VB.NET 委托处理 传递参数

ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
Imports  Wireless.Entities
Imports  Wireless.Printer.RemotingConnection
Imports  Wireless.Common
Imports  Dsdt.CasinoManager.BusinessRule
Imports  HNA.PubClass.DishModel

Namespace  DishInterface

Public   Delegate   Sub  PrintBillDeletate( ByVal  IsLaress  As   Boolean ByVal  machineNumber  As   String ByVal  data  As  List( Of  BillList),  ByVal  currenttable  As  Table,  ByVal  userStatus  As  LoginUserStatus)
Public   Class  OrderDishesImpl

Private   Shared  _currentTable  As  Table

Private   Shared  uStatus  As  Wireless.Entities.LoginUserStatus

' 种数(本次点菜)
         Private   Shared  _orderKindCount  As   Decimal
' 份数(本次点菜)
         Private   Shared  _copiesCount  As   Decimal

'''   <summary>
'''  点菜 (入单)
'''   </summary>
'''   <param name="argOrderDishes"></param>
'''   <returns></returns>
'''   <remarks></remarks>
         Public   Shared   Function  OrderDishes( ByVal  argOrderDishes  As  Entities.OrderDishes())  As   String

If  argOrderDishes  Is   Nothing   OrElse  argOrderDishes.Length  <   1   Then
Throw   New  Exception( " 获取菜单数据异常! " )
End   If

Dim  message  As   String   =   String .Empty
Dim  result  As   String   =   String .Format( " {0} {1}{2} " , MobilFormatUtil.FormatString(argOrderDishes( 0 ).TypeCode,  4 ), _
0 ).MachineNumber,  3 ), _

=  GlobalDataProvider.GetLoginUserStatusByMachineNo(argOrderDishes( 0 ).MachineNumber)
If  uStatus  Is   Nothing   Then
Return   String .Concat(result,  " 请先登录! " )
End   If

' 将手持设备的台号(nWireTableId)映射为原有的桌号(cCode)
             For  i  As   Integer   =   0   To  argOrderDishes.Length  -   1
=  TableCollection.All.GetCodeByWirlessId(argOrderDishes(i).TabelNoBillNo)

If  argOrderDishes( 0 ).TabelNoBillNo  Is   Nothing   Then
Return   String .Concat(result,  " 台不存在! " )
End   If

' 取得台对象
            _currentTable  =  TableCollection.All.GetTableByCode(argOrderDishes( 0 ).TabelNoBillNo.Trim)
=  TableCollection.All.GetOneTables(_currentTable.ID)

If  _currentTable  Is   Nothing   Then
Return   String .Concat(result,  " 台不存在! " )
End   If
' 取得当前台所有开台 
             Dim  _currentOpentTables  As  OpenTableCollection  =  _currentTable.GetOpenTables()

If  _currentOpentTables  Is   Nothing   OrElse  _currentOpentTables.Count  <   1   Then
Return   String .Concat(result,  " 当前台未开! " )
End   If

' NOTE :取得当前开台对象 
             Dim  _openTable  As  Dsdt.CasinoManager.BusinessRule.OpenTable  =  _currentOpentTables( 0 )

' 判断当前台的账单状态
             If  _openTable.CurrentBillState  =  BillState.Printed  Then
Return   String .Concat(result,  " 本单已预结,请先解冻! " )
' 执行入单操作
                     ' 本次点菜种数和份数
                    _orderKindCount  =   0
=   0

If  ExecInsertBillList(argOrderDishes,  False - 1 Then
' 取得累计点菜种类和份数
                         Dim  billLists  As  BillListCollection  =  _openTable.GetBillLists
Dim  _totalOrderKindCount  As   Decimal   =  billLists.Count
Dim  _totalCopiesCount  As   Decimal

For   Each  item  As  BillList  In  billLists
+=  item.Count
=   String .Format( " 点菜成功 " )
' message = String.Format("点菜成功!" + vbCrLf, _
                         '                         "{0} 本次点菜:{1}种/{2}份 累计点菜:{3}种/{4}份", _
                         '                         argOrderDishes(0).TabelNoBillNo, _
                         '                          _orderKindCount, _copiesCount, _
                         '                         _totalOrderKindCount, _totalCopiesCount _
                         '                         )
=   " 点菜失败! "
End   If
Catch  ex  As  Exception
=   " 点菜失败! "
End   Try
End   If

