eclipse xdebug php,Eclipse用XDebug调试PHP程序

Debugging software is not exactly a fun job for developers. The

most widely used debugger for PHP still seems to be

a var_dump() statement,

possibly in conjunction with die() to

halt program execution at a certain point. While there is nothing

wrong using var_dump() statements

in itself, you still need to change the program code to debug a PHP

script. And worse, after you have finished debugging, you must

remove all var_dump() statements

again (well you should, at least). It may well be that a few days

later you'll find yourself adding the very

same var_dump() statements

to your code again because you need to go hunting another bug.

Of course, you could just comment out

the var_dump() statements,

but that looks really ugly in the code. Another option would be to

wrap the var_dump() in

conditional clauses, and only execute them when, say, a

constant DEBUG is

defined. This affects performance, because even if

the var_dump() statements

are not executed, the conditional clause must be executed. And

besides, it looks even uglier in the code.

As we have already learned in the second articles of this series,

having xdebug create a trace log might be a better option in this

case, because you do not have to change the program code. But a

trace log, even if only created for a part of the application,

provides us with a lot of information that may not be necessary for

the debugging process, so using a debugger is a much better

solution. A debugger allows you to pause program execution at any

time, inspect or modify the current variable values, and then

continue the program. By executing a program step by step, you can

closely watch the code doing its job, which hopefully helps you to

find out quickly where things go wrong.

Beyond var_dump,

debugging in PHP has been problematic for a long time, at least if

you were not willing to spend money on a commercial IDE that

supports debugging. With xdebug, open source debugging of PHP code

has - in theory - been possible for quite a while now. I say

theoretically because until recently no good and free debug client

for xdebug was available for both Windows and Unix.

This fall, the problem of having no release-quality cross-platform

xdebug client has been solved with the release of Eclipse PDT.

Eclipse PDT is a free IDE for PHP supporting xdebug out of the box.

So, without further ado, let us install Eclipse PDT to get started

with debugging.

Installing Eclipse PDT

Eclipse PDT (PDT is short for PHP Development Tools) is written in

Java, and thus works on most platforms where a Java Runtime

Environment is present. If you have no Java Runtime Environment

installed on your computer, you can download your copy


You can download a ready-to-go-package of Eclipse PDT


You should choose the appropriate version for your platform, though

all packages are basically only compressed archives of the

necessary files to run eclipse. Still, the Windows version comes

with an .exe file

that starts Eclipse, which is way more user-friendly than calling

the Java classes directly.

As I write this article, the current Release Build version of

Eclipse PDT is R20070917. Choose the latest available version and

have some coffee ready, because the Eclipse PDT download is over

100 MB in size. But since it is a Java application, having a nice

cup of coffee while you wait for the download to complete should be

suitable. Once the download has completed, unpack the downloaded

archive and you are ready to start Eclipse PDT.

How debugging works

Before we get into the configuration of xdebug and Eclipse PDT, let

us have a look at how PHP debugging with xdebug actually works.

This will help you better understand the configuration described


When debugging is enabled in php.ini,

xdebug controls the program execution in PHP, which basically means

that xdebug can pause and resume program execution at any time.

When program execution is paused, xdebug can retrieve information

about the current program state, like reading variable values. It

is even possible for xdebug to change the value of a variable, then

continue the script execution with a modified value.

The xdebug extension is a server, expecting client connections at a

certain configurable port. There are two protocols that can be used

to communicate between the xdebug client and the xdebug server, GDB

and DBGp. GDB is an older protocol, which has been superceded by

DBGp. By sending commands to the xdebug server, the xdebug client

acts as a sort of remote control for PHP, telling PHP to pause

execution, execute one step, or to continue the program execution.

The client is usually embedded into an editor or the IDE (in our

case, into Eclipse PDT), so you will not have to deal with the

debug protocol itself.

