


1 3GPP接口定义及相关协议一览
Controlling Radio Network Controller (CRNC)
A role an RNC can take with respect to a specific set of Node B’s. This represents the RNC functions that deal with control of subtending Node Bs. There is only one Controlling RNC for any Node B. The Controlling RNC has the overall control of the logical resources of its node B’s.

Drift Radio Network Controller (DRNC)
This represents RNC functions that deal with control of functions during soft handover when the RNC is downstream from the serving RNC and has control over at least 1 Node B who has soft handover leg(s).

Generic Radio Network Controller (GRNC)
This represents the RNC functions that are not covered by any of the other three types. This also relates to global functions such as transit or ATM functions.

Hard Handover
This is a category of handover procedures where all the old radio links in the UE are abandoned before the new radio links are activated.

Interface reference point between the RNS and the Core Network. (See also Iu-CS and Iu-PS.)

Interface between the RNC and the circuit switched side of the Core Network, typically the MSC.

Interface between the RNC and the packet switched side of the Core Network, typically the SGSN.

Interface between the RNC and the Node B. It is considered as a reference point.

Interface between two RNSs. While this interface logically represents a point to point link between RNSs, the physical realisation may not be a direct link. It is also considered as a reference point.

Node B Application Part (NBAP)
NBAP is used for setting up Radio Access Bearers (RAB) in the Radio Network Layer over the Iub.

Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP)
Radio Network Signalling over the Iu.

Radio Network Subsystem Application Part (RNSAP)
Radio Network Signalling over the Iur between the SRNC and DRNC.

Serving Radio Network Controller (SRNC)
This represents the RNC functions that are used during an active call or data session.

Soft Handover
Soft handover is a category of handover procedures where the radio links are added and abandoned in such manner that the UE always keeps at least one radio link to the UTRAN. This typically involves multiple Node Bs.

Softer Handover
This is a type of soft handover that involves one or more cells of the same Node B.

Universal Mobile Telephone System (UMTS)
This represents the third generation mobile phone system that incorporates both Wideband CDMA for the FDD mode in the paired spectrum and Time Division – CDMA for the TDD mode in the unpaired spectrum.