Return   String .Concat(result, message)

End Function

'''   <summary>
'''  执行入单操作
'''   </summary>
'''   <param name="argOrderDishes"></param>
'''   <param name="IsLaress"></param>
'''   <param name="nLargessManId"></param>
'''   <returns></returns>
'''   <remarks></remarks>
         Private   Shared   Function  ExecInsertBillList( ByVal  argOrderDishes  As  Entities.OrderDishes(),  ByVal  IsLaress  As   Boolean ByVal  nLargessManId  As   Integer As   Boolean

Dim  result  As   Boolean
If  argOrderDishes.Length  >   0   Then
' 菜单List
                 Dim  data  As   New  List( Of  BillList)

' 将数据封装到BillList列表中
                 For   Each  item  As  Entities.OrderDishes  In  argOrderDishes
                    data.Add(InsertDataToBillList(item, IsLaress, nLargessManId))
+=   1

If  data.Count  >   0   Then
                     ' If _currentTable.GetOpenTables()(0).InsertBillList(data, argOrderDishes(0).MachineNumber, argOrderDishes(0).MachineNumber) Then
                     If  _currentTable.GetOpenTables()( 0 ).InsertBillList(data, uStatus.UserId, argOrderDishes( 0 ).MachineNumber)  Then
' Print
                         Dim  printDelegate  As  PrintBillDeletate  =   New  PrintBillDeletate( AddressOf  PrintBill)
                        printDelegate.BeginInvoke(IsLaress, argOrderDishes(
0 ).MachineNumber, data, _currentTable, uStatus,  Nothing Nothing )
=   True
=   False
End   If
End   If

End   If

Return  result

End Function

Private   Shared   Sub  PrintBill( ByVal  IsLaress  As   Boolean ByVal  machineNumber  As   String ByVal  data  As  List( Of  BillList),  ByVal  currenttable  As  Table,  ByVal  userStatus  As  LoginUserStatus)
                PrintBillListDoc(IsLaress, data, machineNumber, currenttable, userStatus)   
' 打印小票
                PrintDoc(data, machineNumber, currenttable, userStatus)                      ' 打印总单
             Catch  ex  As  Exception
' note 打印日志
             End   Try
End Sub

'''   <summary>
'''  将数据追加到BillList中
'''   </summary>
'''   <param name="orderDish"></param>
'''   <param name="IsLaress"></param>
'''   <param name="nLargessManId"></param>
'''   <returns></returns>
'''   <remarks></remarks>
         Private   Shared   Function  InsertDataToBillList( ByVal  orderDish  As  Entities.OrderDishes,  ByVal  IsLaress  As   Boolean ByVal  nLargessManId  As   Integer As  BillList
' 菜品 套餐号为空则是菜品否则为套餐
             If   String .IsNullOrEmpty(orderDish.ComboNumber.Trim)  Then
Return  InsertDishToList(orderDish, IsLaress, nLargessManId)

End   If
' 套餐
             Return  InsertSuitToList(orderDish, IsLaress, nLargessManId)

End Function

'''   <summary>
'''  将套餐子类数据追加到BillList对象中
'''   </summary>
'''   <param name="suitMenu"></param>
'''   <param name="cookState"></param>
'''   <param name="IsLaress"></param>
'''   <param name="nLargessManId"></param>
'''   <returns></returns>
'''   <remarks></remarks>
         Private   Shared   Function  InsertSuitMenuToList( ByVal  suitMenu  As  SuitMenu, _
ByVal  cookState  As   String , _
ByVal  IsLaress  As   Boolean , _
ByVal  nLargessManId  As   Integer )

If  suitMenu  Is   Nothing   Then
Return   Nothing
End   If
' 消费菜式状态
             Dim  curCookState  As   String   =  cookState.Trim
Dim  curCookStateName  As   String   =   String .Empty
Dim  ckState  As  EnumCookState
If   Not   String .IsNullOrEmpty(curCookState)  Then
=  curCookState
=  BusinessUtil.GetCookStateName(ckState)
End   If

