Here is a handy function that makes the first letter of everything in a sentence upercase. I used it to deal with titles of events posted on my website ... I've added exceptions for uppercase words and lowercase words so roman numeral "IV" doesn't get printed as "iv" and words like "a" and "the" and "of" stay lowercase.
function RemoveShouting($string)
$lower_exceptions = array(
"to" => "1", "a" => "1", "the" => "1", "of" => "1"
$higher_exceptions = array(
"I" => "1", "II" => "1", "III" => "1", "IV" => "1",
"V" => "1", "VI" => "1", "VII" => "1", "VIII" => "1",
"XI" => "1", "X" => "1"
$words = split(" ", $string);
$newwords = array();
foreach ($words as $word)
if (!$higher_exceptions[$word])
$word = strtolower($word);
if (!$lower_exceptions[$word])
$word = ucfirst($word);
array_push($newwords, $word);
return join(" ", $newwords);