android studio show list oftab,Restore LogCat window within Android Studio

I have recently started to use Android Studio v0.1.1, And i can't seem to find LogCat... Is it gone? Or if not, how can I enable it?

If it is gone, is there any way to enable something similar to log my app behavior (and mainly crashes)?

# Answer 1


I think I still can find logcat in my installation of 0.1.1

Try pressing Alt+6 on Windows or CMD+6 on Mac.

# Answer 2

Check if you have hidden it... Use Alt+6 to bring up the window and click on the button shown below 'Restore logcat view'


# Answer 3

You can show it pressing Alt+6



# Answer 4

In Android Studio 3.4, In the case in which Logcat does not appear in View->ToolWindows->Logcat (in that case Alt+6 or CMD+6 will also not work), the way to get the logact window is:

File->Profile or debug APK (choose an APK)

Select new window or use current window.

Logcat is now available through the menu

(View->ToolWindows->Logcat) or through Alt+6 or


This issue is an indication that something is not configured correctly with the Android Studio project.

The above solution can be useful:

As a temporary solution when there are configuration issues with the Android Studio project, that for some reason are causing Android Studio to hide the logcat window.

When trying to use the Android Studio logcat window for debugging an app without an Android Studio project.

# Answer 5

Tools-> Android -> Android Device Monitor

will open a separate window

# Answer 6

Open a separate terminal and start adb with logcat.

On my (linux) system;

~/android-studio/sdk/platform-tools/adb logcat

# Answer 7

While I would be a little late for the party, it has been a few years and new version of Studio.

Today when you encounter the bug, your logcat would not be shown, to resolve this you would need to follow these steps:

Menu -> Build -> Make Project

in your settings.gradle comment out everything and sync.

uncomment everything and sync again.

Menu -> Build -> Make Project

Once the project build is done.. your Studio would be ready.

I have encountered several different bugs related to this issue, this scenario covers most of these cases.

# Answer 8

In Android Studio 2.3.2 you will have to click on "Android Monitor" panel at the bottom and "logcat" is a tab of this pannel. See attachment.

If you do not have this panel you will have to go to Your main menu and then View->ToolBar/ToolButtons/Statusbar/Navigationbar


# Answer 9

Choose "floating mode" then "Docker mode". It's worked for me!

# Answer 10

In my case, Logcat is showing in Android Project but not in Flutter Project.

In Flutter project, click on “Event Log” tab

it will show


6:52 Frameworks Detected

Android framework is detected.

click “Configure”, and it will show logcat

# Answer 11

In AndroidStudio menus click: View\Tool Windows\Android

# Answer 12

way one :

you can use bin icon in logcat


way two:

you can clear logcat after per lunch

Edit Configuration > Miscellaneous

check Clear log before lunch


# Answer 13

In my case the window was also missing and "View -> ToolWindows -> Logcat (Alt + 6)" did not even exist. Pressing ALT+6 also had absolutely no effect whatsoever.

I fixed it this way:

connect a device

start ADB via Terminal ("> adb usb")

stop it again (ctrl + c)

close the Terminal window in the bottom left window next to the Event Log (via the red X)

After closing the terminal the Logcat window appeared in the tab list and the menu entry appeared in the "View -> ToolWindows" category.


# Answer 14

Apparantly, when logcat is opened and Android Studio is switched to fullscreen mode and back, the logcat window is nowwhere to be found.


Restart Android Studio.

# Answer 15

Search Android Monitor tab bottom of android studio screen. Click on it. It will display a window and there is a tab call logcat.

If you can't see Android monitor tab, click Alt+G.

# Answer 16

for me the device selection bar (or whatever it's actually called) in logcat tab doesn't show, to resolve this I had to move logcat to some other position (left/right) and move it back

# Answer 17

If all of the above methods does not work then try the below mechanism. Sometimes, the android studio does not show logcat options because of the project you select is not an android project. If you want to debug an APK, create an empty android project then it will start showing the logcat option.

# Answer 18

IN android studio 3.5.1 View -> Tool Windows ->Logcat

# Answer 19

When you are opening the project in the android studio instead of opening android directory open app directory


# Answer 20

Android Studio 4.0.1

in my case when I press Alt + 6 it shows logcat with no problem but when I click to dismiss it will disappear again and will not be pinned at the bottom so I pressed this little button on the bottom left the screen it worked.

hope it will help somebody :)


# Answer 21

1. Open Menu > View > Tool Windows > Logcat

It's working for me add in my toolbar.

# Answer 22

Try going to Tools->Android->Enable ADB Integration

In my case it got automagically disabled

# Answer 23

In my case, I see the window, but no messages in it.

Only restart (studio version 1.5.1) brought the messages back.

# Answer 24

I hope you have installed the required drivers for debugging android programs on your machine. If that is the case, when you run an application from android studio in an actual device, it will pop up a message asking to enable logcat. If you have disabled that option, then you can enable the logcat view from Window menu -> Show view -> Logcat. Next time when you run your application on actual device or in an emulator, you can see the logcat is active.

If you are not able to view it with the above solution, you can view the logcat from command line by typing

adb logcat

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