
Emerging technologies and digital services offer incredible possibilities to create a more inclusive and accessible world.


However, unless urgent action is taken to enhance digital inclusion and access, societies will become more polarised, with deepening digital and social divides. Digital exclusion will impact an individual’s rights, such as the right to work, access to public services and information, civic participation, and association.

但是,除非采取紧急行动来增强数字包容性和访问性,否则社会将变得两极化,随着数字和社会鸿沟的加深。 数字排斥将影响个人的权利,例如工作权,获得公共服务和信息的权利,公民参与和结社的权利。

谁有风险? (Who is at Risk?)

The ‘digital divide’ is no longer a dichotomy between who has access to the internet and who does not. The digital divide has evolved into a broader concept including access to digital services, relevance of content, affordability and education. Factors driving digital exclusion include language, gender, (dis)abilities, age, skillset and income. As a result, offline inequalities are being reflected and accentuated in the online environment.

吨他“数字鸿沟”不再是谁拥有接入互联网,谁不之间的分歧。 数字鸿沟已演变成更广泛的概念,包括获得数字服务,内容的相关性,可负担性和教育。 导致数字排斥的因素包括语言,性别,(残疾)能力,年龄,技能和收入。 结果,在线环境中反映并加剧了离线不平等现象。

For example, low income households, minorities, rural populations and women are the most at-risk of digital exclusion. On a global scale, women ‘are 12% less likely to use the internet.’ This increases to 50% for people with disabilities. Furthermore, for those who are able to connect, they may lack the digital savvy required to take advantage of the benefits or protect their rights online.

例如,低收入家庭,少数民族,农村人口和妇女是数字排斥最大风险 。 在全球范围内,女性使用互联网的可能性降低了12% 。 对于残疾人来说,这一数字增加到50% 。 此外,对于那些能够进行连接的人,他们可能缺乏充分利用这些好处或在线保护自己的权利所需的数字知识。

Marginalised users may be more vulnerable to algorithmic bias, online abuse, trolling or exploitation of their privacy


It is likely that the negative impacts of business models, data collection and emerging technologies will be magnified for people lacking digital skills and education. Marginalised users may be more vulnerable to algorithmic bias, online abuse, trolling or exploitation of their privacy, and be less likely to create — or even access — digital content. Digital divides are contributing to social and political divides across many countries and may result in further political and economic destabilisation within and between nations.

对于缺乏数字技能和教育的人们来说,商业模式,数据收集和新兴技术的负面影响可能会被放大 。 边缘化的用户可能更容易受到算法偏差,在线滥用,欺骗或利用其隐私的侵害,并且不太可能创建(甚至访问)数字内容。 数字鸿沟正在加剧许多国家的社会和政治鸿沟,并可能导致国家内部和国家之间的进一步政治和经济不稳定

划分每一层 (Divides at Every Layer)

Research and reports on digital inclusion elucidate the complexity of factors influencing digital divides. For example, the difficulties of connecting to the internet and digital services may be impacted by affordability, accessibility, or lack of skills. Lack of affordability can disproportionately impact women and other disadvantaged groups due to lower incomes and lack of financial inclusion. This includes the funds to connect to the internet (e.g. mobile data or broadband) or purchase hardware (e.g. mobile phones or computers).

[R esearch和数字包容报告阐明的影响数字鸿沟的复杂因素。 例如,可负担性,可访问性或缺乏技能可能会影响连接到互联网和数字服务的困难。 由于收入较低和缺乏金融包容性,缺乏负担能力会严重影响妇女和其他弱势群体。 这包括用于连接到互联网(例如,移动数据或宽带)或购买硬件(例如,移动电话或计算机)的资金。

In terms of accessibility, for those living in rural areas, internet connectivity may come from more expensive mobile broadband or older wired broadband infrastructure resulting in poorer quality connections or data caps which could impact the speed, quantity or quality of content delivery. Those that are able to overcome these hurdles may find a lack of relevant content in local languages further impacting the freedoms to seek, receive and impart information in the digital sphere. Additionally, web accessibility for those with disabilities remains low. For example, in Europe, only 37 public service websites across 7 countries were found to be fully compliant with European accessibility standards.

