

Technical interviews for developer jobs can be difficult. You are sure to fail a few until you grasp what people are looking for.

开发人员工作的技术面试可能很困难。 您一定会失败一些,直到您掌握了人们的需求。

I conduct many interviews so here are my tips on getting through to an offer.


带回家的挑战 (The take home challenge)

Many companies have a take home coding challenge. It normally consists of a written problem and a description of what the reviewers of your submission are looking to see. Some will let you choose what language to tackle the problem in, some may specify what you have to use.

许多公司都面临着编码方面的挑战。 它通常包括一个书面问题和对您提交的审稿人希望看到的内容的描述。 有些可以让您选择解决问题所用的语言,有些可以指定您必须使用的语言。

Please, read the instructions. Let it soak in for a period of time and read it again before you start. I have reviewed many submissions where people have only read the first part of what’s required and then dived in to writing the solution. I would re-read the requirements info before you submit your solution to ensure you have ticked all the boxes. Failing to meet the requirements will get you cut early.

请阅读说明。 让它浸泡一段时间,然后再开始阅读。 我已经审查了许多意见书,其中人们只阅读了要求的第一部分,然后投入到编写解决方案中。 在提交解决方案之前,我会重新阅读需求信息,以确保您已选中所有复选框。 不符合要求将使您尽早裁员。

With submissions I review, here is what I am looking for.


Have you added a well written README?I will start here and follow your instructions to the letter. You probably should do the same.

您是否添加了写得很好的自述文件? 我将从这里开始,并按照您的指示来信。 您可能应该做同样的事情。

Does it work?Nah seriously, does it actually run and produce correct results? I will run it and verify the results.

它行得通吗? 不,是不是真的可以运行并产生正确的结果? 我将运行它并验证结果。

Does it have tests and do they pass?I am going to run the tests. I am looking for green here. I’ll probably also notice if there is only 1 test or 300. I’m looking for a good amount of testing to ensure that the program produces the correct results, but not overkill. It goes without saying, you should add some tests!

它有测试并且通过了吗? 我要运行测试。 我在这里寻找绿色。 我可能还会注意到是否只有1个测试或300个测试。我正在寻找大量测试,以确保程序产生正确的结果,但又不过分。 不用说,您应该添加一些测试!

Have you got a git history?I’ll check that a git history exists. I’ll load it up in my favourite GUI tool and scroll through the commits. I wont be looking for what order you work in. Some people go strict “tests first”, others do a little coding and then do a little testing. What I am looking for is that you have some method to the way in which you work.

你有git历史吗? 我将检查git历史记录是否存在。 我将其加载到我最喜欢的GUI工具中,并滚动浏览提交。 我不会寻找您工作的顺序。有些人首先进行严格的“测试”,有些人则进行一些编码,然后再进行一些测试。 我正在寻找的是您对工作方式有某种了解。

If you tick off these, you will probably pass the first round of screening to see if you can actually code.


As the roles get more senior, I’ll pay more attention to the commit messages, the sorts of payloads that are in the commits and try to work out ways of working.


If you want to really make certain you progress, then here are a few tips.


Take it seriouslyTreat the exercise like this is your profession. You’re coding to land the job. Add linters and code quality to make sure you code looks wonderful. I often open up submissions and it’s all over the place. My IDE is set up to highlight trailing whitespace in red, draw lines between the brackets. When you’ve got your indentation and formatting all wrong, I do see it. It’s not a hanging offence, but it can affect what pay scale level is recommended if you receive an offer.

认真对待像这样的运动是您的职业。 您正在编码以找到工作。 添加短毛绒和代码质量,以确保您的代码看起来很棒。 我经常打开投稿,到处都是。 我的IDE设置为以红色突出显示尾随空白,并在方括号之间画线。 当您的缩进和格式全部错误时,我确实看到了。 这不是一项临时罪行,但是如果您收到要约,它可能会影响建议的薪级范围。

Cheat and prototype your solutionIf you can’t immediately see how you want to tackle the solution, do a prototype first. Forget testing, just work through the problem, get your head straight. When you’ve got a prototype solution, start a new project, the one you are going to submit. This way, you can show a clean pattern to match the expectations of the reviewer.

