ECMAScript6 - Iterators and Generators

Iterators and Generators

Iterators have been used in many programming languages as a way to more easily work with collections of data. In ECMAScript 6, JavaScript adds iterators as an important feature of the language. When coupled with new array methods and new types of collections (such as sets and maps), iterators become even more important for efficient processing of data.


What are Iterators?-什么是遍历器

Iterators are nothing more than objects with a certain interface. That interface consists of a method called next() that returns a result object. The result object has two properties, value, which is the next value, and done, which is a boolean value that’s true when there are no more values to return. The iterator keeps an internal pointer to a location within a collection of values and, with each call to next(), returns the next appropriate value.


If you call next() after the last value has been returned, the method returns done as true and value contains the return value for the iterator. The return value is not considered part of the data set, but rather a final piece of related data or undefined if no such data exists. (This concept will become clearer in the generators section later in this chapter.)


With that understanding, it’s fairly easy to create an iterator using ECMAScript 5, for example:


function createIterator(items) {

    var i = 0;

    return {
        next: function() {

            var done = (i >= items.length);
            var value = !done ? items[i++] : undefined;

            return {
                done: done,
                value: value


var iterator = createIterator([1, 2, 3]);

console.log(;           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 2, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 3, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

// for all further calls
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

 The createIterator() function in this example returns an object with a next() method. Each time the method is called, the next value in the items array is returned as value. When i is 4, items[i++] returns undefined and done is true, which fulfills the special last case for iterators in ECMAScript 6.


ECMAScript 6 makes use of iterators in a number of places to make dealing with collections of data easier, so having a good basic understanding allows you to better understand the language as a whole.



You might be thinking that iterators sound interesting but they look like a bunch of work. Indeed, writing iterators so that they adhere to the correct behavior is a bit difficult, which is why ECMAScript 6 provides generators. A generator is a special kind of function that returns an iterator. Generator functions are indicated by inserting a star character (*) after the function keyword (it doesn’t matter if the star is directly next to function or if there’s some whitespace between them). The yield keyword is used inside of generators to specify the values that the iterator should return when next() is called. So if you want to return three different values for each successive call to next(), you can do so as follows:


// generator
function *createIterator() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;

// generators are called like regular functions but return an iterator
let iterator = createIterator();

for (let i of iterator) {

 This code outputs the following:



 In this example, the createIterator() function is a generator (as indicated by the * before the name) and it’s called like any other function. The value returned is an object that adheres to the iterator pattern. Multiple yield statements inside the generator indicate the progression of values that should be returned when next() is called on the iterator. First, next() should return 1, then 2, and then 3 before the iterator is finished.


Perhaps the most interesting aspect of generator functions is that they stop execution after each yield statement, so yield 1 executes and then the function doesn’t execute anything else until the iterator’s next() method is called. At that point, execution resumes with the next statement after yield 1, which in this case is yield 2. This ability to stop execution in the middle of a function is extremely powerful and lends to some interesting uses of generator functions (discussed later in this chapter).

  也许生成器最有趣的一方面在于每次yield声明执行之后,生成器函数就会停止执行,所以yield 1 执行了知道遍历器的next方法被调用之前这个函数都不会继续往下执行。对于这一点,在yeild声明之后恢复执行,本例中也就是yield2.在函数内部停止执行的能力很强大,这导致了生成器函数的很多有意思的用途。(稍后讨论)

 The yield keyword can be used with any value or expression, so you can do interesting things like use yield inside of a for loop:


function *createIterator(items) {
    for (let i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
        yield items[i];

let iterator = createIterator([1, 2, 3]);

console.log(;           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 2, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 3, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

// for all further calls
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

In this example, an array is used in a for loop, yielding each item as the loop progresses. Each time yield is encountered, the loop stops, and each time next() is called on iterator, the loop picks back up where it left off.


Generator functions are an important part of ECMAScript 6, and since they are just functions, they can be used in all the same places.

