,这些都是小的代码段,它们是独立的示例,可以帮助您理解特定的概念。
  • Various blog articles and video tutorials. These online materials are usually focused on particular topics. You need to be selective regarding what materials are of good quality and thus worth your time studying, because there are too many resources out there and you may want to do some research to identify those reliable sources of information before you commit to particular platforms.

    各种博客文章和视频教程。 这些在线材料通常专注于特定主题。 您需要选择哪种材料质量好,因此值得您花时间研究,因为那里的资源太多了,您可能需要做一些研究来确定那些可靠的信息来源,然后再使用特定的平台。
  • Books. This source is somehow highly overlooked by many learners. The reason can be simple, because there are many more free online resources, and why do you want to pay for any books? People who hold this opinion are probably those who haven’t bought any programming books. If you buy and read them carefully, I bet that you’ll change your viewpoints. Good programming books allow you to study the topics in a systematic way. In addition, they’re usually well organized, and thus they can serve as reference books. You’ll find out that you can save lots of development time after having a good gasp of the book’s content.

    图书。 许多学习者都以某种方式高度忽视了这一资源。 原因可能很简单,因为有更多免费的在线资源,为什么您要为任何书籍付费? 持这种观点的人可能是那些没有购买任何编程书籍的人。 如果您仔细阅读并阅读它们,我敢打赌您会改变观点。 好的编程书籍可以让您系统地学习主题。 另外,它们通常组织良好,因此可以用作参考书。 您会发现,对本书的内容有了充分的了解之后,便可以节省大量的开发时间。

完成的项目=比赛比赛 (Complete Projects = Play Matches)

You can certainly code for fun, but for most professional programmers or those jobs involving significant amount of coding, the ultimate check of your programming skills are to complete end-to-end projects. It’s just like for soccer players — no matter how well or bad your training is, playing a high-level match with other teams is the only way to examine if soccer players are capable of translating all skills and tactics to victories.

您当然可以玩代码,但对于大多数专业程序员或那些涉及大量代码的工作,您的编程技能的最终检查是完成端到端项目。 就像足球运动员一样-无论您的训练有多好,与其他球队进行高水平的比赛是检查足球运动员是否能够将所有技能和战术转化为胜利的唯一方法。

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Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash
Marvin MeyerUnsplash拍摄的照片

Please note that there are different levels of projects. Some projects are small and some others are more complicated. It’s usually recommended that you start with some small projects. For instance, if you’re a mobile developer, you can make a to-do list app, which allows you to have a sense of how the entire mobile development works. If you’re a web developer, start with a project involving only a few static pages to see if you’re comfortable with these basic mini-scale projects.

请注意,有不同级别的项目。 一些项目很小,而另一些则更复杂。 通常建议您从一些小项目开始。 例如,如果您是移动开发人员,则可以制作一个待办事项列表应用程序,使您可以了解整个移动开发的工作方式。 如果您是Web开发人员,请从仅涉及几个静态页面的项目开始,以了解您是否对这些基本的小型项目感到满意。

After completing a few toy projects successfully, you can think about the possibility of participating in larger projects. For instance, think about whether it’s possible for you to work on some open-source projects, which usually involve many good programmers. For another instance, does your company have large projects that interest you and you can contribute? Be open-minded. Trust me — working on a large project will make you learn much more. When you work on smaller projects, you may just need to know a few techniques very well. However, when yo work on larger projects, the needed techniques may be many more times. More importantly, it’s more likely that you’ll team up with seasoned programmers, and they have lots of expertise and experiences that you can learn from.

成功完成一些玩具项目后,您可以考虑参与较大项目的可能性。 例如,考虑一下您是否有可能从事一些通常涉及许多优秀程序员的开源项目。 再例如,您的公司是否有您感兴趣的大型项目,并且您可以做出贡献? 心胸开阔。 相信我-从事大型项目将使您学到更多。 当您处理较小的项目时,您可能只需要非常了解一些技术即可。 但是,当您从事较大的项目时,所需的技术可能会更多。 更重要的是,您很有可能会与经验丰富的程序员合作,他们拥有许多专业知识和经验,您可以从中学习。

结论 (Conclusions)

When we’re learning a new language, we should start from the basics, including reading official documentations and studying various online tutorials. Don’t expect that you can learn it very quickly — think about how you can improve your soccer skills — it takes many years before someone can be good at soccer. Have the same patience with the learning process of grasping a new language. By practicing it for extended time, you’ll eventually be good at coding in that particular language — you gotta have such confidence.

当我们学习一种新语言时,我们应该从基础开始,包括阅读官方文档和研究各种在线教程。 不要指望您能很快学到它-想想如何提高足球技能-有人要擅长足球需要很多年。 对掌握新语言的学习过程具有相同的耐心。 通过长时间的练习,您最终会擅长使用该特定语言进行编码-您将拥有如此的自信。

Good luck with your coding learning process.


翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/played-soccer-then-you-know-how-to-better-your-coding-skills-41900fcfcd9b






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