计算机软件英文图书,(特价书)软件工程Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach,Sixth Edition(英文原版进口)...


When computer software succeeds--when it meets the needs of the people who use it, when it performs flawlessly over a long period of time, when it is easy to modify and even easier to use--it can and does change things for the better. But when software fails-when its users are dissatisfied, when it is error prone, when it is difficult to change and even harder to use--bad things can and do happen. We all want to build software that makes things better, avoiding the bad things that lurk in the shadow of failed efforts. To succeed, we need discipline when software is designed and built. We need an engineering approach.

In the 25 years since the first edition of this book was written, software engineering has evolved from an obscure idea practiced by a relatively small number of zealots to a legitimate engineering discipline. Today, it is recognized as a subject worthy of serious research, conscientious study, and tumultuous debate. Throughout the industry, software engineer has replaced programmer as the job title of preference: Software process models, software engineering methods, and software tools have been adopted successfully across a broad spectrum of industry applications.

Although managers and practitioners alike recognize the need for a more disciplined approach to software, they continue to debate the manner in which discipline is to be applied. Many individuals and companies still develop software haphazardly, even as they build systems to service today's most advanced technologies. Many professionals and students are unaware of modem methods. And as a result, the quality of the software that we produce suffers, and bad things happen. In addition, debate and controversy about the true nature of the software engineering approach continue. The status of software engineering is a study in contrasts. Attitudes have changed, progress has been made, but much remains to be done before the discipline reaches full maturity.

The sixth edition of Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach is intended to serve as a guide to a maturing engineering discipline. The sixth edition, like the five editions that preceded it, is intended for both students and practitioners, retaining its appeal as a guide for the industry professional and as a comprehensive introduction for the student at the upper-level undergraduate or first-year graduate level.

The sixth edition is considerably more than a simple update. The book has been revised extensively and restructured to emphasize new and important software engineering processes and practices. In addition, a new "support system," illustrated on the next page, provides a comprehensive set of student, instructor, and professional resources to complement the content of the book. These resources are presented as part of a Web site (www.mhhe.com/pressman) specifically designed for Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach.

The Sixth Edition. The 32 chapters of the sixth edition have been organized into five parts. This has been done to compartmentalize topics and assist instructors who may not have the time to complete the entire book in one term. Part 1, The Software Process, presents different views of software process, considering all important process models and addressing the debate between prescriptive and agile process philosophies. Part 2, Software Engineenng Practice, presents analysis, design, and testing methods with an emphasis on object-oriented techniques and UML modeling. Because object-oriented methods are now widely used throughout the industry, the content of Part 4 of the fifth edition ("object-oriented software engineering") has now been fully integrated into all discussions of software engineering practice in this edition. Part 3,Applying Web Engineering, presents a complete engineering approach for the analysis, design, and testing of Web applications. Part 4, Managing Software Projects, presents topics that are relevant to those who plan, manage, and control a software project. Part 5, Advanced Topics in Software Engineering, presents dedicated chapters that address formal methods, cleanroom software engineering, component-based software engineering, reengineering, and future trends.

In addition to many new and significantly revised chapters, the sixth edition introduces over 120 sidebars that (1) allow the reader to follow a (fictional) project team as it plans and engineers a computer-based system; (2) provide complementary discussions of selected topics; (3) outline "task sets" that describe work flow for selected software engineering activities; and (4) suggest automated tools relevant to chapter topics.

The five-part organization of the sixth edition enables an instructor to "cluster" topics based on available time and student need. An entire one-term course can be built around one or more of the five parts. For example, a "methods course" might emphasize only Parts 1 and 2; a Web development course might emphasize Parts 1 and 3; a "management course" would stress Parts 1 and 4. By organizing the sixth edition in this way, I have attempted to provide an instructor with a number of teaching options. In every case, the content of the sixth edition is complemented by the following elements of the SEPA, 6/e Support System.

Student Resources. A wide variety of student resources includes an extensive on-line learning center encompassing study guides, practice quizzes and a variety of Web-based resources including software engineering checklists, an evolving collection of"tiny tools," a complete case study, and work product templates. In addition, over 900 categorized Web references allow a student to explore software engineering in greater detail.

Instructor Resources. A broad array of instructor resources has been developed to sup-plement the sixth edition. These include a comprehensive on-line Instructor's Guide (also downloadable) and supplementary teaching materials including a complete set of over 700 Powerpoint slides that may be used for lectures, a test bank, and sample exams. In addition, a "reference library", containing pointers to over 500 software engineering papers (organized by topic and downloadable in pdf format) can be used in advanced software engineering courses where in-depth discussion of specific topics is required.

The Instructor's Guide presents suggestions for conducting various types of software engineering courses, recommendations for a variety of software projects to be conducted in conjunction with a course, and a number of useful teaching aids.

Professional Resources. A collection of resources available to industry practitioners (as well as students and faculty) includes outlines and samples of software engineering documents and other work products, a useful set of software engineering checklists, a catalog of software engineering (CASE) tools, a comprehensive collection of Web-based resources, and an "adaptable process model" that provides a detailed task breakdown of the software engineering process.

When coupled with its on-line support system, the sixth edition of Software Engineer-ing: A Practitioner's Approach provides flexibility and depth of content that cannot be achieved by a textbook alone.

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软件工程:实践者的方法 第八版》是一本关于软件工程领域的教材。它提供了全面而深入的知识,涵盖了软件工程的各个方面。本书的作者Roger Pressman是软件工程领域的专家,他结合了自己的经验和研究成果,提出了许多实践性的方法和策略,以帮助读者理解和应用软件工程的理论和技术。 本书的第八版对前七版进行了更新和改进,以跟上软件工程领域的最新发展。本书分为12个章节,涵盖了软件工程的基本概念、软件项目管理、需求工程、软件设计、软件测试、软件维护等重要内容。每个章节都提供了案例研究和实例,以帮助读者将理论应用到实际问题中。 《软件工程:实践者的方法 第八版》强调了软件工程的实践性,即将理论知识应用于实际项目中。它强调了团队合作、项目管理和质量控制等重要技能,帮助读者成为高效的软件工程师。此外,本书还介绍了敏捷开发和DevOps等新兴方法,以适应快速变化的软件开发环境。 总的来说,《软件工程:实践者的方法 第八版》是一本权威的教材,适用于软件工程专业学生和从业人员。通过阅读本书,读者可以深入了解软件工程的各个方面,学习并应用实践性的方法和策略,提高自己在软件开发和项目管理方面的能力。无论是想要学习软件工程的基础知识,还是想要深入了解软件开发的最佳实践,本书都是一本值得推荐的参考书。


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