database driver oracle,Golang-Oracle-Database-Driver



import ""

Package ora implements an Oracle database driver.

Golang Oracle Database Driver

TL;DR; just use it

import (


_ ""


func main() {

db, err := sql.Open("ora", "user/passw@host:port/sid")

defer db.Close()

// Set timeout (Go 1.8)

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)

// Set prefetch count (Go 1.8)

ctx = ora.WithStmtCfg(ctx, ora.Cfg().StmtCfg.SetPrefetchCount(50000))

rows, err := db.QueryContext(ctx, "SELECT * FROM user_objects")

defer rows.Close()


Call stored procedure with OUT parameters:

import (



func main() {

env, srv, ses, err := ora.NewEnvSrvSes("user/passw@host:port/sid")

if err != nil {



defer env.Close()

defer srv.Close()

defer ses.Close()

var user string

if _, err = ses.PrepAndExe("BEGIN :1 := SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', :2); END;", &res, "SESSION_USER"); err != nil {



log.Printf("user: %q", user)



An Oracle database may be accessed through the

database/sql package or through the ora

package directly. database/sql offers connection pooling, thread safety, a

consistent API to multiple database technologies and a common set of Go types.

The ora package offers additional features including pointers, slices, nullable

types, numerics of various sizes, Oracle-specific types, Go return type

configuration, and Oracle abstractions such as environment, server and session.

The ora package is written with the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) C-language

libraries provided by Oracle. The OCI libraries are a standard for client

application communication and driver communication with Oracle databases.

The ora package has been verified to work with:

Oracle Standard 11g (, Linux x86_64 (RHEL6)

Oracle Enterprise 12c (, Windows 8.1 and AMD64.




Minimum requirements are Go 1.3 with CGO enabled, a GCC C compiler, and Oracle

11g ( or Oracle Instant Client (

Install Oracle or Oracle Instant Client.

Copy the oci8.pc from the contrib folder (or the one for

your system, maybe tailored to your specific locations) to a folder in

$PKG_CONFIG_PATH or a system folder, such as

cp -aL contrib/oci8.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/oci8.pc

The ora package has no external Go dependencies and is available on GitHub and

go get

WARNING: If you have Oracle Instant Client 11.2, you'll need to add "-lnnz11"

to the list of linked libs! Otherwise, you may encounter "undefined reference to

`nzosSCSP_SetCertSelectionParams' " errors. Oracle Instant Client 12.1 does not

need this.

Data Types

The ora package supports all built-in Oracle data types. The supported Oracle





SYS_REFCURSOR is also supported.

Oracle does not provide a built-in boolean type. Oracle provides a single-byte

character type. A common practice is to define two single-byte characters which

represent true and false. The ora package adopts this approach. The oracle

package associates a Go bool value to a Go rune and sends and receives the rune

to a CHAR(1 BYTE) column or CHAR(1 CHAR) column.

The default false rune is zero '0'. The default true rune is one '1'. The bool

rune association may be configured or disabled when directly using the ora

package but not with the database/sql package.

SQL Placeholder Syntax

Within a SQL string a placeholder may be specified to indicate where a Go

variable is placed. The SQL placeholder is an Oracle identifier, from 1 to 30

characters, prefixed with a colon (:). For example:

// example Oracle placeholder uses a colon


Placeholders within a SQL statement are bound by position. The actual name is

not used by the ora package driver e.g., placeholder names :c1, :1, or :xyz are

treated equally.


The database/sql package provides a LastInsertId method to return the last

inserted row's id. Oracle does not provide such functionality, but if you append

... RETURNING col /*LastInsertId*/ to your SQL, then it will be presented as

LastInsertId. Note that you have to mark with a /*LastInsertId*/ (case

insensitive) your RETURNING part, to allow ora to return the last column as

LastInsertId(). That column must fit in int64, though!

Working With The Sql Package

You may access an Oracle database through the database/sql package. The

database/sql package offers a consistent API across different databases,

connection pooling, thread safety and a set of common Go types. database/sql

makes working with Oracle straight-forward.

The ora package implements interfaces in the database/sql/driver package

enabling database/sql to communicate with an Oracle database. Using database/sql

ensures you never have to call the ora package directly.

When using database/sql, the mapping between Go types and Oracle types may be

changed slightly. The database/sql package has strict expectations on Go return

types. The Go-to-Oracle type mapping for database/sql is:

Go typeOracle type





boolCHAR(1 BYTE)³, CHAR(1 CHAR)³


° A select-list column defined as an Oracle NUMBER with zero scale e.g.,

NUMBER(10,0) is returned as an int64. Either int64 or float64 may be inserted

into a NUMBER column with zero scale. float64 insertion will have its fractional

part truncated.

¹ A select-list column defined as an Oracle NUMBER with a scale greater than

zero e.g., NUMBER(10,4) is returned as a float64. Either int64 or float64 may

be inserted into a NUMBER column with a scale greater than zero.

² A select-list column defined as an Oracle CHAR with a length greater than 1

e.g., CHAR(2 BYTE) or CHAR(2 CHAR) is returned as a string. A Go string of any

length up to the column max length may be inserted into the CHAR column.

³ The Go bool value false is mapped to the zero rune '0'. The Go bool value

true is mapped to the one rune '1'.

The "ora" driver is automatically registered for use with sql.Open, but you can

call ora.SetCfg to set the used configuration options including statement

configuration and Rset configuration.

func init() {

drvCfg := ora.Cfg()

drvCfg.FalseRune = 'N'

drvCfg.TrueRune = 'Y'

drvCfg.TrueRune = 'Y'



When configuring the driver for use with database/sql, keep in mind that

database/sql has strict Go type-to-Oracle type mapping expectations.

Working With The Oracle Package Directly

The ora package allows programming with pointers, slices, nullable types,

numerics of various sizes, Oracle-specific types, Go return type configuration,

and Oracle abstractions such as environment, server and session. When working

with the ora package directly, the API is slightly different than database/sql.

When using the ora package directly, the mapping between Go types and Oracle

types may be changed. The Go-to-Oracle type mapping for the ora package is:

Go typeOracle type

int64, int32, int16, int8NUMBER°, BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT, FLOAT

uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8

Int64, Int32, Int16, Int8

Uint64, Uint32, Uint16, Uint8

*int64, *int32, *int16, *int8

*uint64, *uint32, *uint16, *uint8

[]int64, []int32, []int16, []int8

[]uint64, []uint32, []uint16, []uint8

[]Int64, []Int32, []Int16, []Int8

[]Uint64, []Uint32, []Uint16, []Uint8


Float64, Float32

*float64, *float32

[]float64, []float32

[]Float64, []Float32











boolCHAR(1 BYTE)³, CHAR(1 CHAR)³





[]byte, [][]byteBLOB

Lob, []Lob, *LobBLOB, CLOB







° A select-list column defined as an Oracle NUMBER with zero scale e.g.,

NUMBER(10,0) is returned as an int64 by default. Integer and floating point

numerics may be inserted into a NUMBER column with zero scale. Inserting a

floating point numeric will have its fractional part truncated.

¹ A select-list column defined as an Oracle NUMBER with a scale greater than

zero e.g., NUMBER(10,4) is returned as a float64 by default. Integer and

floating point numerics may be inserted into a NUMBER column with a scale

greater than zero.

² A select-list column defined as an Oracle CHAR with a length greater than 1

e.g., CHAR(2 BYTE) or CHAR(2 CHAR) is returned as a string. A Go string of any

length up to the column max length may be inserted into the CHAR column.

³ The Go bool value false is mapped to the zero rune '0'. The Go bool value

true is mapped to the one rune '1'.

An example of using the ora package directly:

package main

import (




func main() {

// example usage of the ora package driver

// connect to a server and open a session

env, err := ora.OpenEnv()

defer env.Close()

if err != nil {



srvCfg := ora.SrvCfg{Dblink: "orcl"}

srv, err := env.OpenSrv(&srvCfg)

defer srv.Close()

if err != nil {



sesCfg := ora.SesCfg{

Username: "test",

Password: "test",


ses, err := srv.OpenSes(sesCfg)

defer ses.Close()

if err != nil {



// create table

tableName := "t1"

stmtTbl, err := ses.Prep(fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TABLE %v "+


"(START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1), C2 VARCHAR2(48 CHAR))", tableName))

defer stmtTbl.Close()

if err != nil {



rowsAffected, err := stmtTbl.Exe()

if err != nil {




// begin first transaction

tx1, err := ses.StartTx()

if err != nil {



// insert record

var id uint64

str := "Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient."

stmtIns, err := ses.Prep(fmt.Sprintf(

"INSERT INTO %v (C2) VALUES (:C2) RETURNING C1 INTO :C1", tableName))

defer stmtIns.Close()

rowsAffected, err = stmtIns.Exe(str, &id)

if err != nil {




// insert nullable String slice

a := make([]ora.String, 4)

a[0] = ora.String{Value: "Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to"}

a[1] = ora.String{IsNull: true}

a[2] = ora.String{Value: "It's a fast, statically typed, compiled"}

a[3] = ora.String{Value: "One of Go's key design goals is code"}

stmtSliceIns, err := ses.Prep(fmt.Sprintf(

"INSERT INTO %v (C2) VALUES (:C2)", tableName))

defer stmtSliceIns.Close()

if err != nil {



rowsAffected, err = stmtSliceIns.Exe(a)

if err != nil {




// fetch records

stmtQry, err := ses.Prep(fmt.Sprintf(

"SELECT C1, C2 FROM %v", tableName))

defer stmtQry.Close()

if err != nil {



rset, err := stmtQry.Qry()

if err != nil {



for rset.Next() {

fmt.Println(rset.Row[0], rset.Row[1])


if err := rset.Err(); err != nil {



// commit first transaction

err = tx1.Commit()

if err != nil {



// begin second transaction

tx2, err := ses.StartTx()

if err != nil {



// insert null String

nullableStr := ora.String{IsNull: true}

stmtTrans, err := ses.Prep(fmt.Sprintf(

"INSERT INTO %v (C2) VALUES (:C2)", tableName))

defer stmtTrans.Close()

if err != nil {



rowsAffected, err = stmtTrans.Exe(nullableStr)

if err != nil {




// rollback second transaction

err = tx2.Rollback()

if err != nil {



// fetch and specify return type

stmtCount, err := ses.Prep(fmt.Sprintf(

"SELECT COUNT(C1) FROM %v WHERE C2 IS NULL", tableName), ora.U8)

defer stmtCount.Close()

if err != nil {



rset, err = stmtCount.Qry()

if err != nil {



row := rset.NextRow()

if row != nil {



if err := rset.Err(); err != nil {



// create stored procedure with sys_refcursor

stmtProcCreate, err := ses.Prep(fmt.Sprintf(





defer stmtProcCreate.Close()

rowsAffected, err = stmtProcCreate.Exe()

if err != nil {



// call stored procedure

// pass *Rset to Exe to receive the results of a sys_refcursor

stmtProcCall, err := ses.Prep("CALL PROC1(:1)")

defer stmtProcCall.Close()

if err != nil {



procRset := &ora.Rset{}

rowsAffected, err = stmtProcCall.Exe(procRset)

if err != nil {



if procRset.IsOpen() {

for procRset.Next() {

fmt.Println(procRset.Row[0], procRset.Row[1])


if err := procRset.Err(); err != nil {





// Output:

// 0

// 1

// 4

// 1 Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient.

// 2 Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to

// 3

// 4 It's a fast, statically typed, compiled

// 5 One of Go's key design goals is code

// 1

// 1

// 3

// 4 It's a fast, statically typed, compiled

// 5 One of Go's key design goals is code

// 3


Pointers may be used to capture out-bound values from a SQL statement such as an

insert or stored procedure call. For example, a numeric pointer captures an

identity value:

// given:



// C2 VARCHAR2(48 CHAR))

var id int64

stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C2) VALUES ('GO') RETURNING C1 INTO :C1")


A string pointer captures an out parameter from a stored procedure:

// given:


var str string

stmt, err = ses.Prep("CALL PROC1(:1)")


Slices may be used to insert multiple records with a single insert statement:

// insert one million rows with single insert statement


values := make([]int64, 1000000)

for n, _ := range values {

values[n] = int64(n)


rowsAffected, err := ses.PrepAndExe("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (:C1)", values)

The ora package provides nullable Go types to support DML operations such as

insert and select. The nullable Go types provided by the ora package are Int64,

Int32, Int16, Int8, Uint64, Uint32, Uint16, Uint8, Float64, Float32, Time,

IntervalYM, IntervalDS, String, Bool, Binary and Bfile. For example, you may

insert nullable Strings and select nullable Strings:

// insert String slice

// given: CREATE TABLE T1 (C1 VARCHAR2(48 CHAR))

a := make([]ora.String, 5)

a[0] = ora.String{Value: "Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient."}

a[1] = ora.String{Value: "Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to"}

a[2] = ora.String{IsNull: true}

a[3] = ora.String{Value: "It's a fast, statically typed, compiled"}

a[4] = ora.String{Value: "One of Go's key design goals is code"}

stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (:C1)")


// Specify OraS to Prep method to return ora.String values

// fetch records

stmt, err = ses.Prep("SELECT C1 FROM T1", OraS)

rset, err := stmt.Qry()

for rset.Next() {



The Stmt.Prep method is variadic accepting zero or more GoColumnType which

define a Go return type for a select-list column. For example, a Prep call can

be configured to return an int64 and a nullable Int64 from the same column:

// given: create table t1 (c1 number)

stmt, err = ses.Prep("SELECT C1, C1 FROM T1", ora.I64, ora.OraI64)

rset, err := stmt.Qry()

for rset.Next() {

fmt.Println(rset.Row[0], rset.Row[1])


Go numerics of various sizes are supported in DML operations. The ora package

supports int64, int32, int16, int8, uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8, float64 and

float32. For example, you may insert a uint16 and select numerics of various


// insert uint16

// given: create table t1 (c1 number)

value := uint16(9)

stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (:C1)")


// select numerics of various sizes from the same column

stmt, err = ses.Prep(

"SELECT C1, C1, C1, C1, C1, C1, C1, C1, C1, C1, FROM T1",

ora.I64, ora.I32, ora.I16, ora.I8, ora.U64, ora.U32, ora.U16, ora.U8,

ora.F64, ora.F32)

rset, err := stmt.Qry()

row := rset.NextRow()

If a non-nullable type is defined for a nullable column returning null, the Go

type's zero value is returned.

