Ontology Engineering

Ontology engineering is a field in artificial intelligence or computer science that is concerned with ontology creation and usage. Report [31], that proposes and comments this field, declares that the ultimate purpose of ontology engineering should be “to provide a basis of building models of all things in which computer science is interested”.

本体工程是人工智能或者计算机科学的一个领域, 它关注于本体的建立和使用. 在Report [31]中提出了这一新的领域并对其进行了注解,它宣称本体工程的终极目标应该是"为计算机科学感兴趣的所有事物提供一个建立模型的基础".

 Structure of Usage 用法的结构:

An ontology can be divided into following subcategories according to [31] from the knowledge reuse and ontology engineering point of view as follows. This is rather a structure of ontologies from a point of view of their usage than a division of one general ontology. Some examples are included.
根据 [31]从知识重用和本体论工程指出的如下观点,本体论可以被分成以下子类。与其说是一个通用本体的分类,不如说是一个通过它们的用途划分的本体结构。包括一些例子。
Workplace Ontology
This is an ontology for workplace which aects task characteristics by specifying several boundary conditions which characterize and justify problem solving behaviour in the workplace. Workplace and task ontologies collectively specify the context in which domain knowledge is intended and used during the problem solving. Examples from circuit troubleshooting: fidelity, eciency, precision, high reliability. Task Ontology Task ontology is a system of vocabulary for describing problem solving structure of all the existing tasks domain independently. It does not cover the control structure. It covers components or primitives of unit inferences taking place during performing tasks. Task knowledge in turn specifies domain knowledge by giving roles to each objects and relations between them. Examples from scheduling tasks: schedule recipient, schedule resource, goal, constraint, availability, load, select, assign, classify, remove, relax, add.

Domain ontology Domain ontology can be either task dependent or task independent. Task independent ontology usually relates to activities of objects. – Task-dependent ontology A task structure requires not all the domain knowledge but some specific domain knowledge in a certain specific organization. This special type of domain knowledge can be called task-domain ontology because it depends on the task. Examples from job-shop scheduling: job, order, line, due date, machine availability, tardiness, load, cost. – Task-independent ontology Activity-related ontology Object ontology. This ontology covers the structure, behaviour and function of the object. Examples from circuit boards: component, connection, line, chip, pin, gate, bus, state, role. Activity ontology. Examples from enterprise ontology: use, consume, produce, release, state, resource, commit, enable, complete, disable. Activity-independent ontology Field ontology. This ontology is related to theories and principles which govern the domain. It contains primitive concepts appearing in the theories and relations, formulas, and units constituting the theories and principles. Units ontology. Examples: mole, kilogram, meter, ampere, radian. Engineering mathematics ontology. Examples: linear algebra, physical quantity, physical dimension, unit of measure, scalar quantity, physical components. General or Common ontology Examples: things, events, time, space, causality or behaviour, function etc.

Ontology Engineering Subfields

We can also divide the ontology or ontologies from the point of view of ontology engineering as a field. The subjects which should be covered by ontology engineering are demonstrated in [31]. It includes basic issues in philosophy, knowledge representation, ontology design, standardization, EDI, reuse and sharing of knowledge, media integration, etc. which are the essential topics in the future knowledge engineering. Of course, they should be constantly refined through further development of ontology engineering. Basic Subfield – Philosophy(Ontology, Meta-mathematics) Ontology which philosophers have discussed since Aristotle is discussed as well as logic and meta-mathematics.

– Scientific philosophy Investigation on Ontology from the physics point of views, e.g., time, space, pro- cess, causality, etc. is made. – Knowledge representation Basic issues on knowledge representation, especially on representation of ontologi- cal stu, are discussed. Subfield of Ontology Design – General(Common) ontology General ontologies such as time, space, process, causality, part/whole relation, etc. are designed. Both in-depth investigation on the meaning of every concept and relation and on formal representation of ontologies are discussed. – Domain ontologies Various ontologies in, say, Plant, Electricity, Enterprise, etc. are designed. Subfield of Common Sense Knowledge – Parallel to general ontology design, common sense knowledge is investigated and collected and knowledge bases of common sense are built. Subfield of Standardization – EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and data element specification Standardization of primitive data elements which should be shared among people for enabling full automatic EDI. – Basic semantic repository Standardization of primitive semantic elements which should be shared among people for enabling knowledge sharing. – Conceptual schema modeling facility (CSMF) – Components for qualitative modeling Standardization of functional components such as pipe, valve, pump, boiler, regis- ter, battery, etc. for qualitative model building. Subfield of Data or Knowledge Interchange – Translation of ontology Translation methodologies of one ontology into another are developed. – Database transformation Transformation of data in a data base into another of dierent conceptual schema. – Knowledge base transformation Transformation of a knowledge base into another built based on a dierent ontology. Subfield of Knowledge Reuse – Task ontology Design of ontology for describing and modeling human ways of problem solving.

– T-domain ontology Task-dependent domain ontology is designed under some specific task context. – Methodology for knowledge reuse Development of methodologies for knowledge reuse using the above two ontologies. Subfield of Knowledge Sharing – Communication protocol Development of communication protocols between agents which can behave coop- eratively under a goal specified. – Cooperative task ontology Task ontology design for cooperative communication Subfield of Media Integration – Media ontology Ontologies of the structural aspects of documents, images, movies, etc. are de- signed. – Common ontologies of content of the media Ontologies common to all media such as those of human behavior, story, etc. are designed. – Media integration Development of meaning representation language for media and media integration through understanding media representation are done. Subfield of Ontology Design Methodology – Methodology – Support environment Subfield of ontology evaluation – Evaluation of ontologies designed is made using the real world problems by forming a consortium.



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