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翻译 机器学习的数据类型_用于机器学习的统计数据中的数据类型

机器学习的数据类型 统计概论 (Introduction to Statistics)The field of statistics is the science of learning from data. Statistical knowledge helps you use the proper methods to collect the data, employ the correct...

2020-09-28 17:56:54 2824

翻译 gpt 语言模型_gpt 3只是另一种语言模型,但更大

gpt 语言模型GPT-3 has takeover the NLP world in a very short period of time. It has proved the theory that increasing number of parameters will increase the accuracy of model. GPT-3在很短的时间内接管了NLP世界。 从理论上证明...

2020-09-28 17:47:07 1629

翻译 深度学习 自动标记 图片_通过自动标记不确定性估计和主动学习来提高数据标记效率...

深度学习 自动标记 图片 机器学习 (Machine Learning)In this post, we will be diving into the machine learning theory and techniques that were developed to evaluate our auto-labeling AI at Superb AI. More specificall...

2020-09-28 17:36:13 1498

翻译 rnns_告别rnns欢迎tcns

rnnsDisclaimer: this article assumes that readers possess preliminary knowledge behind the model intuition and architecture of LSTM neural networks. 免责声明:本文假设读者具有LSTM神经网络的模型直觉和体系结构背后的初步知识。 总览 (Overvi...

2020-09-28 17:26:24 749

翻译 太空夜景_太空深度学习的模型压缩技术概述

太空夜景By Hannah Peterson and George Williams ([email protected]) 汉娜·彼得森 ( Hannah Peterson)和 乔治·威廉姆斯 ( George Williams) ([email protected]) 空间计算 (Computing in space)Every day we de...

2020-09-26 08:52:48 933

翻译 kaggle r语言_kaggle第三名解决方案拼图多语言毒性评论分类

kaggle r语言I had recently participated in the Jigsaw Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification challenge at Kaggle and our team (ACE team) secured 3rd place on the final leader board. In this blog, I d...

2020-09-26 08:42:52 547

翻译 隐式反馈_隐式反馈的推荐系统贝叶斯个性化排名

隐式反馈It’s more prevalent to see the companies use the recommended system algorithm to produce users’ favorite items based on the previous shopping experience. Online customers would get recommended ite...

2020-09-26 08:32:15 1570

翻译 nlp单词提取_用nlp方式把单词变成数字

nlp单词提取In this article, we will look at how to tokenize never-before-seen words. Python’s tensorflow tokeniser can easily convert known words into tokens but what happens when you throw it words that ...

2020-09-26 08:23:10 679

翻译 python因子分析_python中的因子分析简介

python因子分析Factor Analysis (FA) is an exploratory data analysis method used to search influential underlying factors or latent variables from a set of observed variables. It helps in data interpretatio...

2020-09-26 08:13:05 7071

翻译 ai 模型训练_在Google AI平台上训练模型

ai 模型训练 Google ML教程 (Google ML tutorials)Welcome to the first article in this series about doing Machine Learning stuff on the Google Cloud Platform! 欢迎阅读本系列的第一篇有关在Google Cloud Platform上进行机器学习的文章! W...

2020-09-26 08:03:05 1389

翻译 机器学习之线性回归_通过线性回归开始机器学习之旅

机器学习之线性回归 线性回归 (Linear Regression)Linear regression is a part of Statistics that defines the relationship between two numerical variables. It is a linear model that believes and justifies that there ...

2020-09-26 07:53:54 409

翻译 宝贵的核心珍藏_建立成功的神经网络的10个宝贵技巧

宝贵的核心珍藏Building neural networks is difficult because there is so much variability involved. With these 10 tips and tricks, you’ll not only have concrete pointers on changes to try but a strategy and m...

2020-09-26 07:43:29 632

翻译 起始字节 和起始位_frechlet起始距离fid的简短介绍

起始字节 和起始位Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs) are very difficult to evaluate as compared to other networks. And, it is very important to evaluate the quality of GANs, because it can help us in choosi...

