a: | h | e | l | l | o |\0 |
a: | h | e | l | l | o |\0 |
+-----+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+
p: | *======> | w | o | r | l | d |\0 |
+-----+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+
It is important to realize that a reference like x [3] generates different code depending on whether x is an
array or a pointer. Given the declarations above, when the compiler sees the expression a[3], it emits
code to start at the location ``a,'' move three past it, and fetch the character there. When it sees the
expression p[3], it emits code to start at the location ``p,'' fetch the pointer value there, add three to the
pointer, and finally fetch the character pointed to. In other words, a[3] is three places past (the start of)
the object named a, while p[3] is three places past the object pointed to by p. In the example above,
both a[3] and p[3] happen to be the character 'l', but the compiler gets there differently.
我的问题是 为什么要在字符数组a开始的地方后移动3个字节 才是字符串的开始?还是我误会了这段话的意思