作弊并对解决方案进行原型制作如果您无法立即看到要解决该解决方案的方法,请先进行原型制作。 忘记测试,只是解决问题,直截了当。 在获得原型解决方案后,开始一个新项目,即您要提交的项目。 这样,您可以显示干净的模式以符合审阅者的期望。

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Photo by Headway on Unsplash
HeadwayUnsplash上的 照片

配对面试 (The pairing interview)

The take home challenge was to see if you can code or not. The pairing interview is different.

带回家的挑战是看是否可以编写代码。 配对采访不同。

What I am primarily looking for is what it is like to work with you. Everyone knows that I am looking to see if you wrote that submission and can code like we saw in the take home challenge. I am also looking to see how you approach a problem. I am looking to see what it’s like to work by your side. Are you a decent human? Are you a control freak? Are you doing OK with the pressure of the pairing session? Is the problem too hard to work through?

我主要要寻找的是与您合作的感觉。 每个人都知道我正在寻找您是否编写了该提交的内容,并且可以像在回家挑战中看到的那样进行编码。 我还希望了解您如何解决问题。 我正在寻找在您身边工作的感觉。 你是一个正派的人吗? 你是控制狂吗? 配对过程的压力还可以吗? 问题太难解决了吗?

Here’s a few secrets from some of my pairing interviews.


Yes, the problem can be difficult. There is only a limited amount of time to work on the problem. No one has got to a working solution within that time window. Just keep calm.

是的,问题可能很难解决。 只有有限的时间来解决该问题。 在此时间范围内,没有人能找到可行的解决方案。 保持冷静。

I have been in pairing interviews where we didn’t even get started in the problem because the candidate just got overwhelmed. I will try to make you feel comfortable. I do understand that it’s stressful. I will try to help.

我一直在配对面试中,因为候选人不知所措,我们甚至没有开始解决这个问题。 我会尽力使您感到舒适。 我确实知道这很紧张。 我会尽力的。

In my company, we provide a skeleton application that takes care of the boilerplate work. This is because we don’t want to waste your time showing us how to set up a project. We are looking to get in to the problem space and see how you work towards a solution.

在我的公司中,我们提供了一个框架应用程序来处理样板工作。 这是因为我们不想浪费您的时间向我们展示如何设置项目。 我们希望进入问题领域,并了解您如何寻求解决方案。

Want a successful pairing session? Here are some top tips.

想要成功配对吗? 以下是一些重要提示。

Treat it like your day jobAcknowledge the time constraints and talk to your interviewer like it was your first day on the project. Chat about the ways you want to work on the problem. For my part, I’ll make sure that you are aware that I am not looking for all the answers and that it’s OK to ask me, Google or Stack Overflow for the answer. Heck, without Google, I’m not much of a coder at all.

像对待您的日常工作一样对待它。确认时间限制,并像您在项目的第一天一样与面试官交谈。 讨论您要解决此问题的方式。 就我而言,我将确保您知道我并不是在寻找所有答案,也可以向我,Google或Stack Overflow寻求答案。 哎呀,没有Google,我根本不是一名编码员。

Do codeWe want to see you code, so don’t spend all your time designing the solution or talking about the problem. Remember that I have to check off that you were the person who added the great work in the code submission. So write some tests, write some functions or classes. This really should be your priority.

编写代码我们希望看到您编写代码,所以不要花费所有时间来设计解决方案或谈论问题。 记住,我必须检查一下您是在代码提交中添加了出色工作的人。 因此,编写一些测试,编写一些函数或类。 这确实应该是您的优先事项。

Chat!Talk about what you are doing and your ideas as you work through the problem. It helps me understand the way you are working. It’s also a great way to pair. I can ask questions and we can discuss ways to solve things. I may not have all the right answers. Sometimes I have the wrong answers and you might even see me Googling the syntax. If things are just rolling along smoothly, feel free to chat to me as a person.

聊天! 讨论解决问题时正在做的事情和想法。 它可以帮助我了解您的工作方式。 这也是配对的好方法。 我可以提出问题,我们可以讨论解决问题的方法。 我可能没有正确的答案。 有时我的答案有误,您甚至可能会看到我在搜索语法。 如果事情进展顺利,请随时与我聊天。

Want to impress? Use gitNot many people demonstrate using git. Nearly no one. So when someone does, it just feels so good.