' 名称
             Dim  name  As   String   =  suitMenu.Name
' 数量
             Dim  count  As   Decimal   =  suitMenu.Count
' 价格
             Dim  price  As   Decimal   =  suitMenu.Price
' 备注
             Dim  remark  As   String   =   String .Empty
' 单价
             Dim  UnitId  As   Integer   =  suitMenu.UnitId
Dim  UnitName  As   String   =  suitMenu.UnitName
' 厨房
             Dim  CookRoomId  As   Integer   =  suitMenu.CookRoomId
' 帐单明细状态
             Dim  listState  As  BillListState  =   IIf (IsLaress, BillListState.Largess, BillListState.Natural)
' 是否收服务费
             Dim  IsServerFee  =   False
Dim  IsAgio  =   False
' M:菜品
             Dim  Id  As   Integer   =  suitMenu.ID
Dim  IdSource  As   String   =   " SM "

Dim  result  As  BillList  =   New  BillList(Id, name, listState, ckState, curCookStateName, CookRoomId, count, price, remark, _
                                                            IdSource, UnitId, UnitName, nLargessManId, IsServerFee, IsAgio)

Return  result
End Function

'''   <summary>
'''  将套餐数据追加到BillList对象中
'''   </summary>
'''   <returns></returns>
'''   <remarks></remarks>
         Private   Shared   Function  InsertSuitToList( ByVal  orderDish  As  Entities.OrderDishes,  ByVal  IsLaress  As   Boolean ByVal  nLargessManId  As   Integer )
' 消费菜式状态
             Dim  curCookState  As   String   =  orderDish.WaitState.Trim
Dim  curCookStateName  As   String   =   String .Empty
Dim  ckState  As  EnumCookState
If   Not   String .IsNullOrEmpty(curCookState)  Then
=  curCookState
=  BusinessUtil.GetCookStateName(ckState)
End   If

' NOTE 根据CODE取得套餐对象
             Dim  suit  As  Suit  =  GlobalDataProvider.Menus.GetSuitByCode(orderDish.ComboNumber.Trim)
If  suit  Is   Nothing   Then
Return   Nothing
End   If
' 名称
             Dim  name  As   String   =  suit.Name
' 数量
             Dim  count  As   Decimal   =  orderDish.Count
' 价格
             Dim  price  As   Decimal   =  suit.Price
' 备注
             Dim  remark  As   String   =   String .Empty
' 单价
             Dim  UnitId  As   Integer   =  suit.UnitId
Dim  UnitName  As   String   =  suit.UnitName
' 厨房
             Dim  CookRoomId  As   Integer   =  suit.CookRoomId
' 帐单明细状态
             Dim  listState  As  BillListState  =   IIf (IsLaress, BillListState.Largess, BillListState.Natural)
' 是否收服务费
             Dim  IsServerFee  =  suit.IsServerFee
Dim  IsAgio  =  suit.IsAgio
' S:套餐
             Dim  Id  As   Integer   =  suit.ID
Dim  IdSource  As   String   =   " S "

Dim  result  As  BillList  =   New  BillList(Id, name, listState, ckState, curCookStateName, CookRoomId, count, price, remark, _
                                                            IdSource, UnitId, UnitName, nLargessManId, IsServerFee, IsAgio)

' 取得套餐子类
             Dim  lstSuitMenu  As  List( Of  SuitMenu)  =  GlobalDataProvider.Menus.GetMenusFromSuit(orderDish.ComboNumber.Trim)
If   Not  lstSuitMenu  Is   Nothing   AndAlso  lstSuitMenu.Count  >   0   Then
For   Each  item  As  SuitMenu  In  lstSuitMenu
                    result.Items.Add(InsertSuitMenuToList(item, orderDish.WaitState.Trim, IsLaress, nLargessManId))
End   If