在可访问性方面,对于生活在农村地区的人们而言,互联网连接可能来自更昂贵的移动宽带或较旧的有线宽带基础设施,从而导致较差的连接质量或数据上限,从而可能影响内容交付的速度,数量或质量。 那些能够克服这些障碍的人可能会发现缺少当地语言的相关内容 ,这进一步影响了在数字领域寻找,接收和传递信息的自由。 此外,残障人士的网络可访问性仍然很低。 例如, 在欧洲 ,仅发现 7个国家/ 地区的 37个公共服务网站完全符合欧洲可访问性标准。

Those most at risk of digital exclusion may lack the skills required to fully benefit from the opportunities offered by the Internet or digital services, such as navigating webpages, searching or creating content, and managing user profiles. In the near future, more advanced digital skills will be needed for jobs which are currently considered manual and mid-skilled labour, such as manufacturing, administration, cooking or farming. Additionally, those lacking the education required to enter into jobs in science and technology will be blocked from benefiting from employment opportunities in these sectors. The promise of new technologies may be outweighed by their impact on the workforce and the resulting reverberations within society.

那些面临数字排斥风险最大的人可能缺乏充分利用Internet或数字服务提供的机会所需的技能,例如浏览网页,搜索或创建内容以及管理用户个人资料。 在不久的将来,对于目前被认为是体力劳动和中级劳动的工作,例如制造业,行政管理,烹饪或农业,将需要更高级的数字技能。 此外,那些缺乏从事科学和技术工作所需的教育的人将被阻止从这些部门的就业机会中受益。 新技术对劳动力的影响以及由此引起的社会反响可能会超过新技术的希望。

In the near future, workplaces will require fewer people with higher level skills.


Countries are already seeing a ‘hollowing out’ of the working class, resulting in a more polarised workforce


As automated and robotic technologies continue to develop, countries are already seeing a ‘hollowing out’ of the working class, resulting in a more polarised workforce. The ability of people to keep up with technology will influence how this digital divide evolves, and — unless urgent action is taken — will likely widen. Workers who are older or unable to up-skill to remain relevant may find themselves permanently excluded from the workforce. Those that are able to retrain will have the chance to forge a prosperous future. For women, challenges such as a poor work-life balance can negatively impact their time for continuing education and can create knock on difficulties re-joining fast-paced industries, such as tech, after maternity leave.

随着自动化和机器人技术的不断发展,各国已经看到工人阶级的“空洞化”,从而导致了两极分化的劳动力。 人们跟上技术的能力将影响这种数字鸿沟的发展方式,并且,除非采取紧急措施,否则可能会扩大。 年龄较大或无法掌握相关技能的工人可能会发现自己永久地被排除在劳动力之外。 那些能够接受再培训的人将有机会创造一个繁荣的未来。 对于女性而言,诸如工作与生活平衡不佳之类的挑战可能会对她们的继续教育时间造成负面影响,并可能在产假后重新加入快节奏的行业(如科技行业)带来困难。

数字版权捍卫者可以做什么? (What can Digital Rights Defenders Do?)

How can digital rights defenders help to create an inclusive future for the internet and digital services in Europe? Action is needed to improve access at every layer — for instance, enhancing digital skills, relevant content, and inclusive workplaces. Although ‘literacy’ is viewed as a key element of capacity building and education, Europe is still not good enough at teaching digital literacy to support broader inclusion for persons with disabilities, the elderly, or other disadvantaged peoples. Resources — either digital or facilitating hardware such as home assistants — can also be developed with marginalised communities in mind to enhance inclusiveness in the digital sphere.

^ h流量可以将数字维权帮助创造互联网和数字化服务在欧洲的一个包容性的未来? 需要采取行动来改善每一层的访问权限,例如, 增强数字技能,相关内容和包容性工作场所。 尽管“扫盲”被视为能力建设和教育的关键要素,但欧洲仍不足以教授数字扫盲以支持残疾人,老年人或其他弱势群体的更广泛融合。 还可以在考虑边缘化社区的情况下开发数字资源或便利硬件(如家庭助理)之类的资源,以增强数字领域的包容性。

There are increasing concerns around algorithmic bias in digital systems and services. Research has highlighted the impact of developers on the resulting technology, and how technological bias reflects and amplifies existing socio-cultural injustice. Unless marginalised and disadvantaged persons can be involved in developing technologies, those technologies and associated business models will continue to perpetuate inequalities. Initiatives like the UK’s CyberFirst Girls competition are a fun and imaginative approach to promoting greater inclusion in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects and related fields.

