澳大利亚 各地区数据库数据_如何在澳大利亚找到数据科学家的工作

澳大利亚 各地区数据库数据

After several months of lay-off, I finally got a data scientist job in Sydney again. Here I’d like to share some tips about finding a data science job in Australia during this pandemic period.

的停工一压脚提升的几个月里,我终于再次得到了在悉尼的一个数据科学家的工作。 在这里,我想分享一些有关在大流行时期在澳大利亚找到数据科学工作的提示。

面试技巧 (Tips About interviewing)

  1. Stand during the virtual interview. Standing can make you more confident and give others a better impression. Standing can also make you feel more flexible and easy to use body language.

    在虚拟面试中站立。 站立可以使您更加自信,并给别人更好的印象。 站立还可以使您感到更加灵活和易于使用的肢体语言。

  2. Make your self-introduction and research/work experience simple. I am a non-English background, English is one of my drawbacks, and virtual interview makes it even worse. I tried my best to make the self-introduction and experience part simple, emphasis on the main point, my contributions and results. I was asked to talk about my research during several interviews. I went through too many details, also covered too much math concept, afterwards, the feedback was that I have a solid theory background, but my communication skills need to be improved. So I practised with my wife many times, deleted the complex concepts, make more examples until she can understand my topic well. I would encourage you to practice interviewing with non-tech background people. One of the interview questions I have been asked was to explain the random forest algorithm to non-tech staff.

    使您的自我介绍和研究/工作经验简单。 我是非英语背景人士,英语是我的缺点之一,而虚拟面试会使情况更糟。 我尽力使自我介绍和经历变得简单,强调重点,我的贡献和成果。 在几次采访中,我被要求谈论我的研究。 我经历了太多的细节,也涵盖了太多的数学概念,之后的反馈是我拥有扎实的理论背景,但是我的沟通技巧需要提高。 因此,我和妻子一起练习了很多次,删除了复杂的概念,列举了更多的例子,直到她能很好地理解我的话题。 我鼓励您练习采访非技术背景的人。 我被问到的面试问题之一是向非技术人员解释随机森林算法。

  3. Use whiteboard if you have to explain some complex concept. Both Zoom and google meeting provide whiteboard tool for you during virtual video calls. Draw a picture showing your thought could be extremely helpful.

    如果您必须解释一些复杂的概念, 请使用白板 。 在虚拟视频通话期间,Zoom和Google Meeting都为您提供了白板工具。 画一张画出你的想法可能会很有帮助。

  4. Do meditation before interviews. Meditation helps me to calm down.

    面试前做冥想 。 冥想可以帮助我冷静下来。

  5. Ask for feedback after the interview. Feedback is extremely helpful. You can get to know where to improve yourself most efficiently.

    面试后要求反馈。 反馈非常有帮助。 您可以了解最有效改善自己的地方。

  6. Get very familiar with the basic concepts about machine learning, such as PCA, linear regression etc. I wasted several opportunities because of lacking essential ML knowledge.

    熟悉机器学习的基本概念 ,例如PCA,线性回归等。由于缺乏基本的机器学习知识,我浪费了很多机会。

  7. Research about the company before the interview. View their webpage, read the company culture/principles, prepare some stories which align with their culture. Some of the interview questions may be related to the business of the company.

    面试前要对公司进行调查。 查看他们的网页,阅读公司文化/原则,准备一些与其文化相符的故事。 一些面试问题可能与公司业务有关。

  8. Record yourself doing mock interviews.


It will be painful to watch, but infinitely useful. Remember that every mistake you make is an opportunity to grow. Every weakness you spot is an area you can improve. Every “um”, “ah”, “uh”, and “like” is an opportunity to become a better speaker. Record yourself, watch yourself, be critical, and learn from the experience. This is how you get better at interviewing.

观看起来会很痛苦,但是却无穷无尽。 请记住,您犯的每一个错误都是成长的机会。 您发现的每个弱点都是可以改进的地方。 每个“嗯”,“嗯”,“嗯”和“喜欢”都是一个成为更好的演讲者的机会。 记录自己,观察自己,保持批判,并从经验中学习。 这样才能更好地进行面试。

有关求职的提示: (Tips about job searching:)

  1. Do some ML projects/Kaggle competitions. For a data scientist role in Australian, employers pay more attention to your project/working experience. There are quite a few companies that care about your coding skills. I spent plenty of time to practise solving problems on leetcode. I found one out of ten companies have interests in problem-solving skills.

