'Better than App.EXEName because it also gets the extension
'(It's possible to run a program with any extension, not just .exe)
Private Function FullAppName() As String
Dim modName As String * 256
Dim i As Long
i = GetModuleFileName(App.hInstance, modName, Len(modName))
FullAppName = Left$(modName, i)
End Function
Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
'All these batch file commands
'ensure that your program has
'completely unloaded and
'is not in use,
'so your program can be
'successfully deleted
'Create a batch file to write to
Open "a.bat" For Output As #1
'This is pretty pointless but I
'just want to put it here
Print #1, "@ECHO OFF"
'Create a label to mark the start
'of the batch file
Print #1, ":START"
'If your program doesn't exist,
'it goes to the FILENOTFOUND label
Print #1, "IF NOT EXIST " & Chr(34) & FullAppName & Chr(34) & " GOTO FILENOTFOUND"
'If the file is found, try to
'delete it
Print #1, "DEL " & Chr(34) & FullAppName & Chr(34)
'Repeat the steps
Print #1, "GOTO START"
'If the file isn't found,
'then that means your program
'has been deleted
'Delete the batch file
'(Batch files can delete
'themselves while they're
'still running)
Print #1, "DEL A.BAT"
'Clean everything up
Print #1, "CLS"
'Exit the batch file
Print #1, "EXIT"
'Close the file
Close #1
'Finally, execute the
'batch file, since we only
'wrote the commands, not ran
Shell "a.bat", vbHide
'Exit this program
End Sub