

Last Thursday, a tweet floated across my timeline with an invitation: On Monday, August 17th, we’re having a virtual workshop on Software Developer Diversity and Inclusion Research. Join us, won’t you?

上周四,一条邀请函在我的时间轴上浮动: 8月17日,星期一,我们将举办有关软件开发人员多样性和包容性研究的虚拟研讨会。 加入我们,不是吗?

Following the accompanying link, I found out about the second annual Workshop on Software Developer Diversity and Inclusion (SDDI 2020). With a self-stated goal of “rais[ing] awareness about developer diversity and inclusion challenges faced by industry today” and a public attendee list of software engineering and human-computer interaction researchers I’d heard about and read work from, this seemed like a great opportunity. On top of that, it was free to attend and open to all through virtual participation! I signed up, looking forward to Monday.

通过随附的链接 ,我发现了第二届年度软件开发人员多样性和包容性研讨会(SDDI 2020) 。 我的目标是“提高人们对当今行业面临的开发人员多样性和包容性挑战的意识”,并公开听取了我听说过并从中读过的软件工程和人机交互研究人员的清单。很好的机会 最重要的是,它可以免费参加并通过虚拟参与向所有人开放! 我签约了,期待着星期一。

第一天:对话与讨论 (Day 1: Talks and Discussion)

The first day of the workshop consisted of a series of short (~10–15min) talks from researchers and practitioners with accompanying live Q&A afterward. There were a few keynotes in there as well. The workshop’s #questions4speakers Slack channel provided an interesting stream-of-consciousness-esque view into attendees’ thoughts and reactions alongside each talk, with participants both posting questions and linking to resources for others to use.

研讨会的第一天由研究人员和从业人员进行了一系列简短的演讲(​​〜10-15分钟),随后进行了现场问答。 那里也有一些主题演讲。 研讨会的#questions4speakers Slack频道提供了一种有趣的意识流式视图,使与会者可以在每次演讲的同时了解他们的想法和React,与会人员可以发布问题并链接到其他人可以使用的资源。

40是新的60? 大众媒体如何描绘旧软件开发人员的就业能力-Alexander Serebrenik (Is 40 the new 60? How popular media portrays the employability of older software developers — Alexander Serebrenik)

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Alexander presenting a graph of strategies and factors that can influence “older” developers’ perceived or actual employability, on both the individual or company sides.

Due to some A/V issues on my end, I wasn’t able to catch the first talk of the day live. However, all of SDDI’s talks this year were prerecorded and uploaded to YouTube, so I caught up on Alexander’s talk during the mid-day break.

由于我的A / V问题,我无法直播当天的第一场演讲。 但是,今年SDDI的所有演讲都已预先录制并上传到YouTube,所以我在中午休息时赶上了Alexander的演讲。

Ageism in tech is one bias that lurks beneath the field, but up to this point it hasn’t received as much attention as, for instance, sexism or racism in the industry. Alexander and his team collected publications from popular media outlets like Medium and TechCruch to see what kinds of common themes arose in public discourse around age and the software industry. They found a number of strategies suggested to increase “older” workers’ employability in what turned out to be a largely young-coded field, ranging from different hiring emphases for workers in different age groups on the company side, to practices like specializing and adopting “youthful behaviors” on the individual side (which included detrimental practices like working late and working weekends). Notably, Alexander’s team found that many of these articles defined “old” as 40 years or older, which is well below retirement age in most industrialized countries. Overall, this was a fascinating look into the way ageism perpetuates not just within tech companies, but in the discourse around them as well — which likely influences who applies for those jobs in the first place. A preprint of Alexander et al.’s work can be found here.

