

Just the other day I updated my Animal Crossing game, eager to watch the fireworks I’d been promised. I really enjoyed the diving feature, so I thought this new update might be pretty good, too. I eagerly booted up my Switch to join the fireworks. Isabelle greeted me with characteristic peppiness, and announced that the fireworks show was going to be happening in two hours. I was very early.

在前几天,我更新了自己的《动物穿越》游戏,渴望观看被许诺的烟花。 我真的很喜欢潜水功能,所以我认为这个新的更新也可能很好。 我热切地启动我的Switch加入烟花。 伊莎贝尔(Isabelle)以特有的生气向我致意,并宣布烟花表演将在两个小时内举行。 我还很早。

“Oh lord”, I thought, “that moron Tom Nook is going to be lighting up the sky with his logo all over everything. He’s selling tops and trousers with his name all over it, wetsuits and backpacks, and now he is going to be lighting up his name all over the sky. Curse him!”

我想,“哦天哪,那个白痴的汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)将用他的徽标照亮整个天空。 他在卖上衣和裤子,上面有他的名字,潜水衣和背包,现在他将在天上亮起他的名字。 诅咒他!”

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Isabelle giving her morning broadcast to the world (aka Sloth Isle), which I ignore completely and mash the B button to skip.

I signed back into the Switch in a few hours. Isabelle greeted me again, looking astoundingly silly, even though she wasn’t prattling on about her TV-watching habits and her socks getting lost in the washing machine. She was wearing some star things that were bouncing around on her little head. I thought that perhaps Tom Nook had put her up to this. But I couldn’t help but think she looked pretty cute…

我在几个小时后重新登录了Switch。 伊莎贝尔(Isabelle)再次向我打招呼,看起来很傻,尽管她并没有因为看电视的习惯而抱怨,也不知道袜子在洗衣机里迷路了。 她穿着一些星星的东西,在她的小头上蹦蹦跳跳。 我认为也许汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)让她接受了这一点。 但是我不禁觉得她看起来很可爱...

Amazing! Can I get some, too? It turned out I could, indeed, get some. I was forced to wear them, on the grounds of health and safety. I look like a mix between the human equivalent of the Pokémon Lumineon and a mosquito. Oh dear.

惊人! 我也可以买些吗? 事实证明,我确实可以得到一些。 出于健康和安全考虑,我被迫穿上它们。 我看起来像是神奇宝贝Lumineon的人类等同物和蚊子的混合体。 噢亲爱的。

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Isabelle is making me wear a bulb bopper as a kind of electronic tag. I’ve been sentenced to seven years house-arrest for attempting to murder Tom Nook, so it’s nothing more than what I expect.
伊莎贝尔(Isabelle)让我戴上灯泡吊坠作为一种电子标签。 我因谋杀汤姆·诺克而被判处七年软禁,无非是我的期望。

I logged back into the game at 7pm sharp. The fireworks show begins! I wander over to Isabelle, and she produces the little bulb bopper for me to wear. I promptly put it on my head with gusto. I wear my little bulb bopper, which doesn’t go at all with my Regency-era maxi dress. I would also like to switch the color from a horrible lime green to a pastel shade of pink. It doesn’t seem possible. Never mind.

我在晚上7点重新登录游戏。 烟火表演开始了! 我走到伊莎贝尔(Isabelle)那里,她为我戴上了灯泡状的小泡泡糖。 我及时地将它装在我的头上。 我戴上了灯泡状的小灯泡,这与我在Regency时代的超长连衣裙完全不符。 我还想将颜色从可怕的柠檬绿切换为柔和的粉红色。 似乎不可能。 没关系。

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Drake loves the breakfast snackums! Relatable content.
德雷克喜欢早餐点心! 相关内容。

I go to see what the other residents of Sloth Isle think of the show. It seems that it’s the first time that evil capitalist overlord Tom Nook has spent any money at all on the place — all the other residents are still living in one-bed studio flats (unlike me, haha). I have no idea how much Nook is charging them, and I don’t want to know. He probably owns a street of council flats that he bought in the ‘90s, and he’s now charging people £850 a month to live in a dingy one-bed place that’s infested with cockroaches and bedbugs. He’s put it up on Gumtree as “cosy” and “imaginatively spacious”. As in it’s spacious, in your imagination. Never mind.

