

但还是要再装nvidia驱动。网上说的各种方法都试过了,geforce.cn官网上推荐的各种版本的run驱动程序都试了一遍,总是报Building kernel modules错误。

apt-get install nvidia-410这种也试过了,总是报错误

(2019.5.18 今天apt-get install nvidia-410的版本是nvidia-410.78


报you arebuilding kernel with non-retpoline compiler, please update your compler这个错误。




然后终端uname -r 显示我现在的内核版本是4.15.0-50

卸载掉:apt-get remove linux-image-4.15.0-50-generic

再uname -r显示内核版本变成4.15.0-47

再装一次nvidia驱动:apt-get install nvidia-410

这次就没报错误。重启机器后,终端输入命令nvidia-settings,正确跳出设置窗口,而不是Unable to load info from any available system这样的提示了。2016.5.18



换了新显卡 GTX060,选择从ubuntu仓库安装显卡驱动



add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
apt-get update
apt-get install nvidia-430

  安装完毕后,终端键入nvidia-settings 报错





apt-get purge nvidia*
apt-get install nvidia-430 nvidia-settings nvidia-prime




Foreword by Jack W. Crenshaw (the package’s readme.txt) TUTOR.ZIP This file contains all of the installments of Jack Crenshaw’s tutorial on compiler construction, includ- ing the new Installment 15. The intended audience is those folks who are not computer scientists, but who enjoy computing and have always wanted to know how compilers work. A lot of compiler the- ory has been left out, but the practical issues are covered. By the time you have completed the series, you should be able to design and build your own working compiler. It will not be the world’s best, nor will it put out incredibly tight code. Your product will probably never put Borland or MicroSoft out of business. But it will work, and it will be yours. A word about the file format: The files were originally created using Borland’s DOS editor, Sprint. Sprint could write to a text file only if you formatted the file to go to the selected printer. I used the most common printer I could think of, the Epson MX-80, but even then the files ended up with printer control sequences at the beginning and end of each page. To bring the files up to date and get myself positioned to continue the series, I recently (1994) converted all the files to work with Microsoft Word for Windows. Unlike Sprint, Word allows you to write the file as a DOS text file. Unfortunately, this gave me a new problem, because when Word is writing to a text file, it doesn’t write hard page breaks or page numbers. In other words, in six years we’ve gone from a file with page breaks and page numbers, but embedded escape sequences, to files with no embedded escape sequences but no page breaks or page numbers. Isn’t progress wonderful? Of course, it’s possible for me to insert the page numbers as straight text, rather than asking the editor to do it for me. But since Word won’t allow me to write page breaks to the file, we would end up with files with page numbers that may or may not fall at the ends of the pages, depending on your editor and your printer. It seems to me that almost every file I’ve ever downloaded from CompuServe or BBS’s that had such page numbering was incompatible with my printer, and gave me pages that were one line short or one line long, with the page numbers consequently walking up the page. So perhaps this new format is, after all, the safest one for general distribution. The files as they exist will look just fine if read into any text editor capable of reading DOS text files. Since most editors these days include rather sophisticated word processing capabilities, you should be able to get your editor to paginate for you, prior to printing. I hope you like the tutorials. Much thought went into them. Jack W. Crenshaw




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