技术中的年龄歧视是潜伏在该领域之下的一种偏见,但是到目前为止,它还没有像行业中的性别歧视或种族主义那样受到广泛关注。 亚历山大和他的团队从Medium和TechCruch等受欢迎的媒体那里收集了出版物,以了解在年龄和软件行业周围的公众讨论中出现了哪些共同主题。 他们发现了一些建议提高“老年”工人就业能力的策略,这些策略在很大程度上是年轻的领域,从公司方面针对不同年龄段的工人的不同招聘重点到专门化和采用个体方面的“青少年行为”(包括有害的行为,例如上班晚和周末工作)。 值得注意的是,亚历山大(Alexander)的团队发现,其中许多文章将“老”定义为40岁或40岁以上,这远低于大多数工业化国家的退休年龄。 总体而言,这是对年龄歧视不仅在科技公司内部,而且还在围绕它们的讨论中永存的方式的迷人观察-这很可能首先影响那些申请这些职位的人。 亚历山大等人的著作的预印本可以在这里找到

软件变更理论— Ayushi Rastogi (A Theory of Software Change — Ayushi Rastogi)

A model of six circles (factors) surrounding+connected to  a central circle labeled “software change”. Labels in text
Ayushi’s model for the theory of software change, highlighting how each factor interacts with change.

Ayushi presented her process theory of the factors which influence software change on GitHub, which she mentioned was intended to be a representation of the world as it was, not necessarily a prescriptive theory of what the world *should* be. By reviewing literature on the nature of GitHub pull requests and related workflows, Ayushi found six main factors that relate to software change: Available unit changes, the existing codebase, the community, existing governance, tools and technology available, and the overall ecosystem in which the software exists. During Q&A, attendees brought up some of the tensions that might impact these factors (such as if the community and the governing authority have conflicting goals) and what that might mean for making meaningful software change. This work is ongoing, and Ayushi is currently refining this theory by soliciting feedback from developers and researchers.

Ayushi在GitHub上介绍了影响软件变更的因素的过程理论,她提到该过程理论原意是要代表世界,而不一定是世界应该是什么的说明性理论。 通过审查有关GitHub拉取请求和相关工作流的性质的文献,Ayushi发现了与软件变更有关的六个主要因素:可用单元变更,现有代码库,社区,现有治理,可用工具和技术以及其中的整体生态系统。该软件存在。 在问答环节中,与会者提出了一些可能会影响这些因素的紧张关系(例如,如果社区和管理机构的目标相互矛盾),以及进行有意义的软件更改可能意味着什么。 这项工作正在进行中,Ayushi目前正在通过征求开发人员和研究人员的反馈来完善这一理论。

我们如何在我们的在线教材中包括欧盟无障碍指令? —伊塔·理查森(Ita Richardson) (How can we include the EU Accessibility Directive in our on-line teaching materials? — Ita Richardson)

A slide with five bullets on it. Each bullet = 1 of the 21 Qs educators can ask themselves to ensure materials are accessible
The first five of Ita’s 21 questions for educators distilled from the EU Accessibility Directive.

Now that most institutions are teaching online, creating accessible materials becomes incredibly important for equitable remote learning. The European Union put out a 152-page Accessibility Directive for remote learning that mandates certain accessibility features be integrated into educational materials (lectures, assignments, etc.). Ita’s team distilled this document into a set of 21 questions for educators to audit their materials with, in order to hopefully support better compliance with the directive. Ita pointed out that some of the questions were simply traditional usability concerns for software interfaces (e.g. “Is there something in place to notify users when making a change in the user interface?”, and another about error prevention). Others were more targeted at particular disabilities and conditions that could present barriers to learning if overlooked.

现在,大多数机构都在在线教学,因此,创建可访问的材料对于公平地进行远程学习变得异常重要。 欧盟针对远程学习发布了152页的无障碍指令,该指令要求将某些可访问性功能集成到教育材料(讲座,作业等)中。 Ita的团队将该文档提炼为21个问题,供教育工作者审核其材料,以期希望能更好地遵守该指令。 Ita指出,其中一些问题只是软件界面的传统可用性问题(例如“在更改用户界面时是否有地方要通知用户?”,以及另一个有关错误预防的问题)。 其他人则更多地针对特定的残疾和条件,如果忽视这些条件可能会给学习带来障碍。

During Q&A, I asked Ita’s opinion about the best ways to balance accessibility with student engagement for remote learning. Methods of teaching that use more active learning styles often rely on synchronous student engagement, which in the COVID-19 era has translated into video chats over platforms like Zoom or Google Meet. However, this can present barriers to students that don’t have constant reliable Wi-Fi or electricity (as at least five of my forty students struggled with during spring quarter), not to mention concerns about real-time accessible audio or video. Ita, who’s done some work on techniques like Problem-Based Learning, suggested structuring classes around smaller synchronous student groups that meet together to work on activities. She also noted that flexibility on educators’ parts is key in the time of remote learning — doing what’s best for your students’ learning should supersede any generalized recommendations.