  生成器是ES6 重要的一部分,因为他们只是函数,所以他们和函数的用法一样。

Generator Function Expressions-生成器函数表达式

Generators can be created using function expressions in the same way as using function declarations by including a star (*) character between the function keyword and the opening paren, for example:


let createIterator = function *(items) {
    for (let i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
        yield items[i];

let iterator = createIterator([1, 2, 3]);

console.log(;           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 2, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 3, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

// for all further calls
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

 In this code, createIterator() is created by using a generator function expression. This behaves exactly the same as the example in the previous section.


Generator Object Methods-生成器对象方法

Because generators are just functions, they can be added to objects the same way as any other functions. For example, you can use an ECMAScript 5-style object literal with a function expression:


var o = {

    createIterator: function *(items) {
        for (let i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
            yield items[i];

let iterator = o.createIterator([1, 2, 3]);

 You can also use the ECMAScript 6 method shorthand by prepending the method name with a star (*):

  你可以使用ES6 方法速写格式通过在方法名字之前增加一个星号

var o = {

    *createIterator(items) {
        for (let i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
            yield items[i];

let iterator = o.createIterator([1, 2, 3]);

 This example is functionally equivalent to the previous one, the only difference is the syntax used.


Generator Class Methods - 生成器类方法

Similar to objects, you can add generator methods directly to classes using almost the same syntax:


class MyClass {

    *createIterator(items) {
        for (let i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
            yield items[i];


let o = new MyClass();
let iterator = o.createIterator([1, 2, 3]);

 The syntax is very similar to using shorthand object literal methods, as the asterisk needs to come before the method name.


iterable and for-of-迭代器和for-of

Closely related to the concept of an iterator is an iterable. An iterable is an object that has a default iterator specified using the @@iterator symbol. More specifically, @@iterator contains a function that returns an iterator for the given object. All of the collection objects, including arrays, sets, and maps, as well as strings, are iterables and so have a default iterator specified. Iterables are designed to be used with a new addition to ECMAScript: the for-of loop.


The for-of loop is similar to the other loops in ECMAScript except that it is designed to work with iterables. The loop itself calls next() behind the scenes and exits when the done property of the returned object is true. For example:


let values = [1, 2, 3];

for (let i of values) {

 This code outputs the following:



 The for-of loop in this example is first calling the @@iterator method to retrieve an iterator, and then calling and assigning the variable i to the value returned on the value property. So i is first 1, then 2, and finally 3. When done is true, the loop exits, so i is never assigned the value of undefined.


The for-of statement will throw an error when used on, a non-iterable, null, or undefined.


Accessing the Default Iterator-访问默认的迭代器

You can access the default iterator for an object using Symbol.iterator, for example:


let values = [1, 2, 3];
let iterator = values[Symbol.iterator]();

console.log(;           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 2, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 3, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }" 

This code gets the default iterator for values and uses that to iterate over the values in the array. Knowing that Symbol.iterator specifies the default iterator, it’s possible to detect if an object is iterable by using the following:

  这段代码获取了values的默认迭代器,使用这个迭代器来遍历数组中的值, 知道Symbol.iterator是默认的迭代器,就能确定一个对象是否可以迭代。例如:
function isIterable(object) {
    return typeof object[Symbol.iterator] === "function";

console.log(isIterable([1, 2, 3]));     // true
console.log(isIterable("Hello"));       // true
console.log(isIterable(new Map()));     // true
console.log(isIterable(new Set()));     // true

The isIterable() function simply checks to see if a default iterator exists on the object and is a function. This is similar to the check that the for-of loop does before executing.


Creating Iterables-创建迭代器

Developer-defined objects are not iterable by default, but you can make them iterable by using the @@iterator symbol. For example:


let collection = {
    items: [],
    *[Symbol.iterator]() {
        yield *this.items.values();



for (let x of collection) {

// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 3

 This code defines a default iterator for a variable called collection using object literal method shorthand and a computed property using Symbol.iterator. The generator then delegates to the values() iterator of this.items. The for-of loop then uses the generator to create an iterator and execute the loop.


