清华大学计算机科学陈莉,Institute of Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design | Li Chen(陈莉)...


Li Chen, Issei Fujsihiro, and Kengo Nakajima, "Optimizing Parallel Performance of Unstructured Volume Rendering for the Earth Simulator", Parallel Computing, Vol. 29, No. 3, 355-371, 2003.

Li Chen, Issei Fujishiro, and Kengo Nakajima, "Parallel Visualization of Large-Scale Unstructured Geophysical Data for the Earth Simulator", Journal of Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 161, No. 11-12, 2245-2263, 2004.

Takashi Furumura, Li Chen, "Large Scale Parallel Simulation and Visualization of 3D Seismic Wave Field Using the Earth Simulator", Journal of Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences. Vol. 6, No. 2, 153-168, 2004

Takashi Furumura, Li Chen, "Visualization of Seismic Wave Propagation from Recent Damaging Earthquakes in Japan: Dense Array Observations and Parallel Simulations Using the Earth Simulator", Parallel Computing, Vol. 31, No. 2, 149-165, FEB 2005

Issei Fujishiro, Li Chen,Yuriko Takeshima, Hiroko Nakamura, Yusuko Suzuki, "Parallel Visualization of Gigabyte Datasets in GeoFEM", Journal of Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. Vol. 14, No. 6-7, 521-530,2002.

Hiroshi Okuda, Kengo Nakajima, Mikio Iizuka, Li Chen, Hisashi Nakamura, "Parallel Finite Element Analysis Platform for the Earth Simulator: GeoFEM", Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2659, Springer-Verlag, 773-780 2003. Also accepted by Future Generation Computer Systems.

Hujun Bao, Li Chen, Jianguo Ying, Qunsheng Peng, "Nonlinear View Interpolation". Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, Vol. 10, No. 4, 233-241, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 1999.

Yasuko Suzuki, Issei Fujishiro, Li Chen, "Selective 3D LIC Volume Rendering Based on Significance Map and Streamline Illumination Model", The Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan(in Japanese), Vol. 30, No. 4, 379-387, 2001.

Yusuko Suzuki, Issei Fujishiro, Li Chen, and Nakamura, H., "Hardware-accelerated selective volume rendering of 3D LIC textures", In Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2002, Boston, 485-488, Oct. 2002.

Li Chen, Issei Fujishiro and Qunsheng Peng, "Fast LIC Image Generation Based on Significance Map". In M. Valero, K. Joe, et al. (eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2000, No. 1940 (Proceedings of The Third International Symposium on High Performance Computing. October, 2000, Tokyo.)

Li Chen, Hiroshi Okuda, "Optimizing Parallel Visualization Performance for Different Grid Types", In Proceedings of The tenth conference on Computational Engineering and science, Osaka, Japan, June, 2006, 661-662.

Kengo Nakajima, Li Chen, "Parallel Simplification Method for Visualization of Large-scale Distributed Data Sets in Scientific Simulation with Unstructured Meshes", In Proceedings of The tenth conference on Computational Engineering and science, Osaka, Japan, June, 2006, 663-664.

Li Chen, Hiroshi Okuda, "Earth Simulator Oriented High Performance Visualization Library", In Proceedings of JSME 18th Computational Mechanics Conference, Nov. 2005, Japan, 241-242.

Li Chen, and Kengo Nakajima, "Parallel Dynamic Load Balancing for Large-Scale Adaptive Mesh", In Proceedings of The tenth conference on Computational Engineering and science, Tokyo, Japan, June, 2005

Li Chen, Issei Fujishiro, and Kengo Nakajima, "Detail-Preserving Resampling for Parallel Volume Rendering Large Unstructured Data on Earth Simulator", In Proceedings of The 7th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, August, 242-247, 2004.

Li Chen, Issei Fujishiro, and Kengo Nakajima, "High Performance Parallel Visualization Library for HPC-MW", In Proceedings of The ninth conference on Computational Engineering and science, Tokyo, Japan, May, 2004, 863-866.

Li Chen, Kengo Nakajima and Issei Fujishiro, "Parallel Computational Steering Using MxN Communication Model on HPC-MW", In Proceedings of The ninth conference on Computational Engineering and science, Tokyo, Japan, May, 2004, 867-868.

Li Chen, Issei Fujishiro, and Kengo Nakajima, "Towards Larger Scale, Higher Grid Complexity and Better Speedup Performance ― Parallel Volume Rendering Strategies on Earth Simulator", SIAM 11th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP04), MS33: High-performance computing strategies for large-scale scientific data visualization, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2004.

Li Chen, Issei Fujishiro, and Kengo Nakajima, "Comparative Study on Parallel Visualization Strategies for Different Platforms", In Proceedings of the 8th conference on Computational Engineering and science, vol. 8, No, 2, 2003 May, Tokyo, 715-718.

Li Chen, Issei Fujsihiro, and Kengo Nakajima, "Parallel Performance Optimization of Large-Scale Unstructured Data Visualization for the Earth Simulator", In Proceedings of Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, (Blaubeuren, Germany, 2002) 133-140, 2003.

Li Chen, Issei Fujishiro and Yasuko Suzuki, "Comprehensible volume LIC rendering based on 3D significance map", In Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis'02, San Jose, January, 2002.

陈莉,彭群生, "基于分形的流场采样方法", 《计算机学报》, Vol. 20, No. 7, 616-622, 1997.

Li Chen,Qunsheng Peng, "Importance Driven Texture-based Vector Field Visualization". In Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on CAD&CG'99, December 1-5, 1999, Shanghai.

Li Chen,Qunsheng Peng, "Animating Texture-based Images in Visualizing Curvilinear Irregular Vector Fields", Chinese Journal of Advanced Software Research,, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1999.

鲍虎军, 陈莉,彭群生, "基于深度图像Warping 技术的动态图像反走样算法", 《系统仿真学报》, Vol. 10, No.6, 12-17, 1998.

陈莉,彭群生, "三维流场的快速剖面绘制算法", 《浙江大学学报》,Vol. 31, No.3, 313-320, 1997.

陈莉,郭红晖,彭群生, "基于可变性参数域卷积的三维矢量场可视化", 《计算机学报》增刊, Vol.19, No.9(suppl.), 53-59, 1996.

郭红晖, 陈莉,彭群生,"模型制导的医学体数据分类", 《计算机学报》, Vol.19, No. 9(suppl.), 45-52, 1996.

陈莉,彭群生, "三维流场可视化中的数据组织方法", 《计算机工程》, Vol. 22, No. 3, 116-121, 1996.

Li Chen,Qunsheng Peng, "Simulation and Display of 3D Flow Fields by an Improved Texture-based Method". In Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing, Oct. 19-21, 1999, Beijing.

Li Chen, Qunsheng Peng, "Tetrahedralization Techniques in Visualizing 3D Flow Fields", In Proceedings of The Fourth Asian Symposium on Visualization. International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, 395-400, 1996.

Li Chen, Qunsheng Peng, "Accelerated Sectioning Techniques in Visualizing 3D Irregular Data Fields", In Proceedings of The Fourth Asian Symposium on Visualization. International Academic Publishers, Beijing, China, 401-406, 1996.





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