在问答环节中,我询问了Ita的观点,即在可访问性与远程学习的学生参与之间取得最佳平衡的最佳方法。 使用更积极的学习方式的教学方法通常依赖于同步的学生参与度,在COVID-19时代,这种参与已转化为通过Zoom或Google Meet等平台进行的视频聊天。 但是,这可能给没有持续可靠的Wi-Fi或电力的学生(因为我的四十名学生中至少有五名在Spring学期中苦苦挣扎)构成障碍,更不用说对实时音频或视频的关注了。 Ita在基于问题的学习等技术上做过一些工作,他建议围绕较小的同步学生群体构建课程,这些学生聚会在一起以开展活动。 她还指出,在远程学习期间,教育者的灵活性是关键-做到最好的是让学生学习,应该取代任何一般性的建议。

主题演讲:多样性与异质性—彪翔 (Keynote: Diversity and Heterogeneity — Biao Xiang)

Biao’s keynote began by discussing the undercurrents of structural racism through the lens of the recent upswing of Black Lives Matter activity in the wake of George Floyd and others’ murders at the hands of police. Biao drew parallels to structural inequities that discriminated against groups of people in other countries and other times. He noted that even the recognition of diversity often unsettles these entrenched structures (which are often predicated on assumptions of homogeneous majority populations), which can disenfranchise and drive out those who hold minortized identities. Biao raised three “D” concepts throughout his talk — diversity, differentiation (of stakeholder groups and their goals/actions), and divide (between ideologies that drive what kinds of software gets developed). At the end of his talk, Biao challenged us to do three things:

彪的主题演讲首先是通过乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)和其他人在警察手中谋杀后,最近黑人生活问题活动的增加来讨论结构性种族主义的暗流。 彪与在其他国家和其他时间歧视人群的结构性不平等现象相似。 他指出,即使对多样性的认可也常常使这些根深蒂固的结构(通常以同质多数人口的假设为基础)动荡不安,这些结构可能剥夺公民权,并驱逐拥有少数身份的人。 彪在整个演讲中提出了三个“ D”概念-多样性,差异化(利益相关者群体及其目标/行动)和分化(在驱动开发哪种软件的意识形态之间)。 演讲结束时,彪向我们挑战了要做三件事:

  1. Continue to celebrate, protect, and enhance diversity in the high-tech industries.

  2. Be mindful that diversity initiatives that are taking place at universities and in industry are only impacting those who could make it there in the first place, and look for opportunities to expand beyond those borders.

  3. Pay attention to differentiation that exists (or doesn’t) around us, and actively work to create heterogeneous high-tech spaces.


股权工程:影响与机遇— Dominique Wimmer (Equity Engineering: Impact & Opportunity — Dominique Wimmer)

A screencap of a person presenting slides virtually, with automatic captioning along the bottom. Text of the slide in caption
Domnique presenting the Equity Engineering team’s goals: Dismantle systemic bias in engineering globally; Empower and drive access to the tech industry at large; Share findings with open source to promote universal equitable frameworks.
Domnique介绍了Equity Engineering团队的目标:消除全球工程学中的系统性偏见; 增强并推动进入整个技术行业; 与开源共享发现,以促进普遍的公平框架。

Dominique introduced us to the Equity Engineering team at Google, sharing their goals and processes for ensuring that products can be used by as many diverse users as possible with the result of equitable outcomes. The team starts with User Experience (UX) research that prioritizes the most marginalized users first (with a focus on racial and gender diversity). Additionally, the Equity Engineering team tries to build what they call “equity fluency” across different departments within the company, with efforts to teach and train technologists who can effectively put these ideas into concrete action. Dominique highlighted that the team’s efforts involved not only the developers and designers, but also human resources and hiring practices, since creating inclusive technology requires a diverse group of employees and a supportive company culture. The team subscribes to the philosophy “Don’t build for everyone. Build with everyone.”, which means including users who are the most unlike the development team in all stages of design and development and centering marginalized voices. Dominique was optimistic that while change wouldn’t happen overnight, concerted efforts like these could start to change the culture of software development to be more inclusive and welcoming to folks of all genders, cultures, races, abilities, backgrounds, and experiences.

