
根据我UIA自动化测试的经验, 总结了下面代码集. 在这个代码集中, 包含了:


1. 一个WPF的窗体程序

2. 一个WinForm的窗体, 这个窗体作为Model Dialog被WPF主程序打开

3. 针对这个WPF和WinForm的测试代码例子

4. 针对Win7 Calc.exe的测试代码例子

5. 一个简单的TestEngine




1. 演示UIA中基本的概念, 比如AutomationID, AutomatonName, InvokePattern等的调用

2. 演示如何处理UI自动化的timing issue.

3. 演示简单WaitForReady的实现方法

4. 演示Click和Invoke的差别

5. 演示一个简单的UIA Engine

6. 演示如何通过AutomationPeer来给自绘画图案实现Invoke Pattern

7. 演示如何对WinForm实现Server side provider

8. 演示如何对WPF的databinding item设定AutomationID




ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
public   partial   class  Window1 : Window
private  StackPanel pane;
private  TextBlock timeBlock;
private  Button buttonOpenNewWindow;
private  ListBox listboxStringBinding;
private  ListBox listboxManual;
private  SelfDrawControl selfControl;
private  DispatcherTimer tmr = new  DispatcherTimer();
private  DispatcherTimer deplyedExecution = new  DispatcherTimer();
private  Button kickoffFlashWindow;
private  Button startWinformHoster;
private  Button buttonNoAutomationID;
private  Button busyButton;

private   int  busyCount  =   0 ;

public  Window1()
this .Name  =   " Window1 " ;

void  CreateControls()
=   new  StackPanel();
=   " StackPane " ;
this .Content  =  pane;

=   new  TextBlock();
=   " TimeBlock " ;

=   new  Button();
=   " ButtonOpenNewWindow " ;
=   " Open New Window " ;

// 直接binding的Listbox子元素没有AutomationID
            listboxStringBinding  =   new  ListBox();
=   " ListBox_Item_WithoutAutomationID " ;
=   new   string [] {  " 1 " " 2 " " 3 "  };
            Binding bind 
=   new  Binding();
=   new   string [] {  " 1 " " 2 " " 3 "  };             
            listboxStringBinding.SetBinding(ListBox.ItemsSourceProperty, bind);

=   new  SelfDrawControl();
=   " SelfDrawControl " ;

=   new  ListBox();
=   " ListBox_Item_ManualBindAutomationID " ;
for ( int  i = 0 ;i < 5 ;i ++ )
// 手动添加的的Listbox子元素可以通过下面的方法指定AutomationID,或者直接指定Name
                ListBoxItem item = new  ListBoxItem();
" ManualItem "   +  i.ToString());
= i;

=   new  Button();
=   " ButtonOpenFlashWindow " ;
=   " Kick off Flash Window " ;
+=   new  RoutedEventHandler(kickoffFlashWindow_Click);

=   new  Button();
=   " ButtonOpenWinForm " ;
=   " Start Winform Hoster " ;
// startWinformHoster.Click += delegate{(new WinFormControlHoster()).ShowDialog();};
            startWinformHoster.Click  +=   new  RoutedEventHandler(startWinformHoster_Click);

=   new  TimeSpan( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 500 );
+=   delegate  {  this .timeBlock.Text  =  DateTime.Now.ToString( " U " ); };
=   true ;
+=   new  RoutedEventHandler(buttonOpenNewWindow_Click);

=   new  Button();
=   " Button Wihtout AutomationID " ;

=   new  Button();
=   " BusyButton " ;
=  busyCount.ToString();
+=   new  RoutedEventHandler(busyButton_Click);

=   new  TimeSpan( 0 0 5 );
+=   new  EventHandler(deplyedExecution_Tick);
=   false ;

void  busyButton_Click( object  sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
++ ;
=  busyCount.ToString();
for  ( int  i  =   1 ; i  <   10 ; i ++ )
150 );

void  buttonOpenNewWindow_Click( object  sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            BindingWithAutomationID bwid 
=   new  BindingWithAutomationID();

void  kickoffFlashWindow_Click( object  sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
=   true ;

void  deplyedExecution_Tick( object  sender, EventArgs e)
            FlashWindow fw 
=   new  FlashWindow( new  TimeSpan( 0 , 0 , 3 ));           
=   false ;            

void  startWinformHoster_Click( object  sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Forms.Form fm 
=   new  MyForm();



