

5.13 日星期一



1、The tower being repaired was put up in the Tang Dynasty.



【对比分析】being repaired 正在被修缮 being 正在进行 repaired过去分词表被动。being repaired表示正在被,

was put up是一般过去时,表示过去建造


         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子结构:简单句主语的扩展(带分词),谓语的扩展(带状语)

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:The tower主语 being repaired定语 was put up谓语 in the Tang Dynasty状语

【拓展】“被动进行,已经完成”是“或”的关系,一个过去分词有可能只是表被动,但不一定完成,比如,compared with you, I still have a long way to go, compared 表示被动,不表完成。

现在分词“主动进行,正在发生”也是“或”的关系,如,I went home, finding the door locked, finding 表示主动,不表示进行。

2、What he said was very touching. (这句话里有哪些之前学过的点?)



【对比分析】touching -ing 表示能引起人...感觉的,即“令人...的” 第二节课的内容


         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子结构:主语从句

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:What he said主语从句 was系动词 very touching表语

3、The glow of the setting sun is splendid; it is a pity that dusk is fast approaching. (这句话里有哪些之前学过的点?以下亦同)



【对比分析】① the glow of:名词所有格,意为“…的光辉”;

② setting sun:现在分词做前置定语,表示“落日(强调进行)”;

③ splendid:形容词做表语。

第一个分句其实就是一个 【主系表】,但已经把“夕阳无限好”的画面完美传递;

④it is a pity that: 讲义 Page 17:

4.3 常见的主语从句类型之“It is+名词短语+that 从句”;

⑤ dusk is approaching 现在进行时表将来,意为“即将来临”;

⑥ fast 此处为副词,表示“很快;立即”;

你是否,像上述那样虽然只是简单的一个句子,但是可以分析出 123456 点? 还是只是大概看一下,就给出中文意思,能勉强看懂,就觉得没问题了?





         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子结构:首句简单句主语的扩展,末句主语从句

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:The glow of the setting sun主语 is系动词 splendid表语; it主语 is系动词 a pity表语 that dusk is fast approaching主语从句--真正的主语.

4、The man getting up as soon as the cock crows is a hard-working man.



【对比分析】the 用在单数名词前表示类属


         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子结构:简单句主语的扩展

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:The man getting up as soon as the cock crows主语(其中getting up动名词作定语) is 系动词a hard-working man表语(其中分词形容词作定语)

【拓展】as soon as immediately after something happens, without delay一…就…: • As soon as she entered the room, she knew there was something wrong.她一踏进房间就知道有什么不对劲了。 • I'll come over to your place as soon as I can.我会尽快到你这里来。


5、A man going to die is always kind-hearted.



【对比分析】kind-hearted好心的,仁慈的; hearted 过去分词


         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子结构:简单句主语扩展 + 分词

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:A man主语 going to die(定语修饰a man) is 系动词always kind-hearted表语

6、Is this the book written by Will?


【标准答案】这是 Will 写的那本书吗?

【对比分析】我的翻译是错误的,没有突出this,我的中文意思翻译成英文应该是:Is the book written by Will?其中the book是主语,但是题目this是主语


         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子结构:一般疑问句

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:Is系动词 this主语 the book表语 written by Will定语?

7、Ma Yun was then a teacher respected by all his students.





         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:Ma Yun主语 was系动词 then a teacher表语 respected by all his students定语

8、Given another chance, I’ll do it much better





         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般将来时

         - 句子成分:Given another chance状语, I主语’ll do谓语 it宾语 much better状语

9、Turning to the right, you will find a path leading to his house.





         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般将来时

         - 句子成分:Turning to the right状语, you主语 will find谓语 a path宾语 leading to his house定语.

10、He stood by the door, looking out.





         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:He 主语stood谓语 by the door状语, looking out伴随状语




【我的翻译】Given more time, I’ll finish it.

【标准答案】Given more time, I would be able to complete it./Given more time, I can finish it./ Given more time, I can get it done.

【对比分析】我用的是一般将来时will + do。答案后两个是真实条件句,用的一般将来时,

Given more time, I would be able to complete it.用的是虚拟语气,表示对现在的虚拟,句子可以写为if I were given more time, I would be able to complete it.

be able to可以;能够。Complete有动词词性:~ sth to finish making or doing sth 完成;结束She's just completed a master's degree in Law.她刚读完法律硕士学位。The project should be completed within a year.这项工程必须在一年之内完成。~  sth to write all the information you are asked for on a form 填写(表格)2 000 shoppers completed our questionnaire.2 000 名顾客填写了我们的调查表。~sth to make sth whole or perfect 使完整;使完美I only need one more card to complete the set.我只差一张卡片就配齐全套了。


         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般过去将来时

         - 句子成分:Given more time状语, I主语 would be able to complete谓语 it宾语./Given more time状语, I 主语can finish谓语 it宾语. / Given more time状语, I主语 can get谓语 it 宾语done宾语.

