Applications wood cnc router

Applications wood cnc router

Wood cnc router can be used in the furniture industry, furniture industry, woodworking decoration, musical instruments industry, wooden handicrafts industry, furniture industry, this machine is suitable for large area flat plate engraving, wood furniture, sculpture, mural art of wood carving, wood sculpture, carved MDF Paint the door, show window door carving. Furniture industry is replacement.

★ Wood Industrial: countertops such as sewing machines, electrical cabinet panels, sporting goods equipment.

★ mold industry: carving a variety of mold, wood molding, wood model aviation, propeller, car foam mold.

★ music industry: three-dimensional surface can be carved musical instruments, shape cutting.

Engraving machine range

Wood cnc router can be used in the furniture industry, furniture industry, woodworking decoration, musical instruments industry, wooden handicrafts industry, furniture industry, this machine is suitable for large area flat plate engraving, wood furniture, sculpture, mural art of wood carving, wood sculpture, carved MDF Paint the door, show window door carving. Furniture industry is replacement.


Industrial Wood: If sewing table, electrical cabinet panels, sporting goods equipment.


Mold industry: carving a variety of mold, wood molding, wood model aviation, propeller, car foam mold.


Musical instrument industry: three-dimensional surface can be carved musical instruments, shape cutting.

Applications Shenzhen World into advertising engraving machine

As people's awareness and advertising engraving machine control, scope and application level will gradually increase, such as the advertising industry, the seal industry, craft gifts, arts model industry, wood processing industry, mold industry and so on. Machinable materials including acrylic, color plates, PVC, ABS plate, stone, imitation stone, metal, aluminum plate and other various materials.


Advertising industry: carving, cutting all kinds of signs, seat plate, marble, copper,, font, font, all kinds of signs, trademark and other metal materials.


Handicraft Industry: Arts & Crafts, Making all kinds of text, graphics, iron art carving, dial the souvenirs.


Mold: architectural models, mock-ups, bronzing mold, motor, high frequency mold, micro-injection molding, shoe mold, badges, embossing dies, biscuits, chocolate, candy molds,


Seal industry: can be easily engraved stamp on horn, plastic, organic board, wood, and other materials storage pad set.
Purpose and Application materials

Paper cutting, greeting cards and other paper craft cut 7 Other industries: marble, granite, glass, crystal and other decorative materials carving marks.


By advanced galvanometer control its trajectory, laser engraving machine and its working principle is the high-intensity laser emitted by the laser. A variety of cloth fabrics carved drilling, invented fashion, trend effect to. With embroidered embroidery has a substantial effect is different.


Laser engraving machine is a root of different colors hanging on textile fabrics line appearance, first from the point of view of visual patterns. Combination of color into a pattern. The "laser embroidery" is based on relief engraving machine textile fabric background to deal with a layered approach by laser control system, the same color of the fabric "embroidered" a background in shades of fabrics, layering transition has color, which contains a natural transition in the background color in the fabric, any designer can not deploy a unique natural rustic style.


From the representation point of view, the second. Embroidery machine because it is limited by the characteristics of the work of a single line of large format fine pattern can not be expressed in a continuous and "laser embroidery" because of its slender beam, movement speed, but also continuous carving, so is complementary and embroidery machine.


Tombstone engraving machine with a punch the way the graphics do not have a direct effect of the composition, the now popular ladies hollow graphics. Although the processing unit price increased to ten to twenty yuan, but still in short supply. Fashion products have to have new ideas, talent wood cnc router epidemic. At present, I will apply this technique to a cowboy processing industry, production of images, flower-shaped, cats should be other effects on the fabric, laser bleaching with high efficiency, energy saving, pollution and other advantages, I believe that in the near future will gradually replace the cowboy spray sand this channel technology.


Color plate engraving, stone engraving machine use and application materials: a word is mainly used for large plastic cutting. Plexiglass engraving cutting, sign engraving, crystal trophy engraving, sculpture and other licensing authority.


2 crafts industry: carved patterns and text on wood, bamboo, ivory, bone, leather, marble, shells and other materials.


Cut, carved hollow other processing. Clothing, underwear, furniture, gloves, handbags, shoes, hats, toys and car cut flower industry, carving, beyond fashion, three leather clothing industry: complex characters and graphics on leather, synthetic leather, leather, fabric, fur carving. Express individuality.


ABC board cutting, four model industry: production of construction sand table model ships and aircraft. Plywood cutting.


5 packaging industry: printing rubber plate engraving, plastic plates, double plate, Die Cutter board.


Marking and other security products.


6 product identification industry: equipment nameplate.


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