Dominique向我们介绍了Google的Equity Engineering团队,与他们分享了他们的目标和过程,以确保尽可能多的不同用户使用产品并获得公平的结果。 该团队从用户体验(UX)研究开始,该研究优先考虑最边缘化的用户(重点关注种族和性别多样性)。 此外,Equity Engineering团队尝试在公司内各个部门之间建立所谓的“股权流利度”,并努力教育和培训能够有效地将这些想法付诸实际行动的技术人员。 Dominique强调说,团队的工作不仅涉及开发人员和设计师,还涉及人力资源和雇用实践,因为创造包容性技术需要多样化的员工群体和支持公司的文化。 团队秉承“不要为每个人打造”的理念。 与所有人一起构建。”,这意味着在设计和开发的各个阶段,以边缘化声音为中心,包括与开发团队最不同的用户。 Dominique乐观地认为,虽然变革不会一overnight而就,但通过这些类似的努力,可以开始改变软件开发的文化,使其更具包容性,并欢迎所有性别,文化,种族,能力,背景和经验的人们。

同理心,机会和无障碍设计中的包容性:来自本科CS教育的视角-Stephanie Ludi (Empathy, Opportunity and Inclusion in Accessible Design: A perspective from undergraduate CS education — Stephanie Ludi)

A screencap of a slide from Stephanie’s presentation, with four findings of student perceptions. Text on slide in caption.
Stephanie’s findings on student perceptions of accessibility as they reached the end of their programs: Accessibility is often “tagged onto” a project rather than integrated in; Accessibility is usually ignored unless it’s an explicit requirement; Short term knowledge gains don’t seem to transfer to later courses; Empathy to user needs is often lacking.
斯蒂芬妮(Stephanie)在学生到达课程结束时对他们对可访问性的看法的发现:可访问性通常被“标记”在一个项目上,而不是被整合到其中; 除非明确要求,否则通常会忽略可访问性。 短期知识的收获似乎并没有转移到以后的课程中。 通常缺乏对用户需求的共鸣。

After a short break, Stephanie presented her work on teaching undergraduates the skills they needed to design and develop accessible software. As most folks in the HCI education space know, teaching and learning these skills is difficult. Stephanie discussed some findings from a recently-wrapped-up four year longitudinal study of students who took courses which involved an emphasis on accessible software development early on in their undergraduate educations. Unfortunately, interviews with these students two or three years later revealed that students tended to ignore or devalue accessibility concerns in their final capstone project unless it was explicitly incentivized by the grading scheme, suggesting any attitude changes toward accessible development didn’t stick in the long term. Stephanie closed her talk with some recommendations for teaching accessibility concepts:

短暂休息后,斯蒂芬妮介绍了她的工作,向大学生教授设计和开发可访问软件所需的技能。 正如HCI教育领域的大多数人所知道的那样, 教和学这些技能很困难 。 Stephanie讨论了一项最近进行的为期四年的纵向研究的一些发现,这些研究对参加课程的学生进行了重点研究,这些课程在他们的本科教育初期就强调了可访问软件的开发。 不幸的是,在两三年后对这些学生的采访显示,学生往往在最终的顶峰项目中忽略或贬低对可访问性的关注,除非它受到分级计划的明确激励,这表明对可访问性发展的态度变化不会长期持续下去。术语。 斯蒂芬妮在演讲结束时提出了一些教学无障碍概念的建议:

  1. Integrate accessibility early and often in undergrad curricula

  2. Make accessibility part of the grading scheme for large projects so students can’t ignore it

  3. Provide resources that students can use in their projects

  4. Be aware that students might not necessarily know or interact regularly with disabled people

  5. Absolutely DO NOT rely on students with disabilities to educate their peers (as unfortunately ended up happening on occasion)


The Q&A for Stephanie’s talk was lively, with questions on topics ranging from teacher expertise, to embedding accessibility concepts throughout the curriculum, to how we might promote empathy with diverse user groups in a way that persists when they enter industry.