2020-09-26 07:32:58 1472

翻译 pytorch源代码结构_关于pytorch中的结构相似性指数sim模拟理论代码

pytorch源代码结构Recently, while implementing a depth estimation paper, I came across the term Structural Similarity Index(SSIM). SSIM is used as a metric to measure the similarity between two given images...

2020-09-26 07:22:06 1274

翻译 【建模分析】建模分析师_通过主题建模对大型盖茨进行主题分析

【建模分析】建模分析师I’ve always been interested in data analysis and literary criticism. They might seem like two vastly different fields of study, but to me, thinking critically about analytics and classic no...

2020-09-26 07:11:29 751

翻译 使用超级运动数据优化救护车响应时间

介绍 (Introduction)The efficiency of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is a major indicator of a well-functioning health system. In this report, I compare various ambulance fleet management strategies ...

2020-09-26 07:01:01 498

翻译 学习c语言未来的就业方向_语言学习的未来

学习c语言未来的就业方向Making quality language learning content is hard. Duolingo, which is perhaps the most prolific creator of language learning content, says that just creating a quality curriculum with 2000 ...

2020-09-26 06:51:05 554

翻译 使用双重深度q学习发现非常规的厄运策略

介绍 (Introduction)Over the last few articles, we’ve discussed and implemented deep Q-learning (DQN) in the VizDoom game environment and examined it’s performance. Deep Q-learning is a highly flexible...

2020-09-26 06:41:22 803

翻译 时间序列预测 深度学习_从时间序列到深度学习的销售预测

时间序列预测 深度学习 介绍 (Introduction)In any company, there is an embedded desire to predict its future revenue and future sales. The basic recipe is: 在任何公司中,都存在着预测其未来收入和未来销售额的内在愿望。 基本配方是: Collect historical...

2020-09-26 06:30:38 5422

翻译 幕后产品_幕后逻辑回归

幕后产品This is the second article in a series of articles where we will understand the “under the hood” workings of various ML algorithms, using their base math equations. 这是系列文章中的第二篇,我们将使用它们的基本数学方程式来理解各...

2020-09-26 06:21:30 182

翻译 nlp bert什么意思_bert为什么它一直在革新nlp

nlp bert什么意思BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, is a language model published in 2018 that achieved state-of-the-art performance on multiple tasks, includin...

2020-09-26 06:10:59 226

翻译 uci数据集中的缺失数据_从uci早期糖尿病风险预测数据集中创建分类器

uci数据集中的缺失数据To begin we must first go and download the dataset from the UCI dataset repository. The link for the dataset can be found below. 首先,我们必须首先从UCI数据集存储库下载数据集。 数据集的链接可以在下面找到。 https://archive.i...

2020-09-26 06:01:44 1407

翻译 假想观众_电影观众的四类理解

假想观众This is part of a series describing the development of Moviegoer, a multi-disciplinary data science project with the lofty goal of teaching machines how to “watch” movies and interpret emotion and...

2020-09-26 05:50:48 406

翻译 xgboost优化_什么是xgboost以及如何对其进行优化

xgboost优化 介绍 (Introduction)Like many data scientists, XGBoost is now part of my toolkit. This algorithm is among the most popular in the world of data science (real-world or competition). Its multita...

2020-09-26 05:39:49 624

翻译 使用逻辑回归识别手写数字

人工智能研讨会—第二部分 (AI Workshop — Part II)In the second part of the workshop, we learnt about Classification, also called Logistic Regression that also comes under Supervised Machine Learning. The first p...

2020-09-26 05:29:50 866

翻译 脉冲多普勒雷达_训练模型以使用多普勒脉冲雷达进行目标分类

脉冲多普勒雷达by Braden Riggs and George Williams ([email protected]) Braden Riggs和George Williams([email protected]) In the world of data science the industry, academic, and government ...

2020-09-26 05:20:01 1147

翻译 pytorch 矩阵分解_使用pytorch的推荐系统矩阵分解

pytorch 矩阵分解We come across recommendations multiple times a day — while deciding what to watch on Netflix/Youtube, item recommendations on shopping sites, song suggestions on Spotify, friend recommend...