12、她看着信,失声痛哭起来。(burst out crying)

【我的翻译】Looking at the letter, she burst out crying.

【标准答案】Reading the letter, she burst out crying.



         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:Reading the letter伴随状语, she主语 burst out谓语 crying动名词作宾语.


【我的翻译】Hearing the joke, we were laughing.

【标准答案】Hearing the joke, we burst out laughing.

【对比分析】burst out doing 突然做某事,与上一题一致


         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:Hearing the joke状语, we主语 burst out 谓语laughing动名词作宾语.


【我的翻译】Don’t know how to do next, so I want to ask your advice.

【标准答案】Not knowing what to do next, I want to ask for your advice.

【对比分析】答案现在分词表主动进行作状语,ask for sth 请求、询问


         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般现在时

         - 句子成分:Not knowing what to do next状语, I 主语want谓语 to ask for your advice不定式作宾语.

【拓展】是不是看到“所以”,特别想加上 so?

                  如果你用了 how, 也对


                  ❶ 单纯的询问方式方法,用 how

                  ❷ 询问具体的内容,用 what


【我的翻译】Coming back to home, I find the door locked.

【标准答案】I went home, finding the door locked.



         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:I 主语went谓语 home状语, finding the door locked状语


【我的翻译】The teacher went classroom, following two students.

【标准答案】Followed by two students, the teacher went into the classroom

【对比分析】主动还是被动看主语,针对主语来说,是被跟着两个学生,所以用过去分词表被动。by表示动作的发出者。Home是副词,go是不及物动词,go home中间不用介词。


         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:Followed by two students状语, the teacher主语 went谓语 into the classroom状语


He was sitting by the door . 在……旁

The boat sailed south by east . (方向)偏于

They came by the nearest road. 通过,经由

She ought to be here by now. 到(某时)之前

We work by day and sleep by night .在……的时候

He had two girls by is first wife. 由……所生

The news came by telegram. 方式

He caught the thief by the coat . 握,抓

There is not enough light to read by. 通过,凭,以

I met her by chance. 由于

Never judge a man by his looks . 根据,按照

They sell the apples by the pound. 按……计算

He moved along inch by inch. (一个)接着(一个)

She is taller than you by ahead. 以……之差

He swore by God.以(神)的名义

Do as you would be done by. 对待

He is a scholar by temperament . 就(职业、本性、气质)来说


【我的翻译】Be asking who he is, he didn’t say anything.

【标准答案】Asked who he was, he said nothing.

【对比分析】asked 过去分词直接可以表被动,


         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:Asked who he was状语, he主语 said谓语 nothing宾语


                  When he was asked who he was, he said nothing.

                  而用非谓语动词,把 when he was 干掉,变成了精简版。

                  所以到这你会发现, 其实非谓语动词就是帮助把句子做到简约,不拖沓。




【我的翻译】Coffee cup droped out the floor,broken.

【标准答案】The coffee cup fell down to the ground, broken.



         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:The coffee cup主语 fell down谓语 to the ground状语, broken状语.

【拓展】fell down与drop out区别

Fell down : to move or drop down from a higher position to a lower position落下,降落,跌落: Rob fell down the stairs.罗布从楼梯上跌了下来。

drop out :to no longer do an activity or belong to a group退出,脱离: The group gets smaller as members move away or drop out.随着成员搬走或退出,这个团体的规模变小了。



【我的翻译】Seen children off school, she ready to go to work.

【标准答案】Having sent the children to school, she got ready to go to work.

【对比分析】see sb./sth. off 给…送行,赶走,击败(对手)的意思,意思不对,且语法也不对,送孩子上学在准备上班之后,所以用过去完成时have + done


         - 内部关系:动作关系

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:Having sent the children to school状语, she 主语got系动词 ready to go to work表语(不定式为表语扩展).


                  ①“送孩子” ②“准备上班”

                  因为是 “她送孩子” “她上班”

                  所以是主动关系,用 现在分词, sending…


                  “送孩子” 先于 谓语动作“准备上班

                  所以“送孩子”,需要用完成式。即 Having sent…


【我的翻译】Having talked with you, I felt better.