You can also define a default iterator using classes, such as:


class Collection {

    constructor() {
        this.items = [];

    *[Symbol.iterator]() {
        yield *this.items.values();

var collection = new Collection();

for (let x of collection) {

// Output:
// 1
// 2
// 3

 This example mirrors the previous one with the exception that a class is used instead of an object literal.


Default iterators can be added to any object by assigning a generator to Symbol.iterator. It doesn’t matter if the property is an own or prototype property, as for-of normal prototype chain lookup applies.


Built-in Iterators-内置的迭代器

Another way that ECMAScript 6 makes using iterators easier is by making iterators available on many objects by default. You don’t actually need to create your own iterators for many of the built-in types because the language has them already. You only need to create iterators when you find that the built-in ones don’t serve your purpose.


Collection Iterators-集合迭代器

The ECMAScript 6 collection objects, arrays, maps, and sets, all have three default iterators to help you navigate data. You can retrieve an iterator for a collection by calling one of these methods:


  • entries() - returns an iterator whose values are a key-value pair.
  • entries-返回的迭代器的value值式键-值对
  • values() - returns an iterator whose values are the values of the collection.
  • values-返回的迭代器的value式集合的值
  • keys() - returns an iterator whose values are the keys contained in the collection.
  • keys-返回的迭代器的values是集合的键名。

The entries() iterator actually returns a two-item array where the first item is the key and the second item is the value. For arrays, the first item is the numeric index; for sets, the first item is also the value (since values double as keys in sets). Here are some examples:


let colors = [ "red", "green", "blue" ];
let tracking = new Set([1234, 5678, 9012]);
let data = new Map();

data.set("title", "Understanding ECMAScript 6");
data.set("format", "ebook");

for (let entry of colors.entries()) {

for (let entry of tracking.entries()) {

for (let entry of data.entries()) {

 This example outputs the following:


[0, "red"]
[1, "green"]
[2, "blue"]
[1234, 1234]
[5678, 5678]
[9012, 9012]
["title", "Understanding ECMAScript 6"]
["format", "ebook"]

 The values() iterator simply returns the values as they are stored in the collection. For example:


let colors = [ "red", "green", "blue" ];
let tracking = new Set([1234, 5678, 9012]);
let data = new Map();

data.set("title", "Understanding ECMAScript 6");
data.set("format", "ebook");

for (let value of colors.values()) {

for (let value of tracking.values()) {

for (let value of data.values()) {

 This example outputs the following:


"Understanding ECMAScript 6"

 In this case, using values() returns the exact data contained in the value property returned from next().


The keys() iterator returns each key present in the collection. For arrays, this is the numeric keys only (it never returns other own properties of the array); for sets, the keys are the same as the values and so keys() and values() return the same iterator.

let colors = [ "red", "green", "blue" ];
let tracking = new Set([1234, 5678, 9012]);
let data = new Map();

data.set("title", "Understanding ECMAScript 6");
data.set("format", "ebook");

for (let key of colors.keys()) {

for (let key of tracking.keys()) {

for (let key of data.keys()) {

This example outputs the following:



 Additionally, each collection type has a default iterator that is used by for-of whenever an iterator isn’t explicitly specified. The default iterator for arrays and sets is values() while the default iterator for maps is entries(). This makes it a little bit easier to use collection objects in for-of:


let colors = [ "red", "green", "blue" ];
let tracking = new Set([1234, 5678, 9012]);
let data = new Map();

data.set("title", "Understanding ECMAScript 6");
data.set("format", "ebook");

// same as using colors.values()
for (let value of colors) {

// same as using tracking.values()
for (let num of tracking) {

// same as using data.entries()
for (let entry of data) {

 This example outputs the following:


["title", "Understanding ECMAScript 6"]
["format", "ebook"]

String Iterators-字符串迭代器

Beginning with ECMAScript 5, JavaScript strings have slowly been evolving to be more array-like. ECMAScript 5 formalizes bracket notation for access characters (text[0] to get the first character). Unfortunately, bracket notation works on code units rather than characters, so it cannot be used to access double-byte characters correctly. ECMAScript 6 has added a lot of functionality to fully support Unicode (see Chapter 1) and as such, the default iterator for strings works on characters rather than code units.


