How to locate the log files and troubleshoot Rapid Install for Release 12.0.x and 12.1.x [ID 452120....

In this Document

 Before running Rapid Install
 What does Rapid Install actually do?
 Where are the log files?
 Before the installation starts:
 Database Tier:
 Applications Tier(s):
 Inventory Registration:
 Rapid Install Configuration Steps
 Welcome Screen
 Select Wizard Operation
 Configuration Choice
 Global System Settings
 Database Node Configuration
 Select Licensing Type
 Select Country-Specific Functionalities
 Primary Applications Node Configuration
 Node Information
 Preinstall System Checks
 Validate System Configuration
 Rapid Install Installation steps
 Step 1 of 5: Command: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/tmp/$CONTEXT_NAME/
  Step 2 of 5: Command: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/tmp/$CONTEXT_NAME/
 Step 3 of 5: Command: $INST_TOP/temp/
  Step 4 of 5: Command: $INST_TOP/temp/
 Step 5 of 5: System Check Status
 Inventory Registration
 Important information regarding removing an E-Business Suite Release 12 instance
 How to correctly remove an E-Business Suite Release 12 instance
 Database Tier:
 Applications Tier:


Applies to:

Oracle Applications Manager - Version 12.0 to 12.1.3 [Release 12 to 12.1]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Checked for relevance on 10-MAR-2013


This document does not replace the Installation or Upgrade Manual, and is intended to help troubleshoot any issues that may occur when running Rapid Wizard Installation for Oracle Applications Release 12.

For Release 11.5.x, refer to Note 329985.1


Before running Rapid Install

Always refer to the latest Platform Specific Installation Update Notes. All required pre-requisite steps must be applied.

Refer to the Release Notes and ensure the latest Rapid Install Wizard patch is also applied before attempting an install of Oracle Applications Release 12.

Links to these documents are on Note 394692.1

Important: To avoid Multiple Global Inventories when installing Oracle Applications Release 12, ensure the latest Rapid Install Wizard is used, and refer to the Inventory Registration section in this note

What does Rapid Install actually do?

Rapid Wizard Installations of Oracle Applications Release 12 uses Rapid Clone and AutoConfig functionality.

The basics of how this Rapid Wizard installation works are:-

  • Rapid Wizard collects user information required for configuration of system, and creates a configuration file
  • Rapid Wizard checks Port availability and file space required
  • Zip files from the "oraDB and oraAppDB" DVD stage area are then uncompressed onto the file system
  • Each Disk directory contains a driver which is read to control the unzip phase
  • The DB Techstack is relinked and reconfigured using an install driver, templates and the configuration file
  • Control files are created
  • The RDBMS ORACLE_HOME is registered into the Global Inventory
  • The DB is started, and further configuration is performed
  • Zip files from the "oraAS" (Developer Tools and As10g" DVD stage area are then uncompressed onto the file system
  • The Apps Techstack is relinked and reconfigured using the install driver, templates and the configuration file
  • The Developer Tools and As10g ORACLE_HOMEs are registered into the Global Inventory
  • Zip files from the "oraApps" (APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP etc) stage are uncompressed onto the file system
  • APPL_TOP is reconfigured with system using values in the configuration file and services are started
  • Post install checks are performed to check success of the installation

Where are the log files?

The following are referenced in this document

<MMDDHHMM>		: MM (Month) DD (Day) HH (Hour) MM (Minute)
<Timestamp>		: <This may include Year, Month, Day, and Time>
<Base Install>		: Location chosen during the RapidWiz configuration phase

$CONTEXT_NAME		: <SID>_<hostname>
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>	: <Base Install>/db/tech_st/10.2.0
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME	: <Base Install>/apps/tech_st/10.1.3
Tools $ORACLE_HOME	: <Base Install>/apps/tech_st/10.1.2
$INST_TOP		: <Base Install>/inst/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME
$APPL_TOP		: <Base Install>/apps/apps_st/appl
Before the installation starts:

The Rapidwiz Configuration File is saved in 3 locations:-

<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/conf_<SID>.txt

Database Tier:
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ohclone.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/installdbf.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/adcrdb_<SID>.log 
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDatabase_<MMDDHHMM>.log
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/adconfig.log	
RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/NetServiceHandler.log
Applications Tier(s):
Inventory Registration:
<Global Inventory>/logs/cloneActions<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/oraInstall<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/silentInstall<timestamp>.log
NOTE: When raising a service request with Oracle Support regarding Rapidwiz, please ensure the above log files are uploaded.