【标准答案】Having talked with you, I felt much better.



         - 内部关系:描述关系

         - 句子时态:一般过去时

         - 句子成分:Having talked with you状语, I主语 felt 系动词much better表语.





Q1、The tower being repaired was put up in the Tang Dynasty.



【问题】being repaired 中repaired 过去分词表示被动,being表示正在进行,所以应该是正在被修理的对吗?was put up中was表被动,put up是谓语动词,一般过去时对吗?以及想问下,我们上课说过去分词是“被动进行,已经完成”这俩个概念是“或”的关系是吗?一个过去分词有可能只是表被动,但不一定完成。是这样子吗?现在分词“主动进行,正在发生”这个概念是“与”的关系是吗?

还想问下这句话句子结构算是简单句对吗?查语法书发现句子结构有:简单句、并列句、复合句以及各种从句,我们这个句子The tower主语 being repaired主语的扩展—分词作定语 was put up谓语 in the Tang Dynasty谓语的扩展 – 状语。可以这样子理解吗?查语法书发现谓语的扩展只有空间状语、方式状语、程度状语、评注状语,那in the Tang Dynasty属于什么状语呢?感觉应该是时间状语这四个都不符合。


being repaired表示正在被,

was put up是一般过去时,表示过去建造,


“被动进行,已经完成”是“或”的关系,一个过去分词有可能只是表被动,但不一定完成,比如,compared with you, I still have a long way to go, compared 表示被动,不表完成。

现在分词“主动进行,正在发生”也是“或”的关系,如,I went home, finding the door locked, finding 表示主动,不表示进行。


这个句子是简单句,in the Tang Dynasty是时间状语。


Q2、Ma Yun was then a teacher respected by all his students.








【我的翻译】Given more time, I’ll finish it.

【标准答案】Given more time, I would be able to complete it./Given more time, I can finish it./ Given more time, I can get it done.

【对比分析】我用的是一般将来时will + do,答案是过去将来时 would + do。现在事情已经结束了,是站在现在讨论过去的将来要发生的事情,所以用过去将来。





Given more time, I would be able to complete it.用的是虚拟语气,表示对现在的虚拟,句子可以写为if I were given more time, I would be able to complete it.



【我的翻译】The teacher went classroom, following two students.

【标准答案】Followed by two students, the teacher went into the classroom


【问题】(1)不用by可不可以?Followed two students.


(3)为什么go home中间没有介词,但是go into the classroom就需要加介词into呢?

看其他同学的分析follow by:以......方式伴随(+doing或是方式名词);遵守。如:follow by the contract 遵守合同;follow strictly by 严苛遵从




Home是副词,go是不及物动词,go home中间不用介词。





【我的翻译】Be asking who he is, he didn’t say anything.

【标准答案】Asked who he was, he said nothing.

【问题】我的句子,否定形式可以用助动词do + not进行强调吗?

被动语态是be + 过去分词,那为什么有时候直接用过去分词表被动呢?比如asked




❷ 「Going home, I found the door locked.」到底对不对?


?其实一个句子,想强调哪部分是看你的表达需求,不是死的。Goinging home是可以的,两个句子只是侧重点不一样。


Going home, I found the door locked.

现在分词作时间状语,相当于When I went home, I found the door locked. 主要动作是“发现门锁”。


I went home, finding the door locked.









Day 25 - 请在17:00前完成打卡






❶ 「趴着」的实用表达

❷  如何用英文说「天知地知,你知我知」




❶ 「 她的头靠在了我的肩膀上」,到底该用什么作主语呢?

❷ 「趴着」还有别的表达吗?动手查一查。



He pulled a sweater on      his woolen shirt.

  1. over
  2. in
  3. with
  4. out

woolen: adj. 羊毛的,毛线的,毛纺的

a woollen blanket毛毯

woollen cloth毛料

the woollen industry毛纺业




In 表示在范围或空间的里面,也可以表示穿着、戴着,比如:the boy in the hat戴帽子的男孩

With 是有,带有 比如:a jacket with a hood 带护帽的短上衣

Out 是在某个地方或容器之外,通常是out of sth. 比如 Don’t lean out of the window 。 不要探出窗外

因此,这道题选A 他把运动衫覆盖在了羊毛衫的上面,也就是说,他在羊毛衫的外面套了一件运动衫


He wore an overcoat over his suit.他在西服外面再加了一件大衣。







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