3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
AAL ATM Adaptation Layer
AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 2
AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer of type 5
A&C Authentication and Ciphering
ACFE Access Control Function Entity
AI Acquisition Indication
AICH Acquisition Indication Channel
ALCAP Access Link Control Application Part
AM Acknowledged Mode (of RLC)
AMR Adaptive Multi Rate (Transcoder)
AN Access Network
AOA Angle Of Arrival
AP Application Process
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
APId Access Point Identifier
APN Access Point Name
APS Automatic Protection Switching
ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Business
ARQ Automatic Repeat Request
ASAP Alarm Severity Assignment Profile
ATC ATM Transfer Capability
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AUG Administrative Unit Group
AU-n Administrative Unit n with n being 4 or 3
AUTN Authentication Token
AWGN Added White Gaussian Noise
BCCH Broadcast Control Channel
BCH Broadcast Channel
BER Bit Error Rate
BLER Block Error Rate
BMC Broadcast Multicast Controller
BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying
BS Base Station
BSC Base Station Controller
BSS Base Station System
BTS Base Transceiver Station
C- Control-
CA Capacity Allocation
CAA Capacity Allocation Acknowledgement
CAC Connection Admission Control
CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic
CAS Channel Associated Signalling
CASC Current Alarm Summary Control
CBR Constant Bit Rate
CC Call Control
CCBS Call Completion Busy Subscriber
CCCH Common Control Channel
CCH Control Channel
CCP Communication Control Port
CCPCH Common Control Physical Channel
CCTrCH Coded Composite Transport Channel
CD Capacity Deallocation (radio context)
CD Calibration Data (O&M context)
CDA Capacity Deallocation Acknowledgement
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CDR Charging Detail Record
CDV Cell Delay Variation
CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance
CFN Connection Frame Number
CID Channel Identifier
Ck Cipher Key
CLP Cell Loss Priority
CM Configuration Management
CM Call Management (in e.g. CM Service Request)
CmCH Common Transport Channel
CMIP Common Management Information Protocol
CMIS Common Management Information Service
CMISE Common Management Information Service Element
CN Core Network
C-n Container-n (n=1-4)
COL Collocated Equipment
CP Chip Period
CPCH Common Packet Channel
CPICH Common Pilot Channel
CPS Common Part Sublayer
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRCI CRC Indicator
CRC-N Cyclic Redundancy Check-N
CRNC Controlling RNC
c-RNTI RNTI allocated by CRNC
CS Circuit Switched
CSES Consecutive Severely Errored Second
CSN Ciphering Sequence Number
CSUM Checksum
CTCH Common Traffic Channel
CTDMA Code Time Division Multiple Access
CTP Connection Termination Point (OAM context)
CTP Common Transport Protocol (Protocol context)
DBR Deterministic Bit Rate
DC Dedicated Control (SAP)
DCA Dynamic Channel Allocation
DCCH Dedicated Control Channel
DCH Dedicated Channel
DCN Data Communication Network
DL DownLink
DoCoMo Do Communication with Mobiles
DPCCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel
DPCH Dedicated Physical Channel
DPDCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel
DRAC Dynamic Resource Allocation Control
DRX Discontinuous Reception
DS-CDMA Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access
DSCH Downlink Shared Channel
DT Data Transport
DTCH Dedicated Traffic Channel
DTX Discontinuous Transmission
EBER Excessive Bit Error Ratio
ECASC Extended Current Summary Alarm Control
EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion Indication
EFD Event Forwarding Discriminator
EIR Equipment Identity Register
EIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
E-OTD Enhanced OTD
ES Errored Second
ETSI European Telecommunication Standardisation Institute
F8 access link encryption function
FACH Forward Access Channel
FAUSCH Fast Uplink Signalling Channel
FBI Feed Back Indicator
FCS Frame Check Sequence
FDD Frequency Division Duplex
FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
FEC Forward Error Correction
FEEB Far End Errored Block
FEES Far End Errored Second
FER Frame Erasure Rate
FESES Far End Severely Errored Second
FFS For Further Study
FM Fault Management
FP Frame Protocol
FTAM File Transfer Access Management
FTP File Transfer Protocol
Gb Gb interface (between SGSN and BSC)
GC General Control (SAP)
GCRA Generic Cell Rate Algorithm
GFR Guaranteed Rate
GGSN Gateway GPRS Serving Node
GMM MM for GPRS services
GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
G-PDU T-PDU plus GTP header
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GPRS-CSI GPRS CAMEL Subscription Information
GPS Global Positioning System
GRNC Generic RNC
GSM Global System for Mobile communications
GTP GPRS Tunnelling Protocol
GTP-u GTP user plane
HCS Hierarchical Cell Structure
HE Home Environment
HEC Header Error Control
HFN Hyper Frame Number
HHO Hard Handover
HO Handover
HOP High Order Path
HOVC Higher Order Virtual Container
IBTS uplink Interference signal power level at Node B
ICB Inter Carrier Board
ICD Interface Control Document
ICH Indicator CHannel
ICI Inter Carrier Interface
IE Information Element
IEC Incoming Error Count
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IK Integrity Key
IMA Inverse Multiplexing for ATM
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMEISV International Mobile Equipment Identity Software Version
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity (identical for IMUI; used in GSM context)
IMUI International Mobile User Identity (identical to IMSI; seems to replace IMSI in UMTS context)
INI Inter Network Interface
IP Internet Protocol
ISCP Interference Signal Code Power
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISF Incoming Signal Failure
IS-FL Idle Slot Forward Link
ISID Idle Signal Identification
ISO International Organisation for Standardization
IT Information Technology
ITU International Telecommunication Union
Iu Reference point between Access and Serving Network domains
Iub Iub interface (between Node B and RNC)
Iu-CS Iu towards the Circuit Switched-Service Domain of the Core Network
Iu-PS Iu towards the Packet Switched-Service Domain of the Core Network
Iur Iur interface (between RNC and RNC)
IWF Inter Working Function
IWU Inter Working Unit
JD Joint Detection
Kbps kilo-bits per second
KSI Key Set Identifier
Ksps kilo-symbols per second
L1 Layer 1 (physical layer)
L2 Layer 2 (data link layer)
L3 Layer 3 (network layer)
L3-CE Layer 3 Compression Entity
LAC Link Access Control
LAI Location Area Identity
LAN Local Area Network
LAPD Link Access Protocol for D-channel
LB Laser Bias
LCAF Location Client Authorisation Function
LCCF Location Client Control Function
LCCTF Location Client Coordinate Transformation Function
LCD Loss of Cell Delineation (transmission context)
LCD Low Constrained Delay (traffic context)
LCF Location Client Function
LCS Localisation Client Service
LDD Low Delay Data
LIR Limited IP Routing entity (in the RNC)
LLC Link Layer Control
LMT Local Maintenance Terminal
LNA Low Noise Amplifier
LOF Loss of Frame
LOP Low Order Path
LOP Loss of Pointer
LOS Loss of Signal
LPA Linear Power Amplifier
LSA Localised Service Area
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSBF Location System Billing Function
LSCF Location System Control Function
LSN Local Sub Network
LSPF Location Subscriber Privacy Function
LT Laser Temperature
LTOA Latest Time of Arrival
MA Multiple Access
MAC Medium Access Control
MAC-c MAC entity handling common channels (RACH, FACH)
MAC-d MAC entity handling dedicated channels (DCH)
MAC-I Message Authentication Code used for data Integrity of signalling messages
MAC-sh MAC entity handling shared channel (DSCH)
MAHO Mobile Assisted Handover
MBS Maximum Burst Size
MCC Mobile Country Code
MCD Manual Configuration Data
Mcps Mega-chips per second
MD Macro-diversity
ME Mobile Equipment
MEHO Mobile evaluated handover
MIB Management Information Base
MM Mobility Management
MNC Mobile Network Code
MNRG Mobile station Not Reachable for GPRS flag
MNRR Mobile station Not Reachable Reason
MO Mobile Originated
MOHO Mobile Originated Handover
MS Multiplex Section (transmission context)
MS Mobile Station (GSM or security context)
MS-AIS Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSC Multi-Slot Cell (MPSR context)
MSC Mobile services Switching Centre (Core Network Context)
MSID Mobile Station Identifier
MSOH Multiplex Section Overhead
MSP Multiplex Section Protection
MS-RDI Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication
MS-REI Multiplex Section Remote Error Indication
