I have a jersey java server and a mysql server:
I send a POST with an ArrayList to the server. Then I want to do a select like ...where long OR long OR long....
Is there an elegant way to solve this problem and not to do always a single select in a for loop?
How can I form a sql-statement with dynamic count of where clauses?
Thank you very mutch.
Instead of OR multiple times, you can use IN with the where clause in the SQL query.
You can read ArrayList object in a loop and set the where clause values.
JAVA code snippet:
int paramCount = list.size();
StringBuilder sqlSelect = new StringBuilder( 1024 );
sqlSelect.append( "select x,y,z from my_table " );
if( paramCount > 0 ) {
sqlSelect.append( "where long_column in ( " );
for( i = 0; i < paramCount; i++ ) {
sqlSelect.append( ( i > 0 ? ", ?" : "?" );
} // for each param
sqlSelect.append( " )" );
} // if list is not empty
// make the prepare statement (pst) with the above sql string
// ...
// now set the parameter values in the query
int paramIndex = 1;
if( paramCount > 0 ) {
for( i = 0; i < paramCount; i++ ) {
pst.setLong( paramIndex++, ( (Long)list.get( i ) ).longValue() );
} // for each param
} // if list is not empty