The PHP server with xdebug can run on a another system than the one

running the xdebug client. That is why xdebug is called a remote

debugger. For simplicity, we will set up the debugging server and

client on the same computer.

There are two different modes of starting a debug session with

xdebug. They are controlled by the php.ini setting xdebug.remote_mode.

The default setting isreq,

which makes xdebug always connect to the debug client when a script

is started. If you want xdebug to only connect to the debug client

on a breakpoint or an error in the script, you can

set xdebug.remote_mode to jit.

I would recommend keeping the default setting, which you can

achieve by putting noxdebug.remote_mode setting

into php.ini.

To actually start a debug session, you must pass a


the script by GET, POST, or cookie. The value of this parameter is

the debug session name, which should be unique at a given point in

time, so that xdebug can distinguish different debug sessions

running concurrently. To end a debug session, you need to


the script.

Instead of manually dealing with the starting and stopping of debug

sessions, you can install a firefox

plugin that allows you to conveniently start

and stop a debug session with a mouse click.

Using Eclipse PDT, you will not even have to worry about the

browser plugin, as the IDE takes care of passing the appropriate

parameters to the browser. xdebug also requires setting of a IDE

key, which you also do not have to worry about, because Eclipse

sets it for you.

Configuring xdebug

Now let us configure xdebug debugging. Add the following settings

to php.ini:





Make sure you add these lines after

the zend_extension_ts line

that loads the xdebug extension. The first entry enables the

debugger. The second entry defines that the debug client runs

on localhost -

this could be any valid DNS name or IP address, if the client and

the server were not on the same computer.

The third setting defines the port the xdebug server expects the

client to listen on (which, strictly speaking, makes the client a

server, but let us not get confused about this). By default, the

port is 9000. This port is configured in Eclipse by default, and if

there is no compelling reason to do otherwise, you should keep the

default port. If you want to change the port, keep in mind that you

have to configure the same port number in Eclipse

and php.ini.

Also, make sure that no firewall gets into your way. When you start

Eclipse, you might see a warning that Java is trying to set up a

server, bind to a port, access the network, or perform some obscure

potentially dangerous action. Of course, it's not dangerous, it's

just the xdebug client trying to listen at port 9000. If you have

problems with debugging, check if there are any firewalls between

the debug server and the debug client that might block port


Last but not least, we have to tell xdebug which protocol the

client speaks. Eclipse PDT speaks DBGp, so you may not change this


Configuring Eclipse PDT

To configure Eclipse PDT, start Eclipse by double-clicking the

Eclipse executable. Create a new PHP project. Let us name the

project debug_test.

Now, create a file debug.php in

the project, add some code, then save the file.

Now let us configure Eclipse for debugging with xdebug. First of

all, we will configure Eclipse to launch projects in an external

browser instead of its internal browser. When an external browser

is configured, all debugging sessions will be launched in an

external browser as well. Using an external browser is not

absolutely necessary, but I prefer to work with Firefox instead of

Eclipse's internal browser. Choose Window from

the menu bar, then select Preferences (see

the following screenshot). Expand

the General subtree,

and click Web

Browser. Now, select the radio

button Use

external browser and

click Apply.


Eclipse PDT supports the Zend debugger and xdebug. By default, the

Zend debugger is activated. To change this setting to xdebug,

expand the PHP subtree

and the Debug subtree

of PHP.

Then, change PHP

debugger to Xdebug and

click Apply.

Now, choose Run from

the menu bar and click the entry Open

Debug Dialog. Then, double

click PHP

Web Page to create a new debug


You will see a window with three

tabs, Server, Advanced,

and Common.

When not already selected, choose Xdebug as Server

Debugger. In the File

/ Project text field, you must enter the

path to the script you want to debug. This path must be relative to

your workspace. On my system, this is/debug_test/debug.php.

Click Browse and

select the file debug.php in

the debug_test directory.

Eclipse needs to know the URL matching the script filename and path

you just entered. This is required to highlight the currently

executed line in the source code.