Rapid Install Configuration Steps

This section describes the steps performed with a Single node rapidwiz installation of R12, although the logs will be the same for any R12 rapidwiz installation.

Welcome Screen

When Rapidwizis first launched, the following log is created:    


This log provides the following details when the rapidwiz "Welcome" screen is displayed.  Ensure the Rapid Wizard version is the latest available.

Oracle Applications Rapid Install Wizard Install log

Using Rapid Wizard Version : (version)
Install session started : (Time Stamp)
Rapid Wizard source location : /(Stage)/Apps/12.0.0/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz
Command Line arguments for this run : (command line arguments)


Install Session Information

Host Name : (hostname).(domain)
Host Operating System : (Platform)
User running Install : (username)
Select Wizard Operation

The options displayed at this step are:-

  • Install Oracle Applications Release 12
    •  Use Express Install
  • Upgrade to Oracle Applications Release 12

The log entries for this step depending on the option selected

User action   :  Install Oracle Applications
Install type  :  Standard Install
User action   :  Install Oracle Applications
Install type  :  Express Install

User action   :  Upgrade Oracle Applications file System
Install type  :  Upgrade      
Configuration Choice

The options displayed at this step are:-

  • Create a new configuration
  • Load the following saved configuration

The log entries for this step depending on the option selected

User action : Create configuration
Description   :  Creates a new instance configuration.


User action   :  Load configuration
Description   :  Loads an already existing configuration.

ADX Database Utility
getConnectionUsingAppsJDBCConnector() -->
Trying to get connection using SID based connect descriptor
getConnection() -->
sDbHost : <hostname>
sDbDomain : null
sDbPort : <port>
sDbSid : <SID>
sDbUser : APPS
Trying to connect using SID...
getConnectionUsingSID() -->
JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>:<port>:<SID>
Exception occurred: java.sql.SQLException:
Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
Trying to connect using SID as ServiceName
getConnectionUsingServiceName() -->
Global System Settings
Choose the port information at this step
Enter the Port information
Port Pool: <Example: 31>
Derived Port Settings:
The log entries for this step are: (from the example port pool 31)

Port Panel
Selected port pool:
Database Port : 1552
RPC Port : 1657
Web SSL Port : 4474ONS Local Port : 6131
ONS Remote Port : 6231
ONS Request Port : 6531
Web Listener Port : 8031Active Web Port : 8031
Port : 9031
Metrics Server Data Port : 9131
Metrics Server Request Port : 9231
JTF Fulfillment Server Port : 9331
MSCA Server Port : 10386-10391
MSCA Dispatcher Port : 10893
Java Object Cache Port : 12376
OC4J JMS Port Range for Oacore : 23155-23159
OC4J JMS Port Range for Forms : 23655-23659
OC4J JMS Port Range for Home : 24155-24159
OC4J JMS Port Range for Home : 24655-24659
OC4J AJP Port Range for Oacore : 21655-21659
OC4J AJP Port Range for Forms : 22155-22159
OC4J AJP Port Range for Home : 22655-22659
OC4J AJP Port Range for Home : 25155-25159
OC4J RMI Port Range for Oacore : 20155-20159
OC4J RMI Port Range for Forms : 20655-20659
OC4J RMI Port Range for Home : 21155-21159
OC4J RMI Port Range for Home : 25655-25659
DB ONS Local Port : 6331
DB ONS Remote Port : 6431
MCSA Telnet Server Port : 10386,10388,10390
Database Node Configuration

The following information is entered at this step

  • Database Type
  • Database SID
  • Host Name
  • Domain Name
  • Operating System
  • Database OS User
  • Database OS Group
  • Base Directory

At this point, when Next is pressed, the DB Context file is created and the following entries enter in the log:

instantiate file: (Example)

source : <stage>/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/etc/adxdbctx.tmp

dest : $TMP/<MMDDHHMM>/<hostname>_<SID>.xml

As per the log entry above, the Database context file is created in:
Select Licensing Type

Product Licensing is done at this step

  • Suite Licensing
  • Component Licensing

The log entries for this step are:

Licensing type :  Suite Licensing
Description    :  A Suite is licensed using a minimal number of metrics.
Licensing type :  Component Licensing
Description    :  Each application can be licensed individually.

