English,The Da Vinci Code, Chapter 10

Silas sat behind the wheel of the black Audi the Teacher had arranged for him and gazed out at the
great Church of Saint-Sulpice. Lit from beneath by banks of floodlights, the church's two bell
towers rose like stalwart sentinels above the building's long body. On either flank, a shadowy row
of sleek buttresses jutted out like the ribs of a beautiful beast.
The heathens used a house of God to conceal their keystone.Again the brotherhood had confirmed
their legendary reputation for illusion and deceit. Silas was looking forward to finding the keystone
and giving it to the Teacher so they could recover what the brotherhood had long ago stolen from
the faithful.
How powerful that will make Opus Dei.



Parking the Audi on the deserted Place Saint-Sulpice, Silas exhaled, telling himself to clear his
mind for the task at hand. His broad back still ached from the corporal mortification he had
endured earlier today, and yet the pain was inconsequential compared with the anguish of his life
before Opus Dei had saved him.
Still, the memories haunted his soul.
Release your hatred,Silas commanded himself. Forgive those who trespassed against you.
Looking up at the stone towers of Saint-Sulpice, Silas fought that familiar undertow... that force
that often dragged his mind back in time, locking him once again in the prison that had been his
world as a young man. The memories of purgatory came as they always did, like a tempest to his
senses... the reek of rotting cabbage, the stench of death, human urine and feces. The cries of
hopelessness against the howling wind of the Pyrenees and the soft sobs of forgotten men.





Andorra,he thought, feeling his muscles tighten.
Incredibly, it was in that barren and forsaken suzerain between Spain and France, shivering in his
stone cell, wanting only to die, that Silas had been saved.
He had not realized it at the time.
The light came long after the thunder.
His name was not Silas then, although he didn't recall the name his parents had given him. He had
left home when he was seven. His drunken father, a burly dockworker, enraged by the arrival of an
albino son, beat his mother regularly, blaming her for the boy's embarrassing condition. When the
boy tried to defend her, he too was badly beaten.
One night, there was a horrific fight, and his mother never got up. The boy stood over his lifeless
mother and felt an unbearable up-welling of guilt for permitting it to happen.







This is my fault!
As if some kind of demon were controlling his body, the boy walked to the kitchen and grasped a
butcher knife. Hypnotically, he moved to the bedroom where his father lay on the bed in a drunken
stupor. Without a word, the boy stabbed him in the back. His father cried out in pain and tried to
roll over, but his son stabbed him again, over and over until the apartment fell quiet.
The boy fled home but found the streets of Marseilles equally unfriendly. His strange appearance
made him an outcast among the other young runaways, and he was forced to live alone in the
basement of a dilapidated factory, eating stolen fruit and raw fish from the dock. His only
companions were tattered magazines he found in the trash, and he taught himself to read them.
Over time, he grew strong. When he was twelve, another drifter—a girl twice his age—mocked
him on the streets and attempted to steal his food. The girl found herself pummeled to within
inches of her life. When the authorities pulled the boy off her, they gave him an ultimatum—leave
Marseilles or go to juvenile prison.



  这孩子逃离了家,但发现马赛的街头同样不友好。其他流浪的孩子嫌弃他奇怪的外表,因此把他摞在一边。他被迫住在一个工厂破旧的地下室里,用偷来的水果和从码头偷来的生鱼果腹。他唯一的伙伴就是那些从垃圾堆里捡来的破烂杂志。他通过自学来阅读这些杂志。时间一天天过去,他长得越来越壮实。十二岁那年,另一个流浪者 —— 一个二十四岁的女孩子取笑他并想偷她的食物。结果这女孩子差点被打死。有关当局把他从那个女孩子身上拉起来,给他下了最后通牒 —— 要么离开马赛,要么进少年犯监狱。

The boy moved down the coast to Toulon. Over time, the looks of pity on the streets turned to
looks of fear. The boy had grown to a powerful young man. When people passed by, he could hear
them whispering to one another. A ghost,they would say, their eyes wide with fright as they stared
at his white skin. A ghost with the eyes of a devil!
And he felt like a ghost... transparent... floating from seaport to seaport.
People seemed to look right through him.
At eighteen, in a port town, while attempting to steal a case of cured ham from a cargo ship, he was
caught by a pair of crewmen. The two sailors who began to beat him smelled of beer, just as his
father had. The memories of fear and hatred surfaced like a monster from the deep. The young man
broke the first sailor's neck with his bare hands, and only the arrival of the police saved the second
sailor from a similar fate.
Two months later, in shackles, he arrived at a prison in Andorra






You are as white as a ghost,the inmates ridiculed as the guards marched him in, naked and cold.
Mira el espectro! Perhaps the ghost will pass right through these walls!
Over the course of twelve years, his flesh and soul withered until he knew he had become
I am a ghost.
I am weightless.
Yo soy un espectro... palido coma una fantasma... caminando este mundo a solas.
One night the ghost awoke to the screams of other inmates. He didn't know what invisible force
was shaking the floor on which he slept, nor what mighty hand was trembling the mortar of his
stone cell, but as he jumped to his feet, a large boulder toppled onto the very spot where he had
been sleeping. Looking up to see where the stone had come from, he saw a hole in the trembling
wall, and beyond it, a vision he had not seen in over ten years. The moon.
Even while the earth still shook, the ghost found himself scrambling through a narrow tunnel,
staggering out into an expansive vista, and tumbling down a barren mountainside into the woods.
He ran all night, always downward, delirious with hunger and exhaustion.








