

I recently responded on LinkedIn to a developer who posted the following question:


“As a junior developer, all I can do now is to take online courses on codecademy, freecodecamp, edx, coursera and add the certifications to my resume. do you think if it’s a good idea to do that?”

“作为一名初级开发人员,我现在所要做的就是参加有关代码学院,freecodecamp,edx,coursera的在线课程,并将证书添加到我的简历中。 您认为这样做是个好主意吗?”

A lot of folks chimed in with various thoughts on the matter, specifically around the certification part of the question. However, right now there are a lot of questions like these floating around LinkedIn, generally around the topic of Coding Bootcamps. Coding Bootcamps have become all the rage lately, and at the time of this post (right in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic), they are even more popular than ever!

许多人对此事有各种各样的想法,特别是在问题的认证部分周围。 但是,目前在LinkedIn上有很多类似的问题,通常是围绕编码训练营的话题。 最近,编码训练营已经风靡一时,在撰写本文时(就在Covid-19大流行期间),它们比以往任何时候都更加受欢迎!

My path to a career in software development was very non-traditional, much like these boot camps. What I mean by that is, you are coming to this career path without obtaining a Computer Science degree, or perhaps a degree at all. My path was the latter, and when I was coming up these boot camps didn’t exist. However, I have made a successful career nonetheless. In this post, I’ll walk you through the steps I took, which I believe helped immensely in my career. If you’re coming off a boot camp, these things can help give you an edge over everyone else!

我从事软件开发的职业非常传统,就像这些新手训练营一样。 我的意思是,您是在没有获得计算机科学学位,或者根本没有计算机科学学位的情况下进入这一职业道路的。 我的道路是后者,当我上来时,这些训练营并不存在。 但是,尽管如此,我还是取得了成功的职业。 在这篇文章中,我将引导您完成我所采取的步骤,我认为这对我的职业生涯有极大的帮助。 如果您要去新兵训练营,这些东西可以帮助您超越其他所有人!

网络 (Network)

Build a strong local network as well as one on LinkedIn. It’s been my experience that most of the opportunities in my career have come from others. Earlier in my career, I would attend as many user groups and meetups as I could to meet people. At these meetings, I would always make a point to introduce myself to the presenter and ask a question about the presentation. Personal connections go a long way!

建立强大的本地网络以及在LinkedIn上建立网络。 根据我的经验,我职业生涯中的大多数机会都是来自其他人。 在我职业生涯的早期,我会参加尽可能多的用户组和聚会以结识人们。 在这些会议上,我总是会向介绍人介绍自己,并提出有关介绍的问题。 个人关系大有帮助!

Another way I capitalized on personal connections was by taking a “Beginning C#” class at my local community college. The instructor happened to be a really well-known engineer in my city, and highly respected. By taking this class, I was able to form a very personal relationship with him. He could see my passion for learning, and how I was progressing. Later, he referred me to his firm, where I landed an amazing job.

我利用个人关系的另一种方法是在当地社区大学参加“入门C#”课程。 这位讲师恰好是我所在城市的一位真正知名的工程师,并受到高度重视。 通过参加这堂课,我与他建立了非常私人的关系。 他可以看到我对学习的热情以及我的进步。 后来,他把我引到他的公司,在那里我找到了一份了不起的工作。

Along with this, using LinkedIn to its maximum potential is a must. Connect with as many people as you can and post a lot about what you are doing, courses you’re taking, certs, etc. You never know where the next opportunity may come from, so getting your name and accomplishments in front of people is a must. Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date always, and add certifications, boot camps, etc once you have them.

与此同时,必须使LinkedIn发挥最大潜力。 与尽可能多的人联系,并发布有关您的工作,所修课程,证书等的大量信息。您永远不知道下一个机会可能来自何处,因此,在人们面前展现自己的名字和成就是必须的。 始终保持最新的LinkedIn个人资料,并在获得认证后添加认证,新手训练营等。

建立资料 (Build Stuff)

You’re probably building a lot of stuff right now, but make sure it is on GitHub for all to see. This can be a tough one I know. You’re early in your career, you don’t feel like you have an amazing grasp on the code, and you’re worried about how that will look. Well, guess what, nobody cares. It doesn’t have to be amazing code, but it will show you’re working on things and is tangible proof you’re learning things.