Once the Products are chosen, the following is entered into the log:-

Selected products: (Examples)
[0 160 190 265 601 174 175 603 690 874 709 517 676 454 452 862 1292 450 271 210 530 517 
549 520 521 676 880 696 697 660 544 869 676 279 280 697 660 702 401 665 673 401 665 201 
202 250 401 702 703 704 705 706 712 778 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 560 511 542 862 
696 170 866 515 870 542 275 275 101 140 200 222 260 600 8400 8401 8450 8901 231 673 205 
235 800 804 8301 8302 8403 ]
Selected product groups: (Examples)
[Basic, Marketing & Sales Intelligence, Supply Chain & Order Management Intelligence, 
Procurement Intelligence, Service Intelligence, Projects intelligence, Financials Intelligence, 
Balanced Scorecard, Enterprise Planning and Budgeting, Marketing, TeleSales, Field Sales, 
Order Management, Inventory Management, Purchasing, Discrete Manufacturing, 
Process Manufacturing, TeleService, Service Contracts, Project Costing, Project Billing, 
Financials, Human Resources]
Select Country-Specific Functionalities

Select the Internationalization Settings at this step

The log entries for this step are: (Examples)

Selected languages:
[American_English - US]
Default territory:  AMERICA
Database character set:  US7ASCII
APPL_TOP character set:  US7ASCII
IANA character set:  US-ASCII
Primary Applications Node Configuration
The following information is entered at this step:
  • Hostname
  • Domain Name
  • Operating System
  • Apps OS User
  • Apps OS Group
  • Base Directory
  • Instance Directory <Base Directory>/inst
At this point, when Next is pressed, the Applications Context file is created and the following entries enter in the log:
instantiate file:
source : <stage>/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/etc/adxmlctx.tmp
dest : $TMP/<MMDDHHMM>/<hostname>_<SID>_apps.xml

As per the log entry above, the Applications context file is created in:

Node Information

This step summarises the nodes on which the Applications instance will be installed

  • Database Node
  • Primary Apps node
  • <other nodes>

An "Add Server" button is provided for the option to add mode nodes if required for a Multi-node install.

The log entries for this step are:

Service Name: <hostname>
Node Name: _<hostname>
Operating System: _<Platform> 
Service Name: <hostname>
Node Name: _<hostname>
Operating System: _<Platform> 

Click "Next" and the Configuration file is created:

The Configuration File is saved in 3 locations:-

<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/conf_<SID>.txt

The "Preinstall System Checks" are then launched

Preinstall System Checks

The System Checks are run at this point, and the "Validate System Configuration" screen is displayed once the checks are complete

Validate System Configuration

The results of the Preinstall System Checks are displayed

  • Port Availability
  • Port Uniqueness
  • File Space
  • OS User and Group Check
  • File Systems
  • Host/Domain
Once All checks have "passed", the install can proceed.

The Oracle Applications Installation will now start

NOTE: All log entries for the above steps are all in the Rapidwiz log:-

Rapid Install Installation steps

There are 5 steps to a full Oracle Applications Installation (as opposed to a "-techstack" installation).

These steps depend on the installation type selected, although they are all described in this section.
Each step runs different processes, and will displayed in the Installation Progress bar

Step 1 of 5: Command: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/tmp/$CONTEXT_NAME/
Restart File created: <Base install>/inst/apps/$CONTEXT_NAME/temp/restart.xml
Database logfile: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>.log

Process 1: Installing Database Oracle Home

This process creates RDBMS ORACLE_HOME by uncompressing the zip files from the stage area into the locations specified during the configuration steps

Log file:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/installdbf.log

Process 2: Copying the Database Context template file

This process copies adxdbctx.tmp and adxdbinf.tmp into :

$RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/template

Process 3: Registering Database Technology Stack

This process instantiates the required registration files and scripts and registers the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME into the Global Inventory
Log files:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDBTechStack_<MMDDHHMM>.log
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ohclone.log
OUI log files:
<Global Inventory>/logs/cloneActions<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/oraInstall<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/silentInstall<timestamp>.log

Process 4: Configuring Database Technology Stack

This process instantiates all the configuration files and scripts for the RDBMS ORACLE_HOME

Log files:

<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDBTechStack_<MMDDHHMM>.log
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/NetServiceHandler.log

This process also relinks the ORACLE_HOME exectuables

Log file:

Step 2 of 5: Command: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/tmp/$CONTEXT_NAME/

Process 1: Removing unneeded install files and Install Database

This process performs a cleanup of any existing datafile list and control file sql script and uncompresses the datafile zip files from the stage area.

