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The novel coronavirus dubbed COVID-19 is perhaps the most communicable disease the world has seen in nearly a century. Given the easy transmissibility of the illness, contact tracing has taken on a new significance.

被称为COVID-19的新型冠状病毒也许是近一个世纪以来世界上最易传染的疾病。 鉴于这种疾病容易传染,接触者追踪具有了新的意义。

If you were exposed to someone who later tested positive for COVID-19, you’d want to know about it. That early warning could be key to protecting yourself and your family members, and once you know, you can schedule your own test and impose your own household lockdown.

如果您与后来对COVID-19测试呈阳性的人接触,则想了解一下。 预警可能是保护自己和家人的关键,一旦知道,您就可以安排自己的测试并实施家庭禁闭。

Contact tracing is obviously an important part of COVID-19 mitigation efforts, but there’s a growing problem that could jeopardize those efforts. Scammers are now targeting the contact tracing process, preying on the confusion and misinformation that surrounds the novel coronavirus.

联系人跟踪显然是COVID-19缓解工作的重要组成部分,但越来越多的问题可能会危害这些工作。 诈骗者现在将目标锁定在接触者追踪过程中,利用新型冠状病毒周围的困惑和错误信息。

So how do you know if the person claiming to be a contact tracer is legitimate, and that they’re not simply trying to steal your personal information and separate you from your hard-earned money?


Here are some key things to watch out for when contact tracers come calling.


绝大多数的联系人跟踪都在电话中进行 (The Vast Majority of Contact Tracing Takes Place on the Phone)

You should immediately be suspicious of contact tracing outreach that takes place via email or text message. The vast majority of contact tracing efforts are done over the phone, and very few legitimate agencies use email or text messages for their initial outreach.

您应该立即对通过电子邮件或短信进行的联系人跟踪扩展感到怀疑。 绝大多数的联系人跟踪工作都是通过电话进行的,很少有合法的代理机构使用电子邮件或短信来进行最初的联系。

Even if you think the contact tracing email or text message may be legitimate, you should never click any embedded links. These links could harbor malware and viruses designed to steal your private information.

即使您认为联系人跟踪电子邮件或短信可能是合法的,也绝对不要单击任何嵌入式链接。 这些链接可能包含旨在窃取您的私人信息的恶意软件和病毒。

联系人跟踪程序不会按名称提及COVID-19患者 (Contact Tracers Will Not Mention COVID-19 Patients by Name)

In an effort to gain your trust, the scammers may tell you that a close family member or friend has tested positive for COVID-19, and that you should immediately schedule a test for the virus.


That kind of news is certainly alarming, but it’s likely not real. There are strict privacy laws in place surrounding healthcare and medical diagnoses, and contact tracers are not allowed to say who is infected, only where they have been and who they have been in contact with.

这类新闻肯定令人震惊,但可能并非真实。 围绕医疗保健和医学诊断制定了严格的隐私法,并且接触追踪者不允许说出谁被感染,只能说出他们曾去过的地方以及与谁接触过。

Unfortunately, the inclusion of a name often lends credibility to the scammers, fooling even those who are generally very wary of such efforts. Keep in mind, however, that bad actors can easily find this kind of information on social media, and you should not fall for the ruse.

不幸的是,包含名称通常会给骗子以信誉,甚至愚弄那些通常对此行为非常警惕的人。 但是请记住,不良行为者可以在社交媒体上轻松找到此类信息,因此您不应迷恋这种诡计。

切勿移交您的社会保险号或银行信息 (Never Hand over Your Social Security Number or Banking Information)

Another thing legitimate COVID-19 contact tracers will never do is ask for your Social Security number or banking information. If the person on the other end of the phone makes such a request, you should simply hang up.

合法的COVID-19联系人追踪器永远不会做的另一件事是询问您的社会安全号码或银行信息。 如果电话另一端的人提出了这样的请求,则只需挂断电话即可。

If you have caller ID and the phone number is visible, you can contact the local police to report the suspected crime. These scams are gaining speed, and it’s important to protect your friends and neighbors as well as yourself.

如果您有呼叫者ID,并且可以看到电话号码,则可以联系当地警察以举报涉嫌犯罪。 这些骗局正在加速发展,保护您的朋友和邻居以及您自己非常重要。

注意COVID-19测试费用 (Watch out for COVID-19 Testing Charges)

One of the most important goals of COVID-19 contact tracing is to identify potential sources of infection and facilitate testing for the disease. Legitimate contact tracers will urge those they call to schedule a COVID-19 test as soon as possible, and they will provide a list of resources and testing sites as well.

COVID-19接触者追踪的最重要目标之一是确定潜在的感染源并促进对该疾病的检测。 合法的联系追踪者将敦促他们打电话要求他们尽快安排COVID-19测试,并且还将提供资源和测试站点的列表。

What legitimate contact tracers will not do is demand payment up front. They will not require you to hand over credit card or bank account information, and if they do, again, just hang up.

合法的联系追踪者不会做的是预先付款。 他们不需要您交出信用卡或银行帐户信息,如果需要,也可以挂断电话。

In the vast majority of cases, you will not have to pay anything at all for a COVID-19 test, especially if you’ve been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the disease. Insurance companies are required to cover COVID-19 testing and treatment at no cost to their subscribers, and government funding generally covers testing costs for the uninsured.

在大多数情况下,您无需为COVID-19测试支付任何费用,尤其是当您与测试该疾病呈阳性的人接触时。 保险公司必须向订户免费提供COVID-19测试和治疗,而政府资金通常会支付未投保者的测试费用。

Now that you know what to look for, you can safely participate in the COVID-19 contact tracing process.


The efforts of legitimate contact tracers is a key part of getting the pandemic under control, and the fact that scammers are trying to profit from their efforts is truly despicable.


Until those criminals are caught and brought to justice, the best defense is knowledge, including knowing what to look for and what kind of information to provide.


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翻译自: https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/scammers-are-targeting-covid-19-contact-tracing-efforts-5f9acb570b87


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