

Ask an American lawyer to explain who owns the real estate your house sits on and they’ll tell you a story about a bundle of sticks. They’ll talk about mineral rights, surface rights, rights of access, and how many people may hold some portion or percentage of all these various things that are tied to the land underneath you. Data is like that; a bundle of sticks with many players having rights to collect, use and even profit from it. The key is that useful data doesn’t just spring into being from a vacuum; it must be observed, collected, and interpreted by other players in the data value chain. And once this happens, your data is no longer just yours.

请美国律师解释谁拥有您的房屋所拥有的房地产,他们会告诉您有关一捆木棍的故事。 他们将讨论矿物权,地表权,使用权,以及与您下方的土地相关的所有这些东西中,有多少人可能占有其中的一部分或百分比。 数据就是这样; 一捆木棍,许多玩家有权收集,使用甚至从中获利。 关键是有用的数据不仅仅源于真空。 数据价值链中的其他参与者必须观察,收集和解释它。 一旦发生这种情况,您的数据将不再只是您的数据。

How can this be?


数据IRL(现实生活中) (DATA IRL (in real life))

Let’s start by thinking about data ownership in the real world. When I leave my house in the morning and walk down the street to the little coffee shop on the corner, anyone on the street can observe what’s going on. They can see what I’m wearing, where I am, and if they’re in line behind me they can see that I enjoy a bran muffin with my grande latte. A private detective could write this all down and build a little dossier of my comings and goings.

让我们开始考虑现实世界中的数据所有权。 当我早上离开家,沿着街走到拐角处的小咖啡店时,街上的任何人都可以观察到发生了什么事。 他们可以看到我穿的衣服,我在哪里,如果他们在我身后排成一列,他们可以看到我喜欢用格兰德拿铁做的麦麸松饼。 私人侦探可以将所有内容写下来,并为我的来往做些档案。

Would I own that compilation, or would they?


But the internet is different, and of course there may be many observers capturing many more observations. While I might pretend I’m anonymous online, much of the technology I traverse will know who I am and what I’m about — if only to assist with what I want to digitally accomplish. So while the practical implications look the same, it may feel more intrusive because it’s happening at volume. Or to put it another way, our lives online are much more like a celebrity’s life offline — followed by paparazzi and gossiped about by thousands of complete strangers.

但是互联网是不同的,当然,可能会有许多观察者捕获更多的观察结果。 虽然我可能会假装自己在网上匿名,但我所遍历的许多技术都知道我是谁,以及我将要从事的工作,只要能协助我实现数字化目标即可。 因此,尽管实际含义看起来相同,但由于它是批量发生的,因此可能会更具干扰性。 换句话说,我们的在线生活更像是名人的离线生活-其次是狗仔队,成千上万的完全陌生人闲聊。

Observation 1: online privacy today is very much like privacy in real-world public spaces, though at a different scale.

观察结果1: 今天的在线隐私与现实世界公共空间中的隐私非常相似,尽管规模不同。


Modern aircraft are incredibly complex systems. In fact, a single aircraft will comprise many highly complex subsystems — like jet engines for example — that are themselves made using completely independent supply chains. Thus, it might not surprise you to hear that an aircraft manufacturer might stock a spare engine at a major airport to expedite service to any airline that uses its planes. And of course, the goal is to replace a jet engine *before* it fails, so these systems are loaded with onboard sensors that constantly record and transmit operating conditions and performance measurements.

现代飞机是极其复杂的系统。 实际上,一架飞机将包含许多高度复杂的子系统,例如喷气发动机,它们本身是使用完全独立的供应链制造的。 因此,听到飞机制造商可能会在主要机场购买备用发动机以加快对使用其飞机的任何航空公司的服务,您可能不会感到惊讶。 当然,我们的目标是在喷气发动机失效之前更换喷气发动机,因此这些系统装有机载传感器,可不断记录和传输运行状况和性能测量结果。

Who owns this data?


Obviously the jet engine manufacturer has a right to the data — they need it to keep engine’s operating and to improve the next generation of products. They put the sensors in for just that purpose. But then the aircraft manufacturer has the right to this as well, since the plane is a system, and they need to optimize every element and know how they all perform relative to each other. The airline owns the plane, and therefore they too have the right to see what’s going on in the engine they purchased as part of the larger machine. None of these players has the exclusive right to the sensor data, and each also has business reasons to restrict how the others use it. The airline has no desire to share how its planes are performing with its competitors. Neither does the engine manufacturer, or the airplane manufacturer. And so they all employ reciprocal rights between them, permitting some uses but restricting others, in data that they jointly “own”.

