
作者:Alex Nichiporchik

《No Time to Explain》最初是一款网页Flash游戏,之后转向Kickstarter平台筹资,成为Steam上的一款商业游戏。这款商业游戏是由Flash(ActionScript 2)开发而成,但效果并不是特别理想。

我们要大费周折让它生效。首先,它拥有一个作为发射器的ActionScript 3文件。这个发布器用一个定制扩展名包装到ZINC中——令其成为一个独立的应用,以便同Steam的API通话。




在增加一个关卡编辑器(游戏邦注:它也使用本地连接)之后,我们认为它足够用于ActionScript 2。现在是时候将《No Time to Explain》移植到Unity了。


1.Flash美术&工作流 VS 精灵工作表


sprite sheets(from gamasutra)


因为这里不存在你可将过场动画和无缝转场到游戏玩法的唯一时间轴,所以你要编写大量代码。《No Time to Explain》从一个短暂的过场动画开始,然后让玩家挑选一杆枪并开始游戏。这在Flash中需要1小时的制作时间,包括简单调整动画等操作。




physics(from gamasutra)






particles(from gamasutra)




frame rate(from gamasutra)




level creation tool(from gamasutra)

在《No Time To Explain》中,关卡是由JSON字符串生成的。我们能够相当轻松地由此创造一个转化器。但由于第4点的关系,多数关卡需要重新设计。它要以一个更高的帧率运行。



5 things learned: Flash to Unity port of No Time To Explain

by Alex Nichiporchik

The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community.

The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.

No Time to Explain was initially a web based flash game, and then went to Kickstarter to become a commercial release on Steam. Long story short, the commercial game was also developed in Flash (ActionScript 2). Not the best decision as it turned out.

Here’s a trailer of the commercial game:

We had to do space ship trickshots to make it work. First of all, it has an ActionScript 3 file that is the launcher. This launcher is wrapped into ZINC with custom extensions — to make it a standalone app, able to communicate with Steam’s APIs.

However the only way for the AS3 launcher to communicate with the actual AS2 game is via local connection.

Here’s where the fun starts. You can’t rely on a local connection for constantly sending data back and forth, nor can you send large amounts of data.

So some players have issues with achievements not registering, others simply can’t launch the game on first try, etc. The way it’s structured is also not entirely stable — especially on multi-monitor setups.

After adding a level editor (which also uses the local connection…) we decided it was enough of work in ActionScript 2. Time to port No Time To Explain to Unity.

Here are the top5 things we learned.

1. Flash art & workflow vs Sprite Sheets

Up until recently it was next to impossible to efficiently use flash art in Unity. With the 2D plugin it became a bit easier. Still, an issue remains – in Flash, you can just use the vector art and not worry about anything. In Unity, however, you need to export everything into large sprite sheets to make it work.

Since there isn’t a single timeline that you could use for cutscenes and seamlessly transition into gameplay, you need to do a lot of coding. No Time To Explain starts off with an instant cutscene, and then you pick up a gun and start playing. This takes about an hour to do in Flash, including easy tweaks to animations and all that.

In Unity, however, that opening sequence took us hours to get right.

2. Native physics aren’t great for flash game ports

Unity is a 3D engine and has built-in physics. It’s good for some things, but definitely not for remaking a game previously created in a physics-less engine, where everything is completely custom.

We played around with the native physics engine before realizing it will never feel right. Instead, we use Unity’s collision detection system, and wrote our own “custom code” physics, very similar to the way it was written in AS2.

The good part about Unity here is that we can still drop some physics-enabled objects into the scene, and have them bounce around and do things you’d expect.

3. Particles, particles everywhere!

Particle effects are awesome. After working in Flash’s limitations, you can just go nuts with effects like snow or fire. It feels like a breath of fresh air and makes the game look really, really cool comparing with the old version.

4. Frame rate and pixels

So the game now can run at insane resolutions at high frame rates. You never really think about this initially. All of the animations will look completely different at twice the frame rate from flash, and you won’t be able to do pixel detection. In the flash game, we’d just see if pixels are touching and assign collision based on that. In Unity though, we had to rethink the way we detect collision, especially when using Unity’s native engine.

5. Level creation tools are great

In No Time To Explain, the levels are generated by JSON strings. We were able to pretty easily build a converter for that. But due to point 4, most of the levels need to be redesigned either way. It just plays different at a higher frame rate.

Regardless, it’s very easy to use Unity’s built in scene preview to check what’s going on, instead of creating your own custom editor like we did in Flash.

tl;dr Unity is great for most parts, but converting from Flash can be annoying and very long for parts that depend on timelines

Regardless, it feels like Unity is the best choice for porting from Flash, simply because we would be able to publish the game on more platforms, and upgrade our current build on Steam. Players have been asking for controller support and stability for ages, and with the Flash setup we stretched it to impossible limits. Now it looks like they’ll be getting it. (source:gamasutra)

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要导入别人做的游戏移植到安卓平台,首先需要确保该游戏是使用Unity引擎进行开发的。以下是详细的步骤: 1. 首先,在Unity编辑器中创建一个新的Unity项目,确保使用与原始游戏相同的Unity版本,以便避免兼容性问题。 2. 在新的Unity项目中,通过导航到"File"菜单,然后选择"Open Scene"选项,将原始游戏的场景文件(通常为.unity文件)导入到新项目中。 3. 如果原始游戏使用了自定义的脚本或插件,需要将它们一同导入。通过导航到"Assets"菜单,然后选择"Import Package"选项,选择原始游戏使用的任何自定义脚本或插件的导入包。 4. 在Unity编辑器中,检查导入的资源和场景是否正确。如果有任何错误或警告,需要修复它们以确保游戏移植到安卓后能够正常工作。 5. 在Unity编辑器中,导航到"File"菜单,然后选择"Build Settings"选项。在Build Settings窗口中,选择Android平台,并配置好所需的设置,如应用程序包名、应用程序图标等。 6. 连接Android设备或启动模拟器,确保Unity项目正确连接到Android平台。 7. 在Build Settings窗口中,点击"Build and Run"按钮,Unity将生成一个.apk文件并自动将游戏安装到连接的Android设备或模拟器上。 8. 等待游戏在设备或模拟器上启动。如果一切顺利,游戏将在安卓平台上运行。 在移植过程中可能出现一些问题,比如更改平台后的分辨率适配、图形优化、触控控制等。需要根据具体情况进行调整和优化,保证游戏在安卓上的兼容性和性能。


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