2020-09-26 05:09:28 2458

翻译 机器学习和深度学习简介_缓解机器学习中的偏见mlfairnesspipeline简介

机器学习和深度学习简介 机器学习的偏见 (Bias in Machine Learning)Bias takes many different forms and impact all groups of people. It can range from implicit to explicit and is often very difficult to detect. In the fie...

2020-09-26 05:00:15 728

翻译 python文本预处理_在python中预处理文本

python文本预处理This post is the second of three sequential articles on steps to build a sentiment classifier. Following our exploratory text analysis in the first post, it’s time to preprocess our text da...

2020-09-26 04:49:46 2359

翻译 ml模型_超调ml模型时提高效率的3个步骤

ml模型 动机 (Motivation)You may hear about “no free lunch” (NFL) theorem, which indicates that there is no best algorithm for every data. One algorithm may perform well in one data but perform poorly in ...

2020-09-26 04:40:07 281

翻译 为数据科学家安装python和jupyter笔记本的完整指南

Python和Jupyter笔记本 (Python and Jupyter Notebooks)Python is one of the most popular programming languages and for an interface, Jupyter Notebooks is a great IDE to use alongside it. Python是最流行的编程语言之一,...

2020-09-26 04:29:43 144

翻译 机器学习 pickle文件_使用pickle构建部署机器学习模型

机器学习 pickle文件We all know that machine learning becoming popular in today business, industry and in education as well, everyone want to learn machine learning so, this article will develop your underst...

2020-09-26 04:19:06 953

翻译 毫不费力就是浪费时间_毫不费力地进行数据管理

毫不费力就是浪费时间Enabling flexible data selection with the SiaSearch API 使用 SiaSearch API 启用灵活的数据选择 When building machine learning (ML) models for highly complex automation tasks it is not only essential to...

2020-09-26 04:08:07 337

翻译 模型估计好坏评估_正确评估模型

模型估计好坏评估The progress we are seeing in machine learning is undeniable, in any given week, we see new algorithms being researched and theorised, new libraries being released to the open-source community...

2020-09-23 05:34:32 673

翻译 多项式回归 scikit_scikit学习的链式多输出回归解决方案

多项式回归 scikit 内部AI (Inside AI)In a typical regression or a classification scenario, we have a set of the independent variable and one or more dependent variables. Sometimes it is not possible to predi...

2020-09-23 05:25:00 1562

翻译 spacy 名词性短语_使用spacy nlp进行词法化,词法化,停用词和短语匹配的快速指南...

spacy 名词性短语“ spaCy” is designed specifically for production use. It helps you build applications that process and “understand” large volumes of text. It can be used to build information extraction or ...

2020-09-23 05:14:12 2375

翻译 vae 实现_使用tensorflow 2和tensorflow概率实现vae的6种不同方式

vae 实现Since its introduction in 2013 through this paper, variational auto-encoder (VAE) as a type of generative model has stormed the world of Bayesian deep learning with its application in a wide ran...

2020-09-23 05:04:38 2103

翻译 knn分类 knn_实施的knn直观指南

knn分类 knnkNN is one of the simplest algorithms of classification and, as a result, remains one of the ‘darlings’ of the community. There have been quite a few surveys on popular machine learning algor...

2020-09-23 04:55:27 443

翻译 首先的亚当和末后的亚当_亚当优化的完整指南

首先的亚当和末后的亚当In the 1940s, mathematical programming was synonymous with optimization. An optimization problem included an objective function that is to be maximized or minimized by choosing input values...

2020-09-23 04:45:55 907

翻译 机器学习算法_机器学习

机器学习算法“Data is a powerful entity and machine learning is the art of extracting useful information from the data set” “数据是一个强大的实体,而机器学习是从数据集中提取有用信息的艺术” To craft such an art, Machine learning has vario...

2020-09-23 04:36:11 123



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