WPF自绘窗口的代码, 以及对应AutomationPeer的实现:


ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
public   partial   class  SelfDrawControl : UserControl
public  SelfDrawControl()

protected   override   void  OnRender(DrawingContext dc)
new  Pen(Brushes.Blue,  10 ),  new  Rect( new  Point( 0 0 ),  new  Point(RenderSize.Width  /   2 , RenderSize.Height)));
new  Pen(Brushes.Black,  10 ),  new  Rect( new  Point(RenderSize.Width  /   2 0 ),  new  Point(RenderSize.Width, RenderSize.Height)));

protected   override   void  OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Point point 
=  e.GetPosition( this );
if  (point.X  >   0   &&  point.X  <  RenderSize.Width  /   2 )
" blue " );
" black " );
base .OnMouseLeftButtonDown(e);

internal   void  DoClick( string  color)

protected   override  System.Windows.Automation.Peers.AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer()
            var peer 
=   new  SelfDrawControlAutomationPeer( this );
return  peer;

public   class  SelfDrawControlAutomationPeer :UserControlAutomationPeer
        SelfDrawControl target;
< AutomationPeer >  children  =   null ;
public  SelfDrawControlAutomationPeer(SelfDrawControl target): base (target)
this .target  =  target;

protected   override  AutomationControlType GetAutomationControlTypeCore()
return  AutomationControlType.Window;

protected   override   string  GetClassNameCore()
return  target.GetType().ToString();

         * 特别注意, 生成ChildrenCore的时候务必维护父子关系
         * UI Testclient 可能在不同child parent之间遍历
         * 务必保证childpeer.Parent = parent.Children[n]
         * 否则会带来各种意外,这是在实现自定义Peer时候的最大陷阱

protected   override  List < AutomationPeer >  GetChildrenCore()
// return null;

if  (children  ==   null )
=   new  List < AutomationPeer > ();
                SelfDrawControlElementAutomationPeer bluepeer 
=   new  SelfDrawControlElementAutomationPeer(target,  this " blue " );
                SelfDrawControlElementAutomationPeer redpeer 
=   new  SelfDrawControlElementAutomationPeer(target,  this " red " );

return  children;


public   class  SelfDrawControlElementAutomationPeer : AutomationPeer, IInvokeProvider, IValueProvider
private   string  color;
        SelfDrawControl target;
        SelfDrawControlAutomationPeer parentPeer;

public  SelfDrawControlElementAutomationPeer(SelfDrawControl target, SelfDrawControlAutomationPeer parentPeer,  string  color)             
this .color  =  color;
this .target  =  target;
this .parentPeer  =  parentPeer;

            var o
= this .GetParent();

public   void  Invoke()

public   bool  IsReadOnly {  get  {  return   true ; } }
public   string  Value {  get  {  return  color; } }
public   void  SetValue( string  value) { }

protected   override   string  GetAcceleratorKeyCore()
return   string .Empty;
protected   override   string  GetAccessKeyCore()
return   string .Empty;
protected   override  AutomationControlType GetAutomationControlTypeCore()
return  AutomationControlType.Window;
protected   override   string  GetAutomationIdCore()
return  target.Name + " - " + color;
protected   override  Rect GetBoundingRectangleCore()

