

Virtual reality is one of the most promising areas of technology, and more is to come. Here are some breakthroughs coming soon.

虚拟现实是最有前途的技术领域之一,并且还有更多。 以下是即将推出的一些突破。

As every day passes, innovative ideas for new technology arise. Thousands of products are sold and invented daily, and as consumer demand for new, innovative technology increases, so does the rate of technological advance. One of these unique advancements is virtual reality (VR). VR has significantly impacted the technology and science fields greatly, however, this is only the beginning of a new era of tech. Now, let’s take a look at what VR is and why it’s so revolutionary.

随着时间的流逝,出现了有关新技术的创新思想。 每天都有成千上万的产品被销售和发明,并且随着消费者对新的创新技术的需求增加,技术进步的速度也在增加。 这些独特的进步之一就是虚拟现实(VR)。 VR对技术和科学领域产生了重大影响,然而,这仅仅是技术新时代的开始。 现在,让我们看一下什么是VR及其为何具有革命性。

什么是虚拟现实? (What is Virtual Reality?)

Virtual reality is, according to Iberdrola, “A computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they are immersed in their surroundings.” This environment is seen through a VR headset or helmet. VR allows us to do dangerous and exciting things like skydiving without having to go anywhere and can make us feel like we are characters in a video game.

根据Iberdrola的说法,虚拟现实是“计算机生成的环境,其中的场景和对象看起来像是真实的,使用户感到自己沉浸在周围的环境中。” 通过VR头盔或头盔可以看到这种环境。 VR使我们无需去任何地方即可进行跳伞之类的危险而令人兴奋的事情,并且可以让我们觉得自己是电子游戏中的角色。

Using virtual reality, people can engage in actions that they could never do in real life, making the list of things you can do nearly endless. Virtual reality isn’t only used for entertainment purposes, however. It can be used for educational purposes as well. This includes teaching medical-school students how to perform surgeries, helping architects see the end product of a blueprint so they can tweak the design to make it safer, and even testing products virtually to make sure nothing can go wrong. At the moment, VR is already quite advanced, but this is just the beginning.

使用虚拟现实,人们可以从事在现实生活中无法做的事情,从而使您可以做的事情几乎无穷无尽。 但是,虚拟现实不仅用于娱乐目的。 它也可以用于教育目的。 这包括教医学院的学生如何进行手术,帮助建筑师了解最终产品的蓝图,以便他们可以调整设计以使其更安全,甚至可以对产品进行虚拟测试以确保没有问题。 目前,VR已经相当先进,但这仅仅是开始。

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SingularityHub) SingularityHub )

虚拟现实即将来临的进步 (Advancements Coming Soon to Virtual Reality)

(These are all predictions of future VR advancements)


1. Wider FOV displays: Currently, VR headsets face a problem that makes the experience less immersive: there is a limited rectangular field of view (FOV). For example, in the original Microsoft HoloLens, there was a limited FOV, but, Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 fixed this issue by implementing laser technology to create a microelectromechanical systems display. HoloLens 2 can position waveguides in front of users’ eyes, which enhances the user’s field of view. The original HoloLens could only project up to 47 pixels per degree, but the HoloLens 2 can project twice as many pixels per degree. This technology can only be found in Microsoft’s HoloLens 2, but I am sure we will be seeing similar advancements in all VR headsets soon.

1.更宽的FOV显示屏:目前,VR头戴式耳机面临的问题是使体验的沉浸感降低:矩形视场(FOV)有限。 例如,在最初的Microsoft HoloLens中,FOV受到限制,但是Microsoft的HoloLens 2通过实施激光技术来创建微机电系统显示器来解决此问题。 HoloLens 2可以将波导放置在用户的眼前,从而增强了用户的视野。 原始的HoloLens每度最多只能投射47个像素,但HoloLens 2的每度只能投射两倍的像素。 这项技术只能在Microsoft的HoloLens 2中找到,但我相信我们很快就会在所有VR头戴设备中看到类似的进步。

2. More stand-alone VR headsets: Currently, most VR headsets need to be connected to powerful computers via wires, restricting the mobility of VR users. To change this, several new companies like Oculus have developed stand-alone VR headsets that only require a phone and a stable Wi-Fi connection to use. This would make the VR headset much easier to use because it doesn’t require an expensive computer or janky wires to work properly and it can be used anywhere (with a stable internet connection).

