

So…an update has come to Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This means the arrival of a new strange special character, called Luna. She gives off very strong Luna Lovegood vibes, which is something I identify with (I was once described as an amalgamation of Luna Lovegood and Moaning Myrtle…because I cry a lot, and I’m strange).

S 0 ...更新已经到了动物之森:新视野。 这意味着一个叫做Luna的新奇特角色的到来。 她散发出非常强烈的Luna Lovegood震动,这是我所认同的(我曾经被描述为Luna Lovegood和Moaning Myrtle的融合……因为我哭了很多,而且我很奇怪)。

一系列不幸的梦想 (A series of unfortunate dreams)

I eagerly rebooted my Switch, excited to enter the dreamscape. I ran out of my house to find Luna’s little letter, with a bed attached (how is this possible? How does a giant bed fit in that tiny letterbox? If this was real life, someone from Hermes would’ve thrown the bed at me, despite it being clearly marked as fragile, whereupon it would break into tiny pieces. He would then blame me. I once watched an episode of a real-life court drama thing called Judge Rinder…basically the UK’s Judge Judy, where a man legitimately got sacked from his job as a mailman because he got a dog to sign for a parcel). I ran straight back into my house and set the bed up. Did it go with the decor? No. Never mind, you can’t have everything you want in life.

我热切地重启了Switch,兴奋地进入了Dreamscape。 我跑出家门去找到露娜的小字母,上面有一张床(这怎么可能?巨大的床怎么能装在那个小小的信箱里?如果这是真实生活,那么爱马仕(Hermes)的人会把床扔给我尽管它被清楚地标记为易碎品,但它却会破碎成小块,然后他会怪我,我曾经看过一集真实的舞台剧,叫做《林德法官》……基本上是英国的朱迪法官,一个男人合法地被邮递员的工作解雇了,因为他有一条狗要签包裹 。 我径直跑回我的房子,整理好床铺。 装修有吗? 不,没关系,您不可能拥有生活中想要的一切。

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The famous Lizzie, that is I.
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Does Luna’s bed go with the decor? No. Please do better, Luna. I’m not losing my Happy Home ratings for anyone, especially not you.
露娜的床有装饰吗? 不,请做得更好,露娜。 我不会因为任何人,尤其是您,而失去我对“快乐之家”的评价。

Why even give me the option of sleep? Nap life is the life. Then, I met Luna. I had expected to come across something resembling a cross between Inception and The Matrix. What I got was neither, but was arguably weirder. I was just chilling in my purple paradise, just sleeping, and then…

为什么还要给我选择睡眠的机会? 午睡生活生活。 然后,我遇到了露娜。 我曾期望遇到类似于《盗梦空间》《黑客帝国》之间的交叉的东西。 我所得到的既不是,也不是奇怪的。 我只是在紫色天堂里放松,睡觉,然后……

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I don’t like it, please make it stop. I don’t really like the way she describes dreaming…on second thoughts, it is slightly Matrix-like.
我不喜欢它,请停止它。 我真的不喜欢她描述梦的方式……再三考虑,它有点像黑客帝国。

Luna appears. Luna is very strange. ScreenRant describes her as an ‘adorable little Tapir’, to which I say…have you been playing the same game? Why does her hair look like that? She looks like the animal embodiment of a Karen. She has strong take-me-to-your-manager vibes, like a Doctor Who villain crossed with a large mammal. I don’t like it.

露娜出现。 露娜很奇怪。 ScreenRant将她形容为“可爱的小Tap”,我对她说……您是否玩过同一游戏? 为什么她的头发看起来像那样? 她看起来像卡伦的动物化身。 她具有很强的自我管理感,就像“恶棍医生”(Doctor Who)与大哺乳动物杂交一样。 我不喜欢

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The AC:NH producers decided to put an important information disclaimer on screen, which isn’t important for me…because no-one will be visiting my island. I don’t want there to be any witnesses for the final show-off between me and that Satanic creature Tom Nook. Which will end with his demise.
AC:NH的制作人决定在屏幕上显示一个重要的信息免责声明,这对我而言并不重要……因为没有人会来访我的岛屿。 我不希望有任何目击者见证我和那个撒旦生物汤姆·努克之间的最后一场炫耀。 这将以他的死亡而告终。

Apparently Animal Crossing: New Leaf, the franchise’s previous instalment, one could visit Luna at a Dream Suite, where she will eat your dreams to become more and more powerful, like the baddies in The Matrix! Where’s Orpheus when you need him? Okay, she didn’t eat your dreams. That bit is maybe a slight lie. But, through Luna, you can enter others’ islands, without having to guide your visitors around. You can also allow visitors to your island without worrying that they’re going to chop up all your trees, try to fight your residents, or change your town flag to a rude image.

显然是《 动物穿越》:专营店的前期作品《 新叶》 ( New Leaf) ,可以在梦境套房参观露娜,她会吃掉你的梦,变得越来越强大,就像《黑客帝国》中的坏蛋一样! 当您需要奥菲斯时,他在哪里? 好吧,她没有吃掉你的梦想。 那一点可能只是个小谎言。 但是,通过Luna,您可以进入其他人的岛屿,而无需引导您的访客。 您还可以允许游客到您的岛屿,而不必担心他们会砍掉您的所有树木,与您的居民作斗争或将您的城镇标志更改为粗鲁的形象。

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What fresh hell is this, I think, as a tapir harvests my dreams.


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I may be welcome at any time, but I’m never coming back.

Surprisingly I walk away from the experience with little harm done. It was strange, but I think it was character building. What kind of character it is building, I’m not entirely sure. Probably one that needs to go to therapy?

出乎意料的是,我没有遭受太大的伤害就离开了这一经历。 这很奇怪,但我认为这是在建立角色。 我不确定是什么样的角色。 可能需要治疗吗?

即使从梦中醒来,谢尔顿的噩梦依然存在 (Even after you wake up from the dream, the nightmare that is Sheldon remains)

I hate this chipmunk-squirrel thing with a passion that would stir even a Stoic to tears.


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Throw the whole chipmunk out…don’t trash my style, you hate-filled goblin (or is that me?)

Directly after this conversation I tried to push Sheldon in the river. He is now very angry with me, but I couldn’t care less. I hate him so much. He gives off low-key jock energy, and I’m not here for it. Working out isn’t a personality trait! Please find another hobby.

谈话之后,我立即试图将谢尔登推入河中。 他现在很生我的气,但是我不在乎。 我好讨厌他 他散发出低调的乔克能量,而我却不在这里。 锻炼不是人格特质! 请找到另一个爱好。

Sheldon’s energy is pretty similar to the guys who write 6'6 in their Tinder bio. Yes, that is your height, thank you. Now where’s your personality?
Sheldon的精力与在Tinder生物中写6'6的家伙非常相似。 是的,那是你的身高,谢谢。 现在你的个性在哪里?
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Sloth Isle is now welcome to dreamers.

I then returned to the real world, where I chatted with a sloth.


翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/animal-crossing-new-horizons-dream-update-2ee435a1e0ae






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