Return  result
End Function

'''   <summary>
'''  将菜品数据追加到BillList对象中
'''   </summary>
'''   <param name="orderDish"></param>
'''   <param name="IsLaress"></param>
'''   <param name="nLargessManId"></param>
'''   <returns></returns>
'''   <remarks></remarks>
         Private   Shared   Function  InsertDishToList( ByVal  orderDish  As  Entities.OrderDishes, _
ByVal  IsLaress  As   Boolean , _
ByVal  nLargessManId  As   Integer As  BillList

' 消费菜式状态
             Dim  curCookState  As   String   =  orderDish.WaitState.Trim
Dim  curCookStateName  As   String   =   String .Empty
Dim  ckState  As  EnumCookState
' If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(curCookState) Then
             '     ckState = curCookState
             '     curCookStateName = BusinessUtil.GetCookStateName(ckState)
             ' End If
             ' NOTE 手持机无法输入消费菜式状态 默认为"即起"
            ckState  =  EnumCookState.Checked
=  BusinessUtil.GetCookStateName(ckState)

' Note NULL 取得菜对象
             Dim  menu  As  Menu  =  GlobalDataProvider.Menus.GetMenuByCode(orderDish.MenuId.Trim)
' 菜名
             Dim  name  As   String   =  menu.Name
' 数量
             Dim  count  As   Decimal   =  orderDish.Count
' 总份数统计
            _copiesCount  +=  count
' 价格
             Dim  price  As   Decimal   =  menu.Price
' 备注
             Dim  remark  As   String   =  menu.Remark
' 单价
             Dim  UnitId  As   Integer   =  menu.UnitId
Dim  UnitName  As   String   =  menu.UnitName
' 厨房
             Dim  CookRoomId  As   Integer   =  menu.CookroomId
' 帐单明细状态
             Dim  listState  As  BillListState  =   IIf (IsLaress, BillListState.Largess, BillListState.Natural)
' 是否收服务费
             Dim  IsServerFee  =  menu.IsServerFee
Dim  IsAgio  =  menu.IsAgio
' M:菜品
             Dim  Id  As   Integer   =  menu.ID
Dim  IdSource  As   String   =   " M "

Dim  dish  As  BillList  =   New  BillList(Id, name, listState, ckState, curCookStateName, CookRoomId, count, price, remark, _
                                                            IdSource, UnitId, UnitName, nLargessManId, IsServerFee, IsAgio)
' 如果有做法,则追加做法对象
             If   Not   String .IsNullOrEmpty(orderDish.MakeWay.Trim)  Then

' 制作方法中的任何一位不是数字,则认为输入的是内容而不是制作法的编号。
                 If   IsNumeric (orderDish.MakeWay.Trim)  Then
'  Feihu Huang 2009/12/29
                     ' 去做法的时候,3位取法优先,如果不是3位不是做法,则跳1位,取下三位,取到为止
                     Dim  s  As   String
=  orderDish.MakeWay.Trim
Dim  threeBytes  As   String
Dim  i  As   Integer
For  i  =   0   To  s.Length  -   2
=  s.Substring(i,  3 )
If  Wireless.Common.MenusClass.IsAFunction(threeBytes)  =   True   Then
'     '根据CODE取得菜品做法对象
                                 ' orderDish.WaitState.Trim, _
                                 Dim  makeWayItem  As  BillList  =  SetDataToMakeWay(threeBytes, _
" 1 " , _
                                                                   IsLaress, _
If   Not  makeWayItem  Is   Nothing   Then
+=  makeWayItem.MenuName  +   " , "
End   If
=  i  +   2
End   If

If   Not  dish.MenuRemark  Is   Nothing   AndAlso  dish.MenuRemark.Length  >   0   Then
=  dish.MenuRemark.Substring( 0 , dish.MenuRemark.Length  -   1 )
End   If

Catch  ex  As  Exception

End   Try
' '每3位为一做法的Code
                     ' Dim functionCodes() As String = MobilFormatUtil.SplitStringByLenth(orderDish.MakeWay.Trim, 3)
                     ' For Each code As String In functionCodes
                     '     '根据CODE取得菜品做法对象
                     '     Dim makeWayItem As BillList = SetDataToMakeWay(code, _
                     '                                                    orderDish.WaitState.Trim, _
                     '                                                    IsLaress, _
                     '                                                    nLargessManId)
                     '     If Not makeWayItem Is Nothing Then
                     '         dish.Items.Add(makeWayItem)
                     '     End If
                     ' Next

