

“This year’s Oscar for Best Actor goes to…… Marlon Brando’s estate for his digitized role in Godfather 7: The Prequel.”

“今年的奥斯卡最佳男主角去了……马龙·白兰度(Marlon Brando)在《教父7:前传》中的数字化角色。

In 2016 moviegoers saw Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher in “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” playing the characters Tarkin and Leia. This is despite the fact that Cushing had been dead for over 20 years and Fisher was 40-years older than she appeared in the film. Living actors Guy Henry and Ingvild Deila acted out the scenes, then the team at ILM used special cameras and CGI techniques to transform them into Cushing and Fisher as they were circa 1977.

2016年,上映电影的观众看到彼得·库兴(Peter Cushing)和嘉莉·费舍尔(Carrie Fisher)在《侠盗一号:星球大战外传》中饰演塔金和莱娅。 尽管库欣已经死了20多年,而费舍尔比影片中的年龄大40岁。 活着的演员盖伊·亨利(Guy Henry)和英格维德·黛拉(Ingvild Deila)进行了现场表演,然后, ILM的团队使用特殊的摄像头和CGI技术将它们转换为大约1977年的Cushing和Fisher。

The significance of these techniques are monumental for the entertainment industry:


— Old age and death are no longer impediments to casting—


Of course there is a bit of an uncanny valley feeling with the characters’ faces, as a hint of CGI unreality remains. But we’re fooling ourselves if we don’t think that upcoming generations of CGI won’t deliver flawless representations of any desired actor.

当然,由于CGI的不真实性,这些人物的面Kong会带有一种奇特的山谷感。 但是,如果我们不认为即将到来的CGI一代不会提供任何所需演员的完美表现,那我们就自欺欺人了。

So, now that we have arrived at a point where producers can cast any actor, living or dead, to deliver any performance … possibilities arise:


  • Prequels, sequels, and spinoffs of the Sopranos, Game of Thrones, The Wire, Breaking Bad… all with original casts?

  • More Harry Potter movies starring the actors as they were at any age?

  • Any Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Gate, Battlestar Galactica, or any Star-related program, rebooted with original casts

  • [Insert Movie Name] starring [Insert Actor’s Name] as they were at age [Insert Desired Age]


With advancements in CGI technology, it will become easier and cheaper for directors to superimpose any actor’s likeness on to any performance. Increased ease-of-use could result in a digital marketplace of actors’ likenesses. Directors could scroll through an ever-expanding array of likenesses to select which face, body, and voice they want to superimpose on to a real life performance.

随着CGI技术的进步,导演将任何演员的肖像叠加到任何表演上将变得更加容易和便宜。 易用性的提高可能会导致演员形象的数字化市场。 导演可以滚动浏览越来越多的相似图片,以选择要叠加在现实生活中的面Kong,身体和声音。

Such a marketplace of likenesses wouldn’t have to be exclusively available to movie directors, it could extend to movie-watchers alike. When I stream the latest James Bond movie on Netflix, or any other streaming service, could I scroll through a list of actors whose likeness can be superimposed to play Bond? Maybe I’m in the mood for Sean Connery to play Bond, or maybe Pierce Brosnan this time, in either case I’ll choose Sean Bean to play the villain so he can deliver his signature death performance.

这样的肖像市场不必只供电影导演使用,它可以扩展到观看电影的人。 当我在Netflix或任何其他流媒体服务上流媒体播放最新的詹姆斯·邦德电影时,我是否可以滚动查看可以叠加其相似性来扮演邦德的演员列表? 也许我很想让肖恩·康纳利(Sean Connery)扮演邦德(Bond),或者这次可能是皮尔斯·布鲁斯南(Pierce Brosnan),无论哪种情况,我都会选择肖恩·宾(Sean Bean)扮演小人,这样他才能表现他出色的死亡表现。

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User-friendly DeepCasting in the hands of the viewer. Select your lead’s face, age, body, voice, or do a mix-n-match.
观看者手中的用户友好型DeepCasting。 选择主管的脸部,年龄,身体,声音或进行混合配对。

If it is possible to cast any actor, could it also be possible to cast any non-actor?


A new biopic of Albert Einstein could star Albert Einstein, with his face, voice, and mannerisms, taken from real life footage. JFK could play JFK. Mandela could play Mandela. Gandhi could play Gandhi. In fact, Gandhi could play Bond.

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的新传记片可以通过现实生活中的镜头拍摄阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的面Kong,声音和举止。 肯尼迪可以扮演肯尼迪。 曼德拉可以扮演曼德拉。 甘地可以扮演甘地。 实际上,甘地可以扮演邦德。

With advancements in deep learning algorithms and Deepfakes, even single images of people can be brought to life. A painting of Mona Lisa, a sculpture of Julius Caesar or a drawing of Leonardo DaVinci could be all that’s needed to make your lead actor look like the desired person. No need for hair and makeup.

随着深度学习算法和Deepfake的发展,甚至可以使人的单个图像栩栩如生 。 要使男主角看起来像理想的人,可能只需要蒙娜·丽莎的绘画,朱利叶斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)的雕塑或莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo DaVinci)的绘画。 无需头发和化妆。

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I do not envy the aspiring actor who auditions for the lead in the Picasso biopic, when he’s potentially competing against every Oscar winner in history, in their prime, as well as Pablo Picasso himself. Producers may soon find that it is more profitable to cast beloved legacy actors or famous people of bygone eras rather than take a chance on a new face.