GoColumnTypes defined by the ora package are:

Go typeGoColumnType




























Lob°Bin or S


° Lob will return binary data if the Oracle column is a BLOB; otherwise, Lob

will return a string if the Oracle column is a CLOB.

¹ D represents a default mapping between a select-list column and a Go type.

The default mapping is defined in RsetCfg.

When Stmt.Prep doesn't receive a GoColumnType, or receives an incorrect

GoColumnType, the default value defined in RsetCfg is used.

EnvCfg, SrvCfg, SesCfg, StmtCfg and RsetCfg are the main configuration structs.

EnvCfg configures aspects of an Env. SrvCfg configures aspects of a Srv. SesCfg

configures aspects of a Ses. StmtCfg configures aspects of a Stmt. RsetCfg

configures aspects of Rset. StmtCfg and RsetCfg have the most options to

configure. RsetCfg defines the default mapping between an Oracle select-list

column and a Go type. StmtCfg may be set in an EnvCfg, SrvCfg, SesCfg and

StmtCfg. RsetCfg may be set in a Stmt.

EnvCfg.StmtCfg, SrvCfg.StmtCfg, SesCfg.StmtCfg may optionally be specified to

configure a statement. If StmtCfg isn't specified default values are applied.

EnvCfg.StmtCfg, SrvCfg.StmtCfg, SesCfg.StmtCfg cascade to new descendent

structs. When ora.OpenEnv() is called a specified EnvCfg is used or a default

EnvCfg is created. Creating a Srv with env.OpenSrv() will use SrvCfg.StmtCfg if

it is specified; otherwise, EnvCfg.StmtCfg is copied by value to SrvCfg.StmtCfg.

Creating a Ses with srv.OpenSes() will use SesCfg.StmtCfg if it is specified;

otherwise, SrvCfg.StmtCfg is copied by value to SesCfg.StmtCfg. Creating a Stmt

with ses.Prep() will use SesCfg.StmtCfg if it is specified; otherwise, a new

StmtCfg with default values is set on the Stmt. Call Stmt.Cfg() to change a

Stmt's configuration.

An Env may contain multiple Srv. A Srv may contain multiple Ses. A Ses may

contain multiple Stmt. A Stmt may contain multiple Rset.

// StmtCfg cascades to descendent structs

// EnvCfg -> SrvCfg -> SesCfg -> StmtCfg -> RsetCfg

Setting a RsetCfg on a StmtCfg does not cascade through descendent structs.

Configuration of Stmt.Cfg takes effect prior to calls to Stmt.Exe and Stmt.Qry;

consequently, any updates to Stmt.Cfg after a call to Stmt.Exe or Stmt.Qry are

not observed.

One configuration scenario may be to set a server's select statements to return

nullable Go types by default:

sc := &ora.SrvCfg{Dblink: "orcl"}

sc.Dblink = "orcl"

cfg := NewStmtCfg().



















sc.StmtCfg = cfg

srv, err := env.OpenSrv(sc)

// any new SesCfg.StmtCfg, StmtCfg.Cfg will receive this StmtCfg

// any new Rset will receive the StmtCfg.Rset configuration

Another scenario may be to configure the runes mapped to bool values:

// update StmtCfg to change the FalseRune and TrueRune inserted into the database

// given: CREATE TABLE T1 (C1 CHAR(1 BYTE))


// insert 'false' record

var falseValue bool = false

stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (:C1)")

stmt.Cfg().FalseRune = 'N'


// insert 'true' record

var trueValue bool = true

stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (:C1)")

stmt.Cfg().TrueRune = 'Y'


// update RsetCfg to change the TrueRune

// used to translate an Oracle char to a Go bool

// fetch inserted records

stmt, err = ses.Prep("SELECT C1 FROM T1")

stmt.Cfg().Rset.TrueRune = 'Y'

rset, err := stmt.Qry()

for rset.Next() {



Oracle-specific types offered by the ora package are ora.Rset, ora.IntervalYM,

ora.IntervalDS, ora.Raw, ora.Lob and ora.Bfile. ora.Rset represents an Oracle

SYS_REFCURSOR. ora.IntervalYM represents an Oracle INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH.

ora.IntervalDS represents an Oracle INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND. ora.Raw represents

an Oracle RAW or LONG RAW. ora.Lob may represent an Oracle BLOB or Oracle CLOB.

And ora.Bfile represents an Oracle BFILE. ROWID columns are returned as strings

and don't have a unique Go type.


The default for SELECTing [BC]LOB columns is a safe Bin or S, which means all

the contents of the LOB is slurped into memory and returned as a []byte or


The DefaultLOBFetchLen says LOBs are prefetched only a minimal way, to minimize

extra memory usage - you can override this using


If you want more control, you can use ora.L in Prep, Qry or

ses.SetCfg(ses.Cfg().SetBlob(ora.L)). But keep in mind that Oracle restricts

the use of LOBs: it is forbidden to do ANYTHING while reading the LOB! No

another query, no exec, no close of the Rset - even advance to the next record

in the result set is forbidden!

Failing to adhere these rules results in "Invalid handle" and ORA-03127 errors.

You cannot start reading another LOB till you haven't finished reading the

previous LOB, not even in the same row! Failing this results in ORA-24804!

For examples, see z_lob_test.go.


Rset is used to obtain Go values from a SQL select statement. Methods Rset.Next,

Rset.NextRow, and Rset.Len are available. Fields Rset.Row, Rset.Err, Rset.Index,

and Rset.ColumnNames are also available. The Next method attempts to load data

from an Oracle buffer into Row, returning true when successful. When no data is

available, or if an error occurs, Next returns false setting Row to nil. Any

error in Next is assigned to Err. Calling Next increments Index and method Len

returns the total number of rows processed. The NextRow method is convenient for

returning a single row. NextRow calls Next and returns Row. ColumnNames returns

the names of columns defined by the SQL select statement.

Rset has two usages. Rset may be returned from Stmt.Qry when prepared with a SQL

select statement:


stmt, err = ses.Prep("SELECT C1, C2, C3 FROM T1")

rset, err := stmt.Qry()

for rset.Next() {

fmt.Println(rset.Index, rset.Row[0], rset.Row[1], rset.Row[2])


Or, *Rset may be passed to Stmt.Exe when prepared with a stored procedure

accepting an OUT SYS_REFCURSOR parameter:

// given:




stmt, err = ses.Prep("CALL PROC1(:1)")

rset := &ora.Rset{}


if rset.IsOpen() {

for rset.Next() {

fmt.Println(rset.Row[0], rset.Row[1])



Stored procedures with multiple OUT SYS_REFCURSOR parameters enable a single Exe

call to obtain multiple Rsets:

// given:





stmt, err = ses.Prep("CALL PROC1(:1, :2)")

rset1 := &ora.Rset{}

rset2 := &ora.Rset{}

stmt.Exe(rset1, rset2)

// read from first cursor

if rset1.IsOpen() {

for rset1.Next() {




// read from second cursor

if rset2.IsOpen() {

for rset2.Next() {




The types of values assigned to Row may be configured in StmtCfg.Rset. For

configuration to take effect, assign StmtCfg.Rset prior to calling Stmt.Qry or


Rset prefetching may be controlled by StmtCfg.PrefetchRowCount and

StmtCfg.PrefetchMemorySize. PrefetchRowCount works in coordination with

PrefetchMemorySize. When PrefetchRowCount is set to zero only PrefetchMemorySize

is used; otherwise, the minimum of PrefetchRowCount and PrefetchMemorySize is

used. The default uses a PrefetchMemorySize of 134MB.

Opening and closing Rsets is managed internally. Rset does not have an Open

method or Close method.

IntervalYM may be be inserted and selected:

// insert IntervalYM slice


a := make([]ora.IntervalYM, 5)

a[0] = ora.IntervalYM{Year: 1, Month: 1}

a[1] = ora.IntervalYM{Year: 99, Month: 9}

a[2] = ora.IntervalYM{IsNull: true}

a[3] = ora.IntervalYM{Year: -1, Month: -1}

a[4] = ora.IntervalYM{Year: -99, Month: -9}

stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (:C1)")


// query IntervalYM

stmt, err = ses.Prep("SELECT C1 FROM T1")

rset, err := stmt.Qry()

for rset.Next() {



IntervalDS may be be inserted and selected:

// insert IntervalDS slice


a := make([]ora.IntervalDS, 5)

a[0] = ora.IntervalDS{Day: 1, Hour: 1, Minute: 1, Second: 1, Nanosecond: 123456789}

a[1] = ora.IntervalDS{Day: 59, Hour: 59, Minute: 59, Second: 59, Nanosecond: 123456789}

a[2] = ora.IntervalDS{IsNull: true}

a[3] = ora.IntervalDS{Day: -1, Hour: -1, Minute: -1, Second: -1, Nanosecond: -123456789}

a[4] = ora.IntervalDS{Day: -59, Hour: -59, Minute: -59, Second: -59, Nanosecond: -123456789}

stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (:C1)")


// query IntervalDS

stmt, err = ses.Prep("SELECT C1 FROM T1")

rset, err := stmt.Qry()

for rset.Next() {



Transactions on an Oracle server are supported. DML statements auto-commit

unless a transaction has started:


// rollback

tx, err := ses.StartTx()

stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (3)")


stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (5)")



// commit

tx, err = ses.StartTx()

stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (7)")


stmt, err = ses.Prep("INSERT INTO T1 (C1) VALUES (9)")



// fetch records

stmt, err = ses.Prep("SELECT C1 FROM T1")

rset, err := stmt.Qry()

for rset.Next() {



Ses.PrepAndExe, Ses.PrepAndQry, Ses.Ins, Ses.Upd, and Ses.Sel are convenient

one-line methods.

Ses.PrepAndExe offers a convenient one-line call to Ses.Prep and Stmt.Exe.

rowsAffected, err := ses.PrepAndExe("CREATE TABLE T1 (C1 NUMBER)")

Ses.PrepAndQry offers a convenient one-line call to Ses.Prep and Stmt.Qry.


Ses.Ins composes, prepares and executes a sql INSERT statement. Ses.Ins is

useful when you have to create and maintain a simple INSERT statement with a

long list of columns. As table columns are added and dropped over the lifetime

of a table Ses.Ins is easy to read and revise.

err = ses.Ins("T1",

"C2", e.C2,

"C3", e.C3,

"C4", e.C4,

"C5", e.C5,

"C6", e.C6,

"C7", e.C7,

"C8", e.C8,

"C9", e.C9,

"C10", e.C10,

"C11", e.C11,

"C12", e.C12,

"C13", e.C13,

"C14", e.C14,

"C15", e.C15,

"C16", e.C16,

"C17", e.C17,

"C18", e.C18,

"C19", e.C19,

"C20", e.C20,

"C21", e.C21,

"C1", &e.C1)

Ses.Upd composes, prepares and executes a sql UPDATE statement. Ses.Upd is

useful when you have to create and maintain a simple UPDATE statement with a

long list of columns. As table columns are added and dropped over the lifetime

of a table Ses.Upd is easy to read and revise.

err = ses.Upd("T1",

"C2", e.C2*2,

"C3", e.C3*2,

"C4", e.C4*2,

"C5", e.C5*2,

"C6", e.C6*2,

"C7", e.C7*2,

"C8", e.C8*2,

"C9", e.C9*2,

"C10", e.C10*2,

"C11", e.C11*2,

"C12", e.C12*2,

"C13", e.C13*2,

"C14", e.C14*2,

"C15", e.C15*2,

"C16", e.C16*2,

"C17", e.C17*2,

"C18", e.C18*2,

"C19", e.C19*2,

"C20", e.C20*2,

"C21", e.C21*2,

"C1", e.C1)

Ses.Sel composes, prepares and queries a sql SELECT statement. Ses.Sel is useful

when you have to create and maintain a simple SELECT statement with a long list

of columns that have non-default GoColumnTypes. As table columns are added and

dropped over the lifetime of a table Ses.Sel is easy to read and revise.

rset, err := ses.Sel("T1",

"C1", ora.U64,

"C2", ora.F64,

"C3", ora.I8,

"C4", ora.I16,

"C5", ora.I32,

"C6", ora.I64,

"C7", ora.U8,

"C8", ora.U16,

"C9", ora.U32,

"C10", ora.U64,

"C11", ora.F32,

"C12", ora.F64,

"C13", ora.I8,

"C14", ora.I16,

"C15", ora.I32,

"C16", ora.I64,

"C17", ora.U8,

"C18", ora.U16,

"C19", ora.U32,

"C20", ora.U64,

"C21", ora.F32)

The Ses.Ping method checks whether the client's connection to an Oracle server

is valid. A call to Ping requires an open Ses. Ping will return a nil error when

the connection is fine:

// open a session before calling Ping

ses, _ := srv.OpenSes("username", "password")

err := ses.Ping()

if err == nil {

fmt.Println("Ping successful")


The Srv.Version method is available to obtain the Oracle server version. A call

to Version requires an open Ses:

// open a session before calling Version

ses, err := srv.OpenSes("username", "password")

version, err := srv.Version()

if version != "" && err == nil {

fmt.Println("Received version from server")


Further code examples are available in the example

file, test files and

samples folder.