Log file:

<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/installdbf.log

Process 2: Registering Database

Process 3: Configuring Database

This process regenerates the datafile list and control file recreation script, and executes it to recreate the control files

Log files:

<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/adcrdb_<SID>.log
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ApplyDatabase_<MMDDHHMM>.log

Process 4: Performing database characterset conversion

This process executes <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/install/$CONTEXT_NAME/ to convert the new Database into the chosen characterset.

Log file:

<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/addbccnv.txt

Process 5: Running AutoConfig on Database Node

This process executes <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/install/$CONTEXT_NAME/ to run AutoConfig on the new Database tier.

Log files:

<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/adconfig.log
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/<MMDDHHMM>/NetServiceHandler.log
Step 3 of 5: Command: $INST_TOP/temp/
Restart file created at $INST_TOP/temp/restart.xml
Appltop logfile: $INST_TOP/logs/<MMDDHHMM>.log

Process 1: Installing Applications Technology Stack

This process creates Developer Tools (10.1.2) and As10g (10.1.3) ORACLE_HOMEs by uncompressing the zip files from the stage area into the locations specified during the configuration steps.

Log file:

Process 2: Registering Applications Technology Stack

This process instantiates the required registration files and scripts and registers the Developer Tools and As10g ORACLE_HOMEs into the Global Inventory

OUI log files: 
<Global Inventory>/logs/cloneActions<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/oraInstall<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/silentInstall<timestamp>.log

This process also relinks the executables for the Developer Tools and As10g ORACLE_HOMEs

Log Files:	

Process 3: Configuring Applications Technology Stack

This process instantiates all the configuration files and scripts for the Applications Techstack

Log file: 
Step 4 of 5: Command: $INST_TOP/temp/

Process 1: Installing APPLTOP

This process uncompresses the APPL_TOP and COMMON_TOP zip files from the stage area

Log file: 

Process 2: Copying the APPL_TOP Context template file

This process copies adxmlctx.tmp, adctxinf.tmp and index.html into $AD_TOP/admin/template

Process 3: Registering APPL_TOP

Log file:

Process 4: Run AutoConfig on Apps Node

Log file: 

Process 5: Executing Service Startup Script on Apps Node

This process executes: $INST_TOP/admin/scripts/

Step 5 of 5: System Check Status

This steps performs a series of checks to validate the Oracle Applications R12 Installation.

Database Availability
This runs two commands to check for the RDBMS and Apps Homes to ensure the Database is running and connections can be made from the Database and Application Tiers.

The Database Home test runs the command:
<Stage>/Apps/12.0.0/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/ \
The log entries will be as follows: started at Thu Jul 26 15:06:41 BST 2007
Parameters passed are : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/$CONTEXT_NAME.env APPS/APPS
The environment settings are as follows ...
  PATH : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/perl/bin:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:
         <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/jre/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/lib:
                    /usr/dt/lib:<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/ctx/lib
Executable : <RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/bin/sqlplus exiting with status 0
Database ORACLE_HOME connection test has succeeded
The Apps Home testruns the command:
          /oracle/stage/Apps/12.0.0/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/bin/ \

The log entries will be as follows:
           started at Thu Jul 26 15:06:43 BST 2007            

Parameters passed are : $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/$CONTEXT_NAME.env APPS/APPS

The environment settings are as follows ...            
  PATH : $ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:

Executable : $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus            
                exiting with status 0

Configuration Upload
This step ensures the configuration file "conf<SID>.txt" was uploaded to the FND_OAM_CONTEXT_FILES table

The log entry will be as follows:

Configuration Upload
Uploading config file at /tmp/<MMDDHHMM>/config.txt
AppsConfig : 'config.txt' uploading...
                     ADX Database Utility
getConnectionUsingAppsJDBCConnector() -->

 Trying to get connection using SID based connect descriptor
getConnection() -->
  sDbHost    : <hostname>
  sDbDomain  : <domain>
  sDbPort    : <Port>
  sDbSid     : <SID>
  sDbUser    : APPS

 Trying to connect using SID...
getConnectionUsingSID() -->
  JDBC URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<hostname>.<domain>:<Port>:<SID>

 Connection obtained
-------------------ADX Database Utility Finished---------------
Successful upload of config file at /tmp/<MMDDHHMM>/config.txt

Environment File
This verifies the environment files were all created successfully from the templates and there are no variables remaining.