At this point I had to step away for some other meetings, which took up a bit more of my afternoon than I expected, so I couldn’t make a good chunk of the afternoon talks. Even the titles looked intriguing, so I’m sorry to have missed them!:

在这一点上,我不得不辞职参加其他会议,这比我预期的下午时间要多得多,所以我不能在下午的谈话中花很多时间。 即使标题看起来也很有趣,所以很抱歉错过它们!:

  • Predicting Developers’ Negative Feelings about Code Review — Carolyn Egelman

    预测开发人员对代码审查的负面感觉 — Carolyn Egelman

  • Investigating Bias in Code Review using Medical Imaging and Eye-Tracking (and A Summary of Diversity Work at UM) — Yu Huang

    使用医学成像和眼动追踪调查代码审查中的偏见(以及UM的多元化工作摘要) — Yu Huang

  • Keynote: What I learned from 6 years of building CodeNewbie — Saron Yitbarek

    主题演讲:我从CodeNewbie的6年构建中学到了什么 — Saron Yitbarek

  • Experiences Running a D&I Program at ASE 2019 — Andrew Begel

    在ASE 2019上运行D&I程序的经验 -Andrew Begel

  • Conducting Covert x Overt Inclusion Research—Denae Ford [accompanying paper here]

    进行隐性x公开包容性研究-丹娜·福特[ 此处为随附文件 ]

One upside of the workshop’s virtual format is that the talks were largely pre-recorded, and the workshop’s Slack backchannel has a persistent record of (some of) the comments and questions for each speaker. The wonders of modern technology will allow me to catch up on Carolyn’s, Yu’s, Andrew’s, and Denae’s talks when I have time. (Saron’s keynote wasn’t recorded.) I caught the tail end of a discussion on bias in community-based research after Denae’s talk when I hopped back into the Meet room, so I’m sure there was some good stuff.

研讨会的虚拟格式的一个好处是,演讲很大程度上是预先录制的,并且研​​讨会的Slack反向渠道对每个发言人的评论和问题都有(某些)永久记录。 我有时间的时候,现代技术的奇观将使我追上卡罗琳,俞,安德鲁和德纳的演讲。 (没有录制Saron的主题演讲。)在Denae演讲后,当我跳回会议室时,我陷入了关于社区研究偏见的讨论的尾声,所以我确定其中有一些不错的东西。

If you’re interested in checking out some of the pre-recorded talks yourself, you can find speakers’ videos and slides on the SDDI 2020 homepage.

如果您有兴趣亲自检查一些预先录制的演讲,可以在SDDI 2020主页上找到演讲者的视频和幻灯片

敏捷包容性加速器:旨在实现公平技术未来的研究和教育计划-Rafael Prikladnicki (Agile Inclusive Accelerator: A research and education program for an equitable tech future — Rafael Prikladnicki)

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Rafael spoke about a program running at his institution for nearly a decade that focuses on preparing diverse students to succeed in the tech field by teaching the basics of the Agile software development workflow. Though the project began with undergraduates, the team found they didn’t have enough folks in their target population at the university, so they expanded to high schools. The Agile Accelerator saw big improvements in gender and social class balance over recent years, the result of inclusive application practices like selecting students not on the basis of their technical skills, but through a more holistic view of their fit for the program. Rafael also gave a brief overview of the newest version of the program, the Inclusive Accelerator, which had an explicit goal of supporting social and economic inclusion. He closed by describing some challenges that still faced the program, including emphasizing students’ learning over their desire to deliver a finished product, and figuring out how & whether this experience could be replicated in different contexts (both in Brazil and in other countries).