The ora package provides a simple ora.Logger interface for logging. Logging is

disabled by default. Specify one of three optional built-in logging packages to

enable logging; or, use your own logging package.

ora.Cfg().Log offers various options to enable or disable logging of specific

ora driver methods. For example:

// enable logging of the Rset.Next method

ora.Cfg().Log.Rset.Next = true

To use the standard Go log package:

import (




func main() {

// use an optional log package for ora logging

ora.Cfg().Log.Logger = lg.Log


which produces a sample log of:

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.615462 drv.go:411: OpenEnv 1

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.626443 drv.go:411: OpenEnv 2

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.627465 env.go:115: E2] OpenSrv (dbname orcl)

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.643449 env.go:150: E2] OpenSrv (srvId 1)

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.643449 srv.go:113: E2S1] OpenSes (username test)

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.665451 ses.go:163: E2S1S1] Prep: SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM DUAL

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.666451 rset.go:205: E2S1S1S1R0] open

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.666451 ses.go:74: E2S1S1] Close

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.666451 stmt.go:78: E2S1S1S1] Close

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.666451 rset.go:57: E2S1S1S1R0] close

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.666451 srv.go:63: E2S1] Close

ORA I 2015/05/23 16:54:44.667451 env.go:68: E2] Close

Messages are prefixed with 'ORA I' for information or 'ORA E' for an error. The

log package is configured to write to os.Stderr by default. Use the ora/lg.Std

type to configure an alternative io.Writer.

To use the glog package:

import (





func main() {

// parse flags for glog (required)

// consider specifying cmd line arg -alsologtostderr=true


// use the optional glog package for ora logging

cfg := ora.Cfg()

cfg.Log.Logger = glg.Log



which produces a sample log of:

I0523 17:31:41.702365 97708 drv.go:411] OpenEnv 1

I0523 17:31:41.728377 97708 drv.go:411] OpenEnv 2

I0523 17:31:41.728377 97708 env.go:115] E2] OpenSrv (dbname orcl)

I0523 17:31:41.741390 97708 env.go:150] E2] OpenSrv (srvId 1)

I0523 17:31:41.741390 97708 srv.go:113] E2S1] OpenSes (username test)

I0523 17:31:41.762366 97708 ses.go:163] E2S1S1] Prep: SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM DUAL

I0523 17:31:41.762366 97708 rset.go:205] E2S1S1S1R0] open

I0523 17:31:41.762366 97708 ses.go:74] E2S1S1] Close

I0523 17:31:41.762366 97708 stmt.go:78] E2S1S1S1] Close

I0523 17:31:41.762366 97708 rset.go:57] E2S1S1S1R0] close

I0523 17:31:41.763365 97708 srv.go:63] E2S1] Close

I0523 17:31:41.763365 97708 env.go:68] E2] Close

To use the log15 package:

import (




func main() {

// use the optional log15 package for ora logging

cfg := ora.Cfg()

cfg.Log.Logger = lg15.Log



which produces a sample log of:

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="OpenEnv 1" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="OpenEnv 2" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2] OpenSrv (dbname orcl)" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2] OpenSrv (srvId 1)" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2S1] OpenSes (username test)" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2S1S1] Prep: SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM DUAL" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2S1S1S1R0] open" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2S1S1] Close" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2S1S1S1] Close" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2S1S1S1R0] close" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2S1] Close" lib=ora

t=2015-05-23T17:08:32-0700 lvl=info msg="E2] Close" lib=ora

Test Database Setup

Tests are available and require some setup. Setup varies depending on whether

the Oracle server is configured as a container database or non-container

database. It's simpler to setup a non-container database. An example for each

setup is explained.

Non-container test database setup steps:

// 1. login to an Oracle server with SqlPlus as sysdba:


// 2. create a file for the test database use


// 3. create a test database


// 4. grant permissions to the database



// 5. increase the number allowable open cursors


// 6. create OS environment variables

// specify your_database_name; varies based on installation; may be 'orcl'

GO_ORA_DRV_TEST_DB = your_database_name



Container test database setup steps:

// 1. login to an Oracle server with SqlPlus as sysdba:


// 2. create a test pluggable database and permissions

// you will need to change the FILE_NAME_CONVERT file paths for your database installation




FILE_NAME_CONVERT = ('d:\oracle\data\orcl\pdbseed\', 'd:\oracle\data\go_driver_test\');

// 3. modify the pluggable database settings




// 4. add new database service to the tnsnames.ora file:

// located on your client machine in $ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\tnsnames.ora



(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))



(SERVICE_NAME = go_driver_test)



// 5. create OS environment variables

GO_ORA_DRIVER_TEST_DB = go_driver_test



Some helpful SQL maintenance statements:

// delete all tables in a non-container database


FOR c IN (SELECT table_name FROM user_tables) LOOP




// delete the non-container test database; use SqlPlus as sysdba


Run the tests.


database/sql method Stmt.QueryRow is not supported.

Go 1.6 introduced stricter cgo (call C from Go) rules, and introduced runtime

checks. This is good, as the possibility of C code corrupting Go code is almost

completely eliminated, but it also means a severe call overhead grow.


this can be 22x the go 1.5.3 call time!

So if you need performance more than correctness, start your programs with

"GODEBUG=cgocheck=0" environment setting.


Copyright 2017 Rana Ian, Tamás Gulácsi. All rights reserved. Use of this source

code is governed by The MIT License found in the accompanying LICENSE file.


const (

// The driver name registered with the database/sql package.

Name string = "ora"

// The driver version sent to an Oracle server and visible in


Version string = "v4.1.13"


const (

NoPool = PoolType(0)

DRCPool = PoolType(1)

SPool = PoolType(2)

CPool = PoolType(3)


const (

DefaultPoolSize = 4

DefaultEvictDuration = time.Minute


const (

MaxFetchLen = 1024

DefaultFetchLen = 128

DefaultLOBFetchLen = 8


const (

// SysDefault is the default, normal session mode.

SysDefault = SessionMode(iota)

// SysDba is for connecting as SYSDBA.


// SysOper is for connectiong as SYSOPER.



var Schema string

Schema may optionally be specified to prefix a table name in the sql generated

by the ora.Ins, ora.Upd, ora.Del, and ora.Sel methods.

func AddTbl

func AddTbl(v interface{}, tblName string) (err error)

AddTbl maps a table name to a struct type when a struct type name is not

identitcal to an Oracle table name.

AddTbl is optional and used by the orm-like methods ora.Ins, ora.Upd, ora.Del,

and ora.Sel.

AddTbl may be called once during the lifetime of the driver.

func Del

func Del(v interface{}, ses *Ses) (err error)

Del deletes a struct from an Oracle table returning a possible error.

Specify a struct, or struct pointer to parameter 'v' and an open Ses to

parameter 'ses'.

Del requires one struct field tagged with db:"pk". The field tagged with

db:"pk" is used in a sql WHERE clause.

By default, Del generates and executes a sql DELETE statement based on the

struct name and one exported field name tagged with db:"pk". A struct name is

used for the table name and a field name is used for a column name. Prior to

calling Del, you may specify an alternative table name to ora.AddTbl. An

alternative column name may be specified to the field tag db:"column_name".

Set ora.Schema to specify an optional table name prefix.

func DescribeQuery

func DescribeQuery(db *sql.DB, qry string) ([]DescribedColumn, error)

DescribeQuery parses the query and returns the column types, as

DBMS_SQL.describe_column does.

func GctName

func GctName(gct GoColumnType) string

func GetCompileErrors

func GetCompileErrors(ses *Ses, all bool) ([]CompileError, error)

GetCompileErrors returns the slice of the errors in user_errors.

If all is false, only errors are returned; otherwise, warnings, too.

func Ins

func Ins(v interface{}, ses *Ses) (err error)

Ins inserts a struct into an Oracle table returning a possible error.

Specify a struct, or struct pointer to parameter 'v' and an open Ses to

parameter 'ses'.

Optional struct field tags db:"column_name,id,-" may be specified to control

how the sql INSERT statement is generated.

By default, Ins generates and executes a sql INSERT statement based on the

struct name and all exported field names. A struct name is used for the table

name and a field name is used for a column name. Prior to calling Ins, you may

specify an alternative table name to ora.AddTbl. An alternative column name may

be specified to the field tag db:"column_name". Specifying the db:"-" tag

will remove a field from the INSERT statement.

The optional db:"id" field tag may combined with the db:"pk" tag. A field

tagged with db:"pk,id" indicates a field is a primary key backed by an Oracle

identity sequence. db:"pk,id" may be tagged to one field per struct. When

db:"pk,id" is tagged to a field Ins generates a RETURNING clause to recevie a

db generated identity value. The db:"id" tag is not required and Ins will

insert a struct to a table without returning an identity value.

Set ora.Schema to specify an optional table name prefix.

func NumEnv

func NumEnv() int

NumEnv returns the number of open Oracle environments.

func Register

func Register(cfg DrvCfg)

Register used to register the ora database driver with the database/sql package,

but this is automatic now - so this function is deprecated, has the same effect

as SetCfg.

func Sel

func Sel(v interface{}, rt ResType, ses *Ses, where string, whereParams ...interface{}) (result interface{}, err error)

Sel selects structs from an Oracle table returning a specified container of

structs and a possible error.

Specify a struct, or struct pointer to parameter 'v' to indicate the struct

return type. Specify a ResType to parameter 'rt' to indicate the container

return type. Possible container return types include a slice of structs, slice

of struct pointers, map of structs, and map of struct pointers. Specify an open

Ses to parameter 'ses'. Optionally specify a where clause to parameter 'where'

and where parameters to variadic parameter 'whereParams'.

Optional struct field tags db:"column_name,omit" may be specified to control

how the sql SELECT statement is generated. Optional struct field tags

db:"pk,fk1,fk2,fk3,fk4" control how a map return type is generated.

A slice may be returned by specifying one of the 'SliceOf' ResTypes to parameter

'rt'. Specify a SliceOfPtr to return a slice of struct pointers. Specify a

SliceOfVal to return a slice of structs.

A map may be returned by specifying one of the 'MapOf' ResTypes to parameter

'rt'. The map key type is based on a struct field type tagged with one of

db:"pk", db:"fk1", db:"fk2", db:"fk3", or db:"fk4" matching the

specified ResType suffix Pk, Fk1, Fk2, Fk3, or Fk4. The map value type is a

struct pointer when a 'MapOfPtr' ResType is specified. The map value type is a

struct when a 'MapOfVal' ResType is specified. For example, tagging a uint64

struct field with db:"pk" and specifying a MapOfPtrPk generates a map with a

key type of uint64 and a value type of struct pointer.

ResTypes available to specify to parameter 'rt' are MapOfPtrPk, MapOfPtrFk1,

MapOfPtrFk2, MapOfPtrFk3, MapOfPtrFk4, MapOfValPk, MapOfValFk1, MapOfValFk2,

MapOfValFk3, and MapOfValFk4.

Set ora.Schema to specify an optional table name prefix.

func SetCfg

func SetCfg(cfg DrvCfg)

SetCfg applies the specified cfg to the ora database driver.

func SplitDSN

func SplitDSN(dsn string) (username, password, sid string)

SplitDSN splits the user/password@dblink string to username, password and

dblink, to be used as SesCfg.Username, SesCfg.Password, SrvCfg.Dblink.

func Upd

func Upd(v interface{}, ses *Ses) (err error)

Upd updates a struct to an Oracle table returning a possible error.

Specify a struct, or struct pointer to parameter 'v' and an open Ses to

parameter 'ses'.

Upd requires one struct field tagged with db:"pk". The field tagged with

db:"pk" is used in a sql WHERE clause. Optional struct field tags

db:"column_name,-" may be specified to control how the sql UPDATE statement is


By default, Upd generates and executes a sql UPDATE statement based on the

struct name and all exported field names. A struct name is used for the table

name and a field name is used for a column name. Prior to calling Upd, you may

specify an alternative table name to ora.AddTbl. An alternative column name may

be specified to the field tag db:"column_name". Specifying the db:"-" tag

will remove a field from the UPDATE statement.