显然,喷气发动机制造商有权使用这些数据-他们需要该数据来保持发动机的运转并改善下一代产品。 他们将传感器用于此目的。 但是飞机制造商也有权这样做,因为飞机是一个系统,他们需要优化每个元素,并知道它们彼此之间的性能如何。 航空公司拥有这架飞机,因此他们也有权查看作为大型机的一部分购买的引擎中的运行情况。 这些播放器都不具有传感器数据的专有权,并且每个播放器都有商业原因来限制其他播放器的使用方式。 该航空公司不想与竞争对手分享其飞机的性能。 引擎制造商或飞机制造商都没有。 因此,它们在彼此共同“拥有”的数据中都使用彼此之间的互惠权利,允许某些使用但限制其他使用。

Observation 2: a complex set of reciprocal rights can attach to a single data point.

观察点2: 一组复杂的相互权利可以附加到单个数据点。


I fire up my computer, grasp the mouse firmly, and *click*. A tiny datum is born! Look how cute it is! And it’s all mine! So far so good. But then the operating system has to isolate the screen coordinates, compare that to what’s being displayed on the screen, and intuit what my click intended. At this point the OS knows what that click was trying to accomplish, and it arrived at this knowledge independently, just by observing my actions. So, while the click was mine, the OS has a datum of its own that happens to map to my “click intention”. If the click was inside a browser, I’ve implicitly given the OS the right/obligation to pass along its observed click/coordinates to the app to act upon, so now the browser knows something too — and it learned it from the OS. It heads off through the internet to identify the server I’m seeking to connect with, then returns some results. Along the way it may be obligated to share what it’s learned from the OS with a foreign server or the ISP that transported the bits to make it happen. The OS has no knowledge of this.

我启动计算机,紧紧抓住鼠标,然后单击。 一个微小的基准就诞生了! 看起来多么可爱! 都是我的! 到目前为止,一切都很好。 但是,然后操作系统必须隔离屏幕坐标,将其与屏幕上显示的坐标进行比较,并了解我的点击意图。 此时,操作系统知道该单击试图完成的操作,并且仅通过观察我的操作即可独立获得该知识。 因此,虽然单击是我的,但操作系统具有自己的数据,该数据恰好映射到我的“单击意图”。 如果点击是在浏览器内部,则我已暗中赋予OS权利/义务将其观察到的点击/坐标传递给要执行的应用程序,因此,浏览器现在也知道了一些东西,并且它是从OS中学到的。 它通过互联网启动,以识别要与之连接的服务器,然后返回一些结果。 在此过程中,可能有义务与外部服务器或ISP共享从OS中学到的信息,后者将这些信息传输以实现该目标。 操作系统对此一无所知。

Who owns the data now?


At every step in this chain, the relevance of my datum becomes more and more attenuated. Each participant in the digital chain acts on the data presented and creates its own data to pass along. The website I was searching for has no idea whether my click was transmitted through a trackpad, a mouse, or a fingertip. The browser and OS know the coordinates of the pointer when the click took place; something I’m oblivious of. The data chain from click to outcome has many participants and many different datum, but all are related and necessary to accomplish the task. At each stage, data is analyzed, combined, refined and passed along. Each participant adds their own knowledge to the raw input, and in so doing owns some small share of the intellectual property they helped create. The end result is that; a) each participant “owns” the data they created and passed along, b) to the extent the data they created was based on someone else’s data, the data they “own” is burdened by someone else’s ownership, and c) to accomplish the task at hand, each owner implicitly allows the tasks downstream to use the data they share/own to complete the task. Many players have rights in the data along the way.

在该链的每一步中,我的数据的相关性都越来越弱。 数字链中的每个参与者都对呈现的数据进行操作,并创建自己的数据进行传递。 我正在搜索的网站不知道我的点击是通过触控板,鼠标还是指尖进行的。 当单击发生时,浏览器和OS知道指针的坐标。 我忘了的东西。 从点击到结果的数据链有许多参与者和许多不同的数据,但是所有这些都是相关的并且是完成任务所必需的。 在每个阶段,都要对数据进行分析,合并,完善和传递。 每个参与者都将自己的知识添加到原始输入中,从而在他们帮助创建的知识产权中占有一小部分。 最终结果是: a)每个参与者“拥有”他们创建并传递的数据,b)在他们创建的数据基于他人数据的程度上,他们“拥有”的数据受到他人所有权的负担,并且c)完成每个任务所有者都会隐式地允许下游任务使用他们共享/拥有的数据来完成任务。 在此过程中,许多参与者都对数据拥有权利。

Observation 3: data, like real property, is a bundle of sticks.

观察三: 数据就像不动产一样,是一堆棍子。


Do you own your birthday? If someone finds out what your birthday is, maybe from a joint friend, can you sue them and make them forget? Get a restraining order to prevent them from sending a card? How about if I saw you having lunch at Chez Henri on Thursday last week; can you force me to purge this memory?

你有生日吗? 如果有人发现了你的生日,也许是从一个共同的朋友那里得知的,你可以起诉他们并使他们忘记吗? 得到限制令以防止他们发送卡? 如果我上周四看到你在Chez Henri吃午餐怎么样? 你能强迫我清除这个记忆吗?