我不羡慕这位有抱负的演员,他试镜毕加索传记片中的主角,当时他有可能与历史上每位奥斯卡获奖者,首相以及毕加索本人竞争。 制片人可能很快会发现,投下心爱的传统演员或过去时代的名人比从头再来一次机会更具收益。

This highlights one of the potential downsides. Upcoming actors face competition like never before. Guy Henry is credited for his role as Tarkin in Rogue One, despite the audience never seeing his face or hearing his voice. Had he won an Oscar, he would have collected the award, but undeniably, part of the performance was not his.

这突出了潜在的缺点之一。 即将到来的演员面临前所未有的竞争。 尽管观众从来没有看到他的脸或听到他的声音的家伙亨利记入他作为塔金在霸一方的作用。 如果他获得了奥斯卡奖,他将获得该奖项,但不可否认的是, 部分表演不是他的。

As technology shoulders larger portions or the entirety of acting and voiceover roles, who gets credited with the performance?


  • The motion-captured ping-pong-ball-clad actor?

  • The deceased actor’s likeness and estate?

  • The deep learning neural network algorithm that does the superimposition?

  • The CGI team who delivers the final product?

  • Everyone? No one?

    大家? 没有人?

If body movements are played by one actor, dialogue and facial expressions are delivered by another, and a CGI team alters the entire performance to match the likeness of a third actor, who wins the Oscar? Can teams win awards for Best Actor?

如果由一位演员进行肢体动作,而另一位演员进行对话和面部表情表达,那么CGI团队会更改整个表演,以匹配赢得奥斯卡奖的第三位演员的形象。 团队可以赢得最佳男演员奖吗?

Does it matter? So long as everyone gets paid and the final performance works.

有关系吗? 只要每个人都得到报酬并且最终表现正常。

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Who gets credit for performances? Teams?
谁的表演获得赞誉? 团队?

This is a big opportunity for established actors and influential people (or their estates if they are dead), to star in roles across centuries. A digitized Robert Downey Jr. could play Iron Man well into the 22nd Century, ensuring millions in revenue for himself and estate. Knowing this, actors are getting themselves scanned, as a way to provide for their family in perpetuity as well as provide security for current projects.

对于成熟的演员和有影响力的人(或者如果他们死了,则是他们的财产)来说,这是一个很大的机会,可以跨越几个世纪来扮演角色。 数字化的小罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)可以扮演《钢铁侠》,直到22世纪,确保他本人和遗产的数百万美元的收入。 知道这一点后, 演员们就会受到扫描 ,这是他们永久保留家人并为当前项目提供安全性的一种方式。

The ethics of “resurrecting” people to play roles, to which they are incapable of agreeing, is also fraught. Fred Astaire’s widow approved of his likeness to be used to star in a vacuum cleaner commercial, while his daughter did not. Perhaps all our wills need to be amended to outline how our future likenesses may or may not be used.….. (No nudity, unless it makes me look good).

人们也无法同意“复活”人们扮演角色的道德操守。 弗雷德·阿斯泰尔(Fred Astaire)的遗ow 批准了他的画像 ,被用来在真空吸尘器广告中担任明星 ,而他的女儿却没有。 也许我们所有的意愿都需要修改,以概述如何使用或不使用我们将来的肖像。…..(没有裸露,除非它使我看起来不错)。

If you think you don’t need to be concerned about licensing rights for your likeness, consider this Chinese company’s Deepfake app that lets users superimpose their own face onto actors’ roles of a desired movie clip. This has led to issues with copyrights, privacy, and the digital rights to peoples’ faces. With apps like this, I can play James Bond, the villain, and the leading lady, simultaneously. Or I could swipe your profile picture and have you play the villain. Anyone can play anyone.

如果你认为不需要关心你的肖像许可权这样做,认为这是中国企业的Deepfake的应用程序 ,让用户塞给自己的面子上演员们所期望的影片剪辑的角色。 这导致了版权,隐私和人们面Kong数字版权的问题。 借助这样的应用程序,我可以同时扮演詹姆斯·邦德,小人和女主角。 或者,我可以滑动您的个人资料图片,让您扮演反派。 任何人都可以玩任何人。

CGI and Deepfake technology are disrupting the entertainment world, which may or may not be good. Perhaps we’ll enjoy a richer movie-going experience with greater realism, more control, and the return of beloved actors reprising iconic roles. Or maybe we’ll be doomed to watch the same actors playing the same roles over and over again, never experiencing something new.

CGI和Deepfake技术正在颠覆娱乐世界,这可能是好事,也可能不是好事。 也许我们将享受到更丰富的电影体验,并获得更大的真实感,更多的控制力,以及心爱的演员重新扮演偶像角色。 或者,也许我们注定要一次又一次地观看相同的演员扮演相同的角色,而从未经历过任何新事物。

In any case, I’m excited to see the new Indiana Jones movie, starring ’81 Harrison Ford, ’62 Marilyn Monroe, ’37 Adolf Hitler, and myself playing Jones’ sidekick.


Matt is a writer, animator and the creator of Digital Absurdist. You can subscribe to his videos on his YouTube channel, or check out more content at

马特(Matt)是数字荒诞派的作家,动画师和创作者。 您可以在他的YouTube频道上订阅他的视频,或在DigitalAbsurdist.com上查看更多内容。

Originally published at on March 2, 2020.

最初于 2020年3月2日 发布



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