MSTE Multiplex Section Terminating Element
MT Mobile Terminated (call context)
MT Mobile Terminal (equipment context)
MTP Message Transfer Part
MUI Mobile User Identifier
NAS Non Access Stratum
NBAP Node B Application Part
NCP Node B Control Port
NCSES Number of Consecutive Severely Errored Second
NDF New Data Flag
NE Network Element
NEHO Network evaluated handover
NEM Network Element Manager
NMC Network Management Centre
NNI Network Node Interface (includes INI and ICI interfaces)
NP Nectar Pilot
NPC Network Parameters Control
NRT Non-Real Time
NSS Network Sub System
NT Nectar Telecom
Nt Notification (SAP)
NW Network
N-PDU Network PDU
O&M Operation and Maintenance
OAM Operation Administration and Maintenance
OCCCH ODMA Common Control Channel
ODCCH ODMA Dedicated Control Channel
ODCH ODMA Dedicated Channel
ODI Outgoing Defect Indication
ODMA Opportunity Driven Multiple Access
ODTCH ODMA Dedicated Traffic Channel
OEI Outgoing Error Indication
OFS Out of Frame Second
OMC Operation and Maintenance Centre
OOF Out of Frame
ORACH ODMA Random Access Channel
OS Operation System
OSF Offset Field
OSI Open System Interconnection
OSL Optical Signal Level
OTD Observed Time Difference
OVSF Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor
PA Power Amplifier
PC Power Control
PCCH Paging Control Channel
PCF Positioning Calculation Function
PCH Paging Channel
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCR Peak Cell Rate
PDCP Packet Data Convergence protocol
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
PDN Packet Data Network
PDP Packet Data Protocol
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PG Processing Gain
PHY Physical layer
PhyCH Physical Channel
PI Paging Indicator
PICH Page Indicator Channel
PID Packet Identification
PJC Pointer Justification Count
PJE Pointer Justification Event
Pkg Packages
PLM Payload Mismatch
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PM Performance Management/Performance Monitoring
PMM MM for PS domain
PN Pseudo Noise
POH Path Overhead
PPI Plesiochronous Physical Interface
PPM Parts Per Million
PRACH Physical Random Access Channel
PRCF Positioning Radio Co-ordination Function
PS Packet Switched
PSAP Presentation Service Access Point
PSC Protection Switch Count
PSD Protection Switch Duration
PSMF Positioning Signal Measurement Function
PSN Plane Switch Node
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PTE Path Terminating Element
PVC Permanent Virtual Connection
P-TMSI Packet TMSI (equivalent to P-TMUI, used in GPRS context)
P-TMUI Packet TMUI – (equivalent to P-TMSI, new name for it in the UMTS context)
PTR Pointer
PUF Power Up Function
QE Quality Estimate
QoS Quality of Service
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
RA Routing Area
RAB Radio Access Bearer
RAC Routing Area Code
RAC Radio Admission Control
RACH Random Access Channel
RAI Routing Area Identity (GPRS or Iu-PS context)
RAI Remote Alarm Indication (transmission context)
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAN Radio Access Network
RANAP Radio Access Network Application Part
RAND Random Challenge
RB Radio Bearer
RDI Remote Defect Indication
RDN Relative Distinguished Name
REI Remote Error Indication
RF Radio Frequency
RFC Request For Comment
RFN Reference Frame Number
RLC Radio Link Control
RLCP Radio Link Control Protocol
RLS Radio Link Set
RLs Radio Links
RNC Radio Network Controller
RNCC Radio Network Connection Control
RNS Radio Network Subsystem
RNSAP Radio Network Subsystem Application Part
RNTI Radio Network Temporary Identity
RP Radio Processing
RRC Radio Resource Control
RRM Radio Resource Management
RS Regenerator section
RSCP Received Signal Code Power after despreading
RSOH Regenerator Section Overhead
RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator
RT Real Time
RU Resource Unit
RX Receive
SAAL Signalling AAL (equivalent to SSCF over SSCOP over AAL5)
SACCH Slow Associated Control Channel
SAP Service Access Point
SBR Statistical Bit Rate
SC Service Control
SCCH Synchronization Control Channel
SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part
SCD Selective Cell Discard
SCH Synchronization Channel
SCR Sustainable Cell Rate
SCTP Simple Control Transmission Protocol
SD Supervision Data (context configuration management)
SD Signal Degrade (context SDH)
SDCCH Stand-Alone Dedicated Control Channel
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDU Service Data Unit
SES Severely Errored Second
SF Signal Fail (transmission context)
SF Spreading Factor (radio context)
SFN System Frame Number
SG Study Group
SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node
SHO Soft Hand Over
SIM Subscriber Information Module
SIR Signal-to-Interference Ratio
SLM Signal Label Mismatch
SMS Short Message Service
SN Serving Network
SN Sequence Number
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SOH Section Overhead
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SP Switching Point
SPA Signalling Point Accessible
SPI Signalling Point Inaccessible (SS7 context)
SPI Synchronous Physical Interface (SDH context)
SPROC System PROCessor
SRNC Serving RNC
SRNS Serving RNS
s-RNTI RNTI allocated by SRNC
SSA Signalling Subsystem Accessible
SSADT Service Specific Assured Data Transfer
SSCF Service Specific Coordination Function
SSCOP Service Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol
SSP Signalling Subsystem Prohibited
SSSAR Service Specific Segmentation And Reassembly
SSTED Service Specific Transmission Error Detection
STF Start Field
STM Synchronous Transport Module
STM(-N) Synchronous Transport Module (-N)
STS(-N) Synchronous Transport Signal (-N)
STTD Space Time Transmit Diversity
TB Transport Block
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBD To Be Defined
TBF Transport Block Format
TBS Transport Block Set
TCH Traffic Channel
TCM Tandem Connection Monitoring
TCOH Tandem Connection Overhead
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TC-RDI Tandem Connection Remote Defect Indication
TC-REI Tandem Connection Remote Error Indication
TCT Tandem Connection Trace
TCTE Tandem Connection Terminating Element
TDD Time Duplex Division
TE Terminal Equipment
TEID Tunnel Endpoint ID
TFCI Transport Format Combination Indicator
TFCS Transport Format Combination Set
TFI Transport Format Indicator
TFS Transport Format Set
TFT Traffic Flow Template
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TIM Trace Identifier Mismatch
TLLI Temporary Logical Link Identifier
TM Transparent Mode (of RLC)
TMN Telecommunication Management Network
TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (used in GSM context, equivalent to TMUI)
TMUI Temporary Mobile User Identity (new name for TMSI in the UMTS context)
TN Termination Node
TOA or ToA Time Of Arrival
TOAWE TOA Window End point
TOAWS TOA Window Start point
TP Termination Point
TPC Transmit Power Control
T-PDU Original packet, for example an IP datagram, from UE or an external PDN
TR Threshold Reset
TRX Transmitter/Receiver
TSID Test Signal Identification
TSS Telecommunication Standardization Sector
TTC Telecommunication Technology Committee
TTI Time Transmission Interval (Radio Context)
TTI Trail Trace Identifier (O&M context)
TTP Trusted Third Party (security context)
TTP Trail Termination Point (transmission context)
TU Tributary Unit
TUG Tributary Unit Group
TUG(-n) Tributary Unit Group (-n)
TU-n Tributary Unit-n
TX Transmit
U- User-
UARFCN UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
UAS Unavailable Second
UBR Unspecified Bit Rate
UDD Unconstrained Delay Data
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UE User Equipment
UEA UMTS Encryption Algorithm
UEFN User Equipment Frame Number
UIA UMTS Integrity Algorithm
UL UpLink
UM Unacknowledged Mode (of RLC)
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
UNEQ Unequipped
UNI User to Network Interface
UP User Plane
UPC Usage Parameters Control
URA User Registration Area
USCH Uplink Shared CHannel
USIM UMTS Subscriber Identity Module
UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access
UTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
Uu Reference point between User Equipment and Infrastructure domains, UMTS radio interface
UUI User to User Indicator
VA Voice Activity (factor)
VBR Variable Bit Rate
VC Virtual Channel
VCC Virtual Channel Connection
VCI Virtual Channel Identifier
VC-n Virtual Container n (n is 11, 12, 2, 3 or 4)
VLR Visitor Location Register
VP Virtual Path
VPC Virtual Path Connection
VPI Virtual Path Identifier
W-CDMA Wideband CDMA
WG Working Group
WG-n Working Group (of 3GPP)
WTR Wait-to-Restore
XMAC-I eXpected Message Authentication Code used for data Integrity of signalling messages
XOR eXclusive OR
XPU AuXiliary Processing Unit
XRES Expected Response