            Rect parentRect
= parentPeer.GetBoundingRectangle();

if (color == " blue " )
return   new  Rect( new  Point(parentRect.X, parentRect.Y),  new  Point(parentRect.X  +  target.RenderSize.Width  /   2 , parentRect.Y + target.RenderSize.Height));
if (color == " red " )
return   new  Rect( new  Point(parentRect.X  +  target.RenderSize.Width  /   2 , parentRect.Y),  new  Point(parentRect.X  +  target.RenderSize.Width, parentRect.Y  +  target.RenderSize.Height));
return  Rect.Empty;
protected   override  List < AutomationPeer >  GetChildrenCore()
return   null ;
protected   override   string  GetClassNameCore()
return   " SelfDrawControlInnerGraphic " ;
protected   override  Point GetClickablePointCore()
return   new  Point( 0 , 0 );
protected   override   string  GetHelpTextCore()
return   " This is my HelpText " ;
protected   override   string  GetItemStatusCore()
return   " Status is active " ;
protected   override   string  GetItemTypeCore()
return   " This is my item type " ;
protected   override  AutomationPeer GetLabeledByCore()
return   this ;
protected   override   string  GetNameCore()
return   " Name is : " + color;
protected   override  AutomationOrientation GetOrientationCore()
return  AutomationOrientation.None;
public   override   object  GetPattern(PatternInterface patternInterface)
if (patternInterface ==  PatternInterface.Invoke  ||  patternInterface ==  PatternInterface.Value)
return   this ;
return   null ;
protected   override   bool  HasKeyboardFocusCore()
return   false ;
protected   override   bool  IsContentElementCore()
return   true ;
protected   override   bool  IsControlElementCore()
return   true ;
protected   override   bool  IsEnabledCore()
return   true ;

protected   override   bool  IsKeyboardFocusableCore()
return   false ;
protected   override   bool  IsOffscreenCore()
return   false ;
protected   override   bool  IsPasswordCore()
return   false ;
protected   override   bool  IsRequiredForFormCore()
return   false ;
protected   override   void  SetFocusCore()




<ListBox Name="InnerListbox" >
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
                <Setter Property="AutomationProperties.AutomationId"  Value="{Binding  RelativeSource={x:Static RelativeSource.Self}, Path=Content}" ></Setter>


ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
public   partial   class  BindingWithAutomationID : Window
public  BindingWithAutomationID()
this .Name  =   " StyleBindingWindow " ;

// 可以使用Style的Setter来给binding的子元素增加AutomationID
             this .InnerListbox.DataContext  =   new   string [] {  " 1 " " 2 " " 3 "  };
            Binding bind 
=   new  Binding();
=   new   string [] {  " 1 " " 2 " " 3 "  };
this .InnerListbox.SetBinding(ListBox.ItemsSourceProperty, bind);            





WinForm的代码及其Server side provider实现:


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[ComVisible( true )]
public   class  MyForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form, IRawElementProviderSimple
private  ValuePattern vp  =   new  ValuePattern();
private  Timer timer  =   new  Timer();
private   string  curentNameProperty  =   string .Empty;

public  MyForm()
=   500 ;
+=   new  EventHandler(timer_Tick);
=   true ;

this .Name  =   " WinFormWindow " ;
this .Text  =   " ServerUIAFormDemo " ;

            Button btn 
=   new  Button();
=   " This is a WinForm Button " ;
=   " button1 " ;
this .Controls.Add(btn);

=   string .Format( " {0} {1} " this .Name, DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

void  timer_Tick( object  sender, EventArgs e)
string  newNameProperty = string .Format( " {0} {1} " this .Name, DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
this new  AutomationPropertyChangedEventArgs(AutomationElement.NameProperty, curentNameProperty, newNameProperty));
=  newNameProperty;

protected   override   void  WndProc( ref  Message m)

const   int  WM_GETOBJECT  =   0x003D ;
if  ((m.Msg  ==  WM_GETOBJECT)  &&  (m.LParam.ToInt32()  ==

=  AutomationInteropProvider.ReturnRawElementProvider(
this .Handle, m.WParam, m.LParam,
this );
return ;

base .WndProc( ref  m);

public  Object GetPatternProvider( int  patternId)

if  (patternId  ==  ValuePatternIdentifiers.Pattern.Id)
// Create and return ValuePattern object
                 return  vp;
return   null ;