The log file entry is as follows:
Environment File
   Database ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
   Apps ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
      File = $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/$CONTEXT_NAME.env
   iAS ORACLE_HOME environment file passes instantiated variables test:
      File = $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/$CONTEXT_NAME.env
   APPL_TOP environment file passes instantiated variables test:
      File = $APPL_TOP/$CONTEXT_NAME.env
   ADOVARS environment file passes instantiated variables test:
      File = $APPL_TOP/admin/adovars.env
   APPSCONFIG passes instantiated variables test:
      File = $APPL_TOP/admin/adconfig.txt
DBC File
This ensures the DBC file was generated successfully from the template and contains no uninstantiated variables

The log entry will be as follows:
DBC File
   DBC file passes instantiated variables test:
      File = $INST_TOP/appl/fnd/12.0.0/secure/<SID>.dbc
This checks the HTTP listener
The log entry is as follows:

checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>
   HTTP Listener is responding
Help Page
This tests the iHelp pages
The log entry will be as follows:-

Help Page
   checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>/OA_HTML/help
    Page is responding

Virtual Directory
This verifies the response on the Web Virtual directories.
The log entry will be as follows:-

Virtual Directory
  checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>/OA_MEDIA/FNDLOGOL.gif
    Page is responding
  checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>/OA_JAVA/oracle/apps/fnd/admin/server/server.xml
    Page is responding
  checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>/OA_CGI/FNDWRR.exe
    Page is responding

The ensures the JSP is responding
Log entry will be as follows:-

checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>/OA_HTML/jtfTestCookie.jsp
   JSP is responding

Login Page
This ensures the Apps Login page is available
The log entry will be as follows:
Login Page

   checking URL = http://<hostname>.<domain>:<port>/OA_HTML/AppsLogin

    Page is responding
NOTE: Results of the all the System Checks will be in the log file:

Inventory Registration

Rapid Install will update the Global Inventory with the locations of the new ORACLE_HOMEs
The global inventory is found by checking the Inventory Pointer file.
The default locations are :

    AIX and LINUX under : /etc/oraInst.loc
    Other UNIX machines : /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
    WINDOWS (Registry): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Oracle\INST_LOC

This Inventory pointer file points to the location of the Global Inventory.

NOTE:  With Oracle Applications 11.5.x, if the Inventory Pointer file did not exist, it would need to be created by running /tmp/ as the "root" user. This script would create the oraInst.loc in the above default location.

With Oracle Applications Release 12, this is no longer the case.

All dependencies to execute external scripts with root were removed with R12 as part of the design.
If the Inventory Pointer file does not exist or is not writable by the user running rapidwiz, a new oraInst.loc will be created in the following locations:-

Database Tier:

<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/oraInst.loc
<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/admin/oui/$CONTEXT_NAME/oraInst.loc

The Database Global Inventory location will then be:

<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/admin/oui/$CONTEXT_NAME/oraInventory

Apps Tier:

Tools $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc

The Apps Global Inventory location will then be:


This results in multiple Global Inventories.

To avoid this, ensure the oraInst.loc exists in the default locations given above, and the user running the install has the permissions to write the "inventory_loc" destination.

The global inventory will be updated with the locations of the new RDBMS ORACLE_HOME, Developer Tools ORACLE_HOME and the As10g ORACLE_HOME.

Any problems with this step will be detailed in the log files:-

RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ohclone.log


<Global Inventory>/logs/cloneActions<timestamp>.log

<Global Inventory>/logs/oraInstall<timestamp>.log

<Global Inventory>/logs/silentInstall<timestamp>.log

For more information on the Global and Local Inventory, refer to Note:360079.1

Important information regarding removing an E-Business Suite Release 12 instance


It is important that any unused or failed installations of Release 12 are removed correctly before trying to re-install into the same location or directories.

If the Central Inventory contains references to a previous installation this can cause configuration problems with any new R12 E-Business Suite instance installed as a replacement.
An example of an incomplete configuration would be the following files and symbolic links under the Oracle home referencing another system :


$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ -> <Source ORACLE_HOME>/lib32/
$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ -> <Source ORACLE_HOME>/lib32/
$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ -> <Source ORACLE_HOME>/lib32/
$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ -> <Source ORACLE_HOME>/lib32/
$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ -> <Source ORACLE_HOME>/lib32/


Post install checks may also fail due to these incorrect references.