2.更多独立VR耳机:当前,大多数VR耳机需要通过电线连接到功能强大的计算机,从而限制了VR用户的移动性。 为了改变这一点, Oculus等几家新公司已经开发了独立的VR头戴式耳机,这些头戴式耳机仅需要电话和稳定的Wi-Fi连接即可使用。 这将使VR头戴式耳机更易于使用,因为它不需要昂贵的计算机或粗糙的电线即可正常工作,并且可以在任何地方使用(具有稳定的互联网连接)。

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Digital Trends) Digital Trends )

3. Eye-tracking and built-in facial expressions for enhanced communication: Virtual reality already immerses people in a very realistic virtual environment, but to take it to the next level, VR needs to be equipped with eye-tracking and built-in facial expressions. Companies like Pupil Labs have created eye-tracking add-ons and software for VR headsets, but in the future, this technology will be built into the headsets. Eye-tracking tech allows for foveated rendering, which renders a given scene in high resolution only in the fovea region, which is the center of our field of vision. With eye-tracking and facial expressions built into VR headsets, users will have a more comfortable, personalized experience and the virtual world could potentially become just as enriching as the real one, which would open a gateway for new opportunities.

3.眼动仪和内置面部表情以增强交流:虚拟现实已经使人们沉浸在非常逼真的虚拟环境中,但是要使其升华到更高的水平,VR需要配备眼动仪和内置面部功能表达式。 像Pupil Labs这样的公司已经为VR头盔创建了眼动追踪附加程序和软件,但是在将来,该技术将内置于头盔中。 眼动追踪技术可实现中心凹渲染,即仅在中心凹区域即我们的视野中心,以高分辨率渲染给定场景。 借助VR头戴式耳机内置的眼动追踪和面部表情,用户将拥有更加舒适,个性化的体验,虚拟世界有可能变得与真实世界一样丰富,这将为新机遇打开大门。

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CyberSpot) Cyber​​Spot )

思想与预测 (Thoughts and Predictions)

Virtual reality at the moment is extremely powerful, but there are some new advancements I would like to see in the future. One such advancement is providing more VR accessories. At the moment, there is a limited number of products that can be used with VR, which limits our capabilities in these environments. Currently, we can only connect devices like joysticks and controllers. Even though both of those objects can do most virtual actions, they are not designed specifically for certain tasks. By adding a connectable steering wheel to have an immersive racing experience or developing accessories that can emulate surgical equipment for educational purposes, a plethora of new opportunities could be unveiled.

目前,虚拟现实功能非常强大,但我希望将来能看到一些新进展。 其中一项进步是提供了更多的VR配件。 目前,可用于VR的产品数量有限,这限制了我们在这些环境中的功能。 目前,我们只能连接操纵杆和控制器之类的设备。 即使这两个对象都可以执行大多数虚拟操作,但它们并不是专门为某些任务而设计的。 通过增加可连接的方向盘来获得身临其境的赛车体验,或者开发可以模拟外科手术设备以用于教育目的的附件,可以揭示大量的新机会。

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Marketwatch) Marketwatch )

We have only scratched the surface for what’s to come, and I have high hopes and expectations for virtual reality. I believe that in the distant future, entertainment, education, and more will be easily accessible through VR and we may even get closer to having a virtual world like the one in Ready Player One! But until then, we must wait patiently for technology to progress and enjoy the real world.

我们只是为即将发生的事情打下了基础,我对虚拟现实寄予厚望和期望。 我相信,在遥远的将来,可以通过VR轻松访问娱乐,教育和更多内容,我们甚至可以更接近拥有像Ready Player One中那样的虚拟世界! 但是在那之前,我们必须耐心等待技术进步并享受现实世界。

翻译自: https://medium.com/techtalkers/3-advancements-coming-to-virtual-reality-395cfdc475c5






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