matlab警告imaginary,Matlab 的一些重要提示(书写习惯、运算符号等)

Using software other than


Some of the homework exercises involve general problem-solving than

can be done equally well using other software such as Octave,

Mathematica, Maple, etc. In these cases you are free to use other

software. By doing so you miss out on the gradual build-up of

MATLAB knowledge as we use it to solve harder and harder


Some of the homework exercises involve downloading and running

MATLB scripts. For these you have to use MATLAB, or translate the

script yourself for the software you are using.



On the artsci computers, you can find Matlab in the applications

menu that is accessed by clicking on the "start" button.

On Linux machines you can simply type matlab at a

command prompt; you may first have to start the license server by

typing /usr/local/matlab/etc/lmstart.

Downloading and running

MATLAB script files.

The crucial thing is to download MATLAB files to a directory that

MATLAB knows about, so it will find the file. There are two


Run MATLAB first, and look at the "Current Directory"

entry at the top center of the main window. Make a note of that

directory. Then use the web browser to download the file (in most

browsers you have to right-click on it) to that directory. You can

then run the script by typing its name (without the ".m" on the


If you already have a directory where you like to keep MATLAB

files, you can download the script to there using the web browser,

then tell MATLAB to include that directory in the list of places it

searches (i.e. include it in the "path".) To do this, in the MATLAB

window, click File -> Set Path. It pops

up a window that shows you the path. If your directory is not

already in that list then click on the "Add Folder" button in that

window and it pops up another window. If you wanted to add

"C:Programs\Bloggs\Exercises" then you would type

"C:Programs\Bloggs" in the "Enter path or folder name" box and

press "Enter". The "Folders" box then fills with a list of the

subfolders of "C:Programs\Bloggs". You click on "exercises", which

then appears in the "Enter file name" box, and you click "OK" at

the bottom.

Creating a MATLAB


In MATLAB, each function must live in its own file, called an

``M-file''. To create a function, click on

File->New->M-file to open

the M-file editor. When you have typed in the function, click

File->Save as to save it and give it a

name, which must end in ".m". Then you can run the

function at the MATLAB prompt by typing its name (without the

".m"). A simple example of an M-file is the

"bump.m" function for a wavefunction localized near x=0:

function psi = bump(x,a)


psi = C .* 1./(1+(x./a).^2);


(Note that this version is not properly normalized.)

Operators in MATLAB


In the bump.m function shown above, the mathematical

expression_r is fairly easy to understand, except that the

mathematical operators *, /, and ^ each have a dot "." in front of

them. This is a MATLAB convention that ensures that when the

function's argument is a vector of positions, eg

bump([1.5, 2.0, 2.5], 2.5)

it will return a vector of values of the function at those


0.3710 0.3077 0.2523

Technically, you only need dots in front of ^ operators

for which the first argument might be a vector, and *

and / operators for which the quantities on each side of

the operator could both be vectors. The MATLAB function

quad gives a vector argument to the function it is

integrating, so vectors may crop up when you don't expect them. The

safest thing is to put a dot in front of every *

/, and ^ operator in all your


If you forget the dots in front of operators you may get

hard-to-understand error messages. If somewhere you have written

a^b instead of a.^b, you may get

??? Error using ==> mpower

Matrix must be square.

If somewhere you have written a*b instead of

a.*b, you may get

??? Error using ==> mtimes

Inner matrix dimensions must agree.

The hardest one to debug is if you have used / instead

of ./ somewhere in a function. If you integrate the

function, this may cause quad to give a very odd error


??? Attempted to access y(7); index out of bounds because numel(y)=1.

Functions in MATLAB


If you need to take a square root, cosine, etc, MATLAB has builtin

functions that do this in an obvious way. The constant Pi is also






You can use the fplot function, which needs the function

handle (its name with at "@" in front), and the x-limits over which

to plot:


To specify the y-limits of the plot as well as the x-limits, just

include them in the limits vector:

fplot(@sin, [-pi,pi,-2,2])

You can also explicitly construct a list of values of x and values

of the function at those points, and pass them to the

plot function:

xrange = -pi : 0.1 : pi


(The first line makes a list of values of x from -pi to pi in steps

of 0.1.)


functions (not available in older versions of MATLAB)

In places where it expects a "function handle", you can give MATLAB

a one-statement function definition right there on the spot. So

instead of constructing a M-file for the "square" function

function s = sqr(x)

s = x.*x;


which could then be plotted with


you can just write

fplot(@(x) x.*x ,[-2,2])

where the expression_r @(x) x.*x is an unnamed

("anonymous") function definition for calculating the square of its

argument. This is particularly useful if you want to use a

multi-argument function. For example, suppose you have an M-file

for the "pwr" function

function s = pwr(x,n)

s = x.^n;


You can plot various polynomials over the range x=-2 to +2 by


fplot(@(x) pwr(x,2), [-2,2])

fplot(@(x) pwr(x,3), [-2,2])

fplot(@(x) pwr(x,2) - pwr(x,3)/2, [-2,2])

To make a simultaneous plot of multiple functions, create an

anonymous function that returns their values in an array. Eg:

fplot(@(x) [sin(x),cos(x)],[0,2*pi,-2,2])

N.B: If you have an older version of MATLAB that

lacks anonymous functions, you can achieve the same result by

passing a string that MATLAB can interpret as some function of x:

fplot('pwr(x,2)', [-2,2])

fplot('pwr(x,2)-pwr(x,3)/2', [-2,2])

Integration in


If you have defined some function in an M-file, like the

sqr function described above, then you can integrate it

from -2 to 2, say, by typing

quad(@sqr, -2, 2)

(quad stands for "quadrature", an old term for

integration). Again, you can use an anonymous function instead,

quad(@(x) x.*x , -2, 2)

Unfortunately, quad cannot deal with infinite limits of

integration: you just have to make them very large but finite (see


Complex numbers in


The square root of -1 is written is written as i or

j in MATLAB expression_rs, and MATLAB writes it as

i in output:

>> exp(i*pi/4)

ans =

0.7071 + 0.7071i

Note that older versions of MATLAB may only understand

j, not i. You can obtain real and imaginary

parts of any expression_r using the real and

imag functions. MATLAB functions can accept complex

arguments, so you can write things like

quad( @(x) exp(3*j*x).*exp(-(x+1).^2),-10^6,10^6)

and you get a complex answer.

If you plot a complex function, MATLAB will take the real part and

plot that, giving a warning message that it threw away imaginary






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