您现在可能正在构建很多东西,但是请确保它在GitHub上供所有人查看。 我知道这可能很难。 您在职业生涯的初期,就不会觉得自己对代码掌握得非常好,并且担心它的外观。 好吧,猜猜是什么,没人在乎。 它不一定是令人惊叹的代码,但是它将显示您正在从事的工作,并且是您正在学习的切实证据。

I have several repos on GitHub with code that I wouldn’t want to show off as the shining example of how to do things. But this doesn’t matter! What matters is it shows you’re curious about code, and you like building things. So as you’re going through tutorials or coursework, spin up a repo and put the code out there for your next employer or connection to see.

我在GitHub上有几个存储库,其中包含我不想炫耀的代码,作为如何做事的光辉典范。 但这没关系! 重要的是它表明您对代码感到好奇,并且喜欢构建代码。 因此,当您进行教程或课程学习时,请启动一个仓库,并将代码放到那里,供您的下一个雇主或联系人查看。

取得认证 (Get Certifications)

Before moving on, I should point out that you should not Google the question “Are certifications worth it?”. You’re going to get a million posts for and against certifications. Don’t waste your time. Read on, as I have gotten a lot of certifications and it’s not a black and white answer.

在继续之前,我应该指出,您不应该向Google提问“认证值得吗?”。 您将获得一百万份支持和反对认证的职位。 不要浪费你的时间。 请继续阅读,因为我已经获得了很多认证,这不是一个黑白答案。

My viewpoint on certs is, at a certain point in your career they become less impactful. However, early on, they are a great example of the learning you have done. I got a ton of certs early on, and I can say, I learned A LOT during that process and I tell people this all the time. When studying for a cert, you get exposed to a lot of things you don’t normally use or have even ever heard of. Even if you don’t go on to use some of the things you have learned, it's in your head now. So you can speak more intelligently about topics, and more importantly, know what terms to Google when you do want to learn more about it.

我对证书的看法是,在您职业生涯的某个阶段,它们的影响力降低了。 但是,从一开始,它们就是您学到的很好的例子。 我很早就拿到了很多证书,我可以说,我在那个过程中学到了很多,而且我一直都在告诉人们。 在学习证书时,您会接触到很多通常不使用或从未听说过的东西。 即使您不继续使用已学到的一些东西,也已成为您的头脑。 因此,您可以更明智地谈论主题,更重要的是,当您确实想了解更多信息时,知道Google用什么术语。

面试时要有成长心态 (Have a Growth Mindset in Your Interview)

One of the most important things you need to have as a software engineer is a growth mindset. Things are constantly changing, new languages and patterns pop up all the time. If you don’t like learning, you will not succeed in this career. So make sure you bring that to your interview. I’ll explain with an example.

作为一名软件工程师,您需要具备的最重要的一件事就是成长心态。 事情在不断变化,新的语言和模式不断出现。 如果您不喜欢学习,那么您将不会成功。 因此,请确保将其带入面试。 我将举例说明。

On one of my first interviews, I was peppered with tough technical questions and I missed probably half of them! However, I had a piece of paper and a pencil with me, and every time I couldn’t answer a question I asked the interviewer to walk me through it. I took notes and let them know I would learn all of that for the future. The feedback I got was “you were not as strong technically as we like, but we absolutely loved that you wanted to know how and why something worked”. I ended up getting that job. Not because I was the strongest engineer at the time, but because I showed that I wanted to learn and grow.

在我的第一次面试中,我遇到了棘手的技术问题,可能错过了一半! 但是,我有一张纸和一支铅笔,每当我无法回答一个问题时,我都会要求面试官引导我进行学习。 我记下笔记,让他们知道我将来会学到所有这些。 我得到的反馈是“您在技术上并不如我们所愿,但我们绝对喜欢您想知道某事如何以及为什么起作用”。 我最终得到了这份工作。 不是因为我当时是最强大的工程师,而是因为我表明我想学习和成长。

那些很好,但是… (Those Are Good, However…)

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Those 4 topics alone will get your career going, and those 4 alone got me in the door. But what if you want to take it a step further? Here are a few ways I kept growing my career once I got past the initial hurdle.

仅靠这4个主题就可以使您的事业发展,而仅靠这4个主题就可以使我参与进来。 但是,如果您想更进一步,该怎么办? 一旦克服最初的障碍,以下是我保持职业发展的几种方法。

寻找利基 (Find a Niche)

Software engineers are finicky people. They like certain languages, frameworks, IDEs, etc, and you can’t sway them in their opinions. If a software engineer thinks the sky is red, there is no way you can convince them it’s blue. To that end, there is always something that your co-workers do not want to be involved with. For me, this was SharePoint.