This is caused by a failure with the OUI native clone process during the Rapid Wizard installation. If an ORACLE_HOME is already registered in the Global inventory or Oracle universal Installer (OUI) failed for any other reason, then the Oracle Home will not be configured and the above files and links will contain invalid references.

Any problems with will be detailed in the log files :
<RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/$CONTEXT_NAME/ohclone.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/cloneActions<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/oraInstall<timestamp>.log
<Global Inventory>/logs/silentInstall<timestamp>.log

    The following extract from ohclone.log shows a typical example of this problem:-

SEVERE: OUI-10197:Unable to create a new Oracle Home at <ORACLE_HOME>.
Oracle Home already exists at this location. Select another location.
INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK OUI-10197:Unable to create a new Oracle Home at
<ORACLE_HOME>. Oracle Home already exists at this location. Select another
To resolve these problems immediately after a failed installation, it is recommended to identify and fix the cause of the problem highlighted in the log files above (e.g incorrect permissions), de-install and remove the failed installation (steps listed below), then re-install using Rapid Install ensuring all post install checks run successfully.

If it's not feasible to re-install, it maybe possible to rerun the failed OUI native cloning code manually.
If an Oracle home of the same name or install location was registered in the Central Inventory prior to this current installation then this is a valid error. It is not possible to install into a location already registered.
If that previous installation was removed, it needs be detached from the Central Inventory, before the new installed Oracle Home can be registered.

To detach an Oracle Home, see Procedure 3 of Note 742477.1 How to create, update or rebuild the Central Inventory for Applications R12

To register a new installed Oracle Home, you MUST use Procedure 1 in Note 742477.1 as this will also ensure the configuration files are updated with the new target values.

Do not use Procedure 2 as this will only attach the home. The configuration files will not be updated and will still reference the source system.

Important: Any services or processes running from inside the Oracle Home(s) must be stopped prior to running the runInstaller command or the registration procedure will fail.

For further assistance raise a Service Request with Oracle Support.

How to correctly remove an E-Business Suite Release 12 instance

The following steps are for standard installations only created using Rapid Install or Rapid Clone. They do not apply to advanced configurations integrated with Oracle Portal, Oracle Internet Directory with Oracle Single Sign-On or Real Application Clusters.

Important: All services related to the unwanted instance must be shutdown prior to running these steps

Database Tier:

1. On the Database Tier, set the environment using the environment under <ORACLE_HOME>

2. Run Oracle Universal Installer from command line to remove the home as per the following example:

     cd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin

     ./runInstaller -removehome \
     ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/REL12/db/tech_st/11.1.0 \

3. Manually remove the Oracle Home files from the file system

Another alternative is to run the "deinstall" option of OUI and click on "De-install Products" button.

Applications Tier:
Due to the issue raised in Bug:7569155, it's not possible to use the "deinstall" option for the 10.1.2 Oracle Home as it will prompt to run When this command is run from the 10.1.2 home is displays the following:

OIDhost not found in
Required parameter OIDhost was not found in 
This means that this Oracle Home is not registered with Oracle Internet Directory.  
To deinstall this Oracle Home, you do not have to run this tool.  
Instead, you can just run Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) and select the "Deinstall" option

Running OUI again, will prompt to run again.

Using -removehome is the workaround to this problem.

To remove the Application Tier nodes, do the following:

1. On the Application Tier, set the Web environment using the environment file under <INST_TOP>/ora/10.1.3

2. Run Oracle Universal Installer from command line to remove the Web home as per the following example:
     cd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin
     ./runInstaller -removehome \
     ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/REL12/apps/tech_st/10.1.3 \

3. Set the Tools environment using the environment file under <INST_TOP>/ora/10.1.2
     cd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin
     ./runInstaller -removehome \
     ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/REL12/apps/tech_st/10.1.2 \

4. Finally, manually remove the Oracle Home files from the file system

Search words: R12 log files logs 12.1.1 rapidwiz rapid install installation E-Business Suite Applications wizard ohclone.log config.txt inventory de-install remove home already exists may registered runInstaller -clone


NOTE:742477.1 - How To Create, Update or Rebuild The Central Inventory For Oracle Applications EBS R12







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