想打动? 使用git很少有人演示使用git。 几乎没有人。 因此,当有人这样做时,感觉真好。

Get a rhythm goingWhatever your normal workflow is, use it. For me, I look at a small chunk of the problem and I write some code. Then I write some tests. Then I fix my code and write a few more tests. I then check in my little feature and move on. Work to a drumbeat that shows how you work, I will notice it.

掌握节奏,无论您的正常工作流程是什么,都可以使用它。 对我来说,我只看问题的一小部分,并编写一些代码。 然后我写一些测试。 然后,我修复了代码并编写了更多测试。 然后,我检查我的小功能并继续。 努力鼓鼓地展示您的工作方式,我会注意到的。

Be friendlyI’ll always ask some question about you as a person while we’re coding. Small talk like how far away you live or if you are a dog or cat person. It’s a way I can start to see if you would be great on my team. That’s my big goal — would I want you on my team? If you can code, problem solve, handle diversity of opinions, ask for help and above all, are friendly, the answer will be yes and you will most likely pass this round.

友好,在我们编码时,我总是会问一个关于您的问题。 闲聊,例如您住的地方有多远,或者您是狗还是猫。 这是我可以开始查看您是否会在团队中表现出色的一种方式。 那是我的大目标-我想让您加入我的团队吗? 如果您可以编码,解决问题,处理各种意见,寻求帮助,并且最重要的是友好,答案将是肯定的,您很可能会通过这一轮。

We’re not looking for robots. We like working with nice people.

我们不是在寻找机器人。 我们喜欢和好人一起工作。

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Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
照片由 Toa HeftibaUnsplash拍摄

价值观或文化面试 (The values or culture interview)

I always tell everyone that you can’t fail a values or culture interview. You might not fail, but you definitely might not be selected.

我总是告诉大家,您不能失败的价值观或文化面试。 您可能不会失败,但肯定不会被选中。

To be successful in a values interview, I am looking for a few things.


OpennessI have interviewed people who are determined to give me the right answer. But this is a chat about your values and the questions are designed to tell honest stories. We’re looking for open minded people. Feel free to tell your story. If someone doesn’t want to hire you because you were honest and open, you shouldn’t want to work for them either.

开放性我采访了那些决心给我正确答案的人。 但这是关于您的价值观的聊天,这些问题旨在讲述真实的故事。 我们正在寻找开放的人。 随时讲述您的故事。 如果某人因为您诚实开放而不想雇用您,那么您也不应该为他们工作。

EmpathyI always look for empathy for others. Questions like “Have you ever had a disagreement with others?” has only one possible answer. We all know the answer is yes. Tell a story, be open and honest about how it made you feel. What I am really looking for is if you can see the disagreement from the other side. Are you someone who shows empathy.

移情我一直在寻找他人的移情。 诸如“您是否曾与他人意见分歧?”之类的问题。 只有一个可能的答案。 我们都知道答案是肯定的。 讲一个故事,坦诚面对自己的感受。 我真正在寻找的是您是否可以从另一端看到分歧。 你是一个表现出同理心的人吗?

Honesty and blameI’ll always be looking that you are honest in your stories and that you are not quick to blame someone. I really enjoy working in a zero blame environment where people feel safe to be honest. This is the purpose of the values interview to me.

诚实与责备我永远会看着你对自己的故事很诚实,而你又不会很快就责备某人。 我真的很喜欢在零责备的环境中工作,在这个环境中人们可以坦白地说。 这就是价值观采访对我的目的。

I want to work in a place where people are supportive. Where people try the hard things and fail sometimes. I want to work where people are honest and non-judgemental.

我想在人们支持的地方工作。 人们尝试艰苦的事情有时会失败。 我想在人们诚实且不受评判的地方工作。

I work at a place like this now and I trust that the core culture is protected by the people conducting the interview process.


Be yourself, it is really hard to be anyone else. Good luck in your journey.

做你自己,真的很难成为别人。 祝您旅途愉快。

*This article was originally published on








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