Rafael谈到了在他的机构中运行了近十年的计划,该计划着重于通过教授敏捷软件开发工作流程的基础知识,使多样化的学生在技术领域取得成功。 尽管该项目从大学生开始,但团队发现他们在大学的目标人群中没有足够的人,因此他们扩展到了高中。 近年来,敏捷加速器看到了性别和社会阶层平衡方面的巨大进步,这是包容性应用程序实践的结果,例如,不是根据他们的技术技能来选择学生,而是通过更全面地了解他们是否适合该计划。 拉斐尔还简要介绍了该计划的最新版本“包容性加速器”,其明确目标是支持社会和经济包容。 最后,他介绍了该计划仍面临的一些挑战,包括强调学生学习交付成品的愿望,并弄清楚如何以及是否可以在不同背景下(在巴西和其他国家/地区)复制这种经验。

隐藏的人物:开源中的不同角色和成功途径— Anita Sarma (Hidden Figures: Different Roles and Success Pathways in Open Source — Anita Sarma)

A slide with a picture of mountains and a rainbow on it, with four findings from Anita’s talk. Text in caption.
Anita’s takeaways from her team’s work on hidden figures in OSS: Recognize them & their roles in open source; Individuals follow flexible and fluid roles; Contribution can take three forms: time, talent, and treasure (a quote from P3); Identify support to help them reach success.
Anita从她的团队对OSS中隐藏人物的工作中获得的收获:认识他们及其在开源中的角色; 个人承担着灵活而灵活的角色; 贡献可以采取三种形式:时间,才能和财富(P3的引文); 确定支持以帮助他们取得成功的支持。

To close out the first day of the workshop, Anita presented on some of the work she and her team have done on diversity and inclusion in open source. Anita described the current state of OSS as a field where contributors are largely male, English-speaking, college-educated, and socioeconomically secure enough to have volunteer time. To figure out how to improve OSS community diversity, she and her team conducted a series of interviews to understand the pathways different folks followed into open source work. The diversity in participants’ paths led their team to call for more recognition of the “hidden” roles and work often overlooked in customary representations of the OSS community, and especially around how we can support folks in these less-visible (but still vital) positions. Anita et al.’s freshly-minted CSCW paper with more details on the topic can be found here.

在研讨会的第一天结束时,Anita介绍了她和她的团队在开放源代码的多样性和包容性方面所做的一些工作。 Anita将OSS的当前状态描述为一个领域,其中贡献者主要是男性,说英语,受过大学教育并且在社会经济上有足够的安全感以拥有志愿者时间。 为了弄清楚如何改善OSS社区的多样性,她和她的团队进行了一系列访谈,以了解不同人员在开源工作中所遵循的途径。 参与者道路的多样性导致他们的团队呼吁更多地认识“隐藏”的角色和工作,而在OSS社区的常规表示中常常忽略了这些隐藏的角色和工作,尤其是围绕如何在这些看不见的(但仍然至关重要)的人们中提供支持职位。 Anita等人的新鲜CSCW论文,其中有关于该主题的更多详细信息,可以在这里找到

第2天:分组讨论 (Day 2: Breakout Sessions)

The second day of the virtual workshop was structured around breakout sessions: two parallel tracks of 90-minute informal chats with other attendees. Topics for the breakouts were sourced from workshop participants on day 1, and we self-sorted into groups based on our interests. I was able to attend three in the (Pacific Time) morning hours. Each group made good use of Google Docs for collaborative notetaking during the breakouts, with participants sharing resources and commenting to share their thoughts.

虚拟研讨会的第二天是围绕分组讨论进行的:与其他与会者进行90分钟非正式交谈的两条平行轨迹。 分组讨论的主题来自第一天的研讨会参与者,我们根据自己的兴趣将自己分为几类。 我能够参加(太平洋时间)早上三点钟。 每个小组在分组讨论期间都很好地利用Google文档进行协作记笔记,参与者共享资源并发表评论以分享他们的想法。

软件教育中的多样性与包容性(D&I) (Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in Software Education)

The first session I attended focused loosely on D&I in educational settings. Attendees raised a number of challenges they’d seen or experienced around diversifying the incoming populations to computing higher education, as well as how to support minoritized groups enrolled in CS courses. When someone mentioned that the focus on higher ed limited our scope to folks who’d already managed to get there, the conversation naturally turned to attempts to improve perceptions of computing for students in younger (primary and secondary) contexts. With many of the workshop attendees being current or former educators, there was a lot of sharing about institutional efforts to improve D&I, what worked, and what didn’t. The idea of situating computing as a culturally relevant and social topic threaded through many of the efforts that worked. Others reported success from interdisciplinary computing courses located in non-CS departments (e.g. a “CS for bio-engineers” type of class). We also briefly discussed how to combat anti-Black racism in CS education, but we ran out of time to do the topic justice. I ended up dropping a bunch of links in the shared document to articles my anti-racist CS education reading group discussed over the summer.