End   If

End   If

Return  dish

End Function

'''   <summary>
'''  将做法数据追加到BillList对象中
'''   </summary>
'''   <param name="makeWayCode"></param>
'''   <param name="waitState"></param>
'''   <param name="IsLaress"></param>
'''   <param name="nLargessManId"></param>
'''   <returns></returns>
'''   <remarks></remarks>
         Private   Shared   Function  SetDataToMakeWay( ByVal  makeWayCode  As   String , _
ByVal  waitState  As   String , _
ByVal  IsLaress  As   Boolean , _
ByVal  nLargessManId  As   Integer As  BillList

' 消费菜式状态
             Dim  curCookState  As   String   =  waitState
Dim  curCookStateName  As   String   =   String .Empty
Dim  ckState  As  EnumCookState
If   Not   String .IsNullOrEmpty(curCookState)  Then
=  curCookState
=  BusinessUtil.GetCookStateName(ckState)
End   If

' NOTE 根据CODE取得菜品做法对象
             Dim  makeWay  As  MenuFunction  =  GlobalDataProvider.Menus.GetFunctionById(makeWayCode)
If  makeWay  Is   Nothing   Then
Return   Nothing
End   If
' 名称
             Dim  name  As   String   =  makeWay.Name
' 数量
             Dim  count  As   Decimal   =   1
' 价格
             Dim  price  As   Decimal   =  makeWay.Price
' 备注
             Dim  remark  As   String   =   String .Empty
' 单价
             Dim  UnitId  As   Integer   =  makeWay.UnitId
Dim  UnitName  As   String   =  makeWay.UnitName
' 厨房
             Dim  CookRoomId  As   Integer   =   - 1
' 帐单明细状态
             Dim  listState  As  BillListState  =   IIf (IsLaress, BillListState.Largess, BillListState.Natural)
' 是否收服务费
             Dim  IsServerFee  =  makeWay.IsServerFee
Dim  IsAgio  =  makeWay.IsAgio
' M:菜品
             Dim  Id  As   Integer   =  makeWay.ID
Dim  IdSource  As   String   =   " F "

Dim  makeWayItem  As  BillList  =   New  BillList(Id, name, listState, ckState, curCookStateName, CookRoomId, count, price, remark, _
                                                            IdSource, UnitId, UnitName, nLargessManId, IsServerFee, IsAgio)

Return  makeWayItem
End Function

#Region  "打印小票"
Private   Shared   Sub  PrintBillListDoc( ByVal  IsLaress  As   Boolean ByVal  data  As  List( Of  BillList),  ByVal  machineCode  As   String ByVal  currenttable  As  Table,  ByVal  userStatus  As  LoginUserStatus)
' TODO 手持设备的用户名
             ' Dim currentUserName As String = machineCode
             Dim  currentUserName  As   String   =  userStatus.UserName

Dim  BLCol  As   New  BillListCollection
For   Each  l  As  BillList  In  data
If  l.IsPrintB()  Then
End   If
If  BLCol.Count  >   0   Then
For   Each  BL  As  BillList  In  BLCol
If  IsPrintPassPrintCenter  Then
Dim  L  As   New  SystemLicenseRule( True )
Dim  P  As   New  RemotingConnection
Dim  C  As  CookRoom  =   CType (CookRoomCollection.GetOneCookRooms(BL.CookRoomId)( 0 ), CookRoom)
Dim  BillListDoc  As   New  PrintBillListRpt( IIf (IsLaress,  " 赠送 " , BL.CurrentCookStateName), currenttable.Name, _
                                                    currentUserName, Now.ToString, BL.MenuName, BL.Count, BL.UnitName, BL.Price, _
*  BL.Price, BL.MenuRemark, C.PrintAreaCode, _
                                                    L.CurLicense.name, currenttable.DepartmentName, currenttable.HallName, _
0 0 0 0 0 )

