

My guess is that there isn’t a single developer who doesn’t know what GitHub is or at least hasn’t taken a look at one of the many repositories available. The wide variety of projects you’ll find on GitHub make it the perfect place for any developer to become a better version of themselves.

我的猜测是,没有一个开发人员不知道GitHub是什么,或者至少没有看过可用的许多存储库之一。 您将在GitHub上找到各种各样的项目,这使它成为任何开发人员成为自己更好版本的理想场所。

Since GitHub has over 100 million repositories you’re looking for a needle in a haystack. That’s exactly why we’ll be going over 10 GitHub repositories that can be helpful when it comes to self-improvement in this article. This way you’ll be saved the hassle of finding the right repositories and you can start improving yourself right after this article.

由于GitHub拥有超过1亿个存储库,因此您正在寻找麻烦。 这就是为什么我们要遍历10个GitHub存储库的原因,这对本文中的自我完善很有帮助。 这样,您将省去寻找正确存储库的麻烦,并且在本文结束后,您就可以开始进行自我改进。

1.很棒 (1. Awesome)

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This repository is exactly what’s in the name: awesome! This could be the to-go-to repository for every developer. The concept is simple. The awesome repository contains a bunch of links to all different areas that have to do with software development and programming.

该存储库的名称就是这样:太棒了! 这可能是每个开发人员都必须使用的存储库。 这个概念很简单。 很棒的存储库包含许多链接,这些链接指向与软件开发和编程有关的所有不同领域。

From programming languages to books and big data, the awesome repository has got you covered! If you haven’t done so already, you should definitely take a look at all the useful resources that get mentioned in this repository — which you can find here.

从编程语言到书籍和大数据,令人敬畏的存储库已为您覆盖! 如果您还没有这样做的话,那么绝对应该看一下该存储库中提到的所有有用资源-您可以在此处找到。

2.免费编程书籍 (2. Free Programming Books)

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The free programming books needs no further explanation. This is a very popular GitHub repository with over 100,000 stars and over 950 contributors. This list of books was originally a clone of a Stack Overflow thread. It was moved to GitHub to make it better maintainable.

免费的编程书籍无需进一步说明。 这是一个非常受欢迎的GitHub存储库,拥有100,000颗星和950多个贡献者。 该书籍清单最初是Stack Overflow线程的克隆。 它已移至GitHub,以使其具有更好的可维护性。

This repository is written in more than 30 different languages and you can find the free programming books repository here. If reading is your preferred way of learning new things I highly recommend this repository to you.

该存储库使用30多种不同的语言编写,您可以在此处找到免费的编程书籍存储库。 如果阅读是您学习新事物的首选方式,我强烈建议您使用此存储库。

3.基本JavaScript链接 (3. Essential JavaScript Links)

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According to the author of this repository the Essential JavaScript Links repository is a very exclusive collection of only must-have JavaScript links. Whether a link is considered essential completely depends on the opinion of the author of this repository. Nevertheless, this is a great list of JavaScript resources you could use when trying to improve your JavaScript knowledge.

根据该存储库的作者所说,Essential JavaScript Links存储库是仅必备JavaScript链接的非常专有的集合。 链接是否必不可少完全取决于该存储库作者的观点。 不过,这是一个不错JavaScript资源列表,您可以在尝试提高JavaScript知识时使用。

From learning the bare JavaScript essentials to books that handle all you need to know about ES6, this list has a wide variety of topics that it covers.


You can check out the repository here.


4. Gitignore (4. Gitignore)

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The Gitignore repository contains a list of .gitignore templates which you could use when starting a new project, for example. Now that you know about this repository there’s no more need to struggle with setting up your own .gitignore file. You could use one of the .gitignore files in this repository instead.

Gitignore存储库包含.gitignore模板列表,例如,您可以在启动新项目时使用。 既然您已经知道该存储库,那么就无需再为设置自己的.gitignore文件而烦恼了 。 您可以在此存储库中使用.gitignore文件之一。

This repository has .gitignore templates for a lot of different programming languages, frameworks and tools. If you’re a Rails developer this repository has got you covered. You work in Laravel? No worries, there’s a .gitignore file for Laraval too. Rather want a .gitignore file for Visual Studio? That’s possible as well.

该存储库具有.gitignore模板,可用于许多不同的编程语言,框架和工具。 如果您是Rails开发人员,那么这个存储库可以满足您的要求。 您在Laravel工作? 不用担心,Laraval也有一个.gitignore文件。 而是需要Visual Studio的.gitignore文件? 那也是可能的。

If you’d like to take a look at all the .gitignore files that are available take a look here. This repository has over 100K stars and gets used by a lot of developers to make their life a little easier.