我参加的第一场会议主要针对教育环境中的D&I。 与会者提出了许多他们已经看到或经历过的挑战,这些挑战包括使传入的人群多样化以计算高等教育,以及如何支持参加CS课程的少数群体。 当有人提到对高等教育的关注将我们的范围限制在已经设法到达那里的人们时,谈话自然转向尝试改善年轻(小学和中学)学生对计算的认识。 由于许多讲习班的参加者是现任或前任教育工作者,因此有很多关于改善D&I的机构性努力,有效的方法和无效的方法的共享。 将计算作为一个与文化相关且与社会相关的主题的想法贯穿了许多有效的工作。 其他人则报告说,他们在非CS部门的跨学科计算课程中取得了成功(例如,“ CS为生物工程师”类课程)。 我们还简短地讨论了如何在CS教育中与反黑人种族主义作斗争,但我们没有时间进行正义这一主题。 我最终在共享文档中删除了一些链接,链接到我的反种族主义CS教育阅读小组在今年夏天讨论的文章。

There were some plans to tidy up our notes from this breakout session and make them publicly available, so I’ll update this section with a link if & when that happens.


了解实现软件开发中D&I的挑战和障碍 (Understanding Challenges and Barriers to achieving D&I in Software Development)

Before trying to fix something, it never hurts to get a good strong understanding of the challenges facing you. This session focused on surfacing those barriers to D&I research and brainstorming concrete ways to get around them. One topic that surfaced early on was that of ensuring anonymity for our participants — If we’re working with groups that are by definition small, how can we ensure they feel safe and comfortable sharing their experiences with us? We discussed good interviewing and reporting practices in these cases, with some attendees sharing personal anecdotes about methods they’d found useful when working with different populations. From that, we moved to what it meant to “meet” D&I goals — What does success look like, and how can (or should) we measure it? I chimed in with a shameless plug for the usefulness of qualitative analyses in these situations, which led us to revisit the anonymity question.

在尝试解决问题之前,对您面临的挑战有很好的深入了解永远不会有任何伤害。 本次会议的重点是克服D&I研究的障碍,并集思广益地寻求解决方法。 早期浮出水面的一个主题是确保参与者的匿名性-如果我们与定义不大的小组合作,我们如何确保他们与我们分享经验感到安全和舒适? 在这些情况下,我们讨论了良好的采访和举报做法,一些与会者分享了自己的轶事,讲述了他们在与不同人群合作时发现有用的方法。 从那开始,我们转向了“达到” D&I目标的含义-成功是什么样的,以及如何(或应该)衡量它? 对于这些情况下定性分析的有用性,我用一个无耻的插件进行了说明,这使我们重新审视了匿名性问题。

During the latter half of the breakout session, someone asked how we might respectfully do research with communities we aren’t necessarily a part of. Many folks shared their strategies for community research, stressing the importance of including community members in all stages of the research design process as well as ensuring the work you’re doing is aligned with community goals. The importance of learning from other disciplines’ successes in this area was brought up (with Indigenous studies and anthropology being two that were mentioned). One attendee suggested cross-department collaboration and sitting in on other researchers’ processes to gain an understanding of how participatory research methods worked. The general sentiment seemed to be that CS researchers could learn a lot by looking to other social science disciplines on this topic.

