

In early 2020, I was working on a school project using Keras/Tensorflow. Everything was working great. Then, I shared my code with my teammate so he could start working on it too. However, for some reason, it was not working for him.

在2020年初,我正在使用Keras / Tensorflow进行学校项目。 一切都很好。 然后,我与队友共享了我的代码,以便他也可以开始进行开发。 但是,由于某种原因,它对他不起作用。

We spent hours trying to figure it out. Eventually, we realized that the problem was caused by the fact we had different packages versions installed. Once we managed to make it all work, I decided to find a way to avoid this problem occuring ever again.

我们花了几个小时试图弄清楚。 最终,我们意识到问题是由我们安装了不同的软件包版本引起的。 一旦我们设法使其全部工作,我决定找到一种方法来避免再次发生此问题。

That’s where virtual environments come in.


If you are already familiar with virtual environments, you can skip to section 4 where I will give some advice and tricks to help you improve and customize your use of virtual environments.


1.为什么要使用虚拟环境? (1. Why use Virtual environments?)

As you get better with Python, you will be using more and more packages and it will get more and more difficult to properly deal with dependencies on earlier versions of packages, hence the need for virtual environments.


Think of a virtual environment as a separate folder where you can keep specific versions of packages or even a specific Python version without affecting the rest of your projects.


It’s an easy way to ensure you (and everybody else) can always run your Python scripts with no dependency issues, i.e. always using the correct versions for your packages.


All codes coming up can be executed directly from the Anaconda prompt or the command line.


2.如何创建虚拟环境 (2. How to create a virtual environment)

It’s super easy. First, make sure you install virtualenv, the library that creates virtual environments: pip install virtualenv .

超级容易。 首先,确保安装了virtualenv,该库可创建虚拟环境: pip install virtualenv

Then, the following lines of code will create a new folder for your project and create/activate a virtual environment inside of it.


> mkdir new_folder        #create new folder for project
> cd new_folder #set current directory to folder> virtualenv venv #Create a virtual environment called venv
> cd venv/Scripts #Set working directory to venv
> activate #Activate the environment

From there, you could install all the packages you need with their specific version: pip install beautifulsoup4==4.9.1 .

从那里,您可以安装所有需要的特定版本的软件包: pip install beautifulsoup4==4.9.1

There is however a better to do this.


3.使用requirements.txt文件 (3. Working with a requirements.txt file)

By creating a requirements file, you can specify which packages and which versions you want to use in your virtual environment. Here is an example of what it should look like:

通过创建需求文件,您可以指定要在虚拟环境中使用的软件包和版本。 这是它应显示的示例:

Image for post

Then, you could install all the packages mentionned in the file using the following line of code, after making sure the file is situated in the current working directory:


> pip install -r requirements.txt

That works great but there is an even better way to do this, which I will cover in the following section.


4.其他有用的技巧和窍门 (4. Other useful tips and tricks)

Here are a few tips and tricks that I believe will facilitate and even improve your use of virtual environments.


  1. Create a requirements.txt file automatically


Instead of having to manually create the requirements file, what you could (and should) do is place your Python script inside the virtual environment and write the following line of code:


> pip freeze > requirements.txt

This will create it for you automatically.


Another option would also be to use the pipregs library. All you have to do is make the location of your Python script the current directory and then type pipregs.

另一种选择是使用pipregs库。 您所要做的就是将Python脚本的位置设置为当前目录,然后键入pipregs

> pip install pipreqs
> pipreqs

This will find your Python scripts, detect all the packages (and versions) being used and create a requirements.txt file from it.


2. Create virtual environment with a specific Python version


If you want your script to be run with a specific Python version, it can be done quite easily. First, make sure you download separetely the version you want to use.

如果您希望脚本使用特定的Python版本运行,则可以很容易地完成。 首先,请确保单独下载要使用的版本。

Then, when creating the virtual environment, change the virtualenv venv bit of code to this (if you want to use Python 3.7 for instance):

然后,在创建虚拟环境时,将virtualenv venv代码更改为此(例如,如果要使用Python 3.7):

> virtualenv venv --python=python3.7

3. Do NOT put your Python script inside the virtual environment


The easiest way to delete your virtual environment is to simply manually delete it’s folder. If you insert your python script and requirements file inside, they will be deleted with it, which might not be what you want to do.

删除虚拟环境的最简单方法是简单地手动删除其文件夹。 如果您将python脚本和需求文件插入其中,它们将随其一起删除,这可能不是您想要的。

You could also want to use the same virtual environment for multiple projects. Leaving everything separate avoids problems.

您可能还希望对多个项目使用相同的虚拟环境。 将所有内容分开可以避免问题。

The best thing to do is to leave those files outside the virtual environment, like below:


Image for post

4. Run Python code directly from your virtual environment


If you want to run your code directly from your virtual environment, you simply have to add python in front of the name of your file, like this:

如果要直接从虚拟环境中运行代码,只需在文件名前面添加python ,如下所示:

> python flights_scraping.py

I hope this helped. Thanks a lot for reading!

希望对您有所帮助。 非常感谢您的阅读!

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/advice-and-tips-to-properly-work-with-virtual-environments-67bbad9ba5b6


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