Using bracket notation and the length property, the code units are used instead of characters and the output is a bit unexpected:


var message = "A ð ®· B";

for (let i=0; i < message.length; i++) {

 This code outputs the following:



Since the double-byte character is treated as two separate code units, there are four empty lines between A and B in the output.

 因为双字节的字符被当作是两个单独的编码单元,所以A和B 的输出结果之间有四个空行。

Using the default string iterator with a for-of loop results in a more appropriate result:


var message = "A ð ®· B";

for (let c of message) {

 This code outputs the following:


ð ®·

 This output is more in line with what you might expect when working with characters. The default string iterator is ECMAScript 6’s attempt at solving the iteration problem by using characters instead of code units.


NodeList Iterators-节点列表迭代器

In the Document Object Model (DOM), there is a NodeList type that represents a collection of elements in a document. For those who write JavaScript to run in web browsers, understanding the difference between NodeList objects and arrays has always been a bit difficult. Both use the length property to indicate the number of items and both use bracket notation to access individual items. However, internally a NodeList and an array behave quite differently, and so that has led to a lot of confusion.


With the addition of default iterators in ECMAScript 6, the DOM definition of NodeList now specifically includes a default iterator that behaves in the same manner as the array default iterator. That means you can use NodeList in a for-of loop or any other place that uses an object’s default iterator. For example:

  ES6 增加了默认的迭代器,NodeList和数组一样也有默认的迭代器。这意味着你可以在任意可以使用对象迭代器的当防对NodeList使用for-of循环。例如:

var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");

for (let div of divs) {

 This code uses getElementsByTagName() method to retrieve a NodeList that represents all of the <div> elements in the document. The for-of loop then iterates over each element and outputs its ID, effectively making the code the same as it would be for a standard array.


Advanced Functionality-高级功能

There’s a lot that can be accomplished with the basic functionality of iterators and the convenience of creating them using generators. However, developers have discovered that iterators are much more powerful when used for tasks other than simply iterating over a collection of values. During the development of ECMAScript 6, a lot of unique ideas and patterns emerged that caused the addition of more functionality. Some of the changes are subtle, but when used together, can accomplish some interesting interactions.


Passing Arguments to Iterators-为迭代器传递参数

Throughout this chapter, you’ve seen that iterators can pass values out via the next() method or by using yield in a generator. It’s also possible to pass arguments into the iterator through the next() method. When an argument is passed to next(), it becomes the value of the yield statement inside a generator. For example:


function *createIterator() {
    let first = yield 1;
    let second = yield first + 2;       // 4 + 2
    yield second + 3;                   // 5 + 3

let iterator = createIterator();

console.log(;           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;          // "{ value: 6, done: false }"
console.log(;          // "{ value: 8, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

The first call to next() is a special case where any argument passed to it is lost. Since arguments passed to next() become the value returned byyield, there would have to be a way to access that argument before the first yield in the generator function. That’s not possible, so there’s no reason to pass an argument the first time next() is called.


On the second call to next(), the value 4 is passed as the argument. The 4 ends up assigned to the variable first inside the generator function. In ayield statement including an assignment the right side of the expression is evaluated on the first call to next() and the left side is evaluated on the second call to next() before the function continues executing. Since the second call to next() passes in 4, that value is assigned to first and then execution continues.


The second yield uses the result of the first yield and adds two, which means it returns a value of six. When next() is called a third time, the value 5is passed as an argument. That value is assigned to the variable second and then used in the third yield statement to return eight.