// This function handles all the UIA Property reqeust
         public  Object GetPropertyValue( int  propertyId)

if  (propertyId  ==  AutomationElementIdentifiers.NameProperty.Id)
return  curentNameProperty;

else   if  (propertyId  ==  AutomationElementIdentifiers.NativeWindowHandleProperty.Id)
return   this .Handle;

else   if  (propertyId  ==  AutomationElementIdentifiers.AutomationIdProperty.Id)
return   this .Name;

else   if  (propertyId  ==  AutomationElementIdentifiers.ClassNameProperty.Id)
return   " RootButtonControlClass " ;

else   if  (propertyId  ==  AutomationElementIdentifiers.ControlTypeProperty.Id)
return  ControlType.Window.Id;

else   if  (propertyId  ==  AutomationElementIdentifiers.IsContentElementProperty.Id)
return   false ;

else   if  (propertyId  ==  AutomationElementIdentifiers.IsControlElementProperty.Id)
return   true ;
return  AutomationElement.NotSupported;


public  IRawElementProviderSimple HostRawElementProvider
return  AutomationInteropProvider.HostProviderFromHandle( this .Handle);

public  ProviderOptions ProviderOptions
// Indicate this is server side implementation
                 return  ProviderOptions.ServerSideProvider;

true )]
public   class  ValuePattern : IValueProvider
public   bool  IsReadOnly {  get  {  return   true ; } }
public   string  Value
// Return current time as value pattern’s value
                 return  DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
public   void  SetValue( string  value) {  return ; }





测试演示1: 演示UIA API里面的cached property:


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class  DemoCachedProperty
public   static   void  Test()
            CacheRequest cacheRequest 
=   new  CacheRequest();            
=  TreeScope.Element;

using  (cacheRequest.Activate())
                AutomationElement wpfRoot 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " Window1 " ));
                AutomationElement textBlock1 
=  wpfRoot.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " TimeBlock " ));
                AutomationElement textBlock2 
=  wpfRoot.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " TimeBlock " ));
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <   100 ; i ++ )
string  cachedName  =  textBlock1.Cached.Name;
string  uncachedName  =  textBlock2.Current.Name;
" ================= " );
" Cached Name is {0} " , cachedName);
" UnCached Name is {0} " , uncachedName);
300 );

" Test finishes................... " );



测试演示2: timing issue导致的问题和三种应对方法: Sleep/Polling/Event:


ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
class  DemoDelayedWindow
static  DateTime eventStartTime;

public   static   void  NoUISyncLeadToErrorDemo()
            CacheRequest cacheRequest 
=   new  CacheRequest();
=  TreeScope.Element;

using  (cacheRequest.Activate())
                AutomationElement wpfRoot 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " Window1 " ));
                AutomationElement btnOpenNewWindow 
=  wpfRoot.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " ButtonOpenFlashWindow " ));
                InvokePattern invokPtn 
=  (InvokePattern)btnOpenNewWindow.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern);
" Button Clicked... " );
                AutomationElement newWindow 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " FlashWindow " ));

" Test finishes................... " );

public   static   void  SimpleSleepSyncDemo()
            DateTime startTime 
=  DateTime.Now;

            CacheRequest cacheRequest 
=   new  CacheRequest();
=  TreeScope.Element;

using  (cacheRequest.Activate())
                AutomationElement wpfRoot 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " Window1 " ));
                AutomationElement btnOpenNewWindow 
=  wpfRoot.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " ButtonOpenFlashWindow " ));
                InvokePattern invokPtn 
=  (InvokePattern)btnOpenNewWindow.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern);
" Button Clicked... " );
" Sleeping 6 seconds to wait... " );
1000   *   6 );
                AutomationElement newWindow 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " FlashWindow " ));

" Test finishes................... " );
" Test cost {0} seconds " , (DateTime.Now  -  startTime).TotalSeconds);

public   static   void  PollingSyncDemo()
            DateTime startTime 
=  DateTime.Now;
            CacheRequest cacheRequest 
=   new  CacheRequest();
=  TreeScope.Element;

using  (cacheRequest.Activate())
                AutomationElement wpfRoot 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " Window1 " ));
                AutomationElement btnOpenNewWindow 
=  wpfRoot.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " ButtonOpenFlashWindow " ));
                InvokePattern invokPtn 
=  (InvokePattern)btnOpenNewWindow.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern);
" Button Clicked... " );

int  timeout  =   10   *   1000 ;
while  ( true )
                    AutomationElement newWindow 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " FlashWindow " ));
if  (newWindow  ==   null )
" Cannot find expected window. Sleep for a short time " );
500 );
-=   300 ;
if  (timeout  <=   0 )
throw   new  TimeoutException( " Window probing process times out after 10 seconds. " );
break ;