如果您想看看所有可用的.gitignore文件,请看这里 。 该存储库拥有超过10万颗星,并被许多开发人员用来使他们的生活更轻松一些。

5.基于项目的学习 (5. Project Based Learning)

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If you like learning new things by working on a cool side project the project based learning repository is definitely for you. With over 35K stars this repository is a great resource for those of you who want to learn how to build an application from scratch. The tutorials within this repository are divided into different primary programming languages.

如果您喜欢通过一个有趣的项目来学习新事物,那么基于项目的学习库绝对适合您。 对于那些想学习如何从头开始构建应用程序的人来说,这个仓库拥有超过35,000个星星。 该存储库中的教程分为不同的主要编程语言。

So if you want to learn a new programming language while actually building something fun, I’d highly recommend you take a look at the project based learning repository.


6.项目准则 (6. Project Guidelines)

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The Project Guidelines repository contains a list of guidelines that work really well with most JavaScript projects. If you aren’t a JavaScript developer, don’t worry. You can find plenty of guidelines in this repository that can be useful for any other software project despite the programming language.

项目准则存储库包含一系列准则,这些准则在大多数JavaScript项目中都非常有效。 如果您不是JavaScript开发人员,请不要担心。 您可以在此存储库中找到许多准则,这些准则对于任何其他软件项目都是有用的,尽管使用了编程语言。

You can find the Projet Guidelines repository, which has over 20K stars, here.

您可以在此处找到Projet Guidelines资料库,其中有超过2万颗星。

7.很棒PHP (7. Awesome PHP)

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The Awesome PHP repository contains a curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things — according to its description. It contains a bunch of libraries, frameworks, code analysis tools and much more. These are really useful resources for every PHP developer.

根据其描述,Awesome PHP库包含精选PHP库,资源和闪亮内容的精选列表。 它包含一堆库,框架,代码分析工具等等。 对于每个PHP开发人员来说,这些都是非常有用的资源。

You can check the Awesome PHP repository here. By the way, if you’re more of a Python developer there’s an Awesome Python repository as well.

您可以在此处检查Awesome PHP存储库。 顺便说一句,如果您更多地是Python开发人员,那么还有一个很棒的Python存储库

8.很棒的极客播客 (8. Awesome Geek Podcasts)

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Even though this repository isn’t actively maintained, it still has a great list of podcasts you could listen to. There are podcasts available in 15 languages which makes it almost impossible to not find a podcast you like. This repository is definitely not the most popular repository in this list with close to 1.5K stars, but the number of podcasts on this list is astonishing.

即使未积极维护该存储库,它仍然具有大量您可以收听的播客列表。 提供15种语言的播客,几乎不可能找不到喜欢的播客。 该存储库绝对不是此列表中最受欢迎的存储库,它拥有接近1.5K星,但是此列表中的播客数量令人惊讶。

If you like listening to podcast you should definitely take a look at the Awesome Geek Podcasts repository.

如果您喜欢收听播客,则绝对应该看看Awesome Geek Podcasts存储库

9.前端清单 (9. Front-End Checklist)

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This repository is for all the web developers. According to its own description the Front-End Checklist is an exhaustive list of all elements you need to have and test before launching your website or HTML page to production.

该存储库适用于所有Web开发人员。 根据其自身的描述,“前端检查表”详尽列出了在启动网站或HTML页面投入生产之前需要拥有和测试的所有元素。

The checks on this list are based on years of experience with some additions from other open-source checklists. Each point on the checklist has one of the following three categories: recommended, highly recommended and can’t be omitted.

此列表中的检查基于多年的经验,并从其他开源检查表中进行了一些补充。 清单上的每个点都属于以下三个类别之一:推荐,强烈推荐且不能省略。

The checks on this list vary from security checks to SEO and performance checks. You can find the Front-End Checklist repository here.

从安全检查到SEO和性能检查,此列表上的检查有所不同。 您可以在此处找到前端清单库。

10. JavaScript测试最佳实践 (10. JavaScript Testing Best Practices)

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The JavaScript Testing Best Practices repository can really take your testing skills to the next level. It covers the aspects of testing your code very thoroughly and comes with over 45 best practices when it comes to testing your JavaScript code. The best part about it is that some of the best practices come with a code example to clarify things even more.

JavaScript测试最佳实践存储库可以真正将您的测试技能提高到一个新的水平。 它涵盖了非常彻底地测试代码的各个方面,并且在测试JavaScript代码时提供了45多种最佳实践。 最好的部分是一些最佳实践随附了一个代码示例,以进一步阐明问题。

If you’re a JavaScript developer that could still learn a thing or two about testing your JavaScript code, I’d highly recommend you checkout the JavaScript Testing Best Practices repository.


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