在分组讨论的后半段,有人问我们如何尊重我们未必参与的社区。 许多人分享了他们的社区研究策略,强调了在研究设计过程的所有阶段都包括社区成员以及确保您所做的工作与社区目标保持一致的重要性。 提出了从其他学科的成功经验中学习的重要性(其中提到了土著研究和人类学两个)。 一位与会者建议跨部门合作,并参与其他研究人员的流程,以了解参与式研究方法的工作原理。 人们普遍认为,CS研究人员可以通过就此主题寻找其他社会科学学科来学到很多东西。

在公司设置中进行D&I研究 (Doing D&I Research in Company Settings)

The last breakout session I was able to attend focused on the realities of doing D&I-related work (mostly research) in industry settings. As someone without a lot of industry experience, it was neat to gain some insights into how some lager tech companies’ internal reviewing and legal constraints shaped the kinds of work employees participated in, as well as how D&I research in particular often interacted with existing codes of conduct or mandatory reporting measures. We also chatted at length about the nuances of conducting research internally (with the company’s own developers and their processes) versus externally (with other populations), as well as how those distinctions could impact the publish-ability of any findings. Toward the end of the session, talk turned to the differences in conducting D&I research in academic versus industry settings. We had a number of attendees in the session who had both kinds of experience and were able to relay the contrasts they’d seen.

我能够参加的上一个分组会议重点讨论了在行业环境中进行D&I相关工作(主要是研究)的现实。 作为一个没有很多行业经验的人,很容易就可以了解一些大型科技公司的内部审查和法律约束是如何影响员工参与的工作类型的,以及尤其是D&I研究通常如何与现有法规相互作用的一些见解。行为或强制性报告措施。 我们还详细讨论了在内部(与公司自己的开发人员及其流程)进行外部研究(与其他人群)进行细微差别的情况,以及这些区别如何影响任何发现的可发布性。 在会议结束时,讨论转向了在学术和行业环境中进行D&I研究的差异。 会议中有很多与会者,他们既有两种经验,又能传达他们所看到的对比。

At this point, the workshop took a longer mid-day break. I had other prior commitments for the rest of the day, so this is where my trip report ends, but there were at least six more breakout sessions in the afternoon that I’m sure sparked good conversations.

在这一点上,研讨会花了更长的中午休息时间。 我在当天余下的时间里还有其他承诺,因此这是我的旅行报告的结尾,但是下午至少还有六次分组讨论,我肯定会引发良好的对话。

I’m glad I got the chance to attend SDDI this year. Since I started my PhD and pivoted toward HCI education research, I’ve spent more time in design and education spaces than primarily software engineering-focused spaces. If not for the fortunate coincidence of me being online at the right time to see Emerson’s tweet, I doubt I would have stumbled upon the workshop. Being immersed in this community for two days felt like I was revisiting some threads of my undergraduate research on gender-inclusive software engineering and design (in a good way!), with the added experience and perspectives I’ve gained in the past few years. The workshop’s virtual nature and open participation was certainly a plus as well — It allowed folks to join in from numerous locations without the financial and logistical burdens of travel.

我很高兴今年有机会参加SDDI。 自从开始攻读博士学位转向HCI教育研究以来,与主要关注软件工程的领域相比 ,我在设计和教育领域花费的时间更多。 如果不是因为我在合适的时间在线观看Emerson的推文而幸运地碰巧,我怀疑我会偶然发现这个研讨会。 在这个社区沉迷了两天,感觉就像我正在重新研究本科研究有关性别包容性软件工程和设计的一些线索(很好!),以及在过去几年中获得的更多经验和观点。 。 研讨会的虚拟性质和公开参与当然也很不错-它使人们可以从许多地方参加,而没有旅行的财务和后勤负担。

Shout-out to the SDDI 2020 organizers (Emerson Murphy-Hill, Google; Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria; Denae Ford, Microsoft Research; and Sophie Qiu, Carnegie Mellon University) for their hard work, and to all the speakers for taking the time to share their expertise with us.

向SDDI 2020组织者致敬 ,感谢他们的辛勤工作,并向所有演讲者 致谢 ,他们是辛勤工作的代表(Google的Emerson Murphy-Hill ,维多利亚大学的Margaret-Anne Storey ,Microsoft Research的Denae Ford以及 凯的卡内基梅隆大学)。花时间与我们分享他们的专业知识。

Depending on what the world looks like at this time next year, I’ll be looking forward to seeing folks again (virtually or not) at SDDI 2021.

根据明年这个时候的世界情况,我将期待在SDDI 2021上再次与大家见面(无论是否虚拟)。

翻译自: https://medium.com/bits-and-behavior/trip-report-2020-software-developer-diversity-and-inclusion-workshop-5e2b5e8b3ae3


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