2 手机通信专有名词中英文对照

整理:Wenxy, date: 2008-8-7, remarks: 以字母顺序做了大纲。
A3            Authentication algorithm A3      用户鉴权过程算法簇
A38 A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8  综合算法A3和A8的算法
A5/1         Encryption algorithm A5/1          加密算法A5和A1 
A5/2         Encryption algorithm A5/2        加密算法A5和A2
A5/X         Encryption algorithm A5/0-7     加密算法A5/0-7
A8            Ciphering key generating algorithm A8   用于密钥估算的算法簇
AB            Access Burst          准予脉冲
AC            Access Class (C0 to C15)    准予分类
                Application Context       应用程序内容
ACC          Automatic Congestion Control    自动拥塞控制
ACCH        Associated Control Channel      联合控制信道
ACK          ACKnowledgement           释放(传送结束信号)
ACM          Accumulated Call Meter       累积呼叫表
                Address Complete Message    地址完整信息
ACU          Antenna Combining Unit        天线结合单元
ADC          ADministration Centre           管理员中心
                Analogue to Digital Converter
ADN          Abbreviated Dialling Number      缩写呼叫号码
ADPCM      Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
AE            Application Entity                 应用程序实体
AEC                          声学回复控制
AEF          Additional Elementary Functions        附加基本功能
AGCH       Access Grant Channel                  准予接续信道
Ai            Action indicator                      行动提示器
AoC         Advice of Charge                     承载通告
AoCC       Advice of Charge Charging supplementary service       超载免呼通告
AoCI        Advice of Charge Information supplementary service      信息承载通告
ASE         Application Service Element                  应用程序服务元素
ASN.1      Abstract Syntax Notation One             抽象语法标记1
ARFCN     Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number      系统无线信号绝对编号
ARQ        Automatic ReQuest for retransmission           自动重复申请
ATT (flag)ATTach                                   侦测
AU          Access Unit                           准予单元
AuC        Authentication Centre                   用户鉴权中心
AUT(H)    AUThentication                       鉴定
BA             BCCH Allocation
BAIC          Barring of All Incoming Calls supplementary service             禁止呼入
BAOC         Barring of All Outgoing Calls supplementary service             禁止呼出
BCC BTS     Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Colour Code                        色码
BCCH         Broadcast Control Channel                   广播控制信道
BCD           Binary Coded Decimal                二进制转十进制
BCF            Base station Control Function         公共功能
BCIE           Bearer Capability Information Element                       
BER            Bit Error Rate                比特误码率
BFI             Bad Frame Indication                            错帧提示
BI              all Barring of Incoming call supplementary services      禁止所有呼入
BIC-Roam    Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming outside the home
                  PLMN country supplementary service当漫游出本地PLMN网时启动呼叫
BN              Bit Number             位号码
BO              all Barring of Outgoing call supplementary services        禁止所有呼出
BOIC           Barring of Outgoing International Calls supplementary service禁止国际呼出
BOIC-exHC   Barring of Outgoing International Calls except those directed to the Home PLMN Country supplementary service          除呼原移动本地网外禁止国际呼出
BS                   Basic Service (group)            基本服务
                      Bearer Service      送信服务
BSG                 Basic Service Group     基本服务组
BSC                 Base Station Controller       基站控制器
BSIC                Base transceiver Station Identity Code     基站识别码
BSIC-NCELL      BSIC of an adjacent cell            小区附近基站识别码
BSS                 Base Station System           基站子系统
BSSAP BSS       Base Station System Application Part      应用部分
BSSMAP BSS     Base Station System Management Application Part   管理应用部分
BSSOMAP BSS   Base Station System Operation and Maintenance Application Part操作和维护应用部分
BTS                 Base Transceiver Station         收发信基站
C                     Conditional
CA                   Cell Allocation              单元分配
CAI                  Charge Advice Information    承载通告信息
CB                   Cell Broadcast               小区广播
CBC                 Cell Broadcast Centre           小区广播中心
CBCH              Cell Broadcast Channel           小区广播信道
CBMI               Cell Broadcast Message Identifier      小区广播消息识别
CC                  Country Code               国际代码
                      Call Control               呼叫控制
CCBS    Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber supplementary service   对占线用户的呼叫
CCCH              Common Control Channel      公共控制信道
CCF                 Conditional Call Forwarding   有条件呼叫转移
CCH                 Control Channel               控制信道
CCITT              Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique (The International Telegraph  andTelephone Consultative Committee) 国际电报电话咨询委员会
CCM                 Current Call Meter
CCP                  Capability/Configuration Parameter         容量/配置 参数
CCPE                Control Channel Protocol Entity           控制信道协议实体
Cct                   Circuit                                     电路
CDUR                Chargeable DURation                              
CED                called station identifier         呼叫基站识别码
CEIR               Central Equipment Identity Register       中央设备身分注册
CEND              end of charge point                 承载点末尾
CEPT               Conférence des administrations Européennes des Postes et Telecommunications    欧洲邮电会议
CF                  Conversion Facility             转化工具
CFB Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Busy supplementary service对移动忙用户呼叫转移
CFNRc     Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable supplementary service对未接入移动用户呼叫转移
CFNRy    Call Forwarding on No Reply supplementary service 对无应答用户的呼叫转移
CFU   Call Forwarding Unconditional supplementary service 无条件呼叫转移
CHP              CHarging Point                     承载点
CHV              Card Holder Verification information    卡持有人鉴权
CI                 Cell Identity                    小区身分
CIR               Carrier to Interference Ratio         载干比
CKSN            Ciphering Key Sequence Number
CLI               Calling Line Identity          主叫线路鉴别
CLIP   Calling Line Identification Presentation supplementary service主叫线路鉴别显示
CLIR  Calling Line Identification Restriction supplementary service    主叫线路鉴别限制
CM Connection Management                    间鉴别限制
CMD             CoMmanD                         命令
CMM             Channel Mode Modify              信道模式修改
CNG              CalliNG tone                   呼叫语音
COLI             COnnected Line Identity        联接线路鉴别显示
COLP  COnnected Line identification Presentation supplementary service  联接线路鉴别显示
COLR  COnnected Line identification Restriction supplementary service联接线路鉴别限制
COM   COMpleteCONNACK  CONNect ACKnowledgement           联接确认
C/R               Command/Response field bit
CRC              Cyclic Redundancy Check (3 bit)          循环冗余控制
CRE              Call RE-establishment procedure
CSPDN          Circuit Switched Public Data Network
CT                Call Transfer supplementary service    呼叫转移附加服务
                    Channel Tester               信道检测器
                    Channel Type                信道类型
CTR              Common Technical Regulation      普通技术规则
CUG              Closed User Group supplementary service    闭合用户群
CW               Call Waiting supplementary service  呼叫等待
DAC           Digital to Analogue Converter                                       
DB             Dummy Burst                    虚假脉冲
DCCH         Dedicated Control Channel         专用控制信道
DCE           Data Circuit terminating Equipment    数据电路终端设备
DCF           Data Communication Function        数据通信功能
DCN           Data Communication Network       数据通信网络
DCS1800    Digital Cellular System at 1800MHz      数码通信系统1800
DET           DETach              分开,分离
DISC          DISConnect             断开
DL             Data Link (layer)        数据链路
DLCI          Data Link Connection Identifier      数据链路联接鉴别
DLD           Data Link Discriminator          数据链路鉴别器
Dm Control channel (ISDN terminology applied to mobile service)
DMR         Digital Mobile Radio              数字手机广播
DNIC         Data network identifier           数据网络鉴别器