Skirting the edges of consciousness, he found himself at dawn in a clearing where train tracks cut a
swath across the forest. Following the rails, he moved on as if dreaming. Seeing an empty freight
car, he crawled in for shelter and rest. When he awoke the train was moving. How long? How far?
A pain was growing in his gut. Am I dying?He slept again. This time he awoke to someone yelling,
beating him, throwing him out of the freight car. Bloody, he wandered the outskirts of a small
village looking in vain for food. Finally, his body too weak to take another step, he lay down by the
side of the road and slipped into unconsciousness.
The light came slowly, and the ghost wondered how long he had been dead. A day? Three days?It
didn't matter. His bed was soft like a cloud, and the air around him smelled sweet with candles.
Jesus was there, staring down at him. I am here,Jesus said. The stone has been rolled aside, and
you are born again.



He slept and awoke. Fog shrouded his thoughts. He had never believed in heaven, and yet Jesus
was watching over him. Food appeared beside his bed, and the ghost ate it, almost able to feel the
flesh materializing on his bones. He slept again. When he awoke, Jesus was still smiling down,
speaking. You are saved, my son. Blessed are those who follow my path.
Again, he slept.
It was a scream of anguish that startled the ghost from his slumber. His body leapt out of bed,
staggered down a hallway toward the sounds of shouting. He entered into a kitchen and saw a large
man beating a smaller man. Without knowing why, the ghost grabbed the large man and hurled him
backward against a wall. The man fled, leaving the ghost standing over the body of a young man in
priest's robes. The priest had a badly shattered nose. Lifting the bloody priest, the ghost carried him
to a couch.




"Thank you, my friend," the priest said in awkward French. "The offertory money is tempting for
thieves. You speak French in your sleep. Do you also speak Spanish?"
The ghost shook his head.
"What is your name?" he continued in broken French.
The ghost could not remember the name his parents had given him. All he heard were the taunting
gibes of the prison guards.
The priest smiled. "No hay problema.My name is Manuel Aringarosa. I am a missionary from
Madrid. I was sent here to build a church for the Obra de Dios."
"Where am I?" His voice sounded hollow.
"Oviedo. In the north of Spain."
"How did I get here?"
"Someone left you on my doorstep. You were ill. I fed you. You've been here many days."
The ghost studied his young caretaker. Years had passed since anyone had shown any kindness.
"Thank you, Father."
The priest touched his bloody lip. "It is I who am thankful, my friend."












When the ghost awoke in the morning, his world felt clearer. He gazed up at the crucifix on the
wall above his bed. Although it no longer spoke to him, he felt a comforting aura in its presence.
Sitting up, he was surprised to find a newspaper clipping on his bedside table. The article was in
French, a week old. When he read the story, he filled with fear. It told of an earthquake in the
mountains that had destroyed a prison and freed many dangerous criminals.
His heart began pounding. The priest knows who I am!The emotion he felt was one he had not felt
for some time. Shame. Guilt. It was accompanied by the fear of being caught. He jumped from his
bed. Where do I run?
"The Book of Acts," a voice said from the door.
The ghost turned, frightened.
The young priest was smiling as he entered. His nose was awkwardly bandaged, and he was
holding out an old Bible. "I found one in French for you. The chapter is marked."
Uncertain, the ghost took the Bible and looked at the chapter the priest had marked.
Acts 16.








The verses told of a prisoner named Silas who lay naked and beaten in his cell, singing hymns to
God. When the ghost reached Verse 26, he gasped in shock.
"...And suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken,
and all the doors fell open."
His eyes shot up at the priest.
The priest smiled warmly. "From now on, my friend, if you have no other name, I shall call you
The ghost nodded blankly. Silas.He had been given flesh. My name is Silas.
"It's time for breakfast," the priest said. "You will need your strength if you are to help me build
this church."

Twenty thousand feet above the Mediterranean, Alitalia flight 1618 bounced in turbulence, causing
passengers to shift nervously. Bishop Aringarosa barely noticed. His thoughts were with the future
of Opus Dei. Eager to know how plans in Paris were progressing, he wished he could phone Silas.
But he could not. The Teacher had seen to that.








"It is for your own safety," the Teacher had explained, speaking in English with a French accent. "I
am familiar enough with electronic communications to know they can be intercepted. The results
could be disastrous for you."
Aringarosa knew he was right. The Teacher seemed an exceptionally careful man. He had not
revealed his own identity to Aringarosa, and yet he had proven himself a man well worth obeying.
After all, he had somehow obtained very secret information. The names of the brotherhood's four
top members! This had been one of the coups that convinced the bishop the Teacher was truly
capable of delivering the astonishing prize he claimed he could unearth.
"Bishop," the Teacher had told him, "I have made all the arrangements. For my plan to succeed,
you must allow Silas to answer only to me for several days. The two of you will not speak. I will
communicate with him through secure channels."




"You will treat him with respect?"
"A man of faith deserves the highest."
"Excellent. Then I understand. Silas and I shall not speak until this is over."
"I do this to protect your identity, Silas's identity, and my investment."
"Your investment?"
"Bishop, if your own eagerness to keep abreast of progress puts you in jail, then you will be unable
to pay me my fee."
The bishop smiled. "A fine point. Our desires are in accord. Godspeed."
Twenty million euro,the bishop thought, now gazing out the plane's window. The sum was
approximately the same number of U.S. dollars. A pittance for something so powerful.
He felt a renewed confidence that the Teacher and Silas would not fail. Money and faith were
powerful motivators.













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