gmagick php,Gmagick - [ php中文手册 ] - 在线原生手册 - php中文网

Gmagick::addimage — Adds new image to Gmagick object image list

Gmagick::addnoiseimage — Adds random noise to the image

Gmagick::annotateimage — Annotates an image with text

Gmagick::blurimage — Adds blur filter to image

Gmagick::borderimage — Surrounds the image with a border

Gmagick::charcoalimage — Simulates a charcoal drawing

Gmagick::chopimage — Removes a region of an image and trims

Gmagick::clear — Clears all resources associated to Gmagick object

Gmagick::commentimage — Adds a comment to your image

Gmagick::compositeimage — Composite one image onto another

Gmagick::__construct — The Gmagick constructor

Gmagick::cropimage — Extracts a region of the image

Gmagick::cropthumbnailimage — Creates a crop thumbnail

Gmagick::current — The current purpose

Gmagick::cyclecolormapimage — Displaces an image's colormap

Gmagick::deconstructimages — Returns certain pixel differences between images

Gmagick::despeckleimage — The despeckleimage purpose

Gmagick::destroy — The destroy purpose

Gmagick::drawimage — Renders the GmagickDraw object on the current image

Gmagick::edgeimage — Enhance edges within the image

Gmagick::embossimage — Returns a grayscale image with a three-dimensional effect

Gmagick::enhanceimage — Improves the quality of a noisy image

Gmagick::equalizeimage — Equalizes the image histogram

Gmagick::flipimage — Creates a vertical mirror image

Gmagick::flopimage — The flopimage purpose

Gmagick::frameimage — Adds a simulated three-dimensional border

Gmagick::gammaimage — Gamma-corrects an image

Gmagick::getcopyright — Returns the GraphicsMagick API copyright as a string

Gmagick::getfilename — The filename associated with an image sequence

Gmagick::getimagebackgroundcolor — Returns the image background color

Gmagick::getimageblueprimary — Returns the chromaticy blue primary point

Gmagick::getimagebordercolor — Returns the image border color

Gmagick::getimagechanneldepth — Gets the depth for a particular image channel

Gmagick::getimagecolors — Returns the color of the specified colormap index

Gmagick::getimagecolorspace — Gets the image colorspace

Gmagick::getimagecompose — Returns the composite operator associated with the image

Gmagick::getimagedelay — Gets the image delay

Gmagick::getimagedepth — Gets the depth of the image

Gmagick::getimagedispose — Gets the image disposal method

Gmagick::getimageextrema — Gets the extrema for the image

Gmagick::getimagefilename — Returns the filename of a particular image in a sequence

Gmagick::getimageformat — Returns the format of a particular image in a sequence

Gmagick::getimagegamma — Gets the image gamma

Gmagick::getimagegreenprimary — Returns the chromaticy green primary point

Gmagick::getimageheight — Returns the image height

Gmagick::getimagehistogram — Gets the image histogram

Gmagick::getimageindex — Gets the index of the current active image

Gmagick::getimageinterlacescheme — Gets the image interlace scheme

Gmagick::getimageiterations — Gets the image iterations

Gmagick::getimagematte — Check if the image has a matte channel

Gmagick::getimagemattecolor — Returns the image matte color

Gmagick::getimageprofile — Returns the named image profile.

Gmagick::getimageredprimary — Returns the chromaticity red primary point

Gmagick::getimagerenderingintent — Gets the image rendering intent

Gmagick::getimageresolution — Gets the image X and Y resolution

Gmagick::getimagescene — Gets the image scene

Gmagick::getimagesignature — Generates an SHA-256 message digest

Gmagick::getimagetype — Gets the potential image type.

Gmagick::getimageunits — Gets the image units of resolution

Gmagick::getimagewhitepoint — Returns the chromaticity white point

Gmagick::getimagewidth — Returns the width of the image

Gmagick::getpackagename — Returns the GraphicsMagick package name.

Gmagick::getquantumdepth — Returns the Gmagick quantum depth as a string.

Gmagick::getreleasedate — Returns the GraphicsMagick release date as a string.

Gmagick::getsamplingfactors — Gets the horizontal and vertical sampling factor.

Gmagick::getsize — Returns the size associated with the Gmagick object

Gmagick::getversion — Returns the GraphicsMagick API version

Gmagick::hasnextimage — Checks if the object has more images

Gmagick::haspreviousimage — Checks if the object has a previous image

Gmagick::implodeimage — Creates a new image as a copy

Gmagick::labelimage — Adds a label to an image.