DP             Dial/Dialled Pulse             播叫/重播 脉冲
DRX          Discontinuous reception (mechanism)  间断接收(机械设备)
DSE           Data Switching Exchange 
HANDO       HANDOver
HDLC          High level Data Link Control                                         高层数据联接控制
HLC            High Layer Compatibility
HLR            Home Location Register                                               归属位置寄存器
HOLD         Call hold supplementary service                                     呼叫保持
HPLMN        Home PLMN                                                                归属公用陆地移动网
HPU            Hand Portable Unit
HR              Half Rate
HSN            Hopping Sequence Number                                          跳频序列号
HU              Home Units                                                                归属单位
I                         Information frames (RLP)
IA                       Incoming Access (closed user group SS)                                      呼入准许
IAM                      Initial Address Message                                             初始化的地址消息
IC                         Interlock Code (CUG SS)                                                          互锁码
ICB                      Incoming Calls Barred (within the CUG)                                       呼入禁止
ICC                      Integrated Circuit(s) Card                                                          整合电路卡
IC(pref)                Interlock Code of the preferential CUG
ICM                     In-Call Modification
ID                       IDentification/IDentity/Identifier                                                   辨认码
IDN                     Integrated Digital Network                                                          综合数字网
IE (signalling)      Information Element                                                                   信息元素
IEC                     International Electrotechnical Commission                          国际电工委员会
IEI                      Information Element Identifier                                       信息元素识别器
I-ETS                  Interim European Telecommunications Standard             临时欧洲通信标准
IMEI                   International Mobile station Equipment Identity           国际移动设备身分
IMSI                   International Mobile Subscriber Identity                    国际移动用户身分
IN                      Interrogating Node                                                                   智能网
ISC                    International Switching Centre                                                   国际转换中心
ISDN                 Integrated Services Digital Network                    综合业务数字网
ISO                   International Organization for Standardization            国际标准化组织
ISUP                 ISDN User Part (of signalling system No.7)                                   用户子系统
ITC                   Information Transfer Capability                                                   信息转换性能
ITU                   International Telecommunication Union                     国际电信联盟
IWF                  InterWorking Function                                                              互联功能
IWMSC              MSCInterWorking MSC                                                             互联
IWU                  InterWorking Unit                                                                    互联单元
Kc                     Ciphering key                                                                          数码化密钥
Ki                      Individual subscriber authentication key                      用户鉴权密钥
L1                      Layer 1
L2ML                  Layer 2 Management Link
L2R                    Layer 2 Relay
L2R BOP             L2R  Bit Orientated Protocol
L2R COP             L2R Character Orientated Protocol
L3                      Layer 3
LA                      Location Area                                                                       定位区
LAC                    Location Area Code                                                               定位区编码
LAI                     Location Area Identity                                                           定位区鉴权
LAN                    Local Area Network                                                               局域网
LAPB                  Link Access Protocol Balanced                               平衡链路接续协议
LAPDm               Link Access Protocol on the Dm channel                     信道链路接续协议
LCN                    Local Communication Network                                               局域通信网络
LCS                    Location Service                                                                  定位服务
LCSC                  LCS Client                                                                          定位服务主机
LCSS                  LCS Server                                                                         定位服务服务器
LE                      Local Exchange                                                                   局域交换
LI                       Length Indicator                                                                 指示器长度
                         Line Identity                                                                       链路辨别码
LLC                    Low Layer Compatibility                                                       逻辑链路控制
Lm                    Traffic channel with capacity lower than a Bm                                     
LMSI                  Local Mobile Station Identity                             当地移动基站鉴别
LMU                   Location Measurement Unit                                                   定位度量单元
LND                   Last Number Dialled                                                             最近拨出电话
LPLMN                Local PLMN                                                                         当地PLMN
LR                     Location Register                                                                 定位寄存器
LSTR                 Listener SideTone Rating
LTE                   Local Terminal Emulator
LU                    Local Units
                        Location Update
LV                    Length and Value                                                                   长度和值
M                      Mandatory
MA                    Mobile Allocation                                                  移动信道分配
MACN                Mobile Allocation Channel Number                          移动信道分配号码
MAF                  Mobile Additional Function                                     移动信道附加功能
MAH                 Mobile Access Hunting supplementary service
MAI                  Mobile Allocation Index                                          移动信道分配索引
MAIO                Mobile Allocation Index Offset                                移动信道分配指针
MAP                  Mobile Application Part                                          移动应用子系统
MCC                  Mobile Country Code                                            移动业务国家号码
MCI Malicious      Call Identification supplementary service
MD                    Mediation Device                                                  调解设备
MDL (mobile)      Management (entity) - Data Link (layer)
ME                    Maintenance Entity                                                维护实体
                        Mobile Equipment                                                  移动设备
MEF                  Maintenance Entity Function                                   保持实体功能
MF                    MultiFrame                                                           多帧
MHS                  Message Handling System                                     消息处理系统
MIC                   Mobile Interface Controller                                     移动接口控制器
MLC                  Mobile Location Centre                                          移动台定位中心
MM                   Man Machine                                                        人机
                       Mobility Management                                             移动状态管理
MME                 Mobile Management Entity                                     移动管理实体
MMI                  Man Machine Interface                                          人机界面
MNC                 Mobile Network Code                                            移动网络编码