" Test finishes................... " );
" Test cost {0} seconds " , (DateTime.Now  -  startTime).TotalSeconds);

public   static   void  EventSyncDemo()
=  DateTime.Now;
            CacheRequest cacheRequest 
=   new  CacheRequest();
=  TreeScope.Element;

using  (cacheRequest.Activate())
                AutomationElement wpfRoot 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " Window1 " ));
                AutomationElement btnOpenNewWindow 
=  wpfRoot.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " ButtonOpenFlashWindow " ));
                InvokePattern invokPtn 
=  (InvokePattern)btnOpenNewWindow.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern);
" Register Event " );
                AutomationEventHandler eventHandler 
=   new  AutomationEventHandler(OnWindowOpenOrClose);
                Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler(WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent, AutomationElement.RootElement, TreeScope.Children, eventHandler);
                Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler(WindowPattern.WindowClosedEvent, AutomationElement.RootElement, TreeScope.Subtree, eventHandler);

" Button Clicked and Wait... " );

static   void  OnWindowOpenOrClose( object  src, AutomationEventArgs e)
" OnWindowOpenOrClose event triggers " );
if  (e.EventId  !=  WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent)
" It is NOT WindowOpenedEvent.Ignore " );
return ;

            AutomationElement sourceElement;
=  src  as  AutomationElement;
if  (sourceElement.Current.AutomationId  ==   " FlashWindow " )

catch  (ElementNotAvailableException)
return ;

" Test finishes................... " );
" Test cost {0} seconds " , (DateTime.Now  -  eventStartTime).TotalSeconds);



测试演示3: 通过Waiter Pattern来简化timing issue的处理:


ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
class  SimpleWaiter
private  AutomationEvent _eventId;
private  AutomationElement _element;
private  TreeScope _scope;
private  System.Threading.AutoResetEvent _event;
private  Condition _condition;
private  AutomationEventHandler _eventHandler;

public  SimpleWaiter(AutomationEvent eventId, AutomationElement element, TreeScope scope, Condition condition)
this ._eventId  =  eventId;
this ._element  =  element;
this ._scope  =  scope;
this ._condition  =  condition;
=   new  System.Threading.AutoResetEvent( false );
=   new  AutomationEventHandler(Handler);
            Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler(_eventId, _element, _scope, _eventHandler);

void  Handler( object  src, AutomationEventArgs e)
            AutomationElement sourceElement;
=  src  as  AutomationElement;  
            var finditem 
=  sourceElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Element, _condition);
if  (finditem  !=   null   &&  finditem.Equals(sourceElement))
                Automation.RemoveAutomationEventHandler(_eventId, _element, _eventHandler);

public   void  Wait( int  timeOut)

     public   static   void  WaiterDemo()
            DateTime startTime 
=  DateTime.Now;
            CacheRequest cacheRequest 
=   new  CacheRequest();
=  TreeScope.Element;

using  (cacheRequest.Activate())
                AutomationElement wpfRoot 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " Window1 " ));
                AutomationElement btnOpenNewWindow 
=  wpfRoot.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " ButtonOpenFlashWindow " ));
                InvokePattern invokPtn 
=  (InvokePattern)btnOpenNewWindow.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern);

                SimpleWaiter waiter 
=   new  SimpleWaiter(WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent, AutomationElement.RootElement, TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " FlashWindow " ));

" Button Clicked and Wait... " );
1000   *   1000 );

                AutomationElement newWindow 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " FlashWindow " ));

" Test finishes................... " );
" Test cost {0} seconds " , (DateTime.Now  -  startTime).TotalSeconds);



测试演示3: 如何模拟真实的鼠标click, 以及如何确保测试目标位于前台:


ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
public   struct  HARDWAREINPUT
public   uint  msg;
public   ushort  paramL;
public   ushort  paramH;

public   struct  KEYBDINPUT
public   ushort  virtualKeyCode;
public   ushort  scanCode;
public   uint  flags;
public   uint  time;
public  IntPtr extraInfo;

public   struct  MOUSEINPUT
public   int  dx;
public   int  dy;
public   uint  mouseData;
public   uint  flags;
public   uint  time;
public  IntPtr extraInfo;

public   struct  InputTypeUnion
//  Fields
        [FieldOffset( 0 )]
0 )]
public  KEYBDINPUT ki;
0 )]
public  MOUSEINPUT mi;

public   struct  INPUT
public   uint  type;
public  InputTypeUnion data;

class  Clicker
" user32.dll " )]
static   extern   uint  SendInput( uint  inputCount,  ref  INPUT inputs,  int  inputSize);

static   public   void  Click(Point point)
            MovePointTo (point.X,point.Y);            

static   public  Point GetClickPoint(AutomationElement ele)
            Point clickablePt;
if (ele.TryGetClickablePoint( out  clickablePt))
return  clickablePt;
            var boundingRect 
=  ele.Current.BoundingRectangle;           
return   new  Point(boundingRect.X  +  (boundingRect.Width  /   2 ), boundingRect.Y  +  (boundingRect.Height  /   2 ));            

static   void  MovePointTo( double  absX,  double  absY)
            INPUT input 
=   new  INPUT();
            var virtualScreen 
=  System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.VirtualScreen;
=  (((absX  -  virtualScreen.X)  +   0.5 *   65536.0 /  (( double )virtualScreen.Width);
=  (((absY  -  virtualScreen.Y)  +   0.5 *   65536.0 /  (( double )virtualScreen.Height);
=   0 ;
=  ( int )absX;
=  ( int )absY;
=   0xc001 ;
1 ref  input, Marshal.SizeOf(input));

static   void  MouseDown()
            INPUT input 
=   new  INPUT();
=   0 ;
=   2 // DOWN
            input.data.mi.mouseData  |=   1 ;
1 ref  input, Marshal.SizeOf(input));

static   void  MouseUp()
            INPUT input 
=   new  INPUT();
=   0 ;
=   4 // UP
            input.data.mi.mouseData  |=   1 ;
1 ref  input, Marshal.SizeOf(input));

static   void  Click()



ExpandedBlockStart.gif 代码
public   static   void  ClickWithWaiterDemo()
            DateTime startTime 
=  DateTime.Now;
            CacheRequest cacheRequest 
=   new  CacheRequest();
=  TreeScope.Element;

using  (cacheRequest.Activate())
                AutomationElement wpfRoot 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " Window1 " ));
                WindowPattern wndptn 
=  (WindowPattern)wpfRoot.GetCurrentPattern(WindowPattern.Pattern);

                var currentStates 
=  wndptn.Current.WindowVisualState;
if  (currentStates  !=  WindowVisualState.Minimized)
                AutomationElement btnOpenNewWindow 
=  wpfRoot.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " ButtonOpenFlashWindow " ));
                InvokePattern invokPtn 
=  (InvokePattern)btnOpenNewWindow.GetCurrentPattern(InvokePattern.Pattern);

                SimpleWaiter waiter 
=   new  SimpleWaiter(WindowPattern.WindowOpenedEvent, AutomationElement.RootElement, TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " FlashWindow " ));
                var poi 
=  Clicker.GetClickPoint(btnOpenNewWindow);
// invokPtn.Invoke();
                Console.WriteLine( " Button Clicked and Wait... " );
1000   *   1000 );

                AutomationElement newWindow 
=  AutomationElement.RootElement.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,  new  PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.AutomationIdProperty,  " FlashWindow " ));

" Test finishes................... " );
" Test cost {0} seconds " , (DateTime.Now  -  startTime).TotalSeconds);



测试演示4,5演示WaitForReady以及简单的Engine实现, 代码比较多, 就请自己下载吧.




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  • 一般
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
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