软件工程师是挑剔的人。 他们喜欢某些语言,框架,IDE等,并且您不能在他们的意见中摇摆它们。 如果软件工程师认为天空是红色,则无法说服他们是蓝色。 为此,您的同事总会不想参与其中。 对我来说,这就是SharePoint。

I was employed by a company that was getting heavy into SharePoint and needed a lot of custom development work done on it. Most of my co-workers absolutely hated SharePoint, and some flat out refused to work on it. For me, I saw this as an opportunity to differentiate myself. I asked to be put on a SharePoint project. I learned all I could and took as many certifications as I could. Six months later I was one of the stronger SharePoint developers at the company. Three months later I was put on a project as a SharePoint Architect!

我受雇于一家致力于SharePoint的公司,需要在其上进行大量自定义开发工作。 我的大多数同事都非常讨厌SharePoint,有些人则拒绝使用SharePoint。 对我来说,我认为这是一个与众不同的机会。 我要求加入SharePoint项目。 我学会了所有可能的知识,并获得了尽可能多的认证。 六个月后,我成为公司实力更强的SharePoint开发人员之一。 三个月后,我被任命为SharePoint Architect的一个项目!

Now be careful with this approach! For me, it was a way to stand out, but not fall behind on technology. Make sure you pick something that will allow you to grow in your career.

现在,请谨慎使用此方法! 对我而言,这是一种脱颖而出的方法,但并不落后于技术。 确保您选择可以使您的职业发展的东西。

发表演讲 (Give Talks)

This may feel overwhelming if you’re a junior developer, but it’s a very good option. In a similar vein of “Find a Niche”, what worked for me was finding topics in my city that weren’t being talked about much, and crafting an “Intro To [Insert Topic Here]” talk. In my case, I did talks around SharePoint, Chat Bots, REST APIs, etc. These were all “getting started” type talks, that allowed me to play in a space I felt comfortable in but also get out in front of people. More often than not you’ll find there are experts in the crowd who can field questions for which you can’t answer.

如果您是初级开发人员,这可能会让人感到不知所措,但这是一个非常好的选择。 与“寻找合适的位置”类似,对我有用的是在我所在的城市中找到话题不多的话题,并撰写“在[在这里插入话题]简介”演讲。 就我而言,我进行了有关SharePoint,聊天机器人,REST API等的讨论。所有这些都是“入门”类型的讨论,这些讨论使我可以在一个舒适的空间中玩耍,还可以在人们面前露面。 通常,您会发现人群中有专家可以提出您无法回答的问题。

This absolutely happened during my chatbot talk. I was doing really well until this one guy started asking questions well outside what I was prepared to answer. Luckily, there was someone in the audience with way more experience than me who answered all those questions. I ended up having a great conversation with the expert afterward and made a great connection.

这绝对是在我的聊天机器人对话期间发生的。 直到这个人开始问我准备回答的问题之外,我一直做得很好。 幸运的是,听众中有人比我回答所有这些问题的经验都多。 最后,我与专家进行了精彩的交谈,并建立了良好的联系。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

These things really helped me stand out as I was getting going in my career. However, these did not stop once I landed a job. I still do all these things all the time, only I feel way more comfortable with all of them! Even if you’re 20 years into your career, all these topics can make you more attractive to potential employers and everyone should be practicing them. That being said, none of this is a silver bullet either. You still need to get a solid grasp on your language of choice, any frameworks you use, etc. Also, just being a nice person, easy to get along with, and a team player is equally important!

这些事情确实帮助我在事业发展中脱颖而出。 但是,一旦我找到工作,这些并没有停止。 我仍然一直在做所有这些事情,只是我对所有这些事情感到更加自在! 即使您已经进入职业生涯20年,所有这些主题都可以使您对潜在的雇主更具吸引力,每个人都应该实践它们。 话虽这么说,但这都不是灵丹妙药。 您仍然需要牢牢把握自己选择的语言,使用的任何框架等。此外,成为一个好人,容易相处和团队合作者同样重要!

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/how-to-get-ahead-as-a-new-or-junior-software-engineer-61a8f1c57351


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