MO                   Mobile Originated                                                 移动发起
MO-LR              Mobile Originating Location Request
MoU                 Memorandum of Understanding                            理解备忘录
MPH (mobile)     Management (entity) - PHysical (layer) [primitive]
MPTY               MultiParTY (Multi ParTY) supplementary service        一点对多点通信
MRP                 Mouth Reference Point
MS                   Mobile Station                                                     移动台
MSC                Mobile-services Switching Centre, Mobile Switching Centre移动业务交换中心
MSCM              Mobile Station Class Mark
MSCU              Mobile Station Control Unit
MSISDN           Mobile Station International ISDN Number
MSRN              Mobile Station Roaming Number                            移动台漫游号码
MT                  Mobile Terminated                                                移动终端
MT (0,1,2)       Mobile Termination                                               移动终端
MT-LR             Mobile Terminating Location Request
MTM                Mobile-To-Mobile (call)
MTP                 Message Transfer Part                                         消息传输子系统
MU                  Mark Up
MUMS              Multi User Mobile Station
N/W                     Network
NB                       Normal Burst
NBIN                    A parameter in the hopping sequence
NCC                     Network (PLMN) Colour Code                               色码网
NCELL                 Neighbouring (of current serving) Cell
NCH                    Notification Channel                                             通告信道
NDC                    National Destination Code                                    目标国家码
NDUB                  Network Determined User Busy                            网络目标用户忙
NE                      Network Element
NEF                    Network Element Function
NET                    Norme Europeenne de Télécommunications
NF                      Network Function
NIC                     Network Independent Clocking
NI-LR                  Network Induced Location Request
NM                      Network Management                                          网络管理
NMC                    Network Management Centre                                网络管理中心
NMSI                   National Mobile Station Identification number
NPI                     Number Plan Indentifier
NSAP                  Network Service Access Point                                网络服务接入点
NT                      Network Termination
                          Non Transparent                                                 不透明点
NTAAB                New Type Approval Advisory Board
NUA                    Network User Access
NUI                     Network User Identification
NUP                    National User Part (SS7)
O                     Optional
OA                   Outgoing Access (CUG SS)
O&M                 Operations & Maintenance
OACSU             Off-Air-Call-Set-Up                                      不占用空中通道的呼叫启动
OCB                 Outgoing Calls Barred within the CUG
OD                   Optional for operators to implement for their aim
OLR                 Overall Loudness Rating
OMC                 Operations & Maintenance Centre                            操作维护中心
OML                 Operations and Maintenance Link                             操作维护联接
OS                  Operating System                                                   操作系统
OSI                 Open System Interconnection                                  开放系统互联
OSI RM            OSI Reference ModelOSI                                         参考模型
PABX                    Private Automatic Branch eXchange                   用户自动小交换机
PAD                      Packet Assembly/Disassembly facility                 分包装拆
PCH                      Paging Channel                                                寻呼信道
PCM                      Pulse Code Modulation                                      脉冲编码调制
PD                        Protocol Discriminator                                       协议鉴别器
                            Public Data                                                      公用数据
PDN                      Public Data Networks                                        公用数据网络
PH                        Packet Handler                                                 包句柄
                            PHysical (layer)
PHI                       Packet Handler Interface                                   包句柄接口
PI                         Presentation Indicator                                      表达指示器
PICS                     Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PIN                       Personal Identification Number                          个人身分码
PIXT                     Protocol Implementation eXtra information for Testing
PLMN                    Public Lands Mobile Network                              公用陆地移动网
PNE                      Présentation des Normes Européennes
POI                      Point Of Interconnection (with PSTN)
PP                        Point-to-Point                                                  点对点
PPE                      Primative Procedure Entity
Pref                     CUG Preferential CUG
Ps                        Location probability
PSPDN                 Packet Switched Public Data Network           分组(包)交换公共数据网
PSTN                   Public Switched Telephone Network                     公用电话交换网
PUCT                   Price per Unit Currency Table
PW                      Pass Word                                                       密码
QA Q (Interface)     Adapter                                                          适配器
QAF Q                   Adapter Function                                             适配器功能
QOS                     Quality Of Service                                             服务质量
R Value of Reduction of the MS transmitted RF power relative to the maximum allowed output
power of the highest power class of MS (A)
RA                       RAndom mode request information field
RAB                     Random Access Burst
RACH                   Random Access Channel                                         随机接入信道
RAND                   RANDom number (used for authentication)            用户网上随机号码
RBER                   Residual Bit Error Ratio                                          误码率余数
RDI                      Restricted Digital Information                                 限制数字信息
REC                     RECommendation                                                 建议
REJ                      REJect(ion)                                                          拒绝
REL                     RELease                                                              发布/释放
REQ                    REQuest                                                              请求
RF                      Radio Frequency                                                    射频
RFC                    Radio Frequency Channel                                       射频信道
RFCH                 Radio Frequency Channel                                        射频信道
RFN                   Reduced TDMA Frame Number                                缩略帧号码
RFU                   Reserved for Future Use                                        保存日后使用
RLP                   Radio Link Protocol                                                无线链路协议
RLR                   Receiver Loudness Rating                                      接收器响度等级
RMS                  Root Mean Square (value)
RNTABLE          Table of 128 integers in the hopping sequence
RPOA                Recognised Private Operating Agency
RR                    Radio Resource                                                      无线资源
RSE                   Radio System Entity                                              无线资源实体
RSL                   Radio Signalling Link                                              无线信号联接
RSZI                  Regional Subscription Zone Identity                        地区性用户地带鉴别
RTE                   Remote Terminal Emulator                                     远程终端竞争
RXLEV              Received signal level                                               接收信号电平
RXQUAL           Received Signal Quality                                           接收信号质量