Set ora.Schema to specify an optional table name prefix.

func WithStmtCfg

func WithStmtCfg(ctx context.Context, cfg StmtCfg) context.Context

WithStmtCfg returns a new context, with the given cfg that can be used to

configure several parameters.

WARNING: the StmtCfg must be derived from Cfg(), or NewStmtCfg(), as an empty

StmtCfg is not usable!

type Bfile

type Bfile struct {

IsNull bool

DirectoryAlias string

Filename string


Bfile represents a nullable BFILE Oracle value.

func (Bfile) Equals

func (this Bfile) Equals(other Bfile) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Bfile are both null, or when

the receiver and specified Bfile are both not null, DirectoryAlias are equal and

Filename are equal.

type Bool

type Bool struct {

IsNull bool

Value bool


Bool is a nullable bool.

func (Bool) Equals

func (this Bool) Equals(other Bool) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Bool are both null, or when

the receiver and specified Bool are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Bool) MarshalJSON

func (this Bool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Bool) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Bool) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Column

type Column struct {

Name string

Type C.ub2

Length uint32

Precision C.sb2

Scale C.sb1


type CompileError

type CompileError struct {

Owner, Name, Type string

Line, Position, Code int64

Text string

Warning bool


CompileError represents a compile-time error as in user_errors view.

func (CompileError) Error

func (ce CompileError) Error() string

type Con

type Con struct {


Con is an Oracle connection associated with a server and session.

Implements the driver.Conn interface.

func (*Con) Begin

func (con *Con) Begin() (driver.Tx, error)

Begin starts a transaction.

Begin is a member of the driver.Conn interface.

func (*Con) BeginTx

func (con *Con) BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts driver.TxOptions) (driver.Tx, error)

BeginTx starts and returns a new transaction. The provided context should be

used to roll the transaction back if it is cancelled.

If the driver does not support setting the isolation level and one is set or if

there is a set isolation level but the set level is not supported, an error must

be returned.

If the read-only value is true to either set the read-only transaction property

if supported or return an error if it is not supported.

func (*Con) Close

func (con *Con) Close() (err error)

Close ends a session and disconnects from an Oracle server.

Close is a member of the driver.Conn interface.

func (*Con) IsOpen

func (con *Con) IsOpen() bool

IsOpen returns true when the connection to the Oracle server is open; otherwise,


Calling Close will cause IsOpen to return false. Once closed, a connection

cannot be re-opened. To open a new connection call Open on a driver.

func (*Con) Name

func (s *Con) Name(calc func() string) string

Name sets the name to the result of calc once, then returns that result forever.

(Effectively caches the result of calc().)

func (*Con) Ping

func (con *Con) Ping(ctx context.Context) error

Ping makes a round-trip call to an Oracle server to confirm that the connection

is active.

func (*Con) Prepare

func (con *Con) Prepare(query string) (driver.Stmt, error)

Prepare readies a sql string for use.

Prepare is a member of the driver.Conn interface.

func (*Con) PrepareContext

func (con *Con) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (driver.Stmt, error)

PrepareContext returns a prepared statement, bound to this connection. context

is for the preparation of the statement, it must not store the context within

the statement itself.

type Date

type Date struct {



Date is a nullable date, for low (second) precisions (OCIDate)

type DescribedColumn

type DescribedColumn struct {


Schema string

Nullable bool

CharsetID, CharsetForm int


DescribedColumn type for describing a column (see DescribeQuery).

type Drv

type Drv struct {



Drv represents an Oracle database driver.

Drv is not meant to be called by user-code.

Drv implements the driver.Driver interface.

func (*Drv) Cfg

func (drv *Drv) Cfg() DrvCfg

func (*Drv) Open

func (drv *Drv) Open(conStr string) (driver.Conn, error)

Open opens a connection to an Oracle server with the database/sql environment.

This is intended to be called by the database/sql package only.

Alternatively, you may call Env.OpenCon to create an *ora.Con.

Open is a member of the driver.Driver interface.

func (*Drv) SetCfg

func (drv *Drv) SetCfg(cfg DrvCfg)

type DrvCfg

type DrvCfg struct {


Log LogDrvCfg


DrvCfg represents configuration values for the ora package.

func Cfg

func Cfg() DrvCfg

Cfg returns the ora database driver's cfg.

func NewDrvCfg

func NewDrvCfg() DrvCfg

NewDrvCfg creates a DrvCfg with default values.

func (DrvCfg) SetBinaryDouble

func (c DrvCfg) SetBinaryDouble(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetBinaryFloat

func (c DrvCfg) SetBinaryFloat(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetBlob

func (c DrvCfg) SetBlob(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetByteSlice

func (c DrvCfg) SetByteSlice(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetChar

func (c DrvCfg) SetChar(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetChar1

func (c DrvCfg) SetChar1(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetClob

func (c DrvCfg) SetClob(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetDate

func (c DrvCfg) SetDate(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetFloat

func (c DrvCfg) SetFloat(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetLobBufferSize

func (c DrvCfg) SetLobBufferSize(size int) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetLogger

func (c DrvCfg) SetLogger(lgr Logger) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetLong

func (c DrvCfg) SetLong(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetLongBufferSize

func (c DrvCfg) SetLongBufferSize(size uint32) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetLongRaw

func (c DrvCfg) SetLongRaw(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetLongRawBufferSize

func (c DrvCfg) SetLongRawBufferSize(size uint32) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetNumberBigFloat

func (c DrvCfg) SetNumberBigFloat(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetNumberBigInt

func (c DrvCfg) SetNumberBigInt(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetNumberFloat

func (c DrvCfg) SetNumberFloat(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetNumberInt

func (c DrvCfg) SetNumberInt(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetPrefetchMemorySize

func (c DrvCfg) SetPrefetchMemorySize(prefetchMemorySize uint32) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetPrefetchRowCount

func (c DrvCfg) SetPrefetchRowCount(prefetchRowCount uint32) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetRaw

func (c DrvCfg) SetRaw(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetStmtCfg

func (cfg DrvCfg) SetStmtCfg(stmtCfg StmtCfg) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetStringPtrBufferSize

func (c DrvCfg) SetStringPtrBufferSize(size int) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetTimestamp

func (c DrvCfg) SetTimestamp(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetTimestampLtz

func (c DrvCfg) SetTimestampLtz(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetTimestampTz

func (c DrvCfg) SetTimestampTz(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

func (DrvCfg) SetVarchar

func (c DrvCfg) SetVarchar(gct GoColumnType) DrvCfg

type DrvExecResult

type DrvExecResult struct {


DrvExecResult is an Oracle execution result.

DrvExecResult implements the driver.Result interface.

func (*DrvExecResult) LastInsertId

func (er *DrvExecResult) LastInsertId() (int64, error)

LastInsertId returns the identity value from an insert statement.

There are two setup steps required to reteive the LastInsertId. One, specify a

'returning into' clause in the SQL insert statement. And, two, specify a nil

parameter to DB.Exec or DrvStmt.Exec.

For example:

db, err := sql.Open("ora", "scott/tiger@orcl")


result, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO T1 (C2) VALUES ('GO') RETURNING C1 /*lastInsertId*/ INTO :C1", nil)

id, err := result.LastInsertId()

func (*DrvExecResult) RowsAffected

func (er *DrvExecResult) RowsAffected() (int64, error)

RowsAffected returns the number of rows affected by the exec statement.

type DrvQueryResult

type DrvQueryResult struct {


DrvQueryResult contains methods to retrieve the results of a SQL select


DrvQueryResult implements the driver.Rows interface.

func (*DrvQueryResult) Close

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) Close() error

Close performs no operations.

Close is a member of the driver.Rows interface.

func (*DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName(index int) string

ColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName returns the database system type name without the

length, in uppercase.

func (*DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypeLength

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypeLength(index int) (length int64, ok bool)

ColumnTypeLength returns the length of the column type if the column is a

variable length type. If the column is not a variable length type ok should

return false. If length is not limited other than system limits, it should

return math.MaxInt64.

func (*DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypeNullable

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypeNullable(index int) (nullable, ok bool)

ColumnTypeNullable returns true if it is known the column may be null, or false

if the column is known to be not nullable. If the column nullability is unknown,

ok should be false.

func (*DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypePrecisionScale

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypePrecisionScale(index int) (precision, scale int64, ok bool)

ColumnTypePrecisionScale return the precision and scale for decimal types. If

not applicable, ok should be false.

func (*DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypeScanType

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) ColumnTypeScanType(index int) reflect.Type

func (*DrvQueryResult) Columns

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) Columns() []string

Columns returns query column names.

Columns is a member of the driver.Rows interface.

func (*DrvQueryResult) HasNextResultSet

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) HasNextResultSet() bool

HasNextResultSet reports whether there is another result set after the current


func (*DrvQueryResult) Next

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) Next(dest []driver.Value) (err error)

Next populates the specified slice with the next row of data.

Returns io.EOF when there are no more rows.

Next is a member of the driver.Rows interface.

func (*DrvQueryResult) NextResultSet

func (qr *DrvQueryResult) NextResultSet() error

NextResultSet advances the driver to the next result set even if there are

remaining rows in the current result set.

type DrvStmt

type DrvStmt struct {


DrvStmt is an Oracle statement associated with a session.

DrvStmt wraps Stmt and is intended for use by the database/sql/driver package.

DrvStmt implements the driver.Stmt interface.

func (*DrvStmt) Close

func (ds *DrvStmt) Close() error

Close closes the SQL statement.

Close is a member of the driver.Stmt interface.

func (*DrvStmt) Exec

func (ds *DrvStmt) Exec(values []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error)

Exec executes an Oracle SQL statement on a server. Exec returns a driver.Result

and a possible error.

Exec is a member of the driver.Stmt interface.

func (*DrvStmt) ExecContext

func (ds *DrvStmt) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, values []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Result, error)

ExecContext enhances the Stmt interface by providing Exec with context.

ExecContext must honor the context timeout and return when it is cancelled.

func (*DrvStmt) NumInput

func (ds *DrvStmt) NumInput() int

NumInput returns the number of placeholders in a sql statement.

NumInput is a member of the driver.Stmt interface.

func (*DrvStmt) Query

func (ds *DrvStmt) Query(values []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error)

Query runs a SQL query on an Oracle server. Query returns driver.Rows and a

possible error.

Query is a member of the driver.Stmt interface.

func (*DrvStmt) QueryContext

func (ds *DrvStmt) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, values []driver.NamedValue) (driver.Rows, error)

QueryContext enhances the Stmt interface by providing Query with context.

QueryContext must honor the context timeout and return when it is cancelled.

type EmpLgr

type EmpLgr struct{}

func (EmpLgr) Errorf

func (e EmpLgr) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})

func (EmpLgr) Errorln

func (e EmpLgr) Errorln(v ...interface{})

func (EmpLgr) Infof

func (e EmpLgr) Infof(format string, v ...interface{})

func (EmpLgr) Infoln

func (e EmpLgr) Infoln(v ...interface{})

type Env

type Env struct {



Env represents an Oracle environment.

func NewEnvSrvSes

func NewEnvSrvSes(dsn string) (*Env, *Srv, *Ses, error)

NewEnvSrvSes is a comfort function which opens the environment, creates a

connection (Srv) to the server, and opens a session (Ses), in one call.

Ideal for simple use cases.

func OpenEnv

func OpenEnv() (env *Env, err error)

OpenEnv opens an Oracle environment.

Optionally specify a cfg parameter. If cfg is nil, default cfg values are


func (*Env) Cfg

func (env *Env) Cfg() StmtCfg

func (*Env) Close

func (env *Env) Close() (err error)

Close disconnects from servers and resets optional fields.

func (*Env) IsOpen

func (env *Env) IsOpen() bool

IsOpen returns true when the environment is open; otherwise, false.

Calling Close will cause IsOpen to return false. Once closed, the environment

may be re-opened by calling Open.

func (*Env) Name

func (s *Env) Name(calc func() string) string

Name sets the name to the result of calc once, then returns that result forever.

(Effectively caches the result of calc().)

func (*Env) NewPool

func (env *Env) NewPool(srvCfg SrvCfg, sesCfg SesCfg, size int) *Pool

NewPool returns an idle session pool, which evicts the idle sessions every

minute, and automatically manages the required new connections (Srv).

This is done by maintaining a 1-1 pairing between the Srv and its Ses.

