English Learning

2017-04-15 23:46:46


Dutch Angst1: We Need to Talk About Europe

一、cultural background:

1 荷兰——The Kingdom of Netherlands,简称尼德兰(荷兰语:Nederland),


2、欧盟 简称欧盟(EU),总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔(Brussel)



     LEAVING the European Union would save every Dutch household €9,800 ($ 13,400) a year by 2035, claims Capital Economics, a London consultancy, in a report commissioned by Geert Wilders’ far-right PVV party。//Mr. Wilders calls this the best news in years,painting a picture of a country freed from the choke hold of Brussels(代指欧盟), mass migration and high taxes, and enjoying more trade, more jobs and a booming economy.



 1英文中有这样一句俗语“Let's go Dutch! ”翻成中文意即为“AA制”,好像是说荷兰人天性“抠门儿”,无论做什么都会同对方算得清清楚楚,且十分推崇“AA制”。于是,有幽默细胞的美国人就把“让我们去做荷兰人"引申为“AA制”

 2 far-right;adj. 极右派的;极端保守主义的  Far-right politics are right-wing politics

 3、choke ;

  • vt. 呛;使窒息;阻塞;抑制;扑灭
  • vi. 窒息;阻塞;说不出话来
  • n. 窒息;噎;[动力] 阻气门[ 过去式 choked 过去分词 choked 现在分词 choking 


The report lists the benefits of departure, or Nexit:lower business costs because of less regulation;no more net payments to the EU; a doubling of the share of trade with emerging markets; faster economic recovery. The only cost is the transition from the euro to a new guilder, and this is modest and manageable. The report concludes that Dutch GDP would be 10-13% higher by 2035. 


departure  : n. 离开;出发;违背 = =   Nexit----Netherlands+exit 荷脱

5 emerging markets; 新兴市场


6、  guilder  n. 荷兰盾(荷兰货币单位,等于Florin)euro     n. 欧元(欧盟的统一货币单位)



 This finds a receptive audience among those Dutch who are looking for scapegoats. Unemployment has doubled since 2008 and the economy is flat. A recent poll finds a majority of Dutch voters in favour of leaving the EU if that would lead to more jobs and growth. The PVV is leading in opinion polls before the European elections in May.

7  scapegoats;    The Scapegoat 替罪羊 ; 代罪羔羊 ;  替罪羊

              goat:     n. 山羊;替罪羊(美俚)

 8             poll:      n. 投票;民意测验;投票数;投票所


 Yet there are problems with the Capital Economics report. The idea that the economy would miraculously recover if freed from the European Central Bank's policies ignores the structural failings that hold it back. The assumption that having the guilder would allow a much looser monetary policy is, at best, questionable.And it defies political reality to imagine that the post-Nexit Netherlands would enjoy virtually cost-free access to the EU's single market, which takes 75% of Dutch exports. Norway and Switzerland both pay for the privilege and have to comply with most EU laws and regulations; the latest Swiss vote for quotas on EU migration threatens the entire relationship.
9、miraculously:  adv. 奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地

10、comply with;comply fully with obligations 充分遵守义务


 Despite its flaws, the report fires a welcome starting-gun for a debate about what is good and bad about the EU. Some 66% of the Dutch feel their Novote in the 2005 referendum on the EU constitution was largely ignored. If regulation costs as much as the report claims, and if the ECB's monetary policy is too restrictive, both should be changed. Defenders of the EU also need to stress its less tangible benefits, such as peace, shared interests and the boost to the fight against cross-border crime 。

11 flaws;

Admitting Flaws 承认缺点 ; 供认缺陷

personality flaws 性格缺陷 ; 人格缺失 ; 人格上有瑕疵 ; 人格缺陷

Porosity flaws 多孔隙缺陷 ; 多孔隙缺陷

12、 referendum :全民公决 n. 公民投票权;外交官请示书[ 复数 referendums或referenda ]


  • adj. 有形的;切实的;可触摸的
  • n. 有形资产
  • intangible  adj. 无形的,触摸不到的;难以理解的



 Like many Europeans, the Dutch ask why jobs are scarce, why they cannot sell their houses and why life is so expensive. Mr. Wilders has a simple answer. Those who disagree must work to convince voters that Nexit would be a disaster.

 14 scarce 英 [skeəs]

  • adj. 缺乏的,不足的;稀有的
  • adv. 仅仅;几乎不;几乎没有
  • Tea and sugar were scarce and were rationed during the war. 


 adj. 缺乏的,不足的;稀有的

rare , short , lacking , insufficient , deficient

adv. 仅仅;几乎不;几乎没有

merely , simply , just , only , but



















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