xp html5 火狐,HTML5 player for windows xp 32 bit sp3 Firefox 52.9.1 ESR

The Adobe Primetime module doesn't work.

It shows in the add on's list but won't install.

Complete waste of time after I figured out how to install it.

My antivirus detected a virus in the Mozilla profiles folder which probably came from the Primetime zip file.

The easiest solution to the problem is to ditch Firefox and use the Mypal browser for XP which plays videos that are not on youtube and as well on youtube,plus the Mypal browser gets updated regularly unlike old Firefox browsers that work with XP.

The Adobe Primetime module doesn't work.

It shows in the add on's list but won't install.

Complete waste of time after I figured out how to install it.

My antivirus detected a virus in the Mozilla profiles folder which probably came from the Primetime zip file.

The easiest solution to the problem is to ditch Firefox and use the Mypal browser for XP which plays videos that are not on youtube and as well on youtube,plus the Mypal browser gets updated regularly unlike old Firefox browsers that work with XP.

由 adm 於 March 24, 2021 at 6:30:43 PM PDT 修改

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    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
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