LinkedIn TAG

1[leetcode]243. Shortest Word Distance最短单词距离Two Pointers
2[leetcode]244. Shortest Word Distance II最短单词距离(允许连环call)HashMap+Merge Sort
3[leetcode]245. Shortest Word Distance III最短单词距离(word1可能等于word2)Two Pointers
4[leetcode]15. 3Sum三数之和Two Pointers(left&right)
5[leetcode]611. Valid Triangle Number有效三角数Two Pointers(left&right)
6[leetcode]76. Minimum Window Substring最小字符串窗口Two Pointers(Sliding Window)
7[leetcode]3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters无重复字母的最长子串Two Pointers(Sliding Window)
8[leetcode]349. Intersection of Two Arrays数组交集HashSet
9[leetcode]1. Two Sum两数之和 HashMap
10[leetcode]170. Two Sum III - Data structure design两数之和III - 数据结构设计HashMap
11[leetcode]149. Max Points on a Line多点共线HashMap
12[leetcode]205. Isomorphic Strings 同构字符串HashMap
13[leetcode]706. Design HashMap设计HashMap
14[leetcode]748. Shortest Completing Word能覆盖车牌最短单词HashMap 
15[leetcode]535. Encode and Decode TinyURL短网址的编解码器HashMap
16[leetcode]380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)常数时间插入删除取随机值HashMap+ArrayList
17[leetcode]381. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed常数时间插入删除取随机值(有重)HashMap+ArrayList
18[leetcode]146. LRU CacheLRU缓存HashMap+Doubly LinkedList
19[leetcode]432. All O`one Data Structure 全O(1)数据结构HashMap+Doubly LinkedList
20[leetcode]460. LFU Cache最低频率缓存HashMap+Doubly LinkedList
21[leetcode]256. Paint House粉刷房子(三色可选)DP(Array) 
22[leetcode]265. Paint House II粉刷房子(K色可选)DP(Array) 
23[leetcode]198. House Robber小偷DP(Array)
24[leetcode]53. Maximum Subarray最大子数组和DP(Array)
25[leetcode]152. Maximum Product Subarray最大乘积子数组DP(Array)
26[leetcode]300. Longest Increasing Subsequence最长递增子序列DP(Array)
27[leetcode]416. Partition Equal Subset Sum分割数组的和相同子集DP(Array)-2D
28[leetcode]879. Profitable Schemes盈利计划DP(Array)-3D
29[leetcode]322. Coin Change找零钱DP(Array)-2D
30[leetcode]70. Climbing Stairs爬楼梯DP(Array)
31[leetcode]5. Longest Palindromic Substring最长回文子串DP(String) 
32[leetcode]516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence最长回文子序列DP(String) 
33[leetcode]730. Count Different Palindromic Subsequences计数不同的回文子序列的个数DP(String) 
34[leetcode]647. Palindromic Substrings 回文子串DP(String)  
[leetcode]72. Edit Distance 最少编辑步数DP(String) 
 [leetcode]297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 序列化与反序列化二叉树Queue
 [leetcode]449. Serialize and Deserialize BST序列化反序列化BST(尽量紧凑)Queue
 [leetcode]428. Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree序列化与反序列化N叉树Queue
 [leetcode]341. Flatten Nested List Iterator展开嵌套列表的迭代器Queue
 [leetcode]339. Nested List Weight Sum嵌套列表加权和DFS/BFS
 [leetcode]364. Nested List Weight Sum II嵌套列表加权和IIDFS/BFS
 [leetcode]102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal二叉树水平遍历BFS
 [leetcode]103. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal二叉树Z形遍历BFS
 [leetcode]200. Number of Islands岛屿个数DFS(Floodfill)
 [leetcode]695. Max Area of Island小岛最大面积DFS(Floodfill)
 [leetcode]694. Number of Distinct Islands你究竟有几个异小岛?DFS(Floodfill)
 [leetcode]112. Path Sum路径和(是否有路径)DFS(Backtracking)
 [leetcode]113. Path Sum II路径和(返回路径)DFS(Backtracking)
 [leetcode]46. Permutations全排列(给定序列无重复元素)DFS(Backtracking)
 [leetcode]47. Permutations全排列(给定序列有重复元素)DFS(Backtracking) 
 [leetcode]79. Word Search找单词DFS(Backtracking)  
 [leetcode]254. Factor Combinations因式组合DFS(Backtracking)
 [leetcode]78. Subsets数组子集DFS(Backtracking)
 [leetcode]39. Combination Sum组合之和DFS(Backtracking)
 [leetcode]40. Combination Sum II组合之和(每元素限用一次)DFS(Backtracking)
 [leetcode]377. Combination Sum IV组合之和(允许相同元素不同顺序的组合结果)DP(Array)
 [leetcode]282. Expression Add Operators 表达式添加运算符 DFS(树形问题)
 [leetcode]671. Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree二叉树次小结点DFS(树形问题)
 [leetcode]464. Can I Win我能获胜吗 DFS(树形问题) 
 [leetcode]17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number手机键盘的字母组合DFS(树形问题)
 [leetcode]468. Validate IP Address验证有效IP地址DFS(树形问题)
 [leetcode]156.Binary Tree Upside Down颠倒二叉树DFS(Tree)
 [leetcode]366. Find Leaves of Binary Tree捡树叶 DFS(Tree) 
 [leetcode]236. LCA of a Binary Tree二叉树最近公共祖先
 [leetcode]235. LCA of a Binary Search Tree BST的最近公共祖先DFS(Tree) 
 [leetcode]100. Same Tree相同的树DFS(Tree)
 [leetcode]101. Symmetric Tree对称树DFS(Tree)
 [leetcode]104. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree二叉树最大深度DFS(Tree)