S/W                   SoftWare                                                        软件
SABM                 Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode                      设置异步平衡模式
SACCH               Slow Associated Control Channel                        减缓相关控制信道
SACCH/C4          Slow Associated Control CHannel/SDCCH/4
SACCH/C8          Slow Associated Control CHannel/SDCCH/8
SACCH/T            Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel       
SACCH/TF          Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel Full rate
SACCH/TH          Slow Associated Control CHannel/Traffic channel Half rate
SAP                   Service Access Point                                          服务接入点
SAPI                  Service Access Point Indicator                             服务接入点鉴别
SB                     Synchronization Burst
SC                     Service Centre (used for SMS)                            服务中心
                         Service Code                                                     服务代码
SCCP                 Signalling Connection Control Part                       信令链接控制子系统
SCH                   Synchronization Channel                                    同步信道
SCN                   Sub-Channel Number                                        子信道号码                  
SDCCH              Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel                独立专用控制信道
SDL                   Specification Description Language                      说明书描述语言                  
SDT                   SDL Development Tool                                       SDL发展工具
SDU                  Service Data Unit                                                服务数据单元
SE                    Support Entity                                                    支持实体
SEF                   Support Entity Function                                      支持实体功能
SFH              Slow Frequency Hopping   慢跳频(收发均在TDMA新帧上且变频频率是连续的)
SI                      Screening Indicator
                         Service Interworking
                   Supplementary Information (SIA=Supplemenatary Information A)    附加信息
SID                    SIlence Descriptor
SIM                    Subscriber Identity Module                                   用户身分模块
SLPP                  Subscriber LCS Privacy Profile
SLR                   Send Loudness Rating
SLTM                 Signalling Link Test Message
SME                   Short Message Entity                                           短消息实体
SMG                  Special Mobile Group                                             移动专门小组
SMLC                 Serving Mobile Location Centre
SMS                  Short Message Service                                          短消息服务
SMSCB              Short Message Service Cell Broadcast                   短消息服务小区广播
SMS-SC            Short Message Service - Service Centre                 短消息服务服务中心
SMS/PP             Short Message Service/Point-to-Point                     短消息服务/点到点
Smt                  Short message terminal
SN                    Subscriber Number                                               用户号码
SNR                  Serial NumbeR                                                     序列号
SOA                  Suppress Outgoing Access (CUG SS)                     禁止呼出准许
SP                     Service Provider                                                   服务提供商
Signalling Point                                                                             信令点
SPC                   Signalling Point Code                                            信令点代码
SPC                   Suppress Preferential CUG
SRES                 Signed RESponse (authentication)
SS                     Supplementary Service                                         附加服务
                         System Simulator
SSC                   Supplementary Service Control string                     附件服务控制串
SSN                   Sub-System Number                                            子系统号码
SS7                   Signalling System No. 7                                        信令系统No.7
STMR                 SideTone Masking Rating
STP                   Signalling Transfer Point                                        信令转接点
SVN                  Software Version Number                                       软件版本号
T                       Timer
TA                     Terminal Adaptor
                         Timing Advance (between an MS and its serving BTS)        时间提量      
TAC                   Type Approval Code
TAF                   Terminal Adaptation Function                                          终端适配器
TBR                   Technical Basis for Regulation
TC                     Transaction Capabilities
TCH                   Traffic CHannel
TCH/F                 A full rate TCH
TCH/F2,4            A full rate data TCH (≤2,4kbit/s)
TCH/F4,8           A full rate date TCH (4,8kbit/s)
TCH/F9,6           A full rate data TCH (9,6kbit/s)
TCH/FS             A full rate Speech TCH
TCH/H               A half rate TCH
TCH/H2,4           A half rate data TCH (≤2,4kbit/s)
TCH/H4,8          A half rate data TCH (4,8kbit/s)
TCH/HS             A half rate Speech TCH
TCI                   Transceiver Control Interface
TC-TR               Technical Committee Technical Report
TDMA                Time Division Multiple Access                                        时分多址
TE                     Terminal Equipment
Tei                    Terminal endpoint identifier
TFA                   TransFer Allowed
TFP                    TransFer Prohibited
TI                     Transaction Identifier
TLV                   Type, Length and Value
TMN                  Telecommunications Management Network                 电信管理网络
TMSI                 Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity                         临时移动用户身分
TN                    Timeslot Number
TOA                  Time of Arrival                                                                    到达事件
TON                  Type Of Number                                                                 号码类型
TRX                  Transceiver                                                                        收发信机
TS                    Time Slot
                        Technical Specification
TSC                   Training Sequence Code
TSDI                  Transceiver Speech & Data Interface
TTCN                 Tree and Tabular Combined Notation
TUP                   Telephone User Part (SS7)                                  电话用户部分
TV                    Type and Value
TXPWR             Transmit PoWeR; Tx power level in the MS_TXPWR_REQUEST and MS_TXPWR_CONFparameters
UDI                   Unrestricted Digital Information                                     自由数码信息
UDUB                User Determined User Busy
UI                     Unnumbered Information (Frame)
UIC                   Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer
UPCMI               Uniform PCM Interface (13-bit)
UPD                  Up to date                                                                    到期
USSD                Unstructured Supplementary Service Data            非组织附加服务数据
UUS                  User-to-User Signalling supplementary service         用户到用户信令
V                      Valueonly
VAD                  Voice Activity Detection
VAP                   Videotex Access Point
VBS                   Voice Broadcast Service
VGCS                Voice Group Call Service
VLR                   Visitor Location Register                                         访问位置寄存器
VMSC                Visited MSC, (recommendation not to be used)          被访MSC
VPLMN               Visited PLMN                                                           被访PLMN
VSC                   Videotex Service Centre
V(SD)                Send state variable
VTX                   host The components dedicated to Videotex service
WS                   Work Station                                                                 工作站 
WPA                 Wrong Password Attempts (counter)                                错误密码
XID                   eXchange Identifier                                                         交换识别器
ZC            ZoneCode                                                                               地带代码