The URL text

field shows the URL that is mapped to the filename. By default,

the URL text

field deactivated because the Auto

Generate checkbox is activated. If the

displayed URL does not match the URL you would type into your

browser to see the script you have specified

in File

/ Project, uncheck Auto

Generate and enter the correct URL in

the URL text

field. If thg script to debug requires any GET parameters, you can

append them to the URL given here.

Do not forget to click Apply to

save the changes. The following screenshot shows how the debug

configuration looks like on my system:


Change to the Advanced tab

and make sure that Open

in Browser and the radio

button Debug

All Pages both are checked. Now you can

close the configuration window and start a debugging session.

Debugging a PHP script

To start debugging a PHP script,

choose Run from

the menu bar and select Debug.

You can shortcut this by pressing the F11 key. Eclipse will ask you

wether you want to open the debug view. You should tick the

checkbox to remember this setting, otherwise you will be asked the

same question every time you start debugging.

The following screenshot shows Eclipse's debug view of

my debug.php script

(which contains some pointless code):


Eclipse has opened your system's default browser (or whatever

browser you have configured it to open). You will not see output in

the browser window yet, because Eclipse by default pauses script

execution on the first line of the script, as if a breakpoint were

set on this line. If you want to disable this behaviour, uncheck

the Break

at First Line checkbox in

the Breakpoint section

from the debug dialog configuration window.

As the screenshot shows, you can see the source code of the

debugged file, with the currently executed line marked with an

arroq to the left of the line number. In the above right area, you

can choose between different tabs.

The Variables tab

shows the current values of all variables in the current scope. The

superglobal variables are valid in every scope, so they are always

displayed. The Breakpoints tab

lets you view and edit all breakpoints in your script. Eclipse will

remember any breakpoints you have set on the code, even if you

close and restart Eclipse.

You can now continue program execution until the next breakpoint is

reached, execute just one step, or step into the next function, or

out of the next function scope by clicking the appropriate icons in

the Debug top

left area of the window. Stepping is useful when you have located

the problem area in your code and want to watch closely what is

happening. You will see the variable values change with each


Changing Variables at Runtime

You can even change variable values during script runtime. While

this does not really fix a bug, it might be useful to provoke

certain errors without modifying the source code. To change a

variable, click the current value, modify it and

press Enter.


A breakpoint pauses script execution and allows you to inspect

variable values, then continue the program. The program execution

is also paused if an exception occurs in your PHP code. To set a

breakpoint, right-click a line number in the source code, then

choose Toggle

Breakpoints from the context menu. You

can remove breakpoints in the same way, or remove them in

the Breakpoints tab

by right-clicking a breakpoint and

selecting Remove from

the context menu.

You can even add a condition to a breakpoint. Conditional

breakpoints will only pause the program execution when the given

condition is met. This is can be very useful when the same piece of

code is executed multiple times with different parametrization. To

add a condition to a breakpoint, right-click the breakpoint icon to

the left of the line number in the source code view.

Choose Breakpoint

Properties. You can remove conditions in the same way or

by right-clicking a breakpoint and

selecting Set

Condition from the context menu in

the Breakpoints tab.

Check Enable

Set Condition and enter a condition in

PHP code into the text field. In my debug.php,

the function test() is

called on line 11 and a breakpoint is set on this line. By adding

the condition $a

!= '' xdebug will only pause program

execution on this line when the local

variable $a is

non-empty at the time the breakpoint is reached.

To end a debugging session,

highlight Remote

Launch in the top left pane, then click

the Terminate icon

which is located between the Run and

the variousStep icons.

If you had Eclipse run the script in an external browser, you need

to close the browser window manually.


Remote debugging is a great interactive and non-intrusive way of

finding bugs in your PHP scripts. Instead of

putting var_dump() statements

into your code, or working your way through a long trace log

including parameter and return values, debugging gives you a

macrosopic view of critical areas in your code.

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