  第二个yield使用了第一次yield 的结果加上2,返回6.当第三次调用next时,5传入进来。zhege参数值付给了变量second,第三次yield返回8.

It’s a bit easier to think about what’s happening by considering which code is executing each time execution continues inside the generator function. Figure 6-1 uses colors to show the code being executed before yielding.



The color yellow represents the first call to next() and all of the code that is executed inside of the generator as a result; the color aqua represents the call to next(4) and the code that is executed; the color purple represents the call to next(5) and the code that is executed as a result. The tricky part is the code on the right side of each expression executing and stopping before the left side is executed. This makes debugging complicated generators a bit more involved than regular functions.


Throwing Errors in Iterators-迭代器中抛出错误

It’s not only possible to pass data into iterators, it’s also possible to pass error conditions. Iterators can choose to implement a throw() method that instructs the iterator to throw an error when it resumes. You can pass in an error object that should be thrown when the iterator continues processing. For example:


function *createIterator() {
    let first = yield 1;
    let second = yield first + 2;       // yield 4 + 2, then throw
    yield second + 3;                   // never is executed

let iterator = createIterator();

console.log(;                   // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;                  // "{ value: 6, done: false }"
console.log(iterator.throw(new Error("Boom"))); // error thrown from generator

 In this example, the first two yield expressions are evaluated as normal, but when throw() is called, an error is thrown before let second is evaluated. This effectively halts code execution similar to directly throwing an error. The only difference is the location in which the error is thrown. Figure 6-2 shows which code is executed at each step.

  在这个例子中,前两个yield表达式正常执行,但是当调用throw的时候,在let second执行之前错误就抛出了。类似于直接抛出错误,这有效的停止了代码的执行。唯一的区别在于错误抛出的位置。图6-2演示了代码每一步执行的情况。

In this figure, the color red represents the code executed when throw() is called and the red star shows approximately when the error is thrown inside the generator. The first two yield statements are evaluated fine, it’s only when throw() is called that an error is thrown before any other code is executed. Knowing this, it’s possible to catch such errors inside the generator using a try-catch block, such as:


function *createIterator() {
    let first = yield 1;
    let second;

    try {
        second = yield first + 2;       // yield 4 + 2, then throw
    } catch (ex) {
        second = 6;                     // on error, assign a different value
    yield second + 3;

let iterator = createIterator();

console.log(;                   // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;                  // "{ value: 6, done: false }"
console.log(iterator.throw(new Error("Boom"))); // "{ value: 9, done: false }"
console.log(;            // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

 In this example, a try-catch block is wrapped around the second yield statement. While this yield executes without error, the error is thrown before any value can be assigned to second, so the catch block assigns it a value of six. Execution then flows to the next yield and returns nine.


You’ll also notice something interesting happened - the throw() method returned a value similar to that returned by next(). Because the error was caught inside the generator, code execution continued on to the next yield and returned the appropriate value.


It helps to think of next() and throw() as both being instructions to the iterator: next() instructs the iterator to continue executing (possibly with a given value) and throw() instructs the iterator to continue executing by throwing an error. What happens after that point depends on the code inside the generator.


Generator Return Statements - 生成器返回声明

Since generators are functions, you can use the return statement both to exit early and to specify a return value for the last call to next(). For most of this chapter you’ve seen examples where the last call to next() on an iterator returns undefined. It’s possible to specify an alternate value by using return as you would in any other function. In a generator, return indicates that all processing is done, so the done property is set to true and the value, if provided, becomes the value field. Here’s an example that simply exits early using return:

  因为生成器也是函数,你可以使用return声明来提前退出和制定最后一次next调用返回的值。本章中的很多例子中,最后一个调用next都返回undefined。可以使用return来返回一个替代的值。在生成器中,return表明所有的执行都结束,所以done属性设置为true,return 的值,如果指定了,就是value属性的值。例子:

function *createIterator() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;

let iterator = createIterator();

console.log(;           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"


In this code, the generator has a yield statement followed by a return statement. The return indicates that there are no more values to come and so the rest of the yield statements will not execute (they are unreachable).