Why is it different online?


Everyone has some understanding of what personal data is. It includes things like your name and address, which are facts, but also things like your philosophy of life and how you feel about people and events. These things are a little more fuzzy. So when an online platform intuits that you vote Republican based on observing what you do online, is that personal data or not? What if the platform pulled that information directly from the list of registered Republican voters? Can you force the platform to forget the intuition in the same way that you can force it to not access the list?

每个人都对什么是个人数据有所了解。 它包括诸如您的姓名和地址之类的事实,也包括诸如您的生活哲学以及您对人和事的感受之类的事物。 这些事情有些模糊。 因此,当一个在线平台根据观察您在网上所做的事情直觉您投票给共和党人时,该个人数据还是没有? 如果平台直接从注册的共和党选民名单中提取该信息怎么办? 您是否可以强迫平台忘记直觉,就像强迫平台不访问列表一样?

Observation 4: data ownership is not the issue; rights of use and control are the issue.

观察4: 数据所有权不是问题; 使用和控制权是问题。


The complexity of the internet, like the real world, means that to accomplish a task you often need the participation of many players. Put another way, you’re not alone out there because the internet is a public space, not a private one. In the real world you can learn a lot about someone by observing what they do, where they go, and whom they interact with. The detective doesn’t need you to tell him where you live or what you do — he just has to follow the clues you leave behind. While in the real world you can escape to isolation, the only isolation online is to disconnect and keep your workspace locked on your desktop; avoid the digital exhaust and no-one can follow you home. In the end, privacy online and off comes from not telling anyone anything, and hiding from sight. Anything else is knowable by someone.

互联网就像现实世界一样复杂,这意味着要完成一项任务,您通常需要许多参与者的参与。 换句话说,您并不孤单,因为互联网是公共空间,而不是私有空间。 在现实世界中,通过观察某人的工作,去向以及与之互动,您可以学到很多有关某人的知识。 侦探不需要您告诉他您住在哪里或做什么—他只需要听从您留下的线索即可。 在现实世界中,您可以逃脱隔离,而在线上唯一的隔离是断开连接并将工作空间锁定在桌面上。 避免数字浪费,没有人可以跟随您回家。 最终,在线和离线隐私源于不向任何人透露任何信息并隐瞒了视线。 别人可以知道的其他任何东西。

There is a real debate taking place about data and the internet. One camp believes that users “own their data”, whatever that means, and that they can thus restrict downstream players — or even charge them — from profiting through the data they in turn create and hold. They believe that the data held and the data users generate is the same thing, which is of course untrue as we’ve just discussed. Another camp believes that data holders can and should be forced to share their data with their competitors, lest they profit from something they took the effort to observe, collect and analyze. This group too labors under the confused understanding that the data held is actually owned by users.

关于数据和互联网的争论正在发生。 一个阵营认为,用户“拥有自己的数据”,无论意味着什么,因此他们可以限制下游参与者(甚至向他们收费)通过他们依次创建和持有的数据获利。 他们认为持有的数据和用户生成的数据是同一回事,这当然不符合我们刚才的讨论。 另一个阵营认为,数据持有人可以而且应该被迫与竞争对手共享他们的数据,以免他们从努力观察,收集和分析的东西中获利。 该小组也难以理解所保存的数据实际上是用户所有的。

Recognizing that all the players in the digital ecosystem have rights and obligations in the data that exists is the best way to find a balance between data utility and personal privacy. I believe that reframing the discussion is a better path forward than digging in and ignoring the other side. That starts with acknowledging that the reality of data is not what most people assume.

认识到数字生态系统中的所有参与者都对现有数据拥有权利和义务,这是在数据实用程序和个人隐私之间寻求平衡的最佳方法。 我认为,重新讨论是比深入研究和忽略另一端更好的途径。 首先要认识到数据的真实性并不是大多数人所假设的。

The data you share online is different from the data you generate online. Both are different from the digital exhaust you leave behind as you move around the internet. Rich datasets in the hands of skilled analysts have the potential to solve some of society’s most important and most intractable problems. Climate change, smart cities, economic growth, and global pandemics are all being shaped by the analysis of data drawn from both the environment and from the people that move through it. But to maintain these benefits we need to find the right balance between the many players that are part of our data ecosystem. And that balance starts with an acknowledgment that each of us has a stake and an obligation towards the other.

您在线共享的数据不同于您在线生成的数据。 两者都不同于您在互联网上移动时留下的数字疲劳。 经验丰富的分析师掌握的丰富数据集有可能解决社会上一些最重要,最棘手的问题。 气候变化,智慧城市,经济增长和全球流行病都受到对环境和穿越环境的人们的数据分析的影响。 但是要保持这些优势,我们需要在我们数据生态系统中众多参与者之间找到适当的平衡。 这种平衡始于承认我们每个人都对彼此有利益和义务。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/your-data-is-a-myth-37997abcc82a






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