 [leetcode]98. Validate Binary Search Tree验证二叉搜索树DFS(Tree)
 [leetcode]270. Closest Binary Search Tree Value二叉搜索树中找target的最接近值Tree
 [leetcode]272. Closest Binary Search Tree Value II二叉搜索树中最近的值IIDeque/LinkedList
 [leetcode]173. Binary Search Tree Iterator 二叉搜索树迭代器Tree
 655 Print Binary TreeTree
 450 Delete Node in a BST Tree 
 701 Insert into a BSTTree
 [leetcode]226. Invert Binary Tree翻转二叉树Tree 
 208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)Tree 
 515 Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row Tree 
 [leetcode]127. Word Ladder单词接龙Queue
 [leetcode]126. Word Ladder II单词接龙IIDFS+BFS
 [leetcode]716. Max Stack 最大栈Stack
 [leetcode]155. Min Stack最小栈Stack
 [leetcode]150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation逆波兰表示法 Stack 
 [leetcode]20. Valid Parentheses有效括号序列Stack
 [leetcode]636. Exclusive Time of Functions函数独占时间Stack
 [leetcode]946. Validate Stack Sequences用Stack验证序列Stack
 [leetcode]215. Kth Largest Element in an Array 数组中第k大的元素 PriorityQueue 
 [leetcode]23. Merge k Sorted Lists归并k个有序链表PriorityQueue  
 [leetcode]347. Top K Frequent Elements 最高频的K个元素PriorityQueue  
 [leetcode]692. Top K Frequent Words 最高频的K个单词
 [leetcode]451. Sort Characters By Frequency按频率将字母排序 PriorityQueue 
 [leetcode]373. Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums找出和最小的前K对PriorityQueue 
 [leetcode]160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists两链表交点LinkedList
 [leetcode]61. Rotate List旋转链表LinkedList
 [leetcode]141. Linked List Cycle判断链表是否循环LinkedList
 [leetcode]142. Linked List Cycle II找出循环链表的入口LinkedList
 [leetcode]2. Add Two Numbers两数相加LinkedList
 [leetcode]21. Merge Two Sorted Lists合并两个链表LinkedList
  382.Linked List Random Node MediumLinkedList 
  138.Copy List with Random PointerLinkedList
 [leetcode]56. Merge Intervals归并区间Sort(Interval) 
 [leetcode]57. Insert Interval插入区间Sort(Interval) 
 352 Data Stream as Disjoint IntervalsSort(Interval)  
 715 Range ModuleSort(Interval)  
 [leetcode]88. Merge Sorted Array归并有序数组Sort(Merge)
 207 Course Schedule Medium Sort(Topological)
 [leetcode]50. Pow(x, n)求幂Sort(Binary Search)
 [leetcode]34.Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array找区间Sort(Binary Search)
 [leetcode]33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array旋转过有序数组里找目标值Sort(Binary Search)
 [leetcode]153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array旋转过有序数组里找最小Sort(Binary Search)
 [leetcode]744. Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target大于Target的最小字母Sort(Binary Search) 
 [leetcode]69. Sqrt(x)开方Sort(Binary Search) 
 [leetcode]81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II旋转过有序数组里找目标值II(有重) Sort(Binary Search) 
 [leetcode]528. Random Pick with Weight按权重挑选索引Sort(Binary Search)
 [leetcode]367. Valid Perfect Square验证完全平方数Sort(Binary Search) 
 [leetcode]4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays俩有序数组的中位数Sort(Binary Search)
 [leetcode]658. Find K Closest Elements绝对距离最近的K个元素 Sort(Binary Search) 
 [leetcode]319. Bulb Switcher灯泡开关Math
 [leetcode]7. Reverse Integer反转整数Math
 [leetcode]412. Fizz Buzz报数Math
 [leetcode]296. Best Meeting Point最佳见面地点Math 
 [leetcode]633. Sum of Square Numbers平方数之和Math 
 [leetcode]133. Clone Graph 克隆图Graph
 [leetcode]261. Graph Valid Tree有效树形图Union Find
  323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph MediumUnion Find
  547 Friend Circles MediumUnion Find
 [leetcode]384. Shuffle an Array洗牌Array
 [leetcode]277. Find the Celebrity 找名人Array
 [leetcode]311. Sparse Matrix Multiplication 稀疏矩阵相乘Array 
 [leetcode]238. Product of Array Except Self除了自身以外的数组元素乘积Array
 [leetcode]31. Next Permutation下一个排列Array
 [leetcode]128. Longest Consecutive Sequence最长连续序列Array 
 [leetcode]122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 最佳炒股时机之二Array
 251 Flatten 2D VectorArray                   
 [leetcode]65. Valid Number 有效数值String
 [leetcode]68. Text Justification文字对齐String 
 [leetcode]12. Integer to Roman整数转罗马数字String 
 [leetcode]13. Roman to Integer罗马数字转整数String 
 [leetcode]273. Integer to English Words 整数转英文单词String 
 [leetcode]151. Reverse Words in a String翻转给定字符串中的单词String 
 [leetcode]8. String to Integer (atoi)字符串转整数String 
 796 Rotate StringString 
 344 Reverse StringString 
 [leetcode]605. Can Place Flowers能放花吗Greedy


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