This pool does NOT limit the number of active connections, just helps reuse

already established connections and sessions, lowering the resource usage on the


If size <= 0, then DefaultPoolSize is used.

func (*Env) NewSrvPool

func (env *Env) NewSrvPool(srvCfg SrvCfg, size int) *SrvPool

NewSrvPool returns a connection pool, which evicts the idle connections in every

minute. The pool holds at most size idle Srv. If size is zero, DefaultPoolSize

will be used.

func (*Env) NumCon

func (env *Env) NumCon() int

NumCon returns the number of open Oracle connections.

func (*Env) NumSrv

func (env *Env) NumSrv() int

NumSrv returns the number of open Oracle servers.

func (*Env) OCINumberFromFloat

func (env *Env) OCINumberFromFloat(dest *C.OCINumber, value float64, byteLen int) error

func (*Env) OCINumberFromInt

func (env *Env) OCINumberFromInt(dest *C.OCINumber, value int64, byteLen int) error

func (*Env) OCINumberFromUint

func (env *Env) OCINumberFromUint(dest *C.OCINumber, value uint64, byteLen int) error

func (*Env) OCINumberToFloat

func (env *Env) OCINumberToFloat(src *C.OCINumber, byteLen int) (float64, error)

func (*Env) OCINumberToInt

func (env *Env) OCINumberToInt(src *C.OCINumber, byteLen int) (int64, error)

func (*Env) OCINumberToUint

func (env *Env) OCINumberToUint(src *C.OCINumber, byteLen int) (uint64, error)

func (*Env) OpenCon

func (env *Env) OpenCon(dsn string) (con *Con, err error)

OpenCon starts an Oracle session on a server returning a *Con and possible


The connection string has the form username/password@dblink e.g.,

scott/tiger@orcl For connecting as SYSDBA or SYSOPER, append " AS SYSDBA" to the

end of the connection string: "sys/sys as sysdba".

dblink is a connection identifier such as a net service name, full connection

identifier, or a simple connection identifier. The dblink may be defined in the

client machine's tnsnames.ora file.

func (*Env) OpenSrv

func (env *Env) OpenSrv(cfg SrvCfg) (srv *Srv, err error)

OpenSrv connects to an Oracle server returning a *Srv and possible error.

func (*Env) SetCfg

func (env *Env) SetCfg(cfg StmtCfg)

type Float32

type Float32 struct {

IsNull bool

Value float32


Float32 is a nullable float32.

func (Float32) Equals

func (this Float32) Equals(other Float32) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Float32 are both null, or

when the receiver and specified Float32 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Float32) MarshalJSON

func (this Float32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Float32) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Float32) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Float64

type Float64 struct {

IsNull bool

Value float64


Float64 is a nullable float64.

func (Float64) Equals

func (this Float64) Equals(other Float64) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Float64 are both null, or

when the receiver and specified Float64 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Float64) MarshalJSON

func (this Float64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Float64) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Float64) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type GoColumnType

type GoColumnType uint

GoColumnType defines the Go type returned from a sql select column.

const (

// D defines a sql select column based on its default mapping.

D GoColumnType = iota + 1

// I64 defines a sql select column as a Go int64.


// I32 defines a sql select column as a Go int32.


// I16 defines a sql select column as a Go int16.


// I8 defines a sql select column as a Go int8.


// U64 defines a sql select column as a Go uint64.


// U32 defines a sql select column as a Go uint32.


// U16 defines a sql select column as a Go uint16.


// U8 defines a sql select column as a Go uint8.


// F64 defines a sql select column as a Go float64.


// F32 defines a sql select column as a Go float32.


// OraI64 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Int64.


// OraI32 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Int32.


// OraI16 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Int16.


// OraI8 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Int8.


// OraU64 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Uint64.


// OraU32 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Uint32.


// OraU16 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Uint16.


// OraU8 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Uint8.


// OraF64 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Float64.


// OraF32 defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Float32.


// T defines a sql select column as a Go time.Time.


// OraT defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Time.


// S defines a sql select column as a Go string.


// OraS defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.String.


// B defines a sql select column as a Go bool.


// OraB defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Bool.


// Bin defines a sql select column or bind parmeter as a Go byte slice.


// OraBin defines a sql select column as a nullable Go ora.Binary.


// N defines a sql select column as a Go string for number.


// OraN defines a sql select column as a nullable Go string for number.


// L defins an sql select column as an ora.Lob.



go column types

func (GoColumnType) String

func (gct GoColumnType) String() string

type Id

type Id struct {


type Int16

type Int16 struct {

IsNull bool

Value int16


Int16 is a nullable int16.

func (Int16) Equals

func (this Int16) Equals(other Int16) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Int16 are both null, or when

the receiver and specified Int16 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Int16) MarshalJSON

func (this Int16) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Int16) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Int16) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Int32

type Int32 struct {

IsNull bool

Value int32


Int32 is a nullable int32.

func (Int32) Equals

func (this Int32) Equals(other Int32) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Int32 are both null, or when

the receiver and specified Int32 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Int32) MarshalJSON

func (this Int32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Int32) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Int32) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Int64

type Int64 struct {

IsNull bool

Value int64


Int64 is a nullable int64.

func (Int64) Equals

func (this Int64) Equals(other Int64) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Int64 are both null, or when

the receiver and specified Int64 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Int64) MarshalJSON

func (this Int64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Int64) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Int64) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Int8

type Int8 struct {

IsNull bool

Value int8


Int8 is a nullable int8.

func (Int8) Equals

func (this Int8) Equals(other Int8) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Int8 are both null, or when

the receiver and specified Int8 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Int8) MarshalJSON

func (this Int8) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Int8) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Int8) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type IntervalDS

type IntervalDS struct {

IsNull bool

Day int32

Hour int32

Minute int32

Second int32

Nanosecond int32


IntervalDS represents a nullable INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND Oracle value.

func (IntervalDS) Equals

func (this IntervalDS) Equals(other IntervalDS) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified IntervalDS are both null, or

when the receiver and specified IntervalDS are both not null, and all other

fields are equal.

func (IntervalDS) ShiftTime

func (this IntervalDS) ShiftTime(t time.Time) time.Time

ShiftTime returns a new Time with IntervalDS applied.

func (IntervalDS) String

func (this IntervalDS) String() string

type IntervalYM

type IntervalYM struct {

IsNull bool

Year int32

Month int32


IntervalYM represents a nullable INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH Oracle value.

func (IntervalYM) Equals

func (this IntervalYM) Equals(other IntervalYM) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified IntervalYM are both null, or

when the receiver and specified IntervalYM are both not null, Year are equal and

Month are equal.

func (IntervalYM) ShiftTime

func (this IntervalYM) ShiftTime(t time.Time) time.Time

ShiftTime returns a new Time with IntervalYM applied.

func (IntervalYM) String

func (this IntervalYM) String() string

type Lob

type Lob struct {



C bool


Lob Reader is sent to the DB on bind, if not nil. The Reader can read the LOB if

we bind a *Lob, Closer will close the LOB. Set Lob.C = true to make this a CLOB


func (*Lob) Bytes

func (this *Lob) Bytes() ([]byte, error)

Bytes will read the contents of the Lob.Reader, and will keep that for future.

func (*Lob) Close

func (this *Lob) Close() error

func (*Lob) Equals

func (this *Lob) Equals(other Lob) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Lob are both null, or when

they both not null and share the same Reader.

func (*Lob) MarshalJSON

func (this *Lob) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Lob) Read

func (this *Lob) Read(p []byte) (int, error)

func (*Lob) Scan

func (this *Lob) Scan(src interface{}) error

func (*Lob) String

func (this *Lob) String() string

func (*Lob) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Lob) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

func (*Lob) Value

func (this *Lob) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value returns what Lob.Bytes returns.

type LogConCfg

type LogConCfg struct {

// Close determines whether the Con.Close method is logged.


// The default is true.

Close bool

// Prepare determines whether the Con.Prepare method is logged.


// The default is true.

Prepare bool

// Begin determines whether the Con.Begin method is logged.


// The default is true.

Begin bool

// Ping determines whether the Con.Ping method is logged.


// The default is true.

Ping bool


LogConCfg represents Con logging configuration values.

func NewLogConCfg

func NewLogConCfg() LogConCfg

NewLogConCfg creates a LogTxCfg with default values.

type LogDrvCfg

type LogDrvCfg struct {

// Logger writes log messages.

// Logger can be replaced with any type implementing the Logger interface.


// The default implementation uses the standard lib's log package.


// For a glog-based implementation, see

// LogDrvCfg.Logger = glg.Log


// For an, see

// LogDrvCfg.Logger = lg15.Log

Logger Logger

// OpenEnv determines whether the ora.OpenEnv method is logged.


// The default is true.

OpenEnv bool

// Ins determines whether the ora.Ins method is logged.


// The default is true.

Ins bool

// Upd determines whether the ora.Upd method is logged.


// The default is true.

Upd bool

// Del determines whether the ora.Del method is logged.


// The default is true.

Del bool

// Sel determines whether the ora.Sel method is logged.


// The default is true.

Sel bool

// AddTbl determines whether the ora.AddTbl method is logged.


// The default is true.

AddTbl bool

Env LogEnvCfg

Srv LogSrvCfg

Ses LogSesCfg

Stmt LogStmtCfg

Tx LogTxCfg

Con LogConCfg

Rset LogRsetCfg


LogDrvCfg represents package-level logging configuration values.

func NewLogDrvCfg

func NewLogDrvCfg() LogDrvCfg

NewLogDrvCfg creates a LogDrvCfg with default values.

func (LogDrvCfg) IsEnabled

func (c LogDrvCfg) IsEnabled(enabled bool) bool

IsEnabled returns whether the logger is enabled (and enabled is true).

type LogEnvCfg

type LogEnvCfg struct {

// Close determines whether the Env.Close method is logged.


// The default is true.

Close bool

// OpenSrv determines whether the Env.OpenSrv method is logged.


// The default is true.

OpenSrv bool

// OpenCon determines whether the Env.OpenCon method is logged.


// The default is true.

OpenCon bool


LogEnvCfg represents Env logging configuration values.

func NewLogEnvCfg

func NewLogEnvCfg() LogEnvCfg

NewLogEnvCfg creates a LogEnvCfg with default values.

type LogRsetCfg

type LogRsetCfg struct {

// Close determines whether the Rset.close method is logged.


// The default is true.

Close bool

// BeginRow determines whether the Rset.beginRow method is logged.


// The default is false.

BeginRow bool

// EndRow determines whether the Rset.endRow method is logged.


// The default is false.

EndRow bool

// Next determines whether the Rset.Next method is logged.


// The default is false.

Next bool

// Open determines whether the method is logged.


// The default is true.

Open bool

// OpenDefs determines whether Select-list definitions with the method are logged.


// The default is true.

OpenDefs bool


LogRsetCfg represents Rset logging configuration values.

func NewLogRsetCfg

func NewLogRsetCfg() LogRsetCfg

NewLogTxCfg creates a LogRsetCfg with default values.

type LogSesCfg

type LogSesCfg struct {

// Close determines whether the Ses.Close method is logged.


// The default is true.

Close bool

// PrepAndExe determines whether the Ses.PrepAndExe method is logged.


// The default is true.

PrepAndExe bool

// PrepAndQry determines whether the Ses.PrepAndQry method is logged.


// The default is true.

PrepAndQry bool

// Prep determines whether the Ses.Prep method is logged.


// The default is true.

Prep bool

// Ins determines whether the Ses.Ins method is logged.


// The default is true.

Ins bool

// Upd determines whether the Ses.Upd method is logged.


// The default is true.

Upd bool

// Sel determines whether the Ses.Sel method is logged.


// The default is true.

Sel bool

// StartTx determines whether the Ses.StartTx method is logged.


// The default is true.

StartTx bool

// Ping determines whether the Ses.Ping method is logged.


// The default is true.

Ping bool

// Break determines whether the Ses.Break method is logged.


// The default is true.

Break bool


LogSesCfg represents Ses logging configuration values.

func NewLogSesCfg

func NewLogSesCfg() LogSesCfg

NewLogSesCfg creates a LogSesCfg with default values.

type LogSrvCfg

type LogSrvCfg struct {

// Close determines whether the Srv.Close method is logged.


// The default is true.

Close bool

// OpenSes determines whether the Srv.OpenSes method is logged.


// The default is true.

OpenSes bool

// Version determines whether the Srv.Version method is logged.


// The default is true.

Version bool


LogSrvCfg represents Srv logging configuration values.

func NewLogSrvCfg

func NewLogSrvCfg() LogSrvCfg

NewLogSrvCfg creates a LogSrvCfg with default values.

type LogStmtCfg

type LogStmtCfg struct {

// Close determines whether the Stmt.Close method is logged.


// The default is true.

Close bool

// Exe determines whether the Stmt.Exe method is logged.


// The default is true.

Exe bool

// Qry determines whether the Stmt.Qry method is logged.


// The default is true.

Qry bool

// Bind determines whether the Stmt.bind method is logged.


// The default is true.

Bind bool


LogStmtCfg represents Stmt logging configuration values.

func NewLogStmtCfg

func NewLogStmtCfg() LogStmtCfg

NewLogStmtCfg creates a LogStmtCfg with default values.

type LogTxCfg

type LogTxCfg struct {

// Commit determines whether the Tx.Commit method is logged.


// The default is true.

Commit bool

// Rollback determines whether the Tx.Rollback method is logged.


// The default is true.