3GPP无线通信协议集(中文版45份文件) cwts-reports-001系统连接模式下的层间过程.doc cwts-reports-002系统空闲模式下UE过程与连接.doc cwts-reports-002系统空闲模式下UE过程与连接模式下小区重选过程.doc cwts-reports-003无线资源管理 (RRM) 策略.doc cwts-reports-004系统无线资源管理策略.doc cwts-reports-005系统UE无线接入能力.doc cwts-specs-001名词术语.doc cwts-specs-002系统无线接口物理层技术规范:概述.doc cwts-specs-003物理信道和传输信道到物理信道的映射.doc cwts-specs-004复用与信道编码.doc cwts-specs-005扩频与调制.doc cwts-specs-006物理层过程.doc cwts-specs-007物理层测量.doc cwts-specs-008物理层提供的服务.doc cwts-specs-009MAC.doc cwts-specs-010RLC.doc cwts-specs-011PDCP.doc cwts-specs-012广播多点传送控制BMC.doc cwts-specs-013-RRC331.doc cwts-specs-014系统Iu接口技术规范-概述.doc cwts-specs-015系统Iu接口技术规范-层1.doc cwts-specs-016系统Iu接口技术规范:信令传输.doc cwts-specs-017无线接入网络应用部分(RANAP).doc cwts-specs-018Iu接口技术规范-数据传输及传输信令.doc cwts-specs-019用户平面协议.doc cwts-specs-020系统Iub接口技术规范.doc cwts-specs-021系统Iub接口技术规范:层1.doc cwts-specs-022信令传输.doc cwts-specs-023NBAP信令.doc cwts-specs-024用于公共传输信道数据流的数据传输和传输信令.doc cwts-specs-025用于公共传输信道数据流的用户平面协议.doc cwts-specs-026系统Iur接口技术规范:概述.doc cwts-specs-027层1.doc cwts-specs-028信令传输.doc cwts-specs-029RNSAP信令.doc cwts-specs-030用于公共传送信道数据流的数据传输和传输信令.doc cwts-specs-031用于公共传送信道数据流的用户平面协议.doc cwts-specs-032系统IubIur接口技术规范.doc cwts-specs-033系统Iub-Iur接口技术规范.doc cwts-specs-034.doc cwts-specs-036TD-SCDMA-RRC.doc cwts-specs-037.doc cwts-specs-038.doc cwts-specs-039.doc
该文档是4G,4.5G LTE系统重要标准。LTE(Long Term Evolution,长期演进)是由3GPP组织制定的UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System,通用移动通信系统)技术标准的长期演进,于2004年12月在3GPP多伦多会议上正式立项并启动。LTE系统引入了OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing,正交频分复用)和MIMO(Multi-Input & Multi-Output,多输入多输出)等关键技术,显著增加了频谱效率和数据传输速率(20M带宽2X2MIMO在64QAM情况下,理论下行最大传输速率为201Mbps,除去信令开销后大概为150Mbps,但根据实际组网以及终端能力限制,一般认为下行峰值速率为100Mbps,上行为50Mbps),并支持多种带宽分配:1.4MHz,3MHz,5MHz,10MHz,15MHz和20MHz等,且支持全球主流2G/3G频段和一些新增频段,因而频谱分配更加灵活,系统容量和覆盖也显著提升。LTE系统网络架构更加扁平化简单化,减少了网络节点和系统复杂度,从而减小了系统时延,也降低了网络部署和维护成本。LTE系统支持与其他3GPP系统互操作。根据双工方式不同LTE系统分为FDD-LTE(Frequency Division Duplexing)和TDD-LTE (Time Division Duplexing),二者技术的主要区别在于空口的物理层上(像帧结构、时分设计、同步等)。FDD系统空口上下行采用成对的频段接收和发送数据,而TDD系统上下行则使用相同的频段在不同的时隙上传输,较FDD双工方式,TDD有着较高的频谱利用率。




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


