/*unfinished*/ Summaries and my Random Thoughts of Core Java (10th edition) by Cay S. Horstmann


Emmmmm... I've already known that since my writing is awful and my intellect is ordinary, no one would ever like this article, which upsets me and prevents me from a good sleep every day. But if I am lucky enough, that if you find it really helpful and would like to quote my words, please clarify the source page http://www.cnblogs.com/zjnu/p/7296589.html anywhere conspicuous. By the way, I'd be greatly appreciated if you pointed out any grammatical mistakes or inaccurate descriptions to me.


I'm a university freshman, a potential member of our ACM school team. Before I started to read this book, I had taught myself basic C++ syntaxes with inheritance, virtual functions, exceptions and namespaces not included. In addition, I learned very basic Java which allows me to do BigInteger arithmetic operations and print the answer. With those fundamentals equipped, I guess that it wouldn't be so difficult to learn Java. I learn it not only for programming contests, but also to have a comprehensive command of it. Plus, I used to be good at English but not now, due to lack of practice. I hope that my English would get improved after reading this masterpiece.


Chapter 1           

This chapter mainly lead us to the door of the world of Java.

First, it tells us what Java is. It's not only a programming language, but also a powerful platform.

Next, the author explains the key features of Java with its buzzwords, which are "simple", "object-oriented", "distributed", "robust", "secure", "architecture neutral", "portable", "interpreted", "high-performance", "multithreaded" and "dynamic".

After given a concept about Applets, I learned a short history of Java, realizing that Java is based on C++. As time goes by, it's getting more and more mighty.

At the end of this chapter, the author corrects some common misconceptions about Java. It is precautionary for the flawed thinking we may develop in the future studies.

Reading the first chapter may bores us, but understanding the content is an essential step before you master Java successfully.

Chapter 2           

Chapter 2  roughly teaches us the configuration of the Java Programming Environment and how to compile and run codes with either Command-Line Tools or Integrated Development Environment. The professor claims that:

If your programming experience comes from using a development environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio, you are accustomed to a system with a built-in text editor, menus to compile and launch a program, and a debugger. The JDK contains nothing even remotely similar. You do everything by typing in commands in a terminal window. This sounds cumbersome, but it is nevertheless an essential skill. When you first install Java, you will want to troubleshoot your installation before you install a development environment. Moreover, by executing the basic steps yourself, you gain a better understanding of what a development environment does behind your back.

However, after you have mastered the basic steps of compiling and running Java programs, you will want to use a professional development environment.

  I have a similar experience as what he describes. I started to program with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, which seemed perfect for me. For a pretty long time, I was terribly dependent on it, pleased with its robustness and and its support to the latest C++ standard. My dependency of Visual Studio didn't subside until the day came when I had a sudden whim to have a try of Code::Blocks. It bothered me to fill in with the tedious IDE at first. I could neither put up with its ugly editor nor endure the incomplete C++11 library (I downloaded C::B with MinGW first). What is more, the Auto Complete plugin is dumb (but impossible to fix), the default debugger settings won't show details of STL containers and large-sized arrays. I had two options, to give in and uninstall it or to optimize it myself. I chose the latter. As a matter of fact, I learned the basic structure of an IDE. You will not really learn something if you are always trying to avoid it by pushing it off to someone else. Visual Studio did everything except writing codes for me, so I seldom opened the setting windows. For an eligible programmer, coding important, but stuffs like compiling, debugging and formatting also matters.


Chapter 3           







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