人们越来越关注数字系统和服务中的算法偏差。 研究强调了开发商对由此产生的技术的影响,以及技术偏见如何反映和扩大现有的社会文化不公正现象 。 除非边缘化和处境不利的人可以参与技术开发,否则这些技术和相关的商业模式将继续使不平等长期存在。 诸如英国的Cyber​​First Girls竞赛之类的举措是一种有趣而富于想象力的方法,旨在促进人们更多地融入科学,技术,工程和数学(STEM)学科及相关领域。

Digital rights defenders can also help to tackle online harassment and demand accountability for online actions. This may include campaigning for improved mechanisms for reporting online abuse, and greater accountability of tech platforms through robust legal frameworks. Digital rights defenders may also advocate for anonymity for dissidents and journalistic sources, within accountable, human-rights respecting online spaces.

数字权利维护者还可以帮助解决在线骚扰问题,并要求对在线行为负责。 这可能包括开展运动,以改进报告在线滥用行为的机制,并通过健全的法律框架提高对技术平台的责任感。 数字权利维护者还可以在尊重在线空间的负责任的人权范围内,倡导异议人士和新闻来源的匿名。

What gets measured gets done. To further support digital inclusion, data-driven policy is essential. There have been numerous calls (including from G20 and the UN) for disaggregated data relating to gender inclusion, and the same approach is needed for other factors impacting digital inclusion such as age, (dis)abilities, and education.

被测量的东西就完成了。 为了进一步支持数字包容性,数据驱动策略至关重要。 曾有许多呼吁(包括来自20国集团和联合国的呼吁)寻求有关性别包容性的分类数据,对于影响数字包容性的其他因素(例如年龄,(残疾)和教育程度)也需要采用相同的方法。

Governments can support digital inclusion through adopting relevant and specific provisions in national digital strategies. Europe has mechanisms to promote accessibility online as well as guidelines regarding public sector procurements. These tools could be used to ensure the adoption of technologies that implement accessibility standards (such as IETF’s standards on text-to-voice in real-time) or ‘universal design‘ in technical development.

各国政府可以通过在国家数字战略中采用相关和特定的规定来支持数字包容。 欧洲拥有促进在线无障碍获取的机制以及有关公共部门采购的准则 。 这些工具可用于确保采用可访问性标准(例如IETF实时的文本到语音标准)或技术开发中的“ 通用设计 ”的技术。

If digital rights defenders do not push for concerted efforts among industry and government to adopt change, today’s trends will continue and get worse. There will be increased polarisation between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’; more technology and services created by unrepresentative elites; and the further engraining of specific values, norms, and abilities into technologies that do not necessarily reflect society as a whole. If issues are exacerbated, European perspectives on digital rights will be threatened and it will be more difficult to find and use technologies that reflect those values.

如果数字版权捍卫者不推动行业和政府之间采取一致的努力来采用变革,那么今天的趋势将会持续下去,并且会变得更糟。 “有”和“没有”之间的两极分化将会加剧; 非代表性精英创造的更多技术和服务; 进一步将特定的价值观,规范和能力深深植根于不一定反映整个社会的技术中。 如果问题恶化,欧洲对数字权利的观点将受到威胁,找到和使用反映这些价值的技术将更加困难。

A different, more inclusive future for digital rights is still possible, if proactive steps are taken now to address challenges related to skills, workplace cultures, and digital exclusion.


This article was originally published under the title “Creating an inclusive digital future — urgent action needed” as part of the Digital Freedom Fund’s “Future-Proofing Our Digital Right”s series.


翻译自: https://medium.com/@digitalfreedomfund/bridging-the-digital-divide-b9dcce7d4670





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