我去看看Sloth Isle的其他居民对该节目的看法。 看来这是邪恶资本家的霸主汤姆·努克(Tom Nook)第一次在这个地方花任何钱—所有其他居民仍然住在单床单间公寓里( 与我不同 ,哈哈)。 我不知道Nook会向他们收取多少费用,我也不想知道。 他可能在90年代买了一条市政厅街,现在每月要向人们收取850英镑的费用,让他们住在一个肮脏的单床地方,那里满是蟑螂和臭虫。 他以“舒适”和“想象中的宽敞”的形式将其放在Gumtree上。 如在宽敞的空间中,在您的想象中。 没关系。

Drake and Bluebear said some silly things. Every single conversation I have had with Bluebear has been about food, and so my first thought was that I didn’t know how Bluebear was going to relate the fireworks display to snacks, but she did. Amazing. I love her so much.

德雷克和蓝熊说了些傻话。 我与Bluebear进行的每一次对话都是关于食物的,所以我的第一个念头是我不知道Bluebear如何将烟火表演与小吃联系起来,但她做到了。 惊人。 我非常爱她。

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Redd is up to his useless silliness.

Redd is back to his old tricks, scamming me at 500 bells for a flimsy balloon. But it is quite a cute balloon, so I allow it. I run around for a bit, looking like a bit of a moron. I subsequently return to Redd’s stall, where I win a huge amount of other rubbish.

雷德回到他的老把戏,以500的钟向我骗去一个脆弱的气球。 但这是一个非常可爱的气球,所以我允许。 我跑来跑去,看起来像个白痴。 随后,我回到Redd的摊位,在那里赢得了很多其他垃圾。

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I sing Katy Perry’s “baby you’re a firework…” while wearing a bulb bopper.
我戴着凯特佩珀唱着凯蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)的“宝贝,你是烟火……”。

I bought various items of silliness from Redd, including party poppers and various colours of balloons. I had a great time blowing the party popper loudly in everyone’s faces. I traversed my way into the Sloth Isle Town Hall, where I tried to blow the party popper loudly in Tom Nook’s face, hoping to put the fear of God (or Lizzie) in him.

我从雷德(Redd)购买了各种愚蠢的物品,包括派对汽笛和各种颜色的气球。 我度过了愉快的时光,在所有人的脸上大声地挥舞着派对的弹出声。 我走过路进入Sloth Isle市政厅,在那儿我试图用汤姆·努克的脸大声地吹开聚会的popper,希望将恐惧神(或Lizzie)放到他身上。

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Diva got me a sparkler, which is pretty cool. I made little shapes in the sky.
歌剧女主角给我一个烟火,很酷。 我在天空中做了一些小形状。

Diva also gave me a sparkler, so I can light up the sky, too. My boyfriend tells me I need to make sure I am wearing gloves so I don’t hurt my little hands. Isabelle, despite making me wearing two giant green luminous bulbs on the top of my head, all in the name of safety, fails to produce any gloves. So be it. Another evening in Sloth Isle well spent. Tomorrow evening I’m going to chase Tom Nook around the island with my googly eyes in the pitch black. I’m hoping he will think he’s been haunted by the ghosts-of-begrudged-renters-past, and he’ll leave the island for good. We can only dream…(unfortunately, as it turns out our dreams are harvested as energy for evil tapirs).

Diva还给了我一个烟火,所以我也可以照亮天空。 我的男朋友告诉我,我需要确保自己戴着手套,以免伤害小手。 伊莎贝尔(Isabelle)尽管以安全为名使我头上戴着两个巨大的绿色发光灯泡,但还是没能戴手套。 就这样吧。 懒惰岛的另一个夜晚 用得其所。 明天晚上,我将目光投向漆黑的黑色,在岛上追逐汤姆·努克。 我希望他会认为他被被租户租借的鬼魂困扰,他会永远离开该岛。 我们只能做梦……(不幸的是,事实证明,我们的梦想是作为邪恶tap的能量而收获的 )。

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/animal-crossing-new-horizons-firework-night-3ac744733abc






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