    进行一些ML项目/ Kaggle竞赛。 对于在澳大利亚担任数据科学家的角色,雇主应更加注意您的项目/工作经验。 有很多公司关心您的编码技能。 我花了很多时间练习解决leetcode上的问题。 我发现十分之一的公司都对解决问题的技能感兴趣。

  2. Do the take-home exercise/online assessment as early as you can. Some of the tasks may not have a deadline, however, there may be some other candidates doing the exercise at the same time, if they submitted the exercise one week earlier than you, they may get the offer before you submit your solution.

    尽早进行家庭锻炼/在线评估。 有些任务可能没有截止日期,但是,可能还有其他一些候选人同时进行练习,如果他们比您早一周提交练习,他们可能会在您提交解决方案之前获得报价。

  3. Get to know more people, have more connections on LinkedIn. I heard that two out of three people got their job via referring. I got my first data scientist job by referring. Besides, many companies in Australia rely on agents to hire talented people.

    认识更多人 ,在LinkedIn上拥有更多联系。 我听说三分之二的人是通过推荐获得工作的。 我通过参考获得了第一份数据科学家的工作。 此外,澳大利亚的许多公司都依靠代理商来雇用人才。

  4. Make good use of job search websites. Frequently search keywords such as “Machine Learning” using Seek, Indeed, LinkedIn. Subscribe the job alert service from automatic job searching websites such as nuevoo, Adzuna, they will send you new related job opportunities daily.

    充分利用求职网站 。 经常使用Seek,Indeed,LinkedIn搜索诸如“机器学习”之类的关键字。 从nuevooAdzuna等自动求职网站订阅工作警报服务,它们将每天为您发送新的相关工作机会。

  5. Apply for as many jobs as you can. You have nothing to lose, applying for a job costs only several seconds. Some of the Data Scientist jobs require years of experience, but you can still try to apply for them. I even got interview opportunities for senior NLP engineer and senior data engineer roles although I do not have any experience in these areas. I also applied for some senior Data Scientist roles posted by agents, although I was not successful, the agents still contacted me and offered other roles match my experience better.

    申请尽可能多的工作。 您没有损失,申请工作仅需几秒钟。 一些数据科学家工作需要多年的经验,但是您仍然可以尝试申请。 尽管我在这些领域没有任何经验,但我甚至获得了担任高级NLP工程师和高级数据工程师职位的面试机会。 我还申请了一些由代理商发布的高级数据科学家职位,尽管我没有成功,但代理商仍与我联系,并提供了与我的经验更匹配的其他职位。

  6. Permanent resident is important, but there are still some companies that do not require it. I got my first data scientist job without PR. Besides, if you have the ability to find a data scientist job, you may eligible for applying for the 858 global talent visa.

    永久居民很重要,但是仍然有一些公司不需要永久居民。 我获得了第一份没有PR的数据科学家职位。 此外,如果您有能力找到数据科学家的工作,则可能有资格申请858全球人才签证

学习资源: (Learning Resources:)

  1. Machine Learning Course on Coursera and CS229 Machine Learning course at Standford University.


2. How to win a Data Science Competition: Learn from Top Kagglers, a useful course about data science theory as well as practice.

2.如何赢得数据科学竞赛:向顶级Kagglers学习 ,这是一门有关数据科学理论和实践的有用课程。

3. Neural Networks and Deep Learning book provides a great intuition about deep learning.

3.《 神经网络与深度学习》一书提供了有关深度学习的绝佳直觉。

4. Deep Learning book

4. 深度学习书

5. Pattern Recognization and Machine Learning book, if you want to conduct in-depth research about machine learning.

5.如果您想进行有关机器学习的深入研究,请阅读《 模式识别和机器学习》一书。

Comment if you have any question. I have written another story to share some frequently asked data scientist interviewing questions.

有任何问题请发表评论。 我写了另一个故事,分享一些经常问到的数据科学家的采访问题

Last but not least, if you are refused many times, it’s quite normal, cheer up, calm down and keep going, trust yourself and improve yourself, you will find a great job anyway.


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-find-a-data-scientist-job-in-australia-7065d1f6a967

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