Rollback bool


LogTxCfg represents Tx logging configuration values.

func NewLogTxCfg

func NewLogTxCfg() LogTxCfg

NewLogTxCfg creates a LogTxCfg with default values.

type Logger

type Logger interface {

Infof(format string, args ...interface{})

Infoln(args ...interface{})

Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})

Errorln(args ...interface{})


Logger interface is for logging.

type MultiErr

type MultiErr struct {


MultiErr holds multiple errors in a single string.

func (MultiErr) Error

func (m MultiErr) Error() string

Error returns one or more errors.

Error is a member of the 'error' interface.

type Num

type Num string

type OCINum

type OCINum struct {



func (*OCINum) FromC

func (num *OCINum) FromC(x C.OCINumber)

FromC converts from the given C.OCINumber.

func (OCINum) String

func (n OCINum) String() string

func (OCINum) ToC

func (num OCINum) ToC(x *C.OCINumber)

ToC converts the OCINum into the given *C.OCINumber.

func (OCINum) Value

func (n OCINum) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value returns the driver.Value as required by database/sql. So OCINum is allowed

as a parameter to Scan.

type ORAError

type ORAError struct {


func (ORAError) Code

func (e ORAError) Code() int

func (*ORAError) Error

func (e *ORAError) Error() string

type OraNum

type OraNum struct {

IsNull bool

Value string


func (OraNum) Equals

func (this OraNum) Equals(other OraNum) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified OraNum are both null, or

when the receiver and specified OraNum are both not null and Values are equal.

func (OraNum) MarshalJSON

func (this OraNum) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (OraNum) String

func (this OraNum) String() string

func (*OraNum) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *OraNum) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type OraOCINum

type OraOCINum struct {

IsNull bool

Value num.OCINum


func (OraOCINum) Equals

func (this OraOCINum) Equals(other OraOCINum) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified OraOCINum are both null, or

when the receiver and specified OraOCINum are both not null and Values are


func (OraOCINum) MarshalJSON

func (this OraOCINum) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (OraOCINum) String

func (this OraOCINum) String() string

func (*OraOCINum) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *OraOCINum) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Pool

type Pool struct {



func NewPool

func NewPool(dsn string, size int) (*Pool, error)

NewPool returns a new session pool with default config.

func (*Pool) Close

func (p *Pool) Close() (err error)

Close all idle sessions and connections.

func (*Pool) Get

func (p *Pool) Get() (ses *Ses, err error)

Get a session - either an idle session, or if such does not exist, then a new

session on an idle connection; if such does not exist, then a new session on a

new connection.

func (*Pool) Put

func (p *Pool) Put(ses *Ses)

Put the session back to the session pool. Ensure that on ses Close (eviction),

srv is put back on the idle pool.

func (Pool) SetEvictDuration

func (p Pool) SetEvictDuration(dur time.Duration)

Set the eviction duration to the given. Also starts eviction if not yet started.

type PoolCfg

type PoolCfg struct {

Type PoolType

Name string

Username string

Password string

Min, Max, Incr uint32


func DSNPool

func DSNPool(str string) PoolCfg

DSNPool returns the Pool config from dsn.

type PoolType

type PoolType uint8

type Raw

type Raw struct {

IsNull bool

Value []byte


Raw represents a nullable byte slice for RAW or LONG RAW Oracle values.

func (Raw) Equals

func (this Raw) Equals(other Raw) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Raw are both null, or when

the receiver and specified Raw are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Raw) MarshalJSON

func (this Raw) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Raw) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Raw) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type ResType

type ResType int

ResType represents a result type returned by the ora.Sel method.

const (

// SliceOfPtr indicates a slice of struct pointers will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

SliceOfPtr ResType = iota

// SliceOfVal indicates a slice of structs will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.


// MapOfPtrPk indicates a map of struct pointers will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"pk"`.


// MapOfPtrFk1 indicates a map of struct pointers will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"fk1"`.


// MapOfPtrFk2 indicates a map of struct pointers will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"fk2"`.


// MapOfPtrFk3 indicates a map of struct pointers will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"fk3"`.


// MapOfPtrFk4 indicates a map of struct pointers will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"fk4"`.


// MapOfValPk indicates a map of structs will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"pk"`.


// MapOfValFk1 indicates a map of structs will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"fk1"`.


// MapOfValFk2 indicates a map of structs will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"fk2"`.


// MapOfValFk3 indicates a map of structs will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"fk3"`.


// MapOfValFk4 indicates a map of structs will be returned by the ora.Sel method.

// The struct type is specified to ora.Sel by the user.

// The map key is determined by a struct field tagged with `db:"fk4"`.



type Rset

type Rset struct {


Row []interface{}

Columns []Column


Rset represents a result set used to obtain Go values from a SQL select


Opening and closing a Rset is managed internally. Rset doesn't have an Open

method or Close method.

func (*Rset) Err

func (rset *Rset) Err() error

Err returns the last error of the reesult set.

func (*Rset) Exhaust

func (rset *Rset) Exhaust()

Exhaust will cycle to the end of the Rset, to autoclose it.

func (*Rset) IsOpen

func (rset *Rset) IsOpen() bool

IsOpen returns true when a result set is open; otherwise, false.

func (*Rset) Len

func (rset *Rset) Len() int

Len returns the number of rows retrieved.

func (*Rset) Name

func (s *Rset) Name(calc func() string) string

Name sets the name to the result of calc once, then returns that result forever.

(Effectively caches the result of calc().)

func (*Rset) Next

func (rset *Rset) Next() bool

Next attempts to load a row of data from an Oracle buffer. True is returned when

a row of data is retrieved. False is returned when no data is available.

Retrieve the loaded row from the Rset.Row field. Rset.Row is updated on each

call to Next. Rset.Row is set to nil when Next returns false.

When Next returns false check Rset.Err() for any error that may have occured.

func (*Rset) NextRow

func (rset *Rset) NextRow() []interface{}

NextRow attempts to load a row from the Oracle buffer and return the row. Nil is

returned when there's no data.

When NextRow returns nil check Rset.Err() for any error that may have occured.

type RsetCfg

type RsetCfg struct {

// TrueRune is rune a Go bool true value from SQL select-list character column.


// The is default is '1'.

TrueRune rune

// Err is the error from the last Set... method.

Err error


RsetCfg affects the association of Oracle select-list columns to Go types.

Though it is unlucky, an empty RsetCfg is unusable! Please use NewRsetCfg().

RsetCfg is immutable, so all Set... methods returns a new copy!

func NewRsetCfg

func NewRsetCfg() RsetCfg

NewRsetCfg returns a RsetCfg with default values.

func (RsetCfg) BinaryDouble

func (c RsetCfg) BinaryDouble() GoColumnType

BinaryDouble returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list


The default is F64.

BinaryDouble is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, BinaryDouble is used.

func (RsetCfg) BinaryFloat

func (c RsetCfg) BinaryFloat() GoColumnType

BinaryFloat returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list


The default for the database/sql package is F64.

The default for the ora package is F32.

BinaryFloat is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, BinaryFloat is used.

func (RsetCfg) Blob

func (c RsetCfg) Blob() GoColumnType

Blob returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list BLOB column.

The default is Bits.

Blob is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Blob is used.

func (RsetCfg) Char

func (c RsetCfg) Char() GoColumnType

Char returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list CHAR column and

NCHAR column.

The default is S.

Char is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Char is used.

func (RsetCfg) Char1

func (c RsetCfg) Char1() GoColumnType

Char1 returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list CHAR column

with length 1 and NCHAR column with length 1.

The default is B.

Char1 is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Char1 is used.

func (RsetCfg) Clob

func (c RsetCfg) Clob() GoColumnType

Clob returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list CLOB column and

NCLOB column.

The default is S.

Clob is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Clob is used.

func (RsetCfg) Date

func (c RsetCfg) Date() GoColumnType

Date returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list DATE column.

The default is T.

Date is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Date is used.

func (RsetCfg) Float

func (c RsetCfg) Float() GoColumnType

Float returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list FLOAT column.

The default is F64.

Float is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Float is used.

func (RsetCfg) IsZero

func (c RsetCfg) IsZero() bool

func (RsetCfg) Long

func (c RsetCfg) Long() GoColumnType

Long returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list LONG column.

The default is S.

Long is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Long is used.

func (RsetCfg) LongRaw

func (c RsetCfg) LongRaw() GoColumnType

LongRaw returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list LONG RAW


The default is Bits.

LongRaw is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, LongRaw is used.

func (RsetCfg) NumberBigFloat

func (c RsetCfg) NumberBigFloat() GoColumnType

NumberBigFloat returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list NUMBER

column defined with a scale greater than zero and precision unknown or > 15.

The default is N.

NumberBugFloat is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, NumberFloat is used.

func (RsetCfg) NumberBigInt

func (c RsetCfg) NumberBigInt() GoColumnType

NumberBigInt returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list NUMBER

column defined with scale zero and precision unknown or > 19.

The default is N.

The database/sql package uses NumberBigInt.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, NumberInt is used.

func (RsetCfg) NumberFloat

func (c RsetCfg) NumberFloat() GoColumnType

NumberFloat returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list NUMBER

column defined with a scale greater than zero.

The default is F64.

NumberFloat is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, NumberFloat is used.

func (RsetCfg) NumberInt

func (c RsetCfg) NumberInt() GoColumnType

NumberInt returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list NUMBER

column defined with scale zero and precision <= 19.

The default is I64.

The database/sql package uses NumberInt.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, NumberInt is used.

func (RsetCfg) Raw

func (c RsetCfg) Raw() GoColumnType

Raw returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list RAW column.

The default is Bits.

Raw is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Raw is used.

func (RsetCfg) SetBinaryDouble

func (c RsetCfg) SetBinaryDouble(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetBinaryDouble sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list


Valid values are I64, I32, I16, I8, U64, U32, U16, U8, F64, F32, OraI64, OraI32,

OraI16, OraI8, OraU64, OraU32, OraU16, OraU8, OraF64, OraF32, N, OraN.

Returns an error if a non-numeric GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetBinaryFloat

func (c RsetCfg) SetBinaryFloat(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetBinaryFloat sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list


Valid values are I64, I32, I16, I8, U64, U32, U16, U8, F64, F32, OraI64, OraI32,

OraI16, OraI8, OraU64, OraU32, OraU16, OraU8, OraF64, OraF32, Num, OraNum.

Returns an error if a non-numeric GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetBlob

func (c RsetCfg) SetBlob(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetBlob sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list BLOB column.

Valid values are Bits and OraBits.

Returns an error if a non-string GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetChar

func (c RsetCfg) SetChar(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetChar sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list CHAR column and

NCHAR column.

Valid values are S and OraS.

Returns an error if a non-string GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetChar1

func (c RsetCfg) SetChar1(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetChar1 sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list CHAR column

with length 1 and NCHAR column with length 1.

Valid values are B, OraB, S and OraS.

Returns an error if a non-bool or non-string GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetClob

func (c RsetCfg) SetClob(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetClob sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list CLOB column and

NCLOB column.

Valid values are S and OraS.

Returns an error if a non-string GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetDate

func (c RsetCfg) SetDate(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetDate sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list DATE column.

Valid values are T and OraT.

Returns an error if a non-time GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetFloat

func (c RsetCfg) SetFloat(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetFloat sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list FLOAT column.

Valid values are I64, I32, I16, I8, U64, U32, U16, U8, F64, F32, OraI64, OraI32,

OraI16, OraI8, OraU64, OraU32, OraU16, OraU8, OraF64, OraF32, N, OraN.

Returns an error if a non-numeric GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetLong

func (c RsetCfg) SetLong(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetLong sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list LONG column.

Valid values are S and OraS.

Returns an error if a non-string GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetLongRaw

func (c RsetCfg) SetLongRaw(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetLongRaw sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list LONG RAW


Valid values are Bits and OraBits.

Returns an error if a non-string GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetNumberBigFloat

func (c RsetCfg) SetNumberBigFloat(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetNumberBigFloat sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list NUMBER

column defined with a scale greater than zero and precision unkonw or > 15.

Valid values are I64, I32, I16, I8, U64, U32, U16, U8, F64, F32, OraI64, OraI32,

OraI16, OraI8, OraU64, OraU32, OraU16, OraU8, OraF64, OraF32, N, OraN.

Returns an error if a non-numeric GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetNumberBigInt

func (c RsetCfg) SetNumberBigInt(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetNumberBigInt sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list NUMBER

column defined with scale zero and precision unknown or > 19.

Valid values are I64, I32, I16, I8, U64, U32, U16, U8, F64, F32, OraI64, OraI32,

OraI16, OraI8, OraU64, OraU32, OraU16, OraU8, OraF64, OraF32, N, OraN.

Returns an error if a non-numeric GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetNumberFloat

func (c RsetCfg) SetNumberFloat(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetNumberFloat sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list NUMBER

column defined with a scale greater than zero and precision <= 15.

Valid values are I64, I32, I16, I8, U64, U32, U16, U8, F64, F32, OraI64, OraI32,

OraI16, OraI8, OraU64, OraU32, OraU16, OraU8, OraF64, OraF32, N, OraN.

Returns an error if a non-numeric GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetNumberInt

func (c RsetCfg) SetNumberInt(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetNumberInt sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list NUMBER

column defined with scale zero and precision <= 19.

