delphi for php 2 商业,Delphi for PHP v2.1.0.1074 特别版 可视化开发环境和组件

软件介绍:f06b075ef52bc5495027d8a388690ccc.pngDelphi for PHP Delphi for PHP revolutionizes PHP web development with Delphi’s proven visual Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach for accelerated visual PHP web development. Delphi for PHP is the fast and easy way to build robust PHP web applications.

Many web developers today use PHP to develop portal frameworks, forums, and web applications because PHP allows them to create dynamic web applications with solid database connectivity. However, PHP web development has been stymied by the lack of a powerful RAD visual development environment. The existence of an active and vital open source PHP ecosystem with myriad of open source components and options makes the need for an integrated RAD development environment even more critical.

Delphi 2007 for PHP

Delphi® for PHP is the first completely integrated visual Rapid Application Development (RAD) environment for PHP. Delphi’s proven and familiar visual Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach means you are quickly up to speed and productive, without the headaches normally associated with learning a new development environment.  The powerful PHP editor and debugger increase coding speed and efficiency, while the integrated VCL for PHP 5 component class library lets you quickly and visually create PHP web applications and integrate PHP open source components.

Delphi for PHP has an integrated PHP 5 class library called Visual Component Library (VCL for PHP). A customizable palette of over 50 reusable components can include buttons, labels, check boxes, images, DHTML menus, flash objects, grids, tree views, list boxes and more. Database components are also available for accessing databases, tables, queries, and stored procedures, as well as data grids and navigation. You can also extend the VCL for PHP at any time with your own components, or use components offered through the open source PHP platform.

Delphi for PHP makes it easy to create your own components and install customized packages to use in the IDE. The VCL for PHP makes it simple for you to develop new classes, because every component is built in pure PHP. Simply place components into forms and use them in your applications. VCL for PHP components have built-in properties, methods, and events that make web interface development a snap.  Delphi for PHP is the fast and easy way to build powerful and reliable PHP web applications.






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使用视觉化RAD 整合开发环境与元件架构进行CodeGear 创新的 PHP开发    S COTTS VALLEY, Calif.–2007年2月20日–-CodeGear,作为开发者工具领导者, 发布了Delphi for PHP, 这是一个基于元件的快速应用程式开发(RAD)IDE, 同时还发布VCL for PHP,这是一个开放原始程式码的可视元件库。 Delphi for PHPPHP的Web开发者带来了Delphi用户已经享受多年 的RAD生产力。 PHP是当今的最富盛名的动态Web语言,是10大程式设计语言之一。 Delphi for PHP使PHP能够更快且更轻松的开发丰富的资料库驱动的Web应 用程式,使其达到更高水准。    位于加拿大安大略省的一家 开发者工具公司-JomiTech的所有者 Jonath an Benedicto认为:“CodeGear开发工具是市场上最好的工具, Delphi for PHP也是如此。”Benedicto说道: “作为长期PHP的开发者, 我第一时间采用了Delphi for PHP作为我最喜爱的编辑器。VCL for PHP 具有我们所熟悉的Delphi设计,并提供了大量的面向RAD能力。如今, 我可以使用经整合的页面范本功能, 轻松地从实际网页逻辑代码中减弱GUI。Delphi for PHP真正实现了将PHP 开发引领到更高水准。”    CodeGear产品与策略部副总裁Michael Swi ndell说道:“在创建动态Web应用程式时, PHP开发者已经拥有原始程式码编辑和调试工具; 而PHP真正缺少的是快速开发工具和能够与现代工具相抗衡的元件架构, 比如Visual StudioR 和Delphi以及类似于ASP.NET 和VCL的架 构。”    Swindell说道: “Delphi for PHP提供了快速和视觉化创建强大的PHP应用程式的能力, 新的PHP元件以及打包现有PHP代码到可重复使用的视觉化元件所需要的特性和功能性 。Delphi for PHP通过无缝支持MySQLR, InterBaseR from CodeGear, 以及其他SQL资料库实现对所有这些的支持, 并通过开源VCL for PHP得以实现。MicrosoftR WindowsR RAD 开发者现在已经可以享受Delphi 和 C++BuilderR所提供的熟练性和易用性 ,可以迅速而自信地移入PHP开发。” Delphi for PHP所包含的重要特性: 适用于PHP的RAD环境 1. VCL for PHP – 基于开源PHP 5版本而开发的可视元件 库,拥有超过50个可延展和可复用的组件, 以及无缝AJAX整合 2. 与InterBase, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server以及其他常用资料库的开盒即用的资料库整合 3. 经整 合的PHP调试工具 4. 在Windows,Linux, Solaris 以及其他平台上的PHP应用程式的分发 5. 对各种应用程式的国际化支援 6. 使用 Data Explorer for InterBase和 MySQL, 拖拉资料库应用程式开发 7. Code editor with 使用Code Insight, Code Explorer,以及 Code Templates的代码编辑器, 使写入PHP代码更加轻松和快捷


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