Abstract. Secure multi-party computation (MPC) allows a set of n parties to jointly compute a function over their private inputs. The seminal

works of Ben-Or, Canetti and Goldreich [STOC ’93] and Ben-Or, Kelmer

and Rabin [PODC ’94] settled the feasibility of MPC over asynchronous

networks. Despite the significant line of work devoted to improving the

communication complexity, current protocols with information-theoretic

security and optimal resilience t < n/3 communicate Ω(n4C) field elements for a circuit with C multiplication gates. In contrast, synchronous

MPC protocols with Ω(nC) communication have long been known.

In this work we make progress towards closing this gap. We provide a

novel MPC protocol in the asynchronous setting with statistical security

that makes black-box use of an asynchronous complete secret-sharing

(ACSS) protocol. The cost per multiplication reduces to the cost of distributing a constant number of sharings via ACSS, improving a linear

factor over the state of the art by Choudhury and Patra [IEEE Trans.

Inf. Theory ’17].

With a recent concurrent work achieving ACSS with linear cost per

sharing, we achieve an MPC with O(nC) communication