Gmagick::levelimage — Adjusts the levels of an image

Gmagick::magnifyimage — Scales an image proportionally 2x

Gmagick::mapimage — Replaces the colors of an image with the closest color from a reference image.

Gmagick::medianfilterimage — Applies a digital filter

Gmagick::minifyimage — Scales an image proportionally to half its size

Gmagick::modulateimage — Control the brightness, saturation, and hue

Gmagick::motionblurimage — Simulates motion blur

Gmagick::newimage — Creates a new image

Gmagick::nextimage — Moves to the next image

Gmagick::normalizeimage — Enhances the contrast of a color image

Gmagick::oilpaintimage — Simulates an oil painting

Gmagick::previousimage — Move to the previous image in the object

Gmagick::profileimage — Adds or removes a profile from an image

Gmagick::quantizeimage — Analyzes the colors within a reference image

Gmagick::quantizeimages — The quantizeimages purpose

Gmagick::queryfontmetrics — Returns an array representing the font metrics

Gmagick::queryfonts — Returns the configured fonts

Gmagick::queryformats — Returns formats supported by Gmagick.

Gmagick::radialblurimage — Radial blurs an image

Gmagick::raiseimage — Creates a simulated 3d button-like effect

Gmagick::read — Reads image from filename

Gmagick::readimage — Reads image from filename

Gmagick::readimageblob — Reads image from a binary string

Gmagick::readimagefile — The readimagefile purpose

Gmagick::reducenoiseimage — Smooths the contours of an image

Gmagick::removeimage — Removes an image from the image list

Gmagick::removeimageprofile — Removes the named image profile and returns it

Gmagick::resampleimage — Resample image to desired resolution

Gmagick::resizeimage — Scales an image

Gmagick::rollimage — Offsets an image

Gmagick::rotateimage — Rotates an image

Gmagick::scaleimage — Scales the size of an image

Gmagick::separateimagechannel — Separates a channel from the image

Gmagick::setfilename — Sets the filename before you read or write the image

Gmagick::setimagebackgroundcolor — Sets the image background color.

Gmagick::setimageblueprimary — Sets the image chromaticity blue primary point.

Gmagick::setimagebordercolor — Sets the image border color.

Gmagick::setimagechanneldepth — Sets the depth of a particular image channel

Gmagick::setimagecolorspace — Sets the image colorspace

Gmagick::setimagecompose — Sets the image composite operator

Gmagick::setimagedelay — Sets the image delay

Gmagick::setimagedepth — Sets the image depth

Gmagick::setimagedispose — Sets the image disposal method

Gmagick::setimagefilename — Sets the filename of a particular image in a sequence

Gmagick::setimageformat — Sets the format of a particular image

Gmagick::setimagegamma — Sets the image gamma

Gmagick::setimagegreenprimary — TSets the image chromaticity green primary point.

Gmagick::setimageindex — Set the iterator to the position in the image list specified with the index parameter

Gmagick::setimageinterlacescheme — Sets the interlace scheme of the image.

Gmagick::setimageiterations — Sets the image iterations.

Gmagick::setimageprofile — Adds a named profile to the Gmagick object

Gmagick::setimageredprimary — Sets the image chromaticity red primary point.

Gmagick::setimagerenderingintent — Sets the image rendering intent

Gmagick::setimageresolution — Sets the image resolution

Gmagick::setimagescene — Sets the image scene

Gmagick::setimagetype — Sets the image type

Gmagick::setimageunits — Sets the image units of resolution.

Gmagick::setimagewhitepoint — Sets the image chromaticity white point.

Gmagick::setsamplingfactors — Sets the image sampling factors.

Gmagick::setsize — Sets the size of the Gmagick object

Gmagick::shearimage — Creating a parallelogram

Gmagick::solarizeimage — Applies a solarizing effect to the image

Gmagick::spreadimage — Randomly displaces each pixel in a block

Gmagick::stripimage — Strips an image of all profiles and comments

Gmagick::swirlimage — Swirls the pixels about the center of the image

Gmagick::thumbnailimage — Changes the size of an image

Gmagick::trimimage — Remove edges from the image

Gmagick::write — Writes an image to the specified filename

Gmagick::writeimage — Writes an image to the specified filename





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