Valid values are I64, I32, I16, I8, U64, U32, U16, U8, F64, F32, OraI64, OraI32,

OraI16, OraI8, OraU64, OraU32, OraU16, OraU8, OraF64, OraF32, N, OraN.

Returns an error if a non-numeric GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetRaw

func (c RsetCfg) SetRaw(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetRaw sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list RAW column.

Valid values are Bits and OraBits.

Returns an error if a non-string GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetTimestamp

func (c RsetCfg) SetTimestamp(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetTimestamp sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list TIMESTAMP


Valid values are T and OraT.

Returns an error if a non-time GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetTimestampLtz

func (c RsetCfg) SetTimestampLtz(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetTimestampLtz sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list


Valid values are T and OraT.

Returns an error if a non-time GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetTimestampTz

func (c RsetCfg) SetTimestampTz(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetTimestampTz sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list TIMESTAMP


Valid values are T and OraT.

Returns an error if a non-time GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) SetVarchar

func (c RsetCfg) SetVarchar(gct GoColumnType) RsetCfg

SetVarchar sets a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list VARCHAR

column, VARCHAR2 column and NVARCHAR2 column.

Valid values are S and OraS.

Returns an error if a non-string GoColumnType is specified.

func (RsetCfg) Timestamp

func (c RsetCfg) Timestamp() GoColumnType

Timestamp returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list TIMESTAMP


The default is T.

Timestamp is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Timestamp is used.

func (RsetCfg) TimestampLtz

func (c RsetCfg) TimestampLtz() GoColumnType

TimestampLtz returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list


The default is T.

TimestampLtz is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, TimestampLtz is used.

func (RsetCfg) TimestampTz

func (c RsetCfg) TimestampTz() GoColumnType

TimestampTz returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list TIMESTAMP


The default is T.

TimestampTz is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, TimestampTz is used.

func (RsetCfg) Varchar

func (c RsetCfg) Varchar() GoColumnType

Varchar returns a GoColumnType associated to an Oracle select-list VARCHAR

column, VARCHAR2 column and NVARCHAR2 column.

The default is S.

Varchar is used by the database/sql package.

When using the ora package directly, custom GoColumnType associations may be

specified to the Ses.Prep method. If no custom GoColumnType association is

specified, Varchar is used.

type Ses

type Ses struct {



Ses is an Oracle session associated with a server.

func (*Ses) Break

func (ses *Ses) Break() (err error)

Break stops the currently running OCI function.

func (*Ses) Cfg

func (ses *Ses) Cfg() SesCfg

Cfg returns the Ses's SesCfg, or it's Srv's, if not set. If the ses.srv.env is

the PkgSqlEnv, that will override StmtCfg!

func (*Ses) Close

func (ses *Ses) Close() (err error)

Close ends a session on an Oracle server.

Any open statements associated with the session are closed.

Calling Close will cause Ses.IsOpen to return false. Once closed, a session

cannot be re-opened. Call Srv.OpenSes to open a new session.

func (*Ses) Env

func (ses *Ses) Env() *Env

func (*Ses) Ins

func (ses *Ses) Ins(tbl string, columnPairs ...interface{}) (err error)

Ins composes, prepares and executes a sql INSERT statement returning a possible


Ins offers convenience when specifying a long list of sql columns.

Ins expects at least two column name-value pairs where the last pair will be a

part of a sql RETURNING clause. The last column name is expected to be an

identity column returning an Oracle-generated value. The last value specified to

the variadic parameter 'columnPairs' is expected to be a pointer capable of

receiving the identity value.

func (*Ses) IsOpen

func (ses *Ses) IsOpen() bool

IsOpen returns true when a session is open; otherwise, false.

Calling Close will cause Ses.IsOpen to return false. Once closed, a session

cannot be re-opened. Call Srv.OpenSes to open a new session.

func (*Ses) Name

func (s *Ses) Name(calc func() string) string

Name sets the name to the result of calc once, then returns that result forever.

(Effectively caches the result of calc().)

func (*Ses) NumStmt

func (ses *Ses) NumStmt() int

NumStmt returns the number of open Oracle statements.

func (*Ses) NumTx

func (ses *Ses) NumTx() int

NumTx returns the number of open Oracle transactions.

func (*Ses) Ping

func (ses *Ses) Ping() (err error)

Ping returns nil when an Oracle server is contacted; otherwise, an error.

func (*Ses) Prep

func (ses *Ses) Prep(sql string, gcts ...GoColumnType) (stmt *Stmt, err error)

Prep prepares a sql statement returning a *Stmt and possible error.

func (*Ses) PrepAndExe

func (ses *Ses) PrepAndExe(sql string, params ...interface{}) (rowsAffected uint64, err error)

PrepAndExe prepares and executes a SQL statement returning the number of rows

affected and a possible error, using Exe, calling in batch for arrays.

WARNING: just as sql.QueryRow, the prepared statement is closed right after

execution, with all its siblings (Lobs, Rsets...)!

So if you want to retrieve and use such objects, you have to first Prep, then

Exe separately (and close the Stmt returned by Prep after finishing with those


func (*Ses) PrepAndExeP

func (ses *Ses) PrepAndExeP(sql string, params ...interface{}) (rowsAffected uint64, err error)

PrepAndExeP prepares and executes a SQL statement returning the number of rows

affected and a possible error, using ExeP, so passing arrays as is.

func (*Ses) PrepAndQry

func (ses *Ses) PrepAndQry(sql string, params ...interface{}) (rset *Rset, err error)

PrepAndQry prepares a SQL statement and queries an Oracle server returning an

*Rset and a possible error.

If an error occurs during Prep or Qry a nil *Rset will be returned.

The *Stmt internal to this method is automatically closed when the *Rset

retrieves all rows or returns an error.

func (*Ses) Sel

func (ses *Ses) Sel(sqlFrom string, columnPairs ...interface{}) (rset *Rset, err error)

Sel composes, prepares and queries a sql SELECT statement returning an *ora.Rset

and possible error.

Sel offers convenience when specifying a long list of sql columns with

non-default GoColumnTypes.

Specify a sql FROM clause with one or more pairs of sql column name-GoColumnType

pairs. The FROM clause may have additional SQL clauses such as WHERE, HAVING,


func (*Ses) SetAction

func (ses *Ses) SetAction(module, action string) error

SetAction sets the MODULE and ACTION attribute of the session.

func (*Ses) SetCfg

func (ses *Ses) SetCfg(cfg SesCfg)

func (*Ses) StartTx

func (ses *Ses) StartTx(opts ...TxOption) (tx *Tx, err error)

StartTx starts an Oracle transaction returning a *Tx and possible error.

func (*Ses) Timezone

func (ses *Ses) Timezone() (*time.Location, error)

Timezone return the current session's timezone.

func (*Ses) Upd

func (ses *Ses) Upd(tbl string, columnPairs ...interface{}) (err error)

Upd composes, prepares and executes a sql UPDATE statement returning a possible


Upd offers convenience when specifying a long list of sql columns.

type SesCfg

type SesCfg struct {

Username string

Password string

Mode SessionMode



func NewSesCfg

func NewSesCfg() SesCfg

func (SesCfg) IsZero

func (c SesCfg) IsZero() bool

func (SesCfg) SetBinaryDouble

func (c SesCfg) SetBinaryDouble(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetBinaryFloat

func (c SesCfg) SetBinaryFloat(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetBlob

func (c SesCfg) SetBlob(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetByteSlice

func (c SesCfg) SetByteSlice(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetChar

func (c SesCfg) SetChar(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetChar1

func (c SesCfg) SetChar1(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetClob

func (c SesCfg) SetClob(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetDate

func (c SesCfg) SetDate(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetFloat

func (c SesCfg) SetFloat(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetLobBufferSize

func (c SesCfg) SetLobBufferSize(size int) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetLong

func (c SesCfg) SetLong(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetLongBufferSize

func (c SesCfg) SetLongBufferSize(size uint32) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetLongRaw

func (c SesCfg) SetLongRaw(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetLongRawBufferSize

func (c SesCfg) SetLongRawBufferSize(size uint32) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetNumberBigFloat

func (c SesCfg) SetNumberBigFloat(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetNumberBigInt

func (c SesCfg) SetNumberBigInt(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetNumberFloat

func (c SesCfg) SetNumberFloat(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetNumberInt

func (c SesCfg) SetNumberInt(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetPrefetchMemorySize

func (c SesCfg) SetPrefetchMemorySize(prefetchMemorySize uint32) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetPrefetchRowCount

func (c SesCfg) SetPrefetchRowCount(prefetchRowCount uint32) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetRaw

func (c SesCfg) SetRaw(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetStmtCfg

func (cfg SesCfg) SetStmtCfg(stmtCfg StmtCfg) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetStringPtrBufferSize

func (c SesCfg) SetStringPtrBufferSize(size int) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetTimestamp

func (c SesCfg) SetTimestamp(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetTimestampLtz

func (c SesCfg) SetTimestampLtz(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetTimestampTz

func (c SesCfg) SetTimestampTz(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

func (SesCfg) SetVarchar

func (c SesCfg) SetVarchar(gct GoColumnType) SesCfg

type SesPool

type SesPool struct {


func (*SesPool) Close

func (p *SesPool) Close() error

func (*SesPool) Get

func (p *SesPool) Get() (*Ses, error)

Get a session from an idle Srv.

func (*SesPool) Put

func (p *SesPool) Put(ses *Ses)

Put the session back to the session pool.

func (SesPool) SetEvictDuration

func (p SesPool) SetEvictDuration(dur time.Duration)

Set the eviction duration to the given. Also starts eviction if not yet started.

type SessionMode

type SessionMode uint8

func DSNMode

func DSNMode(str string) SessionMode

DSNMode returns the SessionMode (SysDefault/SysDba/SysOper).

type Srv

type Srv struct {



Srv represents an Oracle server.

func (*Srv) Cfg

func (srv *Srv) Cfg() SrvCfg

Cfg returns the Srv's SrvCfg, or it's Env's, if not set. If the env is the

PkgSqlEnv, that will override StmtCfg!

func (*Srv) Close

func (srv *Srv) Close() (err error)

Close disconnects from an Oracle server.

Any open sessions associated with the server are closed.

Calling Close will cause Srv.IsOpen to return false. Once closed, a server

cannot be re-opened. Call Env.OpenSrv to open a new server.

func (*Srv) IsOpen

func (srv *Srv) IsOpen() bool

IsOpen returns true when the server is open; otherwise, false.

Calling Close will cause Srv.IsOpen to return false. Once closed, a server

cannot be re-opened. Call Env.OpenSrv to open a new server.

func (*Srv) IsUTF8

func (srv *Srv) IsUTF8() bool

IsUTF8 returns whether the DB uses AL32UTF8 encoding.

func (*Srv) Name

func (s *Srv) Name(calc func() string) string

Name sets the name to the result of calc once, then returns that result forever.

(Effectively caches the result of calc().)

func (*Srv) NewSesPool

func (srv *Srv) NewSesPool(sesCfg SesCfg, size int) *SesPool

NewSesPool returns a session pool, which evicts the idle sessions in every

minute. The pool holds at most size idle Ses. If size is zero, DefaultPoolSize

will be used.

func (*Srv) NumSes

func (srv *Srv) NumSes() int

NumSes returns the number of open Oracle sessions.

func (*Srv) OpenSes

func (srv *Srv) OpenSes(cfg SesCfg) (ses *Ses, err error)

OpenSes opens an Oracle session returning a *Ses and possible error.

func (*Srv) SetCfg

func (srv *Srv) SetCfg(cfg SrvCfg)

func (*Srv) Version

func (srv *Srv) Version() (ver string, err error)

Version returns the Oracle database server version.

Version requires the server have at least one open session.

type SrvCfg

type SrvCfg struct {

// Dblink specifies an Oracle database server. Dblink is a connect string

// or a service point.

Dblink string

Pool PoolCfg

// StmtCfg configures new Stmts.



SrvCfg configures a new Srv.

func (SrvCfg) IsZero

func (c SrvCfg) IsZero() bool

type SrvPool

type SrvPool struct {


func (*SrvPool) Close

func (p *SrvPool) Close() error

func (*SrvPool) Get

func (p *SrvPool) Get() (*Srv, error)

Get a connection.

func (*SrvPool) Put

func (p *SrvPool) Put(srv *Srv)

Put the connection back to the idle pool.

func (SrvPool) SetEvictDuration

func (p SrvPool) SetEvictDuration(dur time.Duration)

Set the eviction duration to the given. Also starts eviction if not yet started.

type Stmt

type Stmt struct {



Stmt represents an Oracle statement.

func (*Stmt) Cfg

func (stmt *Stmt) Cfg() StmtCfg

Cfg returns the Stmt's StmtCfg, or it's Ses's, if not set. If the env is the

PkgSqlEnv, that will override StmtCfg!

func (*Stmt) Close

func (stmt *Stmt) Close() (err error)

Close closes the SQL statement.