End   If


' Dim doc As New Doc_TolBill(cols, Me._checkedTbl.Name, AppConfig.CurrentUser.cName, IIf(cols(0).ListState = BillListState.Natural, "总单", "赠送"))
                 ' doc.PrintController = New System.Drawing.Printing.StandardPrintController()
                 ' doc.PrintDoc()
             End   If

End Sub

'''   <summary>
'''  是否用打印中心来打印账单
'''   </summary>
'''   <remarks></remarks>
         Public   Shared   ReadOnly   Property  IsPrintPassPrintCenter()  As   Boolean
Dim  p  As   New  SystemParamsRule( True )
Return  p.IsPrintPassPrintCenter
End   Get
' 'Get
             ' '    Return _IsPrintPassPrintCenter
             ' 'End Get
             ' 'Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
             ' '    Dim p As New SystemParamsRule(True)
             ' '    _IsPrintPassPrintCenter = p.IsPrintPassPrintCenter
             ' 'End Set
         End Property

#End Region

#Region  "打印总单"

Private   Shared   Sub  PrintDoc( ByVal  data  As  List( Of  BillList),  ByVal  machineCode  As   String ByVal  currenttable  As  Table,  ByVal  userStatus  As  LoginUserStatus)

Dim  Plsts  As   New  BillListCollection
For   Each  l  As  BillList  In  data
If  l.IsPrintA()  Then
End   If
If  Plsts.Count  >   0   Then
Dim  L  As   New  SystemLicenseRule( True )
' 'If AppConfig.IsPrintPassPrintCenter Then
                 ' '    ''用C1REPORT来打印
                 ' '    Dim BLdata As PrintBillListData = New PrintBillListData("zongdan")
                 ' '    For Each BL As BillList In Plsts
                 ' '        BLdata.AddOneRow(BL)
                 ' '    Next
                 ' '    Dim P As New RemotingConnection
                 ' '    'Dim C As CookRoom = CType(CookRoomCollection.GetOneCookRooms(lst.CookRoomId)(0), CookRoom)
                 ' '    Dim pbr As New PrintBillListRpt("总单", Me._checkedTbl.Name, AppConfig.CurrentUser.cName, _
                 ' '                                Now.ToString, "", 0, "", 0, _
                 ' '                                0, "", _PrintArea, _
                 ' '                                L.CurLicense.name, _checkedTbl.DepartmentName, _checkedTbl.HallName, _
                 ' '                                Me._checkedTbl.ServerFee, Plsts.TolServerFeeMoney(Me._checkedTbl.ServerFee), 0, 0, Plsts.TolNaturalMoney, Plsts.TolLargessMoney) 'C.PrintAreaCode)
                 ' '    P.LoadBillListZongRpt(BLdata._BillListData, pbr)
                 ' '    ''用C1REPORT来打印
                 ' 'Else
                 ' '用画的PrintDocument来打印()
                 Dim  msg  As   New  CashBillMsg
=   IIf (Plsts( 0 ).ListState  =  BillListState.Natural,  " 总单 " " 赠送 " )
=  L.CurLicense.name
=  currenttable.DepartmentName
=  currenttable.HallName
=  currenttable.Code
=  currenttable.Name
=   0
=   ""
' TODO 手持设备的用户名
                msg.UserCode  =  userStatus.UserCode
=  userStatus.UserName
=  currenttable.GetOpenTables( 0 ).GuestCount
=  Now
=  currenttable.ServerFee
=  Plsts.TolServerFeeMoney(currenttable.ServerFee)
=   0
=   0
=  Plsts.TolAllMoney
=  Plsts.TolAllMoney  +  Plsts.TolServerFeeMoney(currenttable.ServerFee)

' Dim doc As New Doc_TolBill(cols, Me._checkedTbl.Name, AppConfig.CurrentUser.cName, IIf(cols(0).ListState = BillListState.Natural, "总单", "赠送"))
                 Dim  doc  As   New  Doc_TolBill(Plsts, msg)
=   New  System.Drawing.Printing.StandardPrintController()
' '用画的PrintDocument来打印
                 ' 'End If

End   If
End Sub

#End Region

End Class
End Namespace







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


