

Why I need my full concentration to listen


‘No time to read? Download the audible version!’ ‘Instead of reading a blog, listen to our podcast on the go!’

'没有时间阅读? 下载可听版本!” “而不是阅读博客,而是随时随地收听我们的播客!”

Podcasts and Audible books offer the promise of learning on the go. The idea is that you don’t have to interrupt your day to listen. You can continue your normal activities while listening to someone teach you how to make money, write a book, eat the right foods, etc. In our time-crunched, instant-access culture, it seems the perfect solution. We are all busy…far too busy to sit down and read to learn. Now we can learn through listening and we can do it anyplace…on our commute, while doing chores, while going for a walk. Efficiency is the name of the game.

播客和有声读物为在旅途中学习提供了希望。 这个想法是您不必打扰您的一天来听。 您可以在听别人教您如何赚钱,写书,吃适当的食物等的同时继续进行正常的活动。在我们时间紧迫的即时访问文化中,这似乎是完美的解决方案。 我们都很忙……太忙了,无法坐下来读书学习。 现在,我们可以通过聆听来学习,并且可以在任何地方……在上下班途中,做家务,散步时。 效率是游戏的名称。

It’s not so simple for me.


For those of us who have hearing loss, podcasts are either completely inaccessible or require concentration in order to understand what is being said. I read lips to help me understand what is being said. Without the ability to lipread, I miss much of what someone is saying. The amount of what I miss depends on the person’s voice. Some people are easier to understand than others. But I still need to concentrate to understand. If there are captions, that makes it much easier but then I need to be reading the captions….which is essentially the same thing as reading a blog. Actually, it’s more difficult than reading a blog because, with a blog, I can read at my own pace. My eyes aren’t trying to keep pace with the words flashing across the screen. If I look away briefly or try to take notes, I lose my place and I don’t hear what is being said.

对于我们这些有听力障碍的人来说,播客要么完全无法访问,要么需要专心致志才能理解所讲的内容。 我读嘴唇以帮助我理解所讲的内容。 没有能力进行唇读,我会想念别人在说什么。 我想念的东西取决于人的声音。 有些人比其他人更容易理解。 但是我仍然需要集中精力去理解。 如果有标题,这将使它变得容易得多,但是我需要阅读标题…。这与阅读博客本质上是一样的。 实际上,这比阅读博客更困难,因为有了博客,我可以按照自己的节奏阅读。 我的眼睛并没有跟上单词在屏幕上闪烁的步伐。 如果我短暂地移开视线或尝试做笔记,就会失去位置,也听不到您在说什么。

Videos and Livestreams are easier because I can watch the person who is talking and read their lips…unless they turn their backs or continue to talk when the camera shifts to the other person they may be conversing with. Or they put up pictures and do a voiceover. Even then, I can’t look away from the screen. I need to be focused on watching the person speaking…or reading the captions if they are aware enough to realize the captions are needed for some of their viewers. I can’t take notes or do chores or attend to some other task. I need to focus. I need to concentrate. And all that concentration is exhausting.

视频和直播更容易,因为我可以观看正在讲话的人并读他们的嘴唇……除非当照相机移到可能与之交谈的另一个人时他们转过背或继续讲话。 或者他们贴上图片并做画外音。 即使那样,我也不能离开屏幕。 我需要集中精力观看该人的讲话……或阅读字幕,如果他们足够了解以至于某些观看者需要字幕。 我不能做笔记,做家务或参加其他任务。 我要集中精神 我需要集中精神。 所有的注意力都在消耗。

And what is the end result of all that concentration, all that energy expended in listening? I usually find that after the webinar or live stream is over, I cannot remember what was said. All my energy and mental resources were expended in understanding what was being said which left very little resources for memorizing the information. So, unless I somehow managed to take some notes, the hour or two hours was pretty much wasted. Sometimes I can manage to pin down the information in my brain by focusing on key concepts and repeating them in my head. This allows certain bits of information to ‘stick’. But there have frequently been times when I’ve gotten done with a webinar and can’t remember a single concept. And I usually feel exhausted afterward.

那么,所有集中精力,倾听所有精力所产生的最终结果是什么? 我通常会发现在网络研讨会或直播结束后,我不记得说了什么。 我所有的精力和精力都花在了理解所讲的内容上,而这几乎没有资源来记住信息。 因此,除非我设法记笔记,否则一两个小时的时间就浪费了。 有时,我可以专注于关键概念并在脑海中重复这些信息,从而设法确定大脑中的信息。 这允许某些信息“粘”。 但是很多时候我已经完成了一个网络研讨会,并且记不起一个单一的概念。 然后我通常会感到筋疲力尽。

If you are teaching online, be mindful of your viewers that may be Deaf or hard of hearing. Or maybe that needs extra time to process what you are saying. Include captions whenever possible. One way you can do this is by using Google slides and activating captions which will automatically provide captions as you are speaking. Just remember to include a minimum of information on each slide so the viewer has time to look at the information on the slide as well as read the captions. Make sure you pause briefly when you go to a new slide to allow people a chance to look at the slide before having to read the captions.

如果您正在在线教学,请注意可能会充耳不闻或听不清的观众。 也许这需要额外的时间来处理您所说的话。 尽可能添加字幕。 实现此目的的一种方法是使用Google幻灯片并激活字幕,这些字幕会在您讲话时自动提供字幕。 只需记住在每张幻灯片上都包含最少的信息,以便观众有时间查看幻灯片上的信息以及阅读字幕。 确保在转到新幻灯片时暂时停顿一下,以使人们有机会在不得不阅读标题之前先看一下幻灯片。

If this is a pre-recorded video, include a written transcript of the information. Even if it’s not word for word, giving the gist of what you will be speaking about will allow your viewers to read at their own pace and it can help them absorb the information better. Make sure to include captions, whether you do it yourself or through a third-party. If you are using automatic captions, make sure to Edit the captions before publishing the video. Nonsensical words flashing across the screen are worse than no captions at all.

如果这是预先录制的视频,请提供信息的书面笔录。 即使不是一字一句,给出您要说的内容的主旨也可以使观众以自己的节奏阅读,并且可以帮助他们更好地吸收信息。 无论是您自己制作的还是通过第三方制作的,都请确保包含字幕。 如果使用的是自动字幕,请确保在发布视频之前编辑字幕。 毫无意义的单词在屏幕上闪烁总比没有字幕要糟糕。

If you are doing a webinar or a live stream seminar series, try to include a workbook, preferably one where you don’t need to fill in the blanks. This can provide a valuable resource and ease the pressure off the viewer to take notes or try and remember what was said.

如果您要进行网络研讨会或直播研讨会系列,请尝试添加一本工作簿,最好是不需要填写空白的工作簿。 这可以提供宝贵的资源,并减轻观看者做笔记或尝试记住所讲内容的压力。

Videos, webinars, and live streams can be a great way to get your message out to others. Just make sure they are accessible to all your viewers. Using these tips can help ensure that everyone can watch and learn from the information (or be entertained by your content). It is also a simple way to expand your audience which will end up being a win-win for both you and your viewers.

影片,网路研讨会和即时串流是将讯息传达给他人的好方法。 只要确保您的所有观看者都可以访问它们即可。 使用这些提示可以帮助确保每个人都可以观看和学习信息(或从您的内容中获得乐趣)。 这也是扩大受众的一种简单方法,最终将为您和您的观众带来双赢。

翻译自: https://medium.com/voices-through-silence/why-i-cant-multitask-with-my-hearing-loss-9b0d102971d1






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