Calling Close will cause Stmt.IsOpen to return false. Once closed, a statement

cannot be re-opened. Call Stmt.Prep to create a new statement.

func (*Stmt) Env

func (stmt *Stmt) Env() *Env

func (*Stmt) Exe

func (stmt *Stmt) Exe(params ...interface{}) (rowsAffected uint64, err error)

Exe executes a SQL statement on an Oracle server returning the number of rows

affected and a possible error.

Slice arguments should have the same length, as they'll be called in batch mode.

func (*Stmt) ExeP

func (stmt *Stmt) ExeP(params ...interface{}) (rowsAffected uint64, err error)

ExeP executes an (PL/)SQL statement on an Oracle server returning the number of

rows affected and a possible error.

All arguments are sent as is (esp. slices).

func (*Stmt) Gcts

func (stmt *Stmt) Gcts() []GoColumnType

Gcts returns a slice of GoColumnType specified by Ses.Prep or Stmt.SetGcts.

Gcts is used by a Stmt.Qry *ora.Rset to determine which Go types are mapped to a

sql select-list.

func (*Stmt) IsOpen

func (stmt *Stmt) IsOpen() bool

IsOpen returns true when a statement is open; otherwise, false.

Calling Close will cause Stmt.IsOpen to return false. Once closed, a statement

cannot be re-opened. Call Stmt.Prep to create a new statement.

func (*Stmt) Name

func (s *Stmt) Name(calc func() string) string

Name sets the name to the result of calc once, then returns that result forever.

(Effectively caches the result of calc().)

func (*Stmt) NumInput

func (stmt *Stmt) NumInput() int

NumInput returns the number of placeholders in a sql statement.

func (*Stmt) NumRset

func (stmt *Stmt) NumRset() int

NumRset returns the number of open Oracle result sets.

func (*Stmt) Parse

func (stmt *Stmt) Parse() (err error)

Parse the statement, and return the syntax errors - WITHOUT executing it.

Rejects ALTER statements, as they're executed anyway by Oracle...

func (*Stmt) Qry

func (stmt *Stmt) Qry(params ...interface{}) (*Rset, error)

Qry runs a SQL query on an Oracle server returning a *Rset and possible error.

func (*Stmt) SelfCfg

func (stmt *Stmt) SelfCfg() StmtCfg

returns the Stmt's StmtCfg only

func (*Stmt) SetCfg

func (stmt *Stmt) SetCfg(cfg StmtCfg)

func (*Stmt) SetGcts

func (stmt *Stmt) SetGcts(gcts []GoColumnType) []GoColumnType

SetGcts sets a slice of GoColumnType used in a Stmt.Qry *ora.Rset.

SetGcts is optional.

type StmtCfg

type StmtCfg struct {

// IsAutoCommitting determines whether DML statements are automatically

// committed.


// The default is true.


// IsAutoCommitting is not observed during a transaction.

IsAutoCommitting bool

// RTrimChar makes returning from CHAR colums trim the blanks (spaces)

// from the end of the string, added by Oracle.


// The default is true.

RTrimChar bool

// FalseRune represents the false Go bool value sent to an Oracle server

// during a parameter bind.


// The is default is '0'.

FalseRune rune

// TrueRune represents the true Go bool value sent to an Oracle server

// during a parameter bind.


// The is default is '1'.

TrueRune rune

// Rset represents configuration options for an Rset struct.


// Err is the error from the last Set... call, if there's any.

Err error


StmtCfg affects various aspects of a SQL statement.

Assign values to StmtCfg prior to calling Stmt.Exe and Stmt.Qry for the

configuration values to take effect.

StmtCfg is immutable, so every Set method returns a new instance, maybe with Err

set, too.

func NewStmtCfg

func NewStmtCfg() StmtCfg

NewStmtCfg returns a StmtCfg with default values.

func (StmtCfg) ByteSlice

func (c StmtCfg) ByteSlice() GoColumnType

ByteSlice returns a GoColumnType associated to SQL statement []byte parameter.

The default is Bits.

ByteSlice is used by the database/sql package.

Sending a byte slice to an Oracle server as a parameter in a SQL statement

requires knowing the destination column type ahead of time. Set ByteSlice to

Bits if the destination column is BLOB, RAW or LONG RAW. Set ByteSlice to U8 if

the destination column is NUMBER, BINARY_DOUBLE, BINARY_FLOAT or FLOAT.

func (StmtCfg) FetchLen

func (c StmtCfg) FetchLen() int

returns a value of the fetchLen

func (StmtCfg) IsZero

func (c StmtCfg) IsZero() bool

func (StmtCfg) LOBFetchLen

func (c StmtCfg) LOBFetchLen() int

returns a value of the lobFetchLen

func (StmtCfg) LobBufferSize

func (c StmtCfg) LobBufferSize() int

LobBufferSize returns the LOB buffer size in bytes used to define the sql

select-column buffer size of an Oracle LOB type.

The default is 16,777,216 bytes.

The default is considered a moderate buffer where the 2GB max buffer may not be

feasible on all clients.

func (StmtCfg) LongBufferSize

func (c StmtCfg) LongBufferSize() uint32

LongBufferSize returns the long buffer size in bytes used to define the sql

select-column buffer size of an Oracle LONG type.

The default is 16,777,216 bytes.

The default is considered a moderate buffer where the 2GB max buffer may not be

feasible on all clients.

func (StmtCfg) LongRawBufferSize

func (c StmtCfg) LongRawBufferSize() uint32

LongRawBufferSize returns the LONG RAW buffer size in bytes used to define the

sql select-column buffer size of an Oracle LONG RAW type.

The default is 16,777,216 bytes.

The default is considered a moderate buffer where the 2GB max buffer may not be

feasible on all clients.

func (StmtCfg) PrefetchMemorySize

func (c StmtCfg) PrefetchMemorySize() uint32

PrefetchMemorySize returns the prefetch memory size in bytes used during a SQL

select command.

The default is 134,217,728 bytes.

PrefetchMemorySize works in coordination with PrefetchRowCount. When

PrefetchRowCount is set to zero only PrefetchMemorySize is used; otherwise, the

minimum of PrefetchRowCount and PrefetchMemorySize is used.

func (StmtCfg) PrefetchRowCount

func (c StmtCfg) PrefetchRowCount() uint32

PrefetchRowCount returns the number of rows to prefetch during a select query.

The default is 0.

PrefetchRowCount works in coordination with PrefetchMemorySize. When

PrefetchRowCount is set to zero only PrefetchMemorySize is used; otherwise, the

minimum of PrefetchRowCount and PrefetchMemorySize is used.

func (StmtCfg) SetBinaryDouble

func (c StmtCfg) SetBinaryDouble(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetBinaryFloat

func (c StmtCfg) SetBinaryFloat(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetBlob

func (c StmtCfg) SetBlob(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetByteSlice

func (c StmtCfg) SetByteSlice(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

SetByteSlice sets a GoColumnType associated to SQL statement []byte parameter.

Valid values are U8 and Bits.

Returns an error if U8 or Bits is not specified.

func (StmtCfg) SetChar

func (c StmtCfg) SetChar(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetChar1

func (c StmtCfg) SetChar1(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetClob

func (c StmtCfg) SetClob(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetDate

func (c StmtCfg) SetDate(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetFetchLen

func (c StmtCfg) SetFetchLen(length int) StmtCfg

SetFetchLen overrides DefaultFetchLen for prefetch lengths.

func (StmtCfg) SetFloat

func (c StmtCfg) SetFloat(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetLOBFetchLen

func (c StmtCfg) SetLOBFetchLen(length int) StmtCfg

SetLOBFetchLen overrides DefaultLOBFetchLen for prefetch LOB lengths.

This affects result sets with any of the following column types: C.SQLT_LNG,


Caution: the default buffer size for blob is 1MB. So, for example a single fetch

from the result set that contains just one blob will consume 128MB of RAM

func (StmtCfg) SetLobBufferSize

func (c StmtCfg) SetLobBufferSize(size int) StmtCfg

SetLobBufferSize sets the LOB buffer size in bytes.

The maximum is 2,147,483,642 bytes.

Returns an error if the specified size is greater than 2,147,483,642.

func (StmtCfg) SetLong

func (c StmtCfg) SetLong(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetLongBufferSize

func (c StmtCfg) SetLongBufferSize(size uint32) StmtCfg

SetLongBufferSize sets the long buffer size in bytes.

The maximum is 2,147,483,642 bytes.

Returns an error if the specified size is less than 1 or greater than


func (StmtCfg) SetLongRaw

func (c StmtCfg) SetLongRaw(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetLongRawBufferSize

func (c StmtCfg) SetLongRawBufferSize(size uint32) StmtCfg

SetLongRawBufferSize sets the LONG RAW buffer size in bytes.

The maximum is 2,147,483,642 bytes.

Returns an error if the specified size is greater than 2,147,483,642.

func (StmtCfg) SetNumberBigFloat

func (c StmtCfg) SetNumberBigFloat(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetNumberBigInt

func (c StmtCfg) SetNumberBigInt(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetNumberFloat

func (c StmtCfg) SetNumberFloat(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetNumberInt

func (c StmtCfg) SetNumberInt(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetPrefetchMemorySize

func (c StmtCfg) SetPrefetchMemorySize(prefetchMemorySize uint32) StmtCfg

SetPrefetchMemorySize sets the prefetch memory size in bytes used during a SQL

select command.

func (StmtCfg) SetPrefetchRowCount

func (c StmtCfg) SetPrefetchRowCount(prefetchRowCount uint32) StmtCfg

SetPrefetchRowCount sets the number of rows to prefetch during a select query.

func (StmtCfg) SetRaw

func (c StmtCfg) SetRaw(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetStringPtrBufferSize

func (c StmtCfg) SetStringPtrBufferSize(size int) StmtCfg

SetStringPtrBufferSize sets the size of a buffer used to store a string during

*string parameter binding and []*string parameter binding in a SQL statement.

func (StmtCfg) SetTimestamp

func (c StmtCfg) SetTimestamp(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetTimestampLtz

func (c StmtCfg) SetTimestampLtz(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetTimestampTz

func (c StmtCfg) SetTimestampTz(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) SetVarchar

func (c StmtCfg) SetVarchar(gct GoColumnType) StmtCfg

func (StmtCfg) StringPtrBufferSize

func (c StmtCfg) StringPtrBufferSize() int

StringPtrBufferSize returns the size of a buffer in bytes used to store a string

during *string parameter binding and []*string parameter binding in a SQL


The default is 4000 bytes.

For a *string parameter binding, you may wish to increase the size of

StringPtrBufferSize depending on the Oracle column type. For VARCHAR2,

NVARCHAR2, and RAW oracle columns the Oracle MAX_STRING_SIZE is usually 4000 but

may be set up to 32767.

type String

type String struct {

IsNull bool

Value string


String is a nullable string.

func (String) Equals

func (this String) Equals(other String) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified String are both null, or

when the receiver and specified String are both not null and Values are equal.

func (String) MarshalJSON

func (this String) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (String) String

func (this String) String() string

func (*String) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *String) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Time

type Time struct {

IsNull bool

Value time.Time


Time is a nullable time.Time.

func (Time) Equals

func (this Time) Equals(other Time) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Time are both null, or when

the receiver and specified Time are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Time) MarshalJSON

func (this Time) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Time) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Time) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Tx

type Tx struct {



Tx represents an Oracle transaction associated with a session.

Implements the driver.Tx interface.

func (*Tx) Commit

func (tx *Tx) Commit() (err error)

Commit commits the transaction.

Commit is a member of the driver.Tx interface.

func (*Tx) Rollback

func (tx *Tx) Rollback() (err error)

Rollback rolls back a transaction.

Rollback is a member of the driver.Tx interface.

type TxOption

type TxOption func(*txOption)

func TxFlags

func TxFlags(flags uint32) TxOption

func TxTimeout

func TxTimeout(timeout time.Duration) TxOption

type Uint16

type Uint16 struct {

IsNull bool

Value uint16


Uint16 is a nullable uint16.

func (Uint16) Equals

func (this Uint16) Equals(other Uint16) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Uint16 are both null, or

when the receiver and specified Uint16 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Uint16) MarshalJSON

func (this Uint16) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Uint16) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Uint16) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Uint32

type Uint32 struct {

IsNull bool

Value uint32


Uint32 is a nullable uint32.

func (Uint32) Equals

func (this Uint32) Equals(other Uint32) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Uint32 are both null, or

when the receiver and specified Uint32 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Uint32) MarshalJSON

func (this Uint32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Uint32) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Uint32) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Uint64

type Uint64 struct {

IsNull bool

Value uint64


Uint64 is a nullable uint64.

func (Uint64) Equals

func (this Uint64) Equals(other Uint64) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Uint64 are both null, or

when the receiver and specified Uint64 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Uint64) MarshalJSON

func (this Uint64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Uint64) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Uint64) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

type Uint8

type Uint8 struct {

IsNull bool

Value uint8


Uint8 is a nullable uint8.

func (Uint8) Equals

func (this Uint8) Equals(other Uint8) bool

Equals returns true when the receiver and specified Uint8 are both null, or when

the receiver and specified Uint8 are both not null and Values are equal.

func (Uint8) MarshalJSON

func (this Uint8) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (*Uint8) UnmarshalJSON

func (this *Uint8) UnmarshalJSON(p []byte) error

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