You can also specify a return value that will end up in the value field of the returned object. For example:


function *createIterator() {
    yield 1;
    return 42;

let iterator = createIterator();

console.log(;           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 42, done: true }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

Here, the value 42 is returned in the value field on the second call to next() (which is the first time that done is true). The third call to next() returns an object whose value property is once again undefined. Any value you specify with return is only available on the returned object one time before thevalue field is reset to undefined.




Any value specified by return is ignored by for-of.


Delegating Generators-委派生成器

In some cases it may be useful to combine the values from two iterators into one. Using generators, it’s possible to delegate to another generator using a special form of yield with a star (*). As with generator definitions, it doesn’t matter where the star appears so as long as it is between the keyword yield and the generator function name. Here’s an example:


function *createNumberIterator() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;

function *createColorIterator() {
    yield "red";
    yield "green";

function *createCombinedIterator() {
    yield *createNumberIterator();
    yield *createColorIterator();
    yield true;

var iterator = createCombinedIterator();

console.log(;           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 2, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: "red", done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: "green", done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: true, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }"

 In this example, the createCombinedIterator() generator delegates first to createNumberIterator() and then to createColorIterator(). The returned iterator appears, from the outside, to be one consistent iterator that has produced all of the values. Each call to next() is delegated to the appropriate iterator until they are empty, and then the final yield is executed to return true.


Notice that the value 3 was never output from any call to next(), it existed solely inside of createCombinedIterator(). It is possible to output that value as well by adding another yield statement, such as:


function *createNumberIterator() {
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    return 3;

function *createRepeatingIterator(count) {
    for (let i=0; i < count; i++) {
        yield "repeat";

function *createCombinedIterator() {
    let result = yield *createNumberIterator();
    yield result;
    yield *createRepeatingIterator(result);

var iterator = createCombinedIterator();

console.log(;           // "{ value: 1, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 2, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: 3, done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: "repeat", done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: "repeat", done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: "repeat", done: false }"
console.log(;           // "{ value: undefined, done: true }" 

In this code, the extra yield statement explicitly outputs the returned value from createNumberIterator().


Generator delegation using the return value is a very powerful paradigm that allows for some very interesting possibilities, especially when used in conjunction with asynchronous operations.



You can use yield * directly on strings, such as yield * "hello" and the string’s default iterator will be used.

你可以直接在字符串上使用yield*,例如:yield * "hello",字符串默认的迭代器会被使用。

Asynchronous Task Scheduling-异步任务调度

A lot of the excitement around generators is directly related to usage with asynchronous programming. Asynchronous programming in JavaScript is a double-edged sword: it’s very easy to do simple things while complex things become an errand in code organization. Since generators allow you to effectively pause code in the middle of execution, this opens up a lot of possibilities as it relates to asynchronous processing.


The traditional way to perform asynchronous operations is to call a function that has a callback. For example, consider reading a file from disk in Node.js:


var fs = require("fs");

function readConfigFile(callback) {
    fs.readFile("config.json", callback);

function init(callback) {
    readConfigFile(function(err, contents) {
        if (err) {
            throw err;



 Instead of providing a callback, you can yield and just wait for a response before starting again:


var fs = require("fs");

var task;

function readConfigFile() {
    fs.readFile("config.json", function(err, contents) {
        if (err) {
        } else {

function *init() {
    var contents = yield readConfigFile();

task = init();;

 The difference between init() in this example and the previous one is why developers are excited about generators for asynchronous operation. Instead of using callbacks, init() yields to readConfigFile(), which does the asynchronous read operation and, when complete, either calls throw() if there’s an error or next() if the contents have been ready. That means the yield operation inside of init() will throw an error if there’s a read error or else the file contents will be returned almost as if the operation was synchronous.


Managing the task variable is a